/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "simple_msg_sum_body.h" #include #include #include #include "protocol.h" #include "util.h" #include "audits/memman.h" t_msg_summary::t_msg_summary() : newmsgs(0), newmsgs_urgent(0), oldmsgs(0), oldmsgs_urgent(0) {} bool t_msg_summary::parse(const string &s) { newmsgs = 0; oldmsgs = 0; newmsgs_urgent = 0; oldmsgs_urgent = 0; // RFC 3842 5.2 // msg-summary-line = message-context-class HCOLON newmsgs SLASH oldmsgs // [ LPAREN new-urgentmsgs SLASH old-urgentmsgs RPAREN ] // This regex matches the part after HCOLON boost::regex re("(\\d+)\\s*/\\s*(\\d+)(?:\\s*\\((\\d+)\\s*/\\s*(\\d+)\\s*\\))?"); boost::smatch m; if (!boost::regex_match(s, m, re)) return false; if (m.size() == 3) { newmsgs = strtoul(m.str(1).c_str(), NULL, 10); oldmsgs = strtoul(m.str(2).c_str(), NULL, 10); return true; } else if (m.size() == 5) { newmsgs = strtoul(m.str(1).c_str(), NULL, 10); oldmsgs = strtoul(m.str(2).c_str(), NULL, 10); newmsgs_urgent = strtoul(m.str(3).c_str(), NULL, 10); oldmsgs_urgent = strtoul(m.str(4).c_str(), NULL, 10); return true; } return false; } void t_msg_summary::clear(void) { newmsgs = 0; newmsgs_urgent = 0; oldmsgs = 0; oldmsgs_urgent = 0; } bool t_simple_msg_sum_body::is_context(const string &s) { return ( s == MSG_CONTEXT_VOICE || s == MSG_CONTEXT_FAX || s == MSG_CONTEXT_MULTIMEDIA || s == MSG_CONTEXT_TEXT || s == MSG_CONTEXT_NONE); } t_simple_msg_sum_body::t_simple_msg_sum_body() : t_sip_body() {} string t_simple_msg_sum_body::encode(void) const { string s = "Messages-Waiting: "; s += (msg_waiting ? "yes" : "no"); s += CRLF; if (msg_account.is_valid()) { s += "Message-Account: "; s += msg_account.encode(); s += CRLF; } for (t_msg_sum_const_iter i = msg_summary.begin(); i != msg_summary.end(); ++i) { const t_msg_summary &summary = i->second; s += i->first; s += ": "; s += ulong2str(summary.newmsgs); s += "/"; s += ulong2str(summary.oldmsgs); if (summary.newmsgs_urgent > 0 || summary.oldmsgs_urgent > 0) { s += " ("; s += ulong2str(summary.newmsgs_urgent); s += "/"; s += ulong2str(summary.oldmsgs_urgent); s += ")"; } s += CRLF; } return s; } t_sip_body *t_simple_msg_sum_body::copy(void) const { t_simple_msg_sum_body *body = new t_simple_msg_sum_body(*this); MEMMAN_NEW(body); return body; } t_body_type t_simple_msg_sum_body::get_type(void) const { return BODY_SIMPLE_MSG_SUM; } t_media t_simple_msg_sum_body::get_media(void) const { return t_media("application", "simple-message-summary"); } void t_simple_msg_sum_body::add_msg_summary(const string &context, const t_msg_summary summary) { msg_summary.insert(make_pair(context, summary)); } bool t_simple_msg_sum_body::get_msg_waiting(void) const { return msg_waiting; } t_url t_simple_msg_sum_body::get_msg_account(void) const { return msg_account; } bool t_simple_msg_sum_body::get_msg_summary(const string &context, t_msg_summary &summary) const { t_msg_sum_const_iter it = msg_summary.find(context); if (it == msg_summary.end()) return false; summary = it->second; return true; } bool t_simple_msg_sum_body::parse(const string &s) { bool valid = false; vector lines = split_linebreak(s); for (vector::iterator i = lines.begin(); i != lines.end(); ++i) { string line = trim(*i); if (line.empty()) continue; vector l = split_on_first(line, ':'); if (l.size() != 2) continue; string header = tolower(trim(l[0])); string value = tolower(trim(l[1])); if (value.empty()) continue; if (header == "messages-waiting") { if (value == "yes") { msg_waiting = true; valid = true; } else if (value == "no") { msg_waiting = false; valid = true; } } else if (header == "message-account") { msg_account.set_url(value); } else if (is_context(header)) { t_msg_summary summary; if (summary.parse(value)) { add_msg_summary(header, summary); } } } invalid = !valid; return valid; }