/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "call_history.h" #include "call_script.h" #include "exceptions.h" #include "phone.h" #include "line.h" #include "log.h" #include "sdp/sdp.h" #include "translator.h" #include "util.h" #include "user.h" #include "userintf.h" #include "audits/memman.h" #include "parser/parse_ctrl.h" #include "sockets/socket.h" #include "stun/stun_transaction.h" extern t_phone *phone; extern t_event_queue *evq_timekeeper; extern string user_host; // t_transfer_data t_transfer_data::t_transfer_data(t_request *r, unsigned short _lineno, bool _hide_user, t_phone_user *pu) : refer_request(dynamic_cast(r->copy())), lineno(_lineno), hide_user(_hide_user), phone_user(pu) {} t_transfer_data::~t_transfer_data() { MEMMAN_DELETE(refer_request); delete refer_request; } t_request *t_transfer_data::get_refer_request(void) const { return refer_request; } bool t_transfer_data::get_hide_user(void) const { return hide_user; } unsigned short t_transfer_data::get_lineno(void) const { return lineno; } t_phone_user *t_transfer_data::get_phone_user(void) const { return phone_user; } // t_phone /////////// // Private /////////// void t_phone::move_line_to_background(unsigned short lineno) { // R/W lock is held by callers // The line will be released in the background. It should // immediately release its RTP ports as these maybe needed // for new calls. lines.at(lineno)->kill_rtp(); cleanup_3way_state(lineno); // Move the line to the back of the vector. lines.push_back(lines.at(lineno)); lines.back()->line_number = lines.size() - 1; // Create a new line for making calls. lines.at(lineno) = new t_line(this, lineno); MEMMAN_NEW(lines.at(lineno)); // The new line must have the same RTP port as the // releasing line, otherwise it may conflict with // the other lines. Due to call transfers, the port // number may be unrelated to the line position. lines.at(lineno)->rtp_port = lines.back()->get_rtp_port(); log_file->write_header("t_phone::move_line_to_background", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Moved line "); log_file->write_raw(lineno + 1); log_file->write_raw(" to background position "); log_file->write_raw(lines.back()->get_line_number() + 1); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); // Notify the user interface of the line state change ui->cb_line_state_changed(); } void t_phone::cleanup_dead_lines(void) { t_rwmutex_writer x(lines_mtx); // Only remove idle lines at the end of the dead pool to avoid // moving lines in the vector. while (lines.size() > NUM_CALL_LINES && lines.back()->get_state() == LS_IDLE) { log_file->write_header("t_phone::cleanup_dead_lines", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Removed dead line "); log_file->write_raw(lines.back()->get_line_number() + 1); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); MEMMAN_DELETE(lines.back()); delete lines.back(); lines.pop_back(); } } void t_phone::move_releasing_lines_to_background(void) { t_rwmutex_writer x(lines_mtx); // NOTE: the line on the REFERRER position is not moved to the // background as a subscription may still be active. for (int i = 0; i < NUM_USER_LINES; i++) { if (lines.at(i)->get_substate() == LSSUB_RELEASING && !lines.at(i)->get_keep_seized()) { move_line_to_background(i); } } } void t_phone::cleanup_3way_state(unsigned short lineno) { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_mutex_guard x(mutex_3way); // Clean up 3-way data if the line was involved in a 3-way if (is_3way) { bool line_in_3way = false; t_audio_session *as_peer; t_line *line_peer; if (lineno == line1_3way->get_line_number()) { line_in_3way = true; line_peer = line2_3way; } else if (lineno == line2_3way->get_line_number()) { line_in_3way = true; line_peer = line1_3way; } if (line_in_3way) { // Stop the 3-way mixing on the peer line as_peer = line_peer->get_audio_session(); if (as_peer) as_peer->stop_3way(); // Make the peer line the active line set_active_line(line_peer->get_line_number()); // If the 3-way was with mixed codec sample rates, then // the remaining audio session might have a mismatch // between the sound card sample rate and the codec // sample rate. In that case clear the sample rate by // toggling the audio session off and on. if (!as_peer->matching_sample_rates()) { log_file->write_report( "Hold/retrieve call to align codec and sound card.", "t_phone::line_cleared", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); line_peer->hold(true); line_peer->retrieve(); } is_3way = false; line1_3way = NULL; line2_3way = NULL; ui->cb_line_state_changed(); } } } void t_phone::cleanup_3way(void) { if (!is_3way) return; if (line1_3way->get_substate() == LSSUB_IDLE) { cleanup_3way_state(line1_3way->get_line_number()); } else if (line2_3way->get_substate() == LSSUB_IDLE) { cleanup_3way_state(line2_3way->get_line_number()); } } void t_phone::invite(t_phone_user *pu, const t_url &to_uri, const string &to_display, const string &subject, bool no_fork, bool anonymous) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); // Ignore if active line is not idle if (lines[active_line]->get_state() != LS_IDLE) { return; } lines[active_line]->invite(pu, to_uri, to_display, subject, no_fork, anonymous); } void t_phone::answer(void) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); // Ignore if active line is idle if (lines[active_line]->get_state() == LS_IDLE) return; lines[active_line]->answer(); } void t_phone::reject(void) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); // Ignore if active line is idle if (lines[active_line]->get_state() == LS_IDLE) return; lines[active_line]->reject(); } void t_phone::reject(unsigned short line) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); if (line > NUM_USER_LINES) return; if (lines[line]->get_state() == LS_IDLE) return; lines[line]->reject(); } void t_phone::redirect(const list &destinations, int code, string reason) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); // Ignore if active line is idle if (lines[active_line]->get_state() == LS_IDLE) return; lines[active_line]->redirect(destinations, code, reason); } void t_phone::end_call(void) { t_rwmutex_writer x(lines_mtx); // If 3-way is active then end call on both lines if (is_3way && ( active_line == line1_3way->get_line_number() || active_line == line2_3way->get_line_number())) { if (sys_config->get_hangup_both_3way()) { line1_3way->end_call(); line2_3way->end_call(); // NOTE: moving a line to the dying pool causes the // 3way line pointers to be cleared. unsigned short lineno1 = line1_3way->get_line_number(); unsigned short lineno2 = line2_3way->get_line_number(); move_line_to_background(lineno1); move_line_to_background(lineno2); } else { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); // Hangup the active line, and make the next // line active. int l = active_line; activate_line((l+1) % NUM_USER_LINES); lines.at(l)->end_call(); move_line_to_background(l); } return; } // Ignore if active line is idle if (lines.at(active_line)->get_state() == LS_IDLE) return; lines.at(active_line)->end_call(); move_line_to_background(active_line); } void t_phone::registration(t_phone_user *pu, t_register_type register_type, unsigned long expires) { pu->registration(register_type, false, expires); } void t_phone::options(t_phone_user *pu, const t_url &to_uri, const string &to_display) { pu->options(to_uri, to_display); } void t_phone::options(void) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); lines[active_line]->options(); } bool t_phone::hold(bool rtponly) { // A line in a 3-way call cannot be held if (is_3way && ( active_line == line1_3way->get_line_number() || active_line == line2_3way->get_line_number())) { return false; } t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); return lines[active_line]->hold(rtponly); } void t_phone::retrieve(void) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); lines[active_line]->retrieve(); } void t_phone::refer(const t_url &uri, const string &display) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); lines[active_line]->refer(uri, display); } void t_phone::refer(unsigned short lineno_from, unsigned short lineno_to) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); // The nicest transfer is an attended transfer. An attended transfer // is only possible of the transfer target supports the 'replaces' // extension (RFC 3891). // If 'replaces' is not supported, then a transfer with consultation // is done. First hang up the consultation call, then transfer the // line. // HACK: if the call is in progress, then assume that Replaces is // supported. We don't know if it is as the call is not established // yet. An in-progress call can only be replaced if the user // deliberately allowed this (allow_transfer_consultation_inprog). if (lines.at(lineno_to)->remote_extension_supported(EXT_REPLACES)) { log_file->write_report("Remote end supports 'replaces'.\n"\ "Attended transfer.", "t_phone::refer"); refer_attended(lineno_from, lineno_to); } else if (get_line_substate(lineno_to) == LSSUB_OUTGOING_PROGRESS) { log_file->write_report("Call transfer while consultation in progress.\n"\ "Attended transfer.", "t_phone::refer"); refer_attended(lineno_from, lineno_to); } else { log_file->write_report("Remote end does not support 'replaces'.\n"\ "Transfer with consultation.", "t_phone::refer"); refer_consultation(lineno_from, lineno_to); } } // Attended call transfer // See draft-ietf-sipping-cc-transfer-07 7.3 void t_phone::refer_attended(unsigned short lineno_from, unsigned short lineno_to) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); t_line *line = lines.at(lineno_to); switch (line->get_substate()) { case LSSUB_ESTABLISHED: // Transfer allowed break; case LSSUB_OUTGOING_PROGRESS: { unsigned short dummy; t_user *user_config = get_line_user(lineno_to); if (!user_config->get_allow_transfer_consultation_inprog() || !is_line_transfer_consult(lineno_to, dummy)) { // Transfer not allowed return; } } // Transfer allowed break; default: // Transfer not allowed return; }; t_user *user_config = get_line_user(lineno_from); // draft-ietf-sipping-cc-transfer-07 section 7.3 // The call must be referred to the contact URI of the far-end. // As the contact URI may not be globally routable, the AoR // may be used alternatively. t_url uri; string display; if (user_config->get_attended_refer_to_aor()) { if (line->get_substate() == LSSUB_OUTGOING_PROGRESS) { uri = line->get_remote_uri_pending(); display = line->get_remote_target_display_pending(); } else { uri = line->get_remote_uri(); display = line->get_remote_target_display(); } } else { if (line->get_substate() == LSSUB_OUTGOING_PROGRESS) { uri = line->get_remote_target_uri_pending(); display = line->get_remote_target_display_pending(); } else { uri = line->get_remote_target_uri(); display = line->get_remote_target_display(); } } // Create Replaces header for replacing the call on lineno_to t_hdr_replaces hdr_replaces; if (line->get_substate() == LSSUB_OUTGOING_PROGRESS) { hdr_replaces.set_call_id(line->get_call_id_pending()); hdr_replaces.set_from_tag(line->get_local_tag_pending()); hdr_replaces.set_to_tag(line->get_remote_tag_pending()); } else { hdr_replaces.set_call_id(line->get_call_id()); hdr_replaces.set_from_tag(line->get_local_tag()); hdr_replaces.set_to_tag(line->get_remote_tag()); } uri.add_header(hdr_replaces); // draft-ietf-sipping-cc-transfer-07 section 7.3 // If the call is referred to the AoR, then add a Require header // that requires the 'Replaces' extension, to make the correct phone // ring in case of forking. if (user_config->get_attended_refer_to_aor()) { t_hdr_require hdr_require; hdr_require.add_feature(EXT_REPLACES); uri.add_header(hdr_require); } // Transfer call lines.at(lineno_from)->refer(uri, display); } // Call transfer with consultation // See draft-ietf-sipping-cc-transfer-07 7 void t_phone::refer_consultation(unsigned short lineno_from, unsigned short lineno_to) { t_rwmutex_writer x(lines_mtx); t_line *line = lines.at(lineno_to); if (line->get_substate() != LSSUB_ESTABLISHED) { return; } // Refer call to the URI of the far-end t_url uri = line->get_remote_uri(); string display = line->get_remote_display(); // End consultation call line->end_call(); move_line_to_background(lineno_to); // Transfer call lines.at(lineno_from)->refer(uri, display); } void t_phone::setup_consultation_call(const t_url &uri, const string &display) { unsigned short consult_line; if (!get_idle_line(consult_line)) { log_file->write_report("Cannot get idle line for consultation call.", "t_phone::setup_consultation_call"); return; } unsigned short xfer_line = active_line; t_user *user_config = get_line_user(xfer_line); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user_config->get_profile_name()); if (!pu) { log_file->write_header("t_phone::setup_consultation_call", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("User profile not active: "); log_file->write_raw(user_config->get_profile_name()); log_file->write_footer(); } activate_line(consult_line); string subject = TRANSLATE("Call transfer - %1"); subject = replace_first(subject, "%1", ui->format_sip_address(user_config, get_remote_display(xfer_line), get_remote_uri(xfer_line))); bool no_fork = false; if (user_config->get_allow_transfer_consultation_inprog()) { // If the configuration allows a call to be transferred // while the consultation call is still in progress, then // we send a no-fork request disposition in the INVTE // to setup the consultation call. This way we know that // the call has not been forked and it should be possible // to replace the early dialog. // // The scenario is: // A calls B // B sets up a consultation call to C (no-fork) // B sends a REFER with replaces to A // A sends an INVITE with replaces to C. // // NOTE: this is a non-standard implementation. RFC 3891 // does not allow to replace an early dialog not // setup by the UA. In this case the REFER from A to C // intends to replace the dialog from B to C, but C // did not setup the B-C dialog itself. no_fork = true; } invite(pu, uri, display, subject, no_fork, false); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); lines.at(consult_line)->set_is_transfer_consult(true, xfer_line); lines.at(xfer_line)->set_to_be_transferred(true, consult_line); ui->cb_consultation_call_setup(user_config, consult_line); } void t_phone::activate_line(unsigned short l) { unsigned short a = get_active_line(); if (a == l) return; // Just switch the active line if there is a conference. if (is_3way) { set_active_line(l); ui->cb_line_state_changed(); return; } // Put the current active line on hold if it has a call. // Only established calls can be put on-hold. Transient calls // should be torn down or just kept in the same transient state // when switching to the other line. if (get_line(a)->get_state() == LS_BUSY && !hold()) { // The line is busy but could not be put on-hold. Determine // what to do based on the line sub state. switch(get_line(a)->get_substate()) { case LSSUB_OUTGOING_PROGRESS: // User has outgoing call in progress on the active // line, but decided to switch line, so tear down // the call. end_call(); ui->cb_stop_call_notification(a); break; case LSSUB_INCOMING_PROGRESS: // The incoming call on the current active will stay, // just stop the ring tone. ui->cb_stop_call_notification(a); break; case LSSUB_ANSWERING: // Answering is in progress, so call cannot be put // on-hold. Tear down the call. end_call(); break; case LSSUB_RELEASING: // The releasing call on the current line will get // released. No need to take any action here. break; default: // This should not happen. log_file->write_report("ERROR: Call cannot be put on hold.", "t_phone::activate_line"); } } set_active_line(l); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); // Retrieve the call on the new active line unless that line // is transferring a call and the user profile indicates that // the referrer holds the call during call transfer. t_user *user_config = lines[l]->get_user(); if (get_line_refer_state(l) == REFST_NULL || (user_config && !user_config->get_referrer_hold())) { retrieve(); } // Play ring tone, if the new active line has an incoming call // in progress. if (get_line(l)->get_substate() == LSSUB_INCOMING_PROGRESS) { ui->cb_play_ringtone(l); } ui->cb_line_state_changed(); } void t_phone::send_dtmf(char digit, bool inband, bool info) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); lines[active_line]->send_dtmf(digit, inband, info); } void t_phone::start_timer(t_phone_timer timer, t_phone_user *pu) { t_tmr_phone *t; t_user *user_config = pu->get_user_profile(); switch(timer) { case PTMR_NAT_KEEPALIVE: t = new t_tmr_phone(user_config->get_timer_nat_keepalive() * 1000, timer, this); MEMMAN_NEW(t); pu->id_nat_keepalive = t->get_object_id(); break; case PTMR_TCP_PING: t = new t_tmr_phone(user_config->get_timer_tcp_ping() * 1000, timer, this); MEMMAN_NEW(t); pu->id_tcp_ping = t->get_object_id(); break; default: assert(false); } evq_timekeeper->push_start_timer(t); MEMMAN_DELETE(t); delete t; } void t_phone::stop_timer(t_phone_timer timer, t_phone_user *pu) { unsigned short *id; switch(timer) { case PTMR_REGISTRATION: id = &pu->id_registration; break; case PTMR_NAT_KEEPALIVE: id = &pu->id_nat_keepalive; break; case PTMR_TCP_PING: id = &pu->id_tcp_ping; break; default: assert(false); } if (*id != 0) evq_timekeeper->push_stop_timer(*id); *id = 0; } void t_phone::start_set_timer(t_phone_timer timer, long time, t_phone_user *pu) { t_tmr_phone *t; switch(timer) { case PTMR_REGISTRATION: long new_time; // Re-register before registration expires if (pu->get_last_reg_failed() || time <= RE_REGISTER_DELTA * 1000) { new_time = time; } else { new_time = time - (RE_REGISTER_DELTA * 1000); } t = new t_tmr_phone(new_time, timer, this); MEMMAN_NEW(t); pu->id_registration = t->get_object_id(); break; default: assert(false); } evq_timekeeper->push_start_timer(t); MEMMAN_DELETE(t); delete t; } void t_phone::handle_response_out_of_dialog(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { t_phone_user *pu = match_phone_user(r, tuid); if (!pu) { log_file->write_report("Response does not match any pending request.", "t_phone::handle_response_out_of_dialog"); return; } log_file->write_header("t_phone::handle_response_out_of_dialog", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Out of dialog matches phone user: "); log_file->write_raw(pu->get_user_profile()->get_profile_name()); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); pu->handle_response_out_of_dialog(r, tuid, tid); } void t_phone::handle_response_out_of_dialog(StunMessage *r, t_tuid tuid) { t_phone_user *pu = match_phone_user(r, tuid); if (!pu) { log_file->write_report("STUN response does not match any pending request.", "t_phone::handle_response_out_of_dialog"); return; } pu->handle_response_out_of_dialog(r, tuid); } t_phone_user *t_phone::find_phone_user(const string &profile_name) const { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); for (list::const_iterator i = phone_users.begin(); i != phone_users.end(); ++i) { if (!(*i)->is_active()) continue; t_user *user_config = (*i)->get_user_profile(); if (user_config->get_profile_name() == profile_name) { return *i; } } return NULL; } t_phone_user *t_phone::find_phone_user(const t_url &user_uri) const { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); for (list::const_iterator i = phone_users.begin(); i != phone_users.end(); ++i) { if (!(*i)->is_active()) continue; t_user *user_config = (*i)->get_user_profile(); if (t_url(user_config->create_user_uri(false)) == user_uri) { return *i; } } return NULL; } t_phone_user *t_phone::match_phone_user(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, bool active_only) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); for (list::iterator i = phone_users.begin(); i != phone_users.end(); ++i) { if (active_only && !(*i)->is_active()) continue; if ((*i)->match(r, tuid)) return *i; } return NULL; } t_phone_user *t_phone::match_phone_user(t_request *r, bool active_only) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); for (list::iterator i = phone_users.begin(); i != phone_users.end(); ++i) { if (active_only && !(*i)->is_active()) continue; if ((*i)->match(r)) return *i; } return NULL; } t_phone_user *t_phone::match_phone_user(StunMessage *r, t_tuid tuid, bool active_only) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); for (list::iterator i = phone_users.begin(); i != phone_users.end(); ++i) { if (active_only && !(*i)->is_active()) continue; if ((*i)->match(r, tuid)) return *i; } return NULL; } int t_phone::hunt_line(void) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); // Send incoming call to active line if it is idle. if (lines.at(active_line)->get_substate() == LSSUB_IDLE) { return active_line; } if (sys_config->get_call_waiting() || all_lines_idle()) { // Send the INVITE to the first idle unseized line for (unsigned short i = 0; i < NUM_USER_LINES; i++) { if (lines[i]->get_substate() == LSSUB_IDLE) { return i; } } } return -1; } ////////////// // Protected ////////////// void t_phone::recvd_provisional(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match(r, tuid)) { lines[i]->recvd_provisional(r, tuid, tid); return; } } // out-of-dialog response // Provisional responses should only be given for INVITE. // A response for an INVITE is always in a dialog. // Ignore provisional responses for other requests. } void t_phone::recvd_success(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match(r, tuid)) { lines[i]->recvd_success(r, tuid, tid); return; } } // out-of-dialog responses handle_response_out_of_dialog(r, tuid, tid); } void t_phone::recvd_redirect(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match(r, tuid)) { lines[i]->recvd_redirect(r, tuid, tid); return; } } // out-of-dialog responses handle_response_out_of_dialog(r, tuid, tid); } void t_phone::recvd_client_error(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match(r, tuid)) { lines[i]->recvd_client_error(r, tuid, tid); return; } } // out-of-dialog responses handle_response_out_of_dialog(r, tuid, tid); } void t_phone::recvd_server_error(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match(r, tuid)) { lines[i]->recvd_server_error(r, tuid, tid); return; } } // out-of-dialog responses handle_response_out_of_dialog(r, tuid, tid); } void t_phone::recvd_global_error(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match(r, tuid)) { lines[i]->recvd_global_error(r, tuid, tid); return; } } // out-of-dialog responses handle_response_out_of_dialog(r, tuid, tid); } void t_phone::post_process_response(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { cleanup_dead_lines(); move_releasing_lines_to_background(); cleanup_3way(); } void t_phone::recvd_invite(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); // Check if this INVITE is a retransmission. // Once the TU sent a 2XX repsonse on an INVITE it has to deal // with retransmissions. for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->is_invite_retrans(r)) { lines[i]->process_invite_retrans(); return; } } // RFC 3261 12.2.2 // An INVITE with a To-header without a tag is an initial // INVITE if (r->hdr_to.tag == "") { recvd_initial_invite(r, tid); } else { recvd_re_invite(r, tid); } } void t_phone::recvd_initial_invite(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { t_response *resp; list unsupported; t_call_record call_record; // Find out for which user this INVITE is. t_phone_user *pu = match_phone_user(r, true); if (!pu) { resp = r->create_response(R_404_NOT_FOUND); send_response(resp, 0, tid); // Do not create a call history record as this is a misrouted // call. MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } // Reject call if phone is not active if (!is_active) { resp = r->create_response(R_480_TEMP_NOT_AVAILABLE); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } t_user *user_config = pu->get_user_profile(); // Check if the far end requires any unsupported extensions if (!user_config->check_required_ext(r, unsupported)) { // Not all required extensions are supported resp = r->create_response(R_420_BAD_EXTENSION); resp->hdr_unsupported.set_features(unsupported); send_response(resp, 0, tid); // Do not create a call history record here. The far-end // should retry the call without the extension, so this // is not a missed call from the user point of view. MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } // RFC 3891 3 // If a replaces header is present, check if it matches a dialog int replace_line = -1; if (r->hdr_replaces.is_populated() && user_config->get_ext_replaces()) { bool early_matched = false; bool no_fork_req_disposition = r->hdr_request_disposition.is_populated() && r->hdr_request_disposition.fork_directive == t_hdr_request_disposition::NO_FORK; t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines.at(i)->match_replaces(r->hdr_replaces.call_id, r->hdr_replaces.to_tag, r->hdr_replaces.from_tag, no_fork_req_disposition, early_matched)) { replace_line = i; break; } } if (replace_line >= NUM_CALL_LINES) { // Replaces header matches a releasing line. resp = r->create_response(R_603_DECLINE); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } else if (replace_line >= 0) { if (replace_line == active_line) { if (r->hdr_replaces.early_only && !early_matched) { resp = r->create_response(R_486_BUSY_HERE); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } // The existing call will be torn down only after // it has been checked that this incoming INVITE // is not rejected by the user, e.g. DND. } else { // Implementation decision: // Don't allow a held call to be replaced. resp = r->create_response(R_486_BUSY_HERE); send_response(resp, 0, tid); // Create a call history record call_record.start_call(r, t_call_record::DIR_IN, user_config->get_profile_name()); call_record.fail_call(resp); call_history->add_call_record(call_record); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } } else { // Replaces does not match any line. resp = r->create_response(R_481_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } } // Hunt for an idle line to handle the call. int hunted_line = -1; if (replace_line >= 0) { hunted_line = replace_line; } else { hunted_line = hunt_line(); } t_display_url display_url; list cf_dest; // call forwarding destinations // Call user defineable incoming call script to determine how // to handle this call t_script_result script_result; if (!user_config->get_script_incoming_call().empty()) { // Send 100 Trying as the script might take a while resp = r->create_response(R_100_TRYING); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; t_call_script script(user_config, t_call_script::TRIGGER_IN_CALL, hunted_line + 1); script.exec_action(script_result, r); if (!script_result.display_msgs.empty()) { string text(join_strings(script_result.display_msgs, "\n")); ui->cb_display_msg(text, MSG_NO_PRIO); } // Override display name with caller name returned by script if (!script_result.caller_name.empty()) { r->hdr_from.display_override = script_result.caller_name; log_file->write_header("t_phone::recvd_invite", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Override display name with caller name:\n"); log_file->write_raw(script_result.caller_name); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); } } t_call_script script_in_call_failed(user_config, t_call_script::TRIGGER_IN_CALL_FAILED, 0); // Lookup address in address book. if (script_result.caller_name.empty() && sys_config->get_ab_lookup_name() && (sys_config->get_ab_override_display() || r->hdr_from.display.empty())) { // Send 100 Trying as name lookup might take a while resp = r->create_response(R_100_TRYING); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; string name = ui->get_name_from_abook(user_config, r->hdr_from.uri); if (!name.empty()) { r->hdr_from.display_override = name; log_file->write_header("t_phone::recvd_invite", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw( "Override display name with address book name:\n"); log_file->write_raw(name); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); } } // Perform the action in the script_result. // NOTE: the default action is "continue" switch (script_result.action) { case t_script_result::ACTION_CONTINUE: // Continue with call break; case t_script_result::ACTION_AUTOANSWER: log_file->write_report("Incoming call script action: autoanswer", "t_phone::recvd_invite"); break; case t_script_result::ACTION_REJECT: log_file->write_report("Incoming call script action: reject", "t_phone::recvd_invite"); resp = r->create_response(R_603_DECLINE, script_result.reason); send_response(resp, 0, tid); // Create a call history record call_record.start_call(r, t_call_record::DIR_IN, user_config->get_profile_name()); call_record.fail_call(resp); call_history->add_call_record(call_record); // Trigger call script script_in_call_failed.exec_notify(resp); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; break; case t_script_result::ACTION_DND: log_file->write_report("Incoming call script action: dnd", "t_phone::recvd_invite"); resp = r->create_response(R_480_TEMP_NOT_AVAILABLE, script_result.reason); send_response(resp, 0, tid); // Create a call history record call_record.start_call(r, t_call_record::DIR_IN, user_config->get_profile_name()); call_record.fail_call(resp); call_history->add_call_record(call_record); // Trigger call script script_in_call_failed.exec_notify(resp); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; break; case t_script_result::ACTION_REDIRECT: log_file->write_report("Incoming call script action: redirect", "t_phone::recvd_invite"); ui->expand_destination(user_config, script_result.contact, display_url); if (display_url.is_valid()) { cf_dest.clear(); cf_dest.push_back(display_url); resp = r->create_response(R_302_MOVED_TEMPORARILY); resp->hdr_contact.set_contacts(cf_dest); } else { log_file->write_report("Invalid redirect contact", "t_phone::recvd_invite", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); resp = r->create_response(R_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } send_response(resp, 0, tid); // Create a call history record call_record.start_call(r, t_call_record::DIR_IN, user_config->get_profile_name()); call_record.fail_call(resp); call_history->add_call_record(call_record); // Trigger call script script_in_call_failed.exec_notify(resp); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; break; default: log_file->write_report("Error in incoming call script", "t_phone::recvd_invite", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); resp = r->create_response(R_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); send_response(resp, 0, tid); // Create a call history record call_record.start_call(r, t_call_record::DIR_IN, user_config->get_profile_name()); call_record.fail_call(resp); call_history->add_call_record(call_record); // Trigger call script script_in_call_failed.exec_notify(resp); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; break; } // Call forwarding always // NOTE: if a call script returned the autoanswer action, then // call forwarding should be bypassed if (pu->service->get_cf_active(CF_ALWAYS, cf_dest) && script_result.action == t_script_result::ACTION_CONTINUE) { log_file->write_report("Call redirection unconditional", "t_phone::recvd_invite"); resp = r->create_response(R_302_MOVED_TEMPORARILY); resp->hdr_contact.set_contacts(cf_dest); send_response(resp, 0, tid); // Create a call history record call_record.start_call(r, t_call_record::DIR_IN, user_config->get_profile_name()); call_record.fail_call(resp); call_history->add_call_record(call_record); // Trigger call script script_in_call_failed.exec_notify(resp); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } // Do not disturb // RFC 3261 21.4.18 // NOTE: if a call script returned the autoanswer action, then // do not disturb should be bypassed if (pu->service->is_dnd_active() && script_result.action == t_script_result::ACTION_CONTINUE) { log_file->write_report("Do not disturb", "t_phone::recvd_invite"); resp = r->create_response(R_480_TEMP_NOT_AVAILABLE); send_response(resp, 0, tid); // Create a call history record call_record.start_call(r, t_call_record::DIR_IN, user_config->get_profile_name()); call_record.fail_call(resp); call_history->add_call_record(call_record); // Trigger call script script_in_call_failed.exec_notify(resp); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } // RFC 3891 bool auto_answer_replace_call = false; if (replace_line >= 0) { // This call replaces an existing call. Tear down this existing // call. This will clear the active line. log_file->write_report("End call due to Replaces header.", "t_phone::recvd_initial_invite"); t_rwmutex_writer x(lines_mtx); if (lines.at(replace_line)->get_substate() == LSSUB_INCOMING_PROGRESS) { ui->cb_stop_call_notification(replace_line); lines.at(replace_line)->reject(); } else { lines.at(replace_line)->end_call(); auto_answer_replace_call = true; } move_line_to_background(replace_line); } // Auto answer if (hunted_line == active_line) { // Auto-answer is only applicable to the active line. t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); if (replace_line >= 0 && auto_answer_replace_call) { // RFC 3891 // This call replaces an existing established call, answer immediate. lines.at(active_line)->set_auto_answer(true); } else if (pu->service->is_auto_answer_active() || script_result.action == t_script_result::ACTION_AUTOANSWER) { // Auto answer log_file->write_report("Auto answer", "t_phone::recvd_invite"); lines.at(active_line)->set_auto_answer(true); } } t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); // Send INVITE to hunted line if (hunted_line >= 0) { lines.at(hunted_line)->recvd_invite(pu, r, tid, script_result.ringtone); return; } // The phone is busy // Call forwarding busy if (pu->service->get_cf_active(CF_BUSY, cf_dest)) { log_file->write_report("Call redirection busy", "t_phone::recvd_invite"); resp = r->create_response(R_302_MOVED_TEMPORARILY); resp->hdr_contact.set_contacts(cf_dest); send_response(resp, 0, tid); // Create a call history record call_record.start_call(r, t_call_record::DIR_IN, user_config->get_profile_name()); call_record.fail_call(resp); call_history->add_call_record(call_record); // Trigger call script script_in_call_failed.exec_notify(resp); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } // Send busy response resp = r->create_response(R_486_BUSY_HERE); send_response(resp, 0, tid); // Create a call history record call_record.start_call(r, t_call_record::DIR_IN, user_config->get_profile_name()); call_record.fail_call(resp); call_history->add_call_record(call_record); // Trigger call script script_in_call_failed.exec_notify(resp); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; } void t_phone::recvd_re_invite(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { t_response *resp; list unsupported; t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); // RFC 3261 12.2.2 // A To-header with a tag is a mid-dialog request. // Find a line that matches the request for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match(r)) { t_phone_user *pu = lines[i]->get_phone_user(); assert(pu); t_user *user_config = pu->get_user_profile(); // Check if the far end requires any unsupported extensions if (!user_config->check_required_ext(r, unsupported)) { // Not all required extensions are supported resp = r->create_response(R_420_BAD_EXTENSION); resp->hdr_unsupported.set_features(unsupported); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } lines[i]->recvd_invite(pu, r, tid, ""); return; } } // No dialog matches with the request. resp = r->create_response(R_481_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; } void t_phone::recvd_ack(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { t_response *resp; t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match(r)) { lines[i]->recvd_ack(r, tid); return; } } resp = r->create_response(R_481_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; } void t_phone::recvd_cancel(t_request *r, t_tid cancel_tid, t_tid target_tid) { t_response *resp; t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match_cancel(r, target_tid)) { lines[i]->recvd_cancel(r, cancel_tid, target_tid); return; } } resp = r->create_response(R_481_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST); send_response(resp, 0, cancel_tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; } void t_phone::recvd_bye(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { t_response *resp; list unsupported; t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match(r)) { t_user *user_config = lines[i]->get_user(); assert(user_config); if (!user_config->check_required_ext(r, unsupported)) { // Not all required extensions are supported resp = r->create_response(R_420_BAD_EXTENSION); resp->hdr_unsupported.set_features(unsupported); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } lines[i]->recvd_bye(r, tid); return; } } resp = r->create_response(R_481_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; } void t_phone::recvd_options(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { t_response *resp; if (r->hdr_to.tag =="") { // Out-of-dialog OPTIONS t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user_out_dialog_request(r, tid); if (pu) { resp = pu->create_options_response(r); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; } } else { // In-dialog OPTIONS t_line *l = find_line_in_dialog_request(r, tid); if (l) { l->recvd_options(r, tid); } } } t_phone_user *t_phone::find_phone_user_out_dialog_request(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { t_response *resp; list unsupported; // Find out for which user this request is. t_phone_user *pu = match_phone_user(r, true); if (!pu) { resp = r->create_response(R_404_NOT_FOUND); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return NULL; } // Check if the far end requires any unsupported extensions if (!pu->get_user_profile()->check_required_ext(r, unsupported)) { // Not all required extensions are supported resp = r->create_response(R_420_BAD_EXTENSION); resp->hdr_unsupported.set_features(unsupported); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return NULL; } return pu; } t_line *t_phone::find_line_in_dialog_request(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { t_response *resp; list unsupported; t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); // RFC 3261 12.2.2 // A To-header with a tag is a mid-dialog request. // No dialog matches with the request. for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match(r)) { t_user *user_config = lines[i]->get_user(); assert(user_config); // Check if the far end requires any unsupported extensions if (!user_config->check_required_ext(r, unsupported)) { // Not all required extensions are supported resp = r->create_response(R_420_BAD_EXTENSION); resp->hdr_unsupported.set_features(unsupported); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return NULL; } return lines[i]; } } resp = r->create_response(R_481_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return NULL; } void t_phone::recvd_register(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { // The softphone is not a registrar. t_response *resp = r->create_response(R_403_FORBIDDEN); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; // TEST ONLY: code for testing a 423 Interval Too Brief /* if (r->hdr_contact.contact_list.front().get_expires() < 30) { t_response *resp = r->create_response( R_423_INTERVAL_TOO_BRIEF); resp->hdr_min_expires.set_time(30); send_response(resp, 0, tid); delete resp; return; } // Code for testing a 200 OK response (register) t_response *resp = r->create_response(R_200_OK); resp->hdr_contact.set_contacts(r->hdr_contact.contact_list); resp->hdr_contact.contact_list.front().set_expires(30); resp->hdr_date.set_now(); send_response(resp, 0, tid); delete resp; // Code for testing 200 OK response (de-register) t_response *resp = r->create_response(R_200_OK); send_response(resp, 0, tid); delete resp; // Code for testing 200 OK response (query) t_response *resp = r->create_response(R_200_OK); t_contact_param contact; contact.uri.set_url("sip:aap@xs4all.nl"); resp->hdr_contact.add_contact(contact); contact.uri.set_url("sip:noot@xs4all.nl"); resp->hdr_contact.add_contact(contact); send_response(resp, 0, tid); delete resp; // Code for testing a 401 response (register) if (r->hdr_authorization.is_populated() && r->hdr_authorization.credentials_list.front().digest_response. nonce == "0123456789abcdef") { t_response *resp = r->create_response(R_200_OK); resp->hdr_contact.set_contacts(r->hdr_contact.contact_list); resp->hdr_contact.contact_list.front().set_expires(30); resp->hdr_date.set_now(); send_response(resp, 0, tid); delete resp; } else { t_response *resp = r->create_response(R_401_UNAUTHORIZED); t_challenge c; c.auth_scheme = AUTH_DIGEST; c.digest_challenge.realm = "mtel.nl"; if (r->hdr_authorization.is_populated()) { c.digest_challenge.nonce = "0123456789abcdef"; c.digest_challenge.stale = true; } else { c.digest_challenge.nonce = "aaaaaa0123456789"; } c.digest_challenge.opaque = "secret"; c.digest_challenge.algorithm = ALG_MD5; // c.digest_challenge.qop_options.push_back(QOP_AUTH); // c.digest_challenge.qop_options.push_back(QOP_AUTH_INT); resp->hdr_www_authenticate.set_challenge(c); send_response(resp, 0, tid); } */ } void t_phone::recvd_prack(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { t_response *resp; t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match(r)) { lines[i]->recvd_prack(r, tid); return; } } resp = r->create_response(R_481_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; } void t_phone::recvd_subscribe(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { t_response *resp; if (r->hdr_event.event_type != SIP_EVENT_REFER) { // Non-supported event type resp = r->create_response(R_489_BAD_EVENT); resp->hdr_allow_events.add_event_type(SIP_EVENT_REFER); send_response(resp, 0 ,tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match(r)) { lines[i]->recvd_subscribe(r, tid); return; } } if (r->hdr_to.tag == "") { // A REFER outside a dialog is not allowed by Twinkle if (r->hdr_event.event_type == SIP_EVENT_REFER) { // RFC 3515 2.4.4 resp = r->create_response(R_403_FORBIDDEN); send_response(resp, 0 ,tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } } resp = r->create_response(R_481_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; } void t_phone::recvd_notify(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { t_response *resp; t_phone_user *pu; // Check support for the notified event if (!SIP_EVENT_SUPPORTED(r->hdr_event.event_type)) { // Non-supported event type resp = r->create_response(R_489_BAD_EVENT); ADD_SUPPORTED_SIP_EVENTS(resp->hdr_allow_events); send_response(resp, 0 ,tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } // MWI or presence notification if (r->hdr_event.event_type == SIP_EVENT_MSG_SUMMARY || r->hdr_event.event_type == SIP_EVENT_PRESENCE) { pu = match_phone_user(r, true); if (pu) { pu->recvd_notify(r, tid); } else { resp = r->create_response(R_481_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST); send_response(resp, 0 ,tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; } return; } // REFER notification t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match(r)) { lines[i]->recvd_notify(r, tid); if (lines[i]->get_refer_state() == REFST_NULL) { // Refer subscription has finished. log_file->write_report("Refer subscription terminated.", "t_phone::recvd_notify"); if (lines[i]->get_substate() == LSSUB_RELEASING || lines[i]->get_substate() == LSSUB_IDLE) { // The line is (being) cleared already. So this // NOTIFY signals the end of the refer subscription // attached to this line. cleanup_dead_lines(); return; } else if (lines[i]->is_refer_succeeded()) { log_file->write_report( "Refer succeeded. End call with referee,", "t_phone::recvd_notify"); lines[i]->end_call(); } else { log_file->write_report("Refer failed.", "t_phone::recvd_notify"); t_user *user_config = lines[i]->get_user(); assert(user_config); if (user_config->get_referrer_hold() && lines[i]->get_is_on_hold()) { // Retrieve the call if the line is active. if (i == active_line) { log_file->write_report( "Retrieve call with referee.", "t_phone::recvd_notify"); lines[i]->retrieve(); } } } } return; } } if (r->hdr_to.tag == "") { // NOTIFY outside a dialog is not allowed. resp = r->create_response(R_403_FORBIDDEN); send_response(resp, 0 ,tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } resp = r->create_response(R_481_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; } void t_phone::recvd_refer(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { t_response *resp; t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match(r)) { t_phone_user *pu = lines[i]->get_phone_user(); assert(pu); t_user *user_config = pu->get_user_profile(); list unsupported; if (!user_config->check_required_ext(r, unsupported)) { // Not all required extensions are supported resp = r->create_response(R_420_BAD_EXTENSION); resp->hdr_unsupported.set_features(unsupported); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } // Reject if a 3-way call is established. if (is_3way) { log_file->write_report("3-way call active. Reject REFER.", "t_phone::recvd_refer"); resp = r->create_response(R_603_DECLINE); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } // Reject if the line is on-hold. if (is_3way || lines[i]->get_is_on_hold()) { log_file->write_report("Line is on-hold. Reject REFER.", "t_phone::recvd_refer"); resp = r->create_response(R_603_DECLINE); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } // Check if a refer is already in progress if (i == LINENO_REFERRER || lines[LINENO_REFERRER]->get_state() != LS_IDLE || incoming_refer_data != NULL) { log_file->write_report( "A REFER is still in progress. Reject REFER.", "t_phone::recvd_refer"); resp = r->create_response(R_603_DECLINE); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } if (!lines[i]->recvd_refer(r, tid)) { // Refer has been rejected. log_file->write_report("Incoming REFER rejected.", "t_phone::recvd_refer"); return; } // Make sure the line stays seized if the far-end ends the // call, so a line will be available if the user gives permission // for the call transfer. lines[i]->set_keep_seized(true); incoming_refer_data = new t_transfer_data(r, i, lines[i]->get_hide_user(), pu); MEMMAN_NEW(incoming_refer_data); return; } } if (r->hdr_to.tag == "") { // Twinkle does not allow a REFER outside a dialog. resp = r->create_response(R_403_FORBIDDEN); send_response(resp, 0 ,tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } resp = r->create_response(R_481_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; } void t_phone::recvd_refer_permission(bool permission) { if (!incoming_refer_data) { // This should not happen log_file->write_report("Incoming REFER data is gone.", "t_phone::recvd_refer_permission", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); return; } unsigned short i = incoming_refer_data->get_lineno(); t_request *r = incoming_refer_data->get_refer_request(); bool hide_user = incoming_refer_data->get_hide_user(); t_phone_user *pu = incoming_refer_data->get_phone_user(); t_user *user_config = pu->get_user_profile(); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); lines[i]->recvd_refer_permission(permission, r); if (!permission) { log_file->write_report("Incoming REFER rejected.", "t_phone::recvd_refer_permission"); lines[i]->set_keep_seized(false); move_releasing_lines_to_background(); MEMMAN_DELETE(incoming_refer_data); delete incoming_refer_data; incoming_refer_data = NULL; return; } else { log_file->write_report("Incoming REFER allowed.", "t_phone::recvd_refer_permission"); } if (lines[i]->get_substate() == LSSUB_ESTABLISHED) { // Put line on-hold and place it in the referrer line log_file->write_report( "Hold call before calling the refer-target.", "t_phone::recvd_refer_permission"); if (user_config->get_referee_hold()) { lines[i]->hold(); } else { // The user profile indicates that the line should // not be put on-hold, i.e. do not send re-INVITE. // So only stop RTP. lines[i]->hold(true); } } // Move the original line to the REFERRER line (the line may be idle // already). t_line *l = lines[i]; lines[i] = lines[LINENO_REFERRER]; lines[i]->line_number = i; lines[LINENO_REFERRER] = l; lines[LINENO_REFERRER]->line_number = LINENO_REFERRER; lines[LINENO_REFERRER]->set_keep_seized(false); ui->cb_line_state_changed(); // Setup call to the Refer-To destination log_file->write_report("Call refer-target.", "t_phone::recvd_refer_permission"); t_hdr_replaces hdr_replaces; t_hdr_require hdr_require; // Analyze headers in Refer-To URI. // For an attended call transfer the Refer-To URI // will contain a Replaces header and possibly a Require // header. Other headers are ignored for now. // See draft-ietf-sipping-cc-transfer-07 7.3 if (!r->hdr_refer_to.uri.get_headers().empty()) { try { list parse_errors; t_sip_message *m = t_parser::parse_headers( r->hdr_refer_to.uri.get_headers(), parse_errors); hdr_replaces = m->hdr_replaces; hdr_require = m->hdr_require; MEMMAN_DELETE(m); delete m; } catch (int) { log_file->write_header("t_phone::recvd_refer_permission", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("Cannot parse headers in Refer-To URI\n"); log_file->write_raw(r->hdr_refer_to.uri.encode()); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); } } ui->cb_call_referred(user_config, i, r); lines[i]->invite(pu, r->hdr_refer_to.uri.copy_without_headers(), r->hdr_refer_to.display, "", r->hdr_referred_by, hdr_replaces, hdr_require, t_hdr_request_disposition(), hide_user); lines[i]->open_dialog->is_referred_call = true; MEMMAN_DELETE(incoming_refer_data); delete incoming_refer_data; incoming_refer_data = NULL; return; } void t_phone::recvd_info(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { t_response *resp; list unsupported; t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match(r)) { t_user *user_config = lines[i]->get_user(); assert(user_config); if (!user_config->check_required_ext(r, unsupported)) { // Not all required extensions are supported resp = r->create_response(R_420_BAD_EXTENSION); resp->hdr_unsupported.set_features(unsupported); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return; } lines[i]->recvd_info(r, tid); return; } } resp = r->create_response(R_481_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST); send_response(resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; } void t_phone::recvd_message(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { if (r->hdr_to.tag =="") { // Out-of-dialog MESSAGE t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user_out_dialog_request(r, tid); if (pu) { pu->recvd_message(r, tid); } } else { // In-dialog MESSAGE t_line *l = find_line_in_dialog_request(r, tid); if (l) { l->recvd_message(r, tid); } } } void t_phone::post_process_request(t_request *r, t_tid cancel_tid, t_tid target_tid) { cleanup_dead_lines(); move_releasing_lines_to_background(); cleanup_3way(); } void t_phone::failure(t_failure failure, t_tid tid) { // TODO } void t_phone::recvd_stun_resp(StunMessage *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->match(r, tuid)) { lines[i]->recvd_stun_resp(r, tuid, tid); return; } } // out-of-dialog STUN responses handle_response_out_of_dialog(r, tuid); } void t_phone::handle_event_timeout(t_event_timeout *e) { t_timer *t = e->get_timer(); t_tmr_phone *tmr_phone; t_tmr_line *tmr_line; t_tmr_subscribe *tmr_subscribe; t_tmr_publish *tmr_publish; t_object_id line_id; switch (t->get_type()) { case TMR_PHONE: tmr_phone = dynamic_cast(t); timeout(tmr_phone->get_phone_timer(), tmr_phone->get_object_id()); break; case TMR_LINE: tmr_line = dynamic_cast(t); line_timeout(tmr_line->get_line_id(), tmr_line->get_line_timer(), tmr_line->get_dialog_id()); break; case TMR_SUBSCRIBE: tmr_subscribe = dynamic_cast(t); line_id = tmr_subscribe->get_line_id(); if (line_id == 0) { subscription_timeout(tmr_subscribe->get_subscribe_timer(), tmr_subscribe->get_object_id()); } else { line_timeout_sub(line_id, tmr_subscribe->get_subscribe_timer(), tmr_subscribe->get_dialog_id(), tmr_subscribe->get_sub_event_type(), tmr_subscribe->get_sub_event_id()); } break; case TMR_PUBLISH: tmr_publish = dynamic_cast(t); publication_timeout(tmr_publish->get_publish_timer(), tmr_publish->get_object_id()); break; default: assert(false); break; } } void t_phone::line_timeout(t_object_id id, t_line_timer timer, t_object_id did) { // If there is no line with id anymore, then the timer expires // silently. t_line *line = get_line_by_id(id); if (line) { line->timeout(timer, did); } } void t_phone::line_timeout_sub(t_object_id id, t_subscribe_timer timer, t_object_id did, const string &event_type, const string &event_id) { // If there is no line with id anymore, then the timer expires // silently. t_line *line = get_line_by_id(id); if (line) { line->timeout_sub(timer, did, event_type, event_id); } } void t_phone::subscription_timeout(t_subscribe_timer timer, t_object_id id_timer) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); for (list::iterator i = phone_users.begin(); i != phone_users.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->match_subscribe_timer(timer, id_timer)) { (*i)->timeout_sub(timer, id_timer); } } } void t_phone::publication_timeout(t_publish_timer timer, t_object_id id_timer) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); for (list::iterator i = phone_users.begin(); i != phone_users.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->match_publish_timer(timer, id_timer)) { (*i)->timeout_publish(timer, id_timer); } } } void t_phone::timeout(t_phone_timer timer, unsigned short id_timer) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); switch (timer) { case PTMR_REGISTRATION: for (list::iterator i = phone_users.begin(); i != phone_users.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->id_registration == id_timer) { (*i)->timeout(timer); } } break; case PTMR_NAT_KEEPALIVE: for (list::iterator i = phone_users.begin(); i != phone_users.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->id_nat_keepalive == id_timer) { (*i)->timeout(timer); } } break; case PTMR_TCP_PING: for (list::iterator i = phone_users.begin(); i != phone_users.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->id_tcp_ping == id_timer) { (*i)->timeout(timer); } } break; default: assert(false); } } void t_phone::handle_broken_connection(t_event_broken_connection *e) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); // Find the phone user that was associated with the connection. // This phone user has to handle the event. t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(e->get_user_uri()); if (pu) { pu->handle_broken_connection(); } else { log_file->write_header("t_phone::handle_broken_connection", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("Cannot find active phone user "); log_file->write_raw(e->get_user_uri().encode()); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); } } /////////// // Public /////////// t_phone::t_phone() : t_transaction_layer(), lines(NUM_CALL_LINES) { is_active = true; active_line = 0; // Create phone lines for (unsigned short i = 0; i < NUM_CALL_LINES; i++) { lines[i] = new t_line(this, i); MEMMAN_NEW(lines[i]); } // Initialize 3-way conference data is_3way = false; line1_3way = NULL; line2_3way = NULL; incoming_refer_data = NULL; struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t, NULL); startup_time = t.tv_sec; // NOTE: The RTP ports for the lines are initialized after the // system settings have been read. } t_phone::~t_phone() { // Delete phone lines log_file->write_header("t_phone::~t_phone"); log_file->write_raw("Number of lines to cleanup: "); log_file->write_raw(lines.size()); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); if (incoming_refer_data) { MEMMAN_DELETE(incoming_refer_data); delete incoming_refer_data; } for (unsigned short i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { MEMMAN_DELETE(lines[i]); delete lines[i]; } t_rwmutex_writer x(phone_users_mtx); // Delete all phone users for (list::iterator i = phone_users.begin(); i != phone_users.end(); i++) { MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; } } void t_phone::pub_invite(t_user *user, const t_url &to_uri, const string &to_display, const string &subject, bool anonymous) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) { invite(pu, to_uri, to_display, subject, false, anonymous); } else { log_file->write_header("t_phone::pub_invite", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("User profile not active: "); log_file->write_raw(user->get_profile_name()); log_file->write_footer(); } } void t_phone::pub_answer(void) { lock(); answer(); unlock(); } void t_phone::pub_reject(void) { lock(); reject(); unlock(); } void t_phone::pub_reject(unsigned short line) { lock(); reject(line); unlock(); } void t_phone::pub_redirect(const list &destinations, int code, string reason) { lock(); redirect(destinations, code, reason); unlock(); } void t_phone::pub_end_call(void) { lock(); end_call(); unlock(); } void t_phone::pub_registration(t_user *user, t_register_type register_type, unsigned long expires) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) { registration(pu, register_type, expires); } else { log_file->write_header("t_phone::pub_registration", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("User profile not active: "); log_file->write_raw(user->get_profile_name()); log_file->write_footer(); } } void t_phone::pub_options(t_user *user, const t_url &to_uri, const string &to_display) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) { options(pu, to_uri, to_display); } else { log_file->write_header("t_phone::pub_options", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("User profile not active: "); log_file->write_raw(user->get_profile_name()); log_file->write_footer(); } } void t_phone::pub_options(void) { lock(); options(); unlock(); } bool t_phone::pub_hold(void) { lock(); bool retval = hold(); unlock(); return retval; } void t_phone::pub_retrieve(void) { lock(); retrieve(); unlock(); } void t_phone::pub_refer(const t_url &uri, const string &display) { lock(); refer(uri, display); unlock(); } void t_phone::pub_setup_consultation_call(const t_url &uri, const string &display) { lock(); setup_consultation_call(uri, display); unlock(); } void t_phone::pub_refer(unsigned short lineno_from, unsigned short lineno_to) { lock(); refer(lineno_from, lineno_to); unlock(); } void t_phone::mute(bool enable) { lock(); // In a 3-way call, both lines must be muted if (is_3way && ( active_line == line1_3way->get_line_number() || active_line == line2_3way->get_line_number())) { line1_3way->mute(enable); line2_3way->mute(enable); } else { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); lines[active_line]->mute(enable); } unlock(); } void t_phone::pub_activate_line(unsigned short l) { lock(); activate_line(l); unlock(); } void t_phone::pub_send_dtmf(char digit, bool inband, bool info) { lock(); send_dtmf(digit, inband, info); unlock(); } bool t_phone::pub_seize(void) { bool retval; t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); retval = lines[active_line]->seize(); return retval; } bool t_phone::pub_seize(unsigned short line) { assert(line < NUM_USER_LINES); bool retval; t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); retval = lines[line]->seize(); return retval; } void t_phone::pub_unseize(void) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); lines[active_line]->unseize(); } void t_phone::pub_unseize(unsigned short line) { assert(line < NUM_USER_LINES); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); lines[line]->unseize(); } void t_phone::pub_confirm_zrtp_sas(unsigned short line) { assert(line < NUM_USER_LINES); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); lines[line]->confirm_zrtp_sas(); } void t_phone::pub_confirm_zrtp_sas(void) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); lines[active_line]->confirm_zrtp_sas(); } void t_phone::pub_reset_zrtp_sas_confirmation(unsigned short line) { assert(line < NUM_USER_LINES); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); lines[line]->reset_zrtp_sas_confirmation(); } void t_phone::pub_reset_zrtp_sas_confirmation(void) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); lines[active_line]->reset_zrtp_sas_confirmation(); } void t_phone::pub_enable_zrtp(void) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); lines[active_line]->enable_zrtp(); } void t_phone::pub_zrtp_request_go_clear(void) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); lines[active_line]->zrtp_request_go_clear(); } void t_phone::pub_zrtp_go_clear_ok(unsigned short line) { assert(line < NUM_USER_LINES); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); lines[line]->zrtp_go_clear_ok(); } void t_phone::pub_subscribe_mwi(t_user *user) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) { pu->subscribe_mwi(); } else { log_file->write_header("t_phone::pub_subscribe_mwi", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("User profile not active: "); log_file->write_raw(user->get_profile_name()); log_file->write_footer(); } } void t_phone::pub_unsubscribe_mwi(t_user *user) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) { pu->unsubscribe_mwi(); } else { log_file->write_header("t_phone::pub_unsubscribe_mwi", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("User profile not active: "); log_file->write_raw(user->get_profile_name()); log_file->write_footer(); } } void t_phone::pub_subscribe_presence(t_user *user) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) { pu->subscribe_presence(); } else { log_file->write_header("t_phone::pub_subscribe_presence", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("User profile not active: "); log_file->write_raw(user->get_profile_name()); log_file->write_footer(); } } void t_phone::pub_unsubscribe_presence(t_user *user) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) { pu->unsubscribe_presence(); } else { log_file->write_header("t_phone::pub_unsubscribe_presence", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("User profile not active: "); log_file->write_raw(user->get_profile_name()); log_file->write_footer(); } } void t_phone::pub_publish_presence(t_user *user, t_presence_state::t_basic_state basic_state) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) { pu->publish_presence(basic_state); } else { log_file->write_header("t_phone::pub_publish_presence", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("User profile not active: "); log_file->write_raw(user->get_profile_name()); log_file->write_footer(); } } void t_phone::pub_unpublish_presence(t_user *user) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) { pu->unpublish_presence(); } else { log_file->write_header("t_phone::pub_publish_presence", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("User profile not active: "); log_file->write_raw(user->get_profile_name()); log_file->write_footer(); } } bool t_phone::pub_send_message(t_user *user, const t_url &to_uri, const string &to_display, const t_msg &msg) { bool retval = true; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) { retval = pu->send_message(to_uri, to_display, msg); } else { log_file->write_header("t_phone::pub_send_message", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("User profile not active: "); log_file->write_raw(user->get_profile_name()); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); retval = false; } return retval; } bool t_phone::pub_send_im_iscomposing(t_user *user, const t_url &to_uri, const string &to_display, const string &state, time_t refresh) { bool retval = true; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) { retval = pu->send_im_iscomposing(to_uri, to_display, state, refresh); } else { log_file->write_header("t_phone::pub_send_im_iscomposing", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("User profile not active: "); log_file->write_raw(user->get_profile_name()); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); retval = false; } return retval; } t_phone_state t_phone::get_state(void) const { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < NUM_USER_LINES; i++) { if (lines[i]->get_state() == LS_IDLE) { return PS_IDLE; } } // All lines are busy, so the phone is busy. return PS_BUSY; } bool t_phone::all_lines_idle(void) const { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < NUM_USER_LINES; i++) { if (lines[i]->get_substate() != LSSUB_IDLE) { return false; } } // All lines are idle return true; } bool t_phone::get_idle_line(unsigned short &lineno) const { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); bool found_idle_line = false; for (unsigned short i = 0; i < NUM_USER_LINES; i++) { if (lines[i]->get_substate() == LSSUB_IDLE) { lineno = i; found_idle_line = true; break; } } return found_idle_line; } void t_phone::set_active_line(unsigned short l) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); assert (l < NUM_USER_LINES); active_line = l; } unsigned short t_phone::get_active_line(void) const { return active_line; } t_line *t_phone::get_line_by_id(t_object_id id) const { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->get_object_id() == id) { return lines[i]; } } return NULL; } t_line *t_phone::get_line(unsigned short lineno) const { assert(lineno < lines.size()); return lines[lineno]; } bool t_phone::authorize(t_user *user, t_request *r, t_response *resp) { bool result = false; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) result = pu->authorize(r, resp); return result; } void t_phone::remove_cached_credentials(t_user *user, const string &realm) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) pu->remove_cached_credentials(realm); } bool t_phone::get_is_registered(t_user *user) { bool result = false; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) result = pu->get_is_registered(); return result; } bool t_phone::get_last_reg_failed(t_user *user) { bool result = false; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) result = pu->get_last_reg_failed(); return result; } t_line_state t_phone::get_line_state(unsigned short lineno) const { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); t_line_state s = get_line(lineno)->get_state(); return s; } t_line_substate t_phone::get_line_substate(unsigned short lineno) const { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); t_line_substate s = get_line(lineno)->get_substate(); return s; } bool t_phone::is_line_on_hold(unsigned short lineno) const { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); bool b = get_line(lineno)->get_is_on_hold(); return b; } bool t_phone::is_line_muted(unsigned short lineno) const { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); bool b = get_line(lineno)->get_is_muted(); return b; } bool t_phone::is_line_transfer_consult(unsigned short lineno, unsigned short &transfer_from_line) const { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); bool b = get_line(lineno)->get_is_transfer_consult(transfer_from_line); return b; } bool t_phone::line_to_be_transferred(unsigned short lineno, unsigned short &transfer_to_line) const { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); bool b = get_line(lineno)->get_to_be_transferred(transfer_to_line); return b; } bool t_phone::is_line_encrypted(unsigned short lineno) const { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); bool b = get_line(lineno)->get_is_encrypted(); return b; } bool t_phone::is_line_auto_answered(unsigned short lineno) const { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); bool b = get_line(lineno)->get_auto_answer(); return b; } t_refer_state t_phone::get_line_refer_state(unsigned short lineno) const { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); t_refer_state s = get_line(lineno)->get_refer_state(); return s; } t_user *t_phone::get_line_user(unsigned short lineno) { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); t_user *user = get_line(lineno)->get_user(); return user; } bool t_phone::has_line_media(unsigned short lineno) const { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); bool b = get_line(lineno)->has_media(); return b; } bool t_phone::is_mwi_subscribed(t_user *user) const { bool result = false; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) result = pu->is_mwi_subscribed(); return result; } bool t_phone::is_mwi_terminated(t_user *user) const { bool result = false; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) result = pu->is_mwi_terminated(); return result; } t_mwi t_phone::get_mwi(t_user *user) const { t_mwi result; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) result = pu->mwi; return result; } bool t_phone::is_presence_terminated(t_user *user) const { bool result = false; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) result = pu->is_presence_terminated(); return result; } t_url t_phone::get_remote_uri(unsigned short lineno) const { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); t_url uri = get_line(lineno)->get_remote_uri(); return uri; } string t_phone::get_remote_display(unsigned short lineno) const { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); string display = get_line(lineno)->get_remote_display(); return display; } bool t_phone::part_of_3way(unsigned short lineno) { t_mutex_guard x(mutex_3way); if (!is_3way) { return false; } if (line1_3way->get_line_number() == lineno) { return true; } if (line2_3way->get_line_number() == lineno) { return true; } return false; } t_line *t_phone::get_3way_peer_line(unsigned short lineno) { t_mutex_guard x(mutex_3way); if (!is_3way) { return NULL; } if (line1_3way->get_line_number() == lineno) { return line2_3way; } return line1_3way; } bool t_phone::join_3way(unsigned short lineno1, unsigned short lineno2) { assert(lineno1 < NUM_USER_LINES); assert(lineno2 < NUM_USER_LINES); t_mutex_guard x3(mutex_3way); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); // Check if there isn't a 3-way already if (is_3way) { return false; } // Both lines must have a call. if (lines[lineno1]->get_substate() != LSSUB_ESTABLISHED || lines[lineno2]->get_substate() != LSSUB_ESTABLISHED) { return false; } // One of the lines must be on-hold t_line *held_line, *talking_line; if (lines[lineno1]->get_is_on_hold()) { held_line = lines[lineno1]; talking_line = lines[lineno2]; } else if (lines[lineno2]->get_is_on_hold()) { held_line = lines[lineno2]; talking_line = lines[lineno1]; } else { return false; } // Set 3-way data is_3way = true; line1_3way = talking_line; line2_3way = held_line; // The user may have put both lines on-hold. In this case the // talking line is on-hold too! if (talking_line->get_is_on_hold()) { // Retrieve the held call // As the 3-way indication (is_3way) is set, the audio sessions // will automatically connect to each other. talking_line->retrieve(); } else { // Start the 3-way on the talking line t_audio_session *as_talking = talking_line->get_audio_session(); if (as_talking) as_talking->start_3way(); } // Retrieve the held call held_line->retrieve(); return true; } void t_phone::notify_refer_progress(t_response *r, unsigned short referee_lineno) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); if (lines[LINENO_REFERRER]->get_state() != LS_IDLE) { lines[LINENO_REFERRER]->notify_refer_progress(r); if (!lines[LINENO_REFERRER]->active_dialog || lines[LINENO_REFERRER]->active_dialog->get_state() != DS_CONFIRMED) { // The call to the referrer has already been // terminated. return; } if (r->is_final()) { if (r->is_success()) { // Reference was successful, end the call with // with the referrer. log_file->write_header( "t_phone::notify_refer_progress"); log_file->write_raw( "Call to refer-target succeeded.\n"); log_file->write_raw( "End call with referrer.\n"); log_file->write_footer(); lines[LINENO_REFERRER]->end_call(); } else { // Reference failed, retrieve the call with the // referrer. log_file->write_header( "t_phone::notify_refer_progress"); log_file->write_raw( "Call to refer-target failed.\n"); log_file->write_raw( "Restore call with referrer.\n"); log_file->write_footer(); // Retrieve the parked line t_line *l = lines[referee_lineno]; lines[referee_lineno] = lines[LINENO_REFERRER]; lines[referee_lineno]->line_number = referee_lineno; lines[LINENO_REFERRER] = l; lines[LINENO_REFERRER]->line_number = LINENO_REFERRER; // Retrieve the call if the line is active if (referee_lineno == active_line) { log_file->write_report( "Retrieve call with referrer.", "t_phone::notify_refer_progress"); lines[referee_lineno]->retrieve(); } t_user *user_config = lines[referee_lineno]->get_user(); assert(user_config); ui->cb_retrieve_referrer(user_config, referee_lineno); } } } } t_call_info t_phone::get_call_info(unsigned short lineno) const { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); t_call_info call_info = get_line(lineno)->get_call_info(); return call_info; } t_call_record t_phone::get_call_hist(unsigned short lineno) const { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); t_call_record call_hist = get_line(lineno)->call_hist_record; return call_hist; } string t_phone::get_ringtone(unsigned short lineno) const { assert(lineno < lines.size()); t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); string ringtone = get_line(lineno)->get_ringtone(); return ringtone; } time_t t_phone::get_startup_time(void) const { return startup_time; } void t_phone::init_rtp_ports(void) { t_rwmutex_reader x(lines_mtx); for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { lines[i]->init_rtp_port(); } } bool t_phone::add_phone_user(const t_user &user_config, t_user **dup_user) { t_phone_user *existing_phone_user = NULL; t_rwmutex_writer x(phone_users_mtx); for (list::iterator i = phone_users.begin(); i != phone_users.end(); i++) { t_user *user = (*i)->get_user_profile(); // If the profile is already added, then just activate it. if (user->get_profile_name() == user_config.get_profile_name()) { existing_phone_user = (*i); // Continue checking to see if activating this user // does not conflict with another already active user. continue; } // Check if there is already another profile for the same // user. if (user->get_name() == user_config.get_name() && user->get_domain() == user_config.get_domain() && (*i)->is_active()) { *dup_user = user; return false; } // Check if there is already another profile having // the same contact name. if (user->get_contact_name() == user_config.get_contact_name() && USER_HOST(user, AUTO_IP4_ADDRESS) == USER_HOST(&user_config, AUTO_IP4_ADDRESS) && (*i)->is_active()) { *dup_user = user; return false; } } // Activate existing profile if (existing_phone_user) { if (!existing_phone_user->is_active()) { existing_phone_user->activate(user_config); } return true; } // Add the user t_phone_user *pu = new t_phone_user(user_config); MEMMAN_NEW(pu); phone_users.push_back(pu); return true; } void t_phone::remove_phone_user(const t_user &user_config) { t_rwmutex_writer x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user_config.get_profile_name()); if (pu) pu->deactivate(); } list t_phone::ref_users(void) { list l; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); for (list::iterator i = phone_users.begin(); i != phone_users.end(); i++) { if (!(*i)->is_active()) continue; l.push_back((*i)->get_user_profile()); } return l; } t_user *t_phone::ref_user_display_uri(const string &display_uri) { t_user *u = NULL; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); for (list::iterator i = phone_users.begin(); i != phone_users.end(); i++) { if (!(*i)->is_active()) continue; if ((*i)->get_user_profile()->get_display_uri() == display_uri) { u = (*i)->get_user_profile(); break; } } return u; } t_user *t_phone::ref_user_profile(const string &profile_name) { t_user *u = NULL; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(profile_name); if (pu) u = pu->get_user_profile(); return u; } t_service *t_phone::ref_service(t_user *user) { assert(user); t_service *srv = NULL; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) srv = pu->service; return srv; } t_buddy_list *t_phone::ref_buddy_list(t_user *user) { assert(user); t_buddy_list *l = NULL; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) l = pu->get_buddy_list(); return l; } t_presence_epa *t_phone::ref_presence_epa(t_user *user) { assert(user); t_presence_epa *epa = NULL; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) epa = pu->get_presence_epa(); return epa; } string t_phone::get_ip_sip(const t_user *user, const string &auto_ip) const { string result; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) { result = pu->get_ip_sip(auto_ip); } else { result = LOCAL_IP; } if (result == AUTO_IP4_ADDRESS) result = auto_ip; return result; } unsigned short t_phone::get_public_port_sip(const t_user *user) const { unsigned short result; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) { result = pu->get_public_port_sip(); } else { result = sys_config->get_sip_port(); } return result; } bool t_phone::use_stun(t_user *user) { bool result; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) { result = pu->use_stun; } else { result = false; } return result; } bool t_phone::use_nat_keepalive(t_user *user) { bool result; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) { result = pu->use_nat_keepalive; } else { result = false; } return result; } void t_phone::disable_stun(t_user *user) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) pu->use_stun = false; } void t_phone::sync_nat_keepalive(t_user *user) { t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) pu->sync_nat_keepalive(); } bool t_phone::stun_discover_nat(list &msg_list) { bool retval = true; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); for (list::iterator i = phone_users.begin(); i != phone_users.end(); ++i) { if (!(*i)->is_active()) continue; t_user *user_config = (*i)->get_user_profile(); if (user_config->get_sip_transport() == SIP_TRANS_UDP || user_config->get_sip_transport() == SIP_TRANS_AUTO) { if (user_config->get_use_stun()) { string msg; if (!::stun_discover_nat(*i, msg)) { string s("User profile: "); s + user_config->get_profile_name(); s += "\n\n"; s += msg; msg_list.push_back(s); retval = false; } } else { (*i)->use_nat_keepalive = user_config->get_enable_nat_keepalive(); } } } return retval; } bool t_phone::stun_discover_nat(t_user *user, string &msg) { bool retval = true; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); if (user->get_sip_transport() == SIP_TRANS_UDP || user->get_sip_transport() == SIP_TRANS_AUTO) { t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (user->get_use_stun()) { if (pu) retval = ::stun_discover_nat(pu, msg); } else { if (pu) pu->use_nat_keepalive = user->get_enable_nat_keepalive(); } } return retval; } t_response *t_phone::create_options_response(t_user *user, t_request *r, bool in_dialog) { t_response *resp; t_rwmutex_reader x(phone_users_mtx); t_phone_user *pu = find_phone_user(user->get_profile_name()); if (pu) { resp = pu->create_options_response(r, in_dialog); } else { resp = r->create_response(R_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } return resp; } void t_phone::init(void) { list user_list = ref_users(); for (list::iterator i = user_list.begin(); i != user_list.end(); i++) { // Automatic registration at startup if requested if ((*i)->get_register_at_startup()) { pub_registration(*i, REG_REGISTER, DUR_REGISTRATION(*i)); } else { // No registration will be done, so initialize extensions now. init_extensions(*i); } // NOTE: Extension initialization is done after registration. // This way STUN will have set the correct // IP adres (STUN is done as part of registration.) } } void t_phone::init_extensions(t_user *user_config) { // Subscribe to MWI if (user_config->get_mwi_sollicited()) { pub_subscribe_mwi(user_config); } // Publish presence if (user_config->get_pres_publish_startup()) { pub_publish_presence(user_config, t_presence_state::ST_BASIC_OPEN); } // Subscribe to presence pub_subscribe_presence(user_config); } bool t_phone::set_sighandler(void) const { struct sigaction sa; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = phone_sighandler; sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; if (sigaction (SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL) < 0) return false; if (sigaction (SIGTERM, &sa, NULL) < 0) return false; if (sigaction (SIGINT, &sa, NULL) < 0) return false; return true; } void t_phone::terminate(void) { string msg; lines_mtx.lockRead(); // Clear all lines log_file->write_report("Clear all lines.", "t_phone::terminate", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_CALL_LINES; i++) { switch (lines[i]->get_substate()) { case LSSUB_IDLE: case LSSUB_RELEASING: break; case LSSUB_SEIZED: lines[i]->unseize(); break; case LSSUB_INCOMING_PROGRESS: ui->cb_stop_call_notification(i); lines[i]->reject(); break; case LSSUB_OUTGOING_PROGRESS: ui->cb_stop_call_notification(i); // Fall thru case LSSUB_ANSWERING: case LSSUB_ESTABLISHED: lines[i]->end_call(); break; } } lines_mtx.unlock(); // Deactivate phone is_active = false; // De-register all registered users. list user_list = ref_users(); ui->cb_display_msg("Deregistering phone..."); for (list::iterator i = user_list.begin(); i != user_list.end(); i++) { // Unsubscribe MWI if (is_mwi_subscribed(*i)) { msg = (*i)->get_profile_name(); msg += ": Unsubscribe MWI."; log_file->write_report(msg, "t_phone::terminate", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); pub_unsubscribe_mwi(*i); } // Unpublish presence pub_unpublish_presence(*i); // Unsubscribe presence pub_unsubscribe_presence(*i); // De-register if (get_is_registered(*i)) { msg = (*i)->get_profile_name(); msg += ": Deregister."; log_file->write_report(msg, "t_phone::terminate", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); pub_registration(*i, REG_DEREGISTER); } } // Wait till phone is deregistered. for (list::iterator i = user_list.begin(); i != user_list.end(); i++) { while (get_is_registered(*i)) { sleep(1); } msg = (*i)->get_profile_name(); msg += ": Registration terminated."; log_file->write_report(msg, "t_phone::terminate", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); } // Wait for MWI unsubscription int mwi_wait = 0; for (list::iterator i = user_list.begin(); i != user_list.end(); i++) { while (!is_mwi_terminated(*i) && mwi_wait <= DUR_UNSUBSCRIBE_GUARD/1000) { sleep(1); mwi_wait++; } msg = (*i)->get_profile_name(); msg += ": MWI subscription terminated."; log_file->write_report(msg, "t_phone::terminate", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); } // Wait for presence unsubscription int presence_wait = 0; for (list::iterator i = user_list.begin(); i != user_list.end(); i++) { while (!is_presence_terminated(*i) && presence_wait <= DUR_UNSUBSCRIBE_GUARD/1000) { sleep(1); presence_wait++; } msg = (*i)->get_profile_name(); msg += ": presence subscriptions terminated."; log_file->write_report(msg, "t_phone::terminate", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); } // Wait till all lines are idle log_file->write_report("Waiting for all lines to become idle.", "t_phone::terminate", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); int dur = 0; while (dur < QUIT_IDLE_WAIT) { if (all_lines_idle()) break; sleep(1); dur++; } // Force lines to idle state if they could not be cleared // gracefully lines_mtx.lockRead(); for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines[i]->get_substate() != LSSUB_IDLE) { msg = "Force line %1 to idle state."; msg = replace_first(msg, "%1", int2str(i)); log_file->write_report(msg, "t_phone::terminate", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); lines[i]->force_idle(); } } lines_mtx.unlock(); log_file->write_report("Finished phone termination.", "t_phone::terminate", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); } void *phone_uas_main(void *arg) { phone->run(); return NULL; } void *phone_sigwait(void *arg) { sigset_t sigset; int sig; int child_status; pid_t pid; sigemptyset(&sigset); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGINT); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGCHLD); while (true) { // When SIGCONT is received after SIGSTOP, sigwait returns // with EINTR ?? if (sigwait(&sigset, &sig) == EINTR) continue; switch (sig) { case SIGINT: log_file->write_report("SIGINT received.", "::phone_sigwait"); ui->cmd_quit(); return NULL; case SIGTERM: log_file->write_report("SIGTERM received.", "::phone_sigwait"); ui->cmd_quit(); return NULL; case SIGCHLD: // Cleanup terminated child process pid = wait(&child_status); log_file->write_header("::phone_sigwait"); log_file->write_raw("SIGCHLD received.\n"); log_file->write_raw("Pid "); log_file->write_raw((int)pid); log_file->write_raw(" terminated.\n"); log_file->write_footer(); break; default: log_file->write_header("::phone_sigwait", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("Unexpected signal ("); log_file->write_raw(sig); log_file->write_raw(") received.\n"); log_file->write_footer(); } } } void phone_sighandler(int sig) { int child_status; pid_t pid; // Minimal processing should be done in a signal handler. // No I/O should be performed. switch (sig) { case SIGINT: // Post a quit command instead of executing it. As executing // involves a lock that may lead to a deadlock. ui->cmd_quit_async(); break; case SIGTERM: ui->cmd_quit_async(); break; case SIGCHLD: // Cleanup terminated child process pid = wait(&child_status); break; } }