/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "sip_body.h" #include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "sip_message.h" #include "util.h" #include "audits/memman.h" #include "audio/rtp_telephone_event.h" //////////////////////////////////// // class t_sip_body //////////////////////////////////// t_sip_body::t_sip_body() { invalid = false; } bool t_sip_body::local_ip_check(void) const { return true; } size_t t_sip_body::get_encoded_size(void) const { return encode().size(); } //////////////////////////////////// // class t_sip_xml_body //////////////////////////////////// void t_sip_body_xml::create_xml_doc(const string &xml_version, const string &charset) { clear_xml_doc(); // XML doc xml_doc = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST xml_version.c_str()); MEMMAN_NEW(xml_doc); xml_doc->encoding = xmlCharStrdup(charset.c_str()); } void t_sip_body_xml::clear_xml_doc(void) { if (xml_doc) { MEMMAN_DELETE(xml_doc); xmlFreeDoc(xml_doc); xml_doc = NULL; } } void t_sip_body_xml::copy_xml_doc(t_sip_body_xml *to_body) const { if (to_body->xml_doc) { to_body->clear_xml_doc(); } if (xml_doc) { to_body->xml_doc = xmlCopyDoc(xml_doc, 1); if (!to_body->xml_doc) { log_file->write_report("Failed to copy xml document.", "t_sip_body_xml::copy", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CRITICAL); } else { MEMMAN_NEW(to_body->xml_doc); } } } t_sip_body_xml::t_sip_body_xml() : t_sip_body(), xml_doc(NULL) {} t_sip_body_xml::~t_sip_body_xml() { clear_xml_doc(); } string t_sip_body_xml::encode(void) const { if (!xml_doc) { t_sip_body_xml *self = const_cast(this); self->create_xml_doc(); } assert(xml_doc); xmlChar *buf; int buf_size; xmlDocDumpMemory(xml_doc, &buf, &buf_size); string result((char*)buf); xmlFree(buf); return result; } bool t_sip_body_xml::parse(const string &s) { assert(xml_doc == NULL); xml_doc = xmlReadMemory(s.c_str(), s.size(), "noname.xml", NULL, XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS | XML_PARSE_NOERROR | XML_PARSE_NOWARNING); if (!xml_doc) { log_file->write_report("Failed to parse xml document.", "t_sip_body_xml::parse", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); } else { MEMMAN_NEW(xml_doc); } return (xml_doc != NULL); } //////////////////////////////////// // class t_sip_body_opaque //////////////////////////////////// t_sip_body_opaque::t_sip_body_opaque() : t_sip_body() {} t_sip_body_opaque::t_sip_body_opaque(string s) : t_sip_body(), opaque(s) {} string t_sip_body_opaque::encode(void) const { return opaque; } t_sip_body *t_sip_body_opaque::copy(void) const { t_sip_body_opaque *sb = new t_sip_body_opaque(*this); MEMMAN_NEW(sb); return sb; } t_body_type t_sip_body_opaque::get_type(void) const { return BODY_OPAQUE; } t_media t_sip_body_opaque::get_media(void) const { return t_media("application", "octet-stream"); } size_t t_sip_body_opaque::get_encoded_size(void) const { return opaque.size(); } //////////////////////////////////// // class t_sip_body_sipfrag //////////////////////////////////// t_sip_body_sipfrag::t_sip_body_sipfrag(t_sip_message *m) : t_sip_body() { sipfrag = m->copy(); } t_sip_body_sipfrag::~t_sip_body_sipfrag() { MEMMAN_DELETE(sipfrag); delete sipfrag; } string t_sip_body_sipfrag::encode(void) const { return sipfrag->encode(false); } t_sip_body *t_sip_body_sipfrag::copy(void) const { t_sip_body_sipfrag *sb = new t_sip_body_sipfrag(sipfrag); MEMMAN_NEW(sb); return sb; } t_body_type t_sip_body_sipfrag::get_type(void) const { return BODY_SIPFRAG; } t_media t_sip_body_sipfrag::get_media(void) const { return t_media("message", "sipfrag"); } //////////////////////////////////// // class t_sip_body_dtmf_relay //////////////////////////////////// t_sip_body_dtmf_relay::t_sip_body_dtmf_relay() : t_sip_body() { signal = '0'; duration = 250; } t_sip_body_dtmf_relay::t_sip_body_dtmf_relay(char _signal, uint16 _duration) : signal(_signal), duration(_duration) {} string t_sip_body_dtmf_relay::encode(void) const { string s = "Signal="; s += signal; s += CRLF; s += "Duration="; s += int2str(duration); s += CRLF; return s; } t_sip_body *t_sip_body_dtmf_relay::copy(void) const { t_sip_body_dtmf_relay *sb = new t_sip_body_dtmf_relay(*this); MEMMAN_NEW(sb); return sb; } t_body_type t_sip_body_dtmf_relay::get_type(void) const { return BODY_DTMF_RELAY; } t_media t_sip_body_dtmf_relay::get_media(void) const { return t_media("application", "dtmf-relay"); } bool t_sip_body_dtmf_relay::parse(const string &s) { signal = 0; duration = 250; bool valid = false; vector lines = split_linebreak(s); for (vector::iterator i = lines.begin(); i != lines.end(); i++) { string line = trim(*i); if (line.empty()) continue; vector l = split_on_first(line, '='); if (l.size() != 2) continue; string parameter = tolower(trim(l[0])); string value = tolower(trim(l[1])); if (value.empty()) continue; if (parameter == "signal") { if (!VALID_DTMF_SYM(value[0])) return false; signal = value[0]; valid = true; } else if (parameter == "duration") { duration = atoi(value.c_str()); if (duration == 0) return false; } } return valid; } //////////////////////////////////// // class t_sip_body_plain_text //////////////////////////////////// t_sip_body_plain_text::t_sip_body_plain_text() : t_sip_body() {} t_sip_body_plain_text::t_sip_body_plain_text(const string &_text) : t_sip_body(), text(_text) {} string t_sip_body_plain_text::encode(void) const { return text; } t_sip_body *t_sip_body_plain_text::copy(void) const { t_sip_body *sb = new t_sip_body_plain_text(*this); MEMMAN_NEW(sb); return sb; } t_body_type t_sip_body_plain_text::get_type(void) const { return BODY_PLAIN_TEXT; } t_media t_sip_body_plain_text::get_media(void) const { return t_media("text", "plain"); } size_t t_sip_body_plain_text::get_encoded_size(void) const { return text.size(); } //////////////////////////////////// // class t_sip_body_html_text //////////////////////////////////// t_sip_body_html_text::t_sip_body_html_text(const string &_text) : t_sip_body(), text(_text) {} string t_sip_body_html_text::encode(void) const { return text; } t_sip_body *t_sip_body_html_text::copy(void) const { t_sip_body *sb = new t_sip_body_html_text(*this); MEMMAN_NEW(sb); return sb; } t_body_type t_sip_body_html_text::get_type(void) const { return BODY_HTML_TEXT; } t_media t_sip_body_html_text::get_media(void) const { return t_media("text", "html"); } size_t t_sip_body_html_text::get_encoded_size(void) const { return text.size(); }