/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include "exceptions.h" #include "line.h" #include "log.h" #include "sdp/sdp.h" #include "util.h" #include "user.h" #include "userintf.h" #include "audits/memman.h" extern t_event_queue *evq_timekeeper; /////////////// // t_call_info /////////////// t_call_info::t_call_info() { clear(); } void t_call_info::clear(void) { t_mutex_guard g(mutex); from_uri.set_url(""); from_display.clear(); from_display_override.clear(); from_organization.clear(); to_uri.set_url(""); to_display.clear(); to_organization.clear(); subject.clear(); dtmf_supported = false; hdr_referred_by = t_hdr_referred_by(); last_provisional_reason.clear(); send_codec = CODEC_NULL; recv_codec = CODEC_NULL; refer_supported = false; } string t_call_info::get_from_display_presentation(void) const { t_mutex_guard g(mutex); if (from_display_override.empty()) { return from_display; } else { return from_display_override; } } /////////// // t_line /////////// /////////// // Private /////////// t_dialog *t_line::match_response(t_response *r, const list &l) const { list::const_iterator i; for (i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->match_response(r, 0)) return *i; } return NULL; } t_dialog *t_line::match_response(StunMessage *r, t_tuid tuid, const list &l) const { list::const_iterator i; for (i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->match_response(r, tuid)) return *i; } return NULL; } t_dialog *t_line::match_call_id_tags(const string &call_id, const string &to_tag, const string &from_tag, const list &l) const { list::const_iterator i; for (i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->match(call_id, to_tag, from_tag)) return *i; } return NULL; } t_dialog *t_line::get_dialog(t_object_id did) const { list::const_iterator i; if (did == 0) return NULL; if (open_dialog && open_dialog->get_object_id() == did) { return open_dialog; } if (active_dialog && active_dialog->get_object_id() == did) { return active_dialog; } for (i = pending_dialogs.begin(); i != pending_dialogs.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->get_object_id() == did) return *i; } for (i = dying_dialogs.begin(); i != dying_dialogs.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->get_object_id() == did) return *i; } return NULL; } void t_line::cleanup(void) { list::iterator i; if (open_dialog && open_dialog->get_state() == DS_TERMINATED) { MEMMAN_DELETE(open_dialog); delete open_dialog; open_dialog = NULL; } if (active_dialog && active_dialog->get_state() == DS_TERMINATED) { MEMMAN_DELETE(active_dialog); delete active_dialog; active_dialog = NULL; stop_timer(LTMR_INVITE_COMP); stop_timer(LTMR_NO_ANSWER); // If the call has been ended within 64*T1 seconds // after the reception of the first 2XX response, there // might still be open and pending dialogs. To be nice these // dialogs should be kept till the 64*T1 timer expires. // This complicates the setup of new call however. For // now the dialogs will be killed. If a slow UAS // still responds, it has bad luck and will time out. // // TODO: // A nice solution would be to move the pending and open // dialog to the dying dialog and start a new time 64*T1 // timer to keep the dying dialogs alive. A sequence of // a few short calls would add to the dying dialogs and // keep some dialogs alive longer than necessary. This // only has an impact on resources, not on signalling. // Note that the open dialog must be appended after the // pending dialogs, otherwise all received responses for // a pending dialog will match the open dialog if that // match is tried first by match_response() for (i = pending_dialogs.begin(); i != pending_dialogs.end(); i++) { MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; } pending_dialogs.clear(); if (open_dialog) { MEMMAN_DELETE(open_dialog); delete open_dialog; } open_dialog = NULL; } if (active_dialog) { if (active_dialog->get_state() == DS_CONFIRMED_SUB) { // The calls have been released but a subscription is // still active. substate = LSSUB_RELEASING; } else if (active_dialog->will_release()) { substate = LSSUB_RELEASING; } } for (i = pending_dialogs.begin(); i != pending_dialogs.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->get_state() == DS_TERMINATED) { MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; *i = NULL; } } pending_dialogs.remove(NULL); for (i = dying_dialogs.begin(); i != dying_dialogs.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->get_state() == DS_TERMINATED) { MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; *i = NULL; } } dying_dialogs.remove(NULL); if (!open_dialog && !active_dialog && pending_dialogs.size() == 0) { state = LS_IDLE; if (keep_seized) { substate = LSSUB_SEIZED; } else { substate = LSSUB_IDLE; } is_on_hold = false; is_muted = false; hide_user = false; cleanup_transfer_consult_state(); try_to_encrypt = false; auto_answer = false; call_info.clear(); call_history->add_call_record(call_hist_record); call_hist_record.renew(); phone_user = NULL; user_defined_ringtone.clear(); ui->cb_line_state_changed(); } } void t_line::cleanup_open_pending(void) { if (open_dialog) { MEMMAN_DELETE(open_dialog); delete open_dialog; open_dialog = NULL; } list::iterator i; for (i = pending_dialogs.begin(); i != pending_dialogs.end(); i++) { MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; } pending_dialogs.clear(); if (!active_dialog) { is_on_hold = false; is_muted = false; hide_user = false; cleanup_transfer_consult_state(); try_to_encrypt = false; auto_answer = false; state = LS_IDLE; if (keep_seized) { substate = LSSUB_SEIZED; } else { substate = LSSUB_IDLE; } call_info.clear(); call_history->add_call_record(call_hist_record); call_hist_record.renew(); phone_user = NULL; user_defined_ringtone.clear(); ui->cb_line_state_changed(); } } void t_line::cleanup_forced(void) { list::iterator i; if (open_dialog) { MEMMAN_DELETE(open_dialog); delete open_dialog; open_dialog = NULL; } if (active_dialog) { MEMMAN_DELETE(active_dialog); delete active_dialog; active_dialog = NULL; } for (i = pending_dialogs.begin(); i != pending_dialogs.end(); i++) { MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; *i = NULL; } pending_dialogs.remove(NULL); for (i = dying_dialogs.begin(); i != dying_dialogs.end(); i++) { MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; *i = NULL; } dying_dialogs.remove(NULL); // TODO: stop running timers? state = LS_IDLE; substate = LSSUB_IDLE; keep_seized = false; is_on_hold = false; is_muted = false; hide_user = false; cleanup_transfer_consult_state(); auto_answer = false; call_info.clear(); call_history->add_call_record(call_hist_record); call_hist_record.renew(); phone_user = NULL; user_defined_ringtone.clear(); ui->cb_line_state_changed(); } void t_line::cleanup_transfer_consult_state(void) { if (is_transfer_consult) { t_line *from_line = phone->get_line(consult_transfer_from_line); from_line->set_to_be_transferred(false, 0); is_transfer_consult = false; } if (to_be_transferred) { t_line *to_line = phone->get_line(consult_transfer_to_line); to_line->set_is_transfer_consult(false, 0); to_be_transferred = false; } } /////////// // Public /////////// t_line::t_line(t_phone *_phone, unsigned short _line_number) : t_id_object() { // NOTE: The rtp_port attribute can only be initialized when // a user profile has been selected. phone = _phone; state = LS_IDLE; substate = LSSUB_IDLE; open_dialog = NULL; active_dialog = NULL; is_on_hold = false; is_muted = false; hide_user = false; is_transfer_consult = false; to_be_transferred = false; try_to_encrypt = false; auto_answer = false; line_number = _line_number; id_invite_comp = 0; id_no_answer = 0; phone_user = NULL; user_defined_ringtone.clear(); keep_seized = false; } t_line::~t_line() { list::iterator i; // Stop timers if (id_invite_comp) stop_timer(LTMR_INVITE_COMP); if (id_no_answer) stop_timer(LTMR_NO_ANSWER); // Delete pointers if (open_dialog) { MEMMAN_DELETE(open_dialog); delete open_dialog; } if (active_dialog) { MEMMAN_DELETE(active_dialog); delete active_dialog; } // Delete dialogs for (i = pending_dialogs.begin(); i != pending_dialogs.end(); i++) { MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; } for (i = dying_dialogs.begin(); i != dying_dialogs.end(); i++) { MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; } } t_line_state t_line::get_state(void) const { return state; } t_line_substate t_line::get_substate(void) const { return substate; } t_refer_state t_line::get_refer_state(void) const { if (active_dialog) return active_dialog->refer_state; return REFST_NULL; } void t_line::start_timer(t_line_timer timer, t_object_id did) { t_tmr_line *t; t_dialog *dialog = get_dialog(did); unsigned long dur; assert(phone_user); switch(timer) { case LTMR_ACK_TIMEOUT: assert(dialog); // RFC 3261 if (dialog->dur_ack_timeout == 0) { dialog->dur_ack_timeout = DURATION_T1; } else { dialog->dur_ack_timeout *= 2; if (dialog->dur_ack_timeout > DURATION_T2 ) { dialog->dur_ack_timeout = DURATION_T2; } } t = new t_tmr_line(dialog->dur_ack_timeout , timer, get_object_id(), did); MEMMAN_NEW(t); dialog->id_ack_timeout = t->get_object_id(); break; case LTMR_ACK_GUARD: assert(dialog); // RFC 3261 t = new t_tmr_line(64 * DURATION_T1, timer, get_object_id(), did); MEMMAN_NEW(t); dialog->id_ack_guard = t->get_object_id(); break; case LTMR_INVITE_COMP: // RFC 3261 t = new t_tmr_line(64 * DURATION_T1, timer, get_object_id(), did); MEMMAN_NEW(t); id_invite_comp = t->get_object_id(); break; case LTMR_NO_ANSWER: t = new t_tmr_line(DUR_NO_ANSWER(phone_user->get_user_profile()), timer, get_object_id(), did); MEMMAN_NEW(t); id_no_answer = t->get_object_id(); break; case LTMR_RE_INVITE_GUARD: assert(dialog); t = new t_tmr_line(DUR_RE_INVITE_GUARD, timer, get_object_id(), did); MEMMAN_NEW(t); dialog->id_re_invite_guard = t->get_object_id(); break; case LTMR_GLARE_RETRY: assert(dialog); if (dialog->is_call_id_owner()) { dur = DUR_GLARE_RETRY_OWN; } else { dur = DUR_GLARE_RETRY_NOT_OWN; } t = new t_tmr_line(dur, timer, get_object_id(), did); MEMMAN_NEW(t); dialog->id_glare_retry = t->get_object_id(); break; case LTMR_100REL_TIMEOUT: assert(dialog); // RFC 3262 3 if (dialog->dur_100rel_timeout == 0) { dialog->dur_100rel_timeout = DUR_100REL_TIMEOUT; } else { dialog->dur_100rel_timeout *= 2; } t = new t_tmr_line(dialog->dur_100rel_timeout , timer, get_object_id(), did); MEMMAN_NEW(t); dialog->id_100rel_timeout = t->get_object_id(); break; case LTMR_100REL_GUARD: assert(dialog); // RFC 3262 3 t = new t_tmr_line(DUR_100REL_GUARD, timer, get_object_id(), did); MEMMAN_NEW(t); dialog->id_100rel_guard = t->get_object_id(); break; case LTMR_CANCEL_GUARD: assert(dialog); t = new t_tmr_line(DUR_CANCEL_GUARD, timer, get_object_id(), did); MEMMAN_NEW(t); dialog->id_cancel_guard = t->get_object_id(); break; default: assert(false); } evq_timekeeper->push_start_timer(t); MEMMAN_DELETE(t); delete t; } void t_line::stop_timer(t_line_timer timer, t_object_id did) { t_object_id *id; t_dialog *dialog = get_dialog(did); switch(timer) { case LTMR_ACK_TIMEOUT: assert(dialog); dialog->dur_ack_timeout = 0; id = &dialog->id_ack_timeout; break; case LTMR_ACK_GUARD: assert(dialog); id = &dialog->id_ack_guard; break; case LTMR_INVITE_COMP: id = &id_invite_comp; break; case LTMR_NO_ANSWER: id = &id_no_answer; break; case LTMR_RE_INVITE_GUARD: assert(dialog); id = &dialog->id_re_invite_guard; break; case LTMR_GLARE_RETRY: assert(dialog); id = &dialog->id_glare_retry; break; case LTMR_100REL_TIMEOUT: assert(dialog); dialog->dur_100rel_timeout = 0; id = &dialog->id_100rel_timeout; break; case LTMR_100REL_GUARD: assert(dialog); id = &dialog->id_100rel_guard; break; case LTMR_CANCEL_GUARD: assert(dialog); id = &dialog->id_cancel_guard; // KLUDGE if (*id == 0) { // Cancel is always sent on the open dialog. // The timer is probably stopped from a pending dialog, // therefore the timer is stopped on the wrong dialog. // Check if the open dialog has a CANCEL guard timer. if (open_dialog) id = &open_dialog->id_cancel_guard; } break; default: assert(false); } if (*id != 0) evq_timekeeper->push_stop_timer(*id); *id = 0; } void t_line::invite(t_phone_user *pu, const t_url &to_uri, const string &to_display, const string &subject, bool no_fork, bool anonymous) { t_hdr_request_disposition hdr_request_disposition; if (no_fork) { hdr_request_disposition.set_fork_directive( t_hdr_request_disposition::NO_FORK); } invite(pu, to_uri, to_display, subject, t_hdr_referred_by(), t_hdr_replaces(), t_hdr_require(), hdr_request_disposition, anonymous); } void t_line::invite(t_phone_user *pu, const t_url &to_uri, const string &to_display, const string &subject, const t_hdr_referred_by &hdr_referred_by, const t_hdr_replaces &hdr_replaces, const t_hdr_require &hdr_require, const t_hdr_request_disposition &hdr_request_disposition, bool anonymous) { assert(pu); // Ignore if line is not idle if (state != LS_IDLE) { return; } assert(!open_dialog); // Validate speaker and mic string error_msg; if (!sys_config->exec_audio_validation(false, true, true, error_msg)) { ui->cb_show_msg(error_msg, MSG_CRITICAL); return; } phone_user = pu; t_user *user_config = pu->get_user_profile(); call_info.mutex.lock(); call_info.from_uri = create_user_uri(); // NOTE: hide_user is not set yet call_info.from_display = user_config->get_display(false); call_info.from_organization = user_config->get_organization(); call_info.to_uri = to_uri; call_info.to_display = to_display; call_info.to_organization.clear(); call_info.subject = subject; call_info.hdr_referred_by = hdr_referred_by; call_info.mutex.unlock(); try_to_encrypt = user_config->get_zrtp_enabled(); state = LS_BUSY; substate = LSSUB_OUTGOING_PROGRESS; hide_user = anonymous; ui->cb_line_state_changed(); open_dialog = new t_dialog(this); MEMMAN_NEW(open_dialog); open_dialog->send_invite(to_uri, to_display, subject, hdr_referred_by, hdr_replaces, hdr_require, hdr_request_disposition, anonymous); cleanup(); } void t_line::answer(void) { // Ignore if line is idle if (state == LS_IDLE) return; assert(active_dialog); // Validate speaker and mic string error_msg; if (!sys_config->exec_audio_validation(false, true, true, error_msg)) { ui->cb_show_msg(error_msg, MSG_CRITICAL); return; } stop_timer(LTMR_NO_ANSWER); try { substate = LSSUB_ANSWERING; ui->cb_line_state_changed(); active_dialog->answer(); } catch (t_exception x) { // TODO: there is no call to answer } cleanup(); } void t_line::reject(void) { // Ignore if line is idle if (state == LS_IDLE) return; assert(active_dialog); stop_timer(LTMR_NO_ANSWER); try { active_dialog->reject(R_603_DECLINE); } catch (t_exception x) { // TODO: there is no call to reject } cleanup(); } void t_line::redirect(const list &destinations, int code, string reason) { // Ignore if line is idle if (state == LS_IDLE) return; assert(active_dialog); stop_timer(LTMR_NO_ANSWER); try { active_dialog->redirect(destinations, code, reason); } catch (t_exception x) { // TODO: there is no call to redirect } cleanup(); } void t_line::end_call(void) { // Ignore if phone is idle if (state == LS_IDLE) return; if (active_dialog) { substate = LSSUB_RELEASING; ui->cb_line_state_changed(); ui->cb_stop_call_notification(line_number); active_dialog->send_bye(); // If the line was part of a transfer with consultation, // then clean the consultation state as the transfer cannot // proceed anymore. cleanup_transfer_consult_state(); cleanup(); return; } // Always send the CANCEL on the open dialog. // The pending dialogs will be cleared when the INVITE gets // terminated. // CANCEL is send on the open dialog as the CANCEL must have // the same tags as the INVITE. if (open_dialog) { substate = LSSUB_RELEASING; ui->cb_line_state_changed(); ui->cb_stop_call_notification(line_number); open_dialog->send_cancel(!pending_dialogs.empty()); // Make sure dialog is terminated if CANCEL glares with // 2XX on INVITE. for (list::iterator i = pending_dialogs.begin(); i != pending_dialogs.end(); i++) { (*i)->set_end_after_2xx_invite(true); } cleanup(); return; } // NOTE: // The call is only ended for real when the dialog reaches // the DS_TERMINATED state, i.e. a 200 OK on BYE is received // or a 487 TERMINATED on INVITE is received. } void t_line::send_dtmf(char digit, bool inband, bool info) { // DTMF may be sent on an early media session, so find // a dialog that has an RTP session. There can be at most 1. t_dialog *d = get_dialog_with_active_session(); if (d) { d->send_dtmf(digit, inband, info); cleanup(); return; } } void t_line::options(void) { if (active_dialog && active_dialog->get_state() == DS_CONFIRMED) { active_dialog->send_options(); cleanup(); return; } } bool t_line::hold(bool rtponly) { if (is_on_hold) return true; if (active_dialog && active_dialog->get_state() == DS_CONFIRMED) { active_dialog->hold(rtponly); is_on_hold = true; ui->cb_line_state_changed(); cleanup(); return true; } return false; } void t_line::retrieve(void) { if (!is_on_hold) return; if (active_dialog && active_dialog->get_state() == DS_CONFIRMED) { active_dialog->retrieve(); is_on_hold = false; ui->cb_line_state_changed(); cleanup(); return; } } void t_line::kill_rtp(void) { if (active_dialog) active_dialog->kill_rtp(); for (list::iterator i = pending_dialogs.begin(); i != pending_dialogs.end(); i++) { (*i)->kill_rtp(); } for (list::iterator i = dying_dialogs.begin(); i != dying_dialogs.end(); i++) { (*i)->kill_rtp(); } } void t_line::refer(const t_url &uri, const string &display) { if (active_dialog && active_dialog->get_state() == DS_CONFIRMED) { active_dialog->send_refer(uri, display); ui->cb_line_state_changed(); cleanup(); return; } } void t_line::mute(bool enable) { is_muted = enable; } void t_line::recvd_provisional(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { t_dialog *d; if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_response(r, 0)) { active_dialog->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); cleanup(); return; } d = match_response(r, pending_dialogs); if (d) { d->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); cleanup(); return; } d = match_response(r, dying_dialogs); if (d) { d->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); cleanup(); return; } if (open_dialog && open_dialog->match_response(r, tuid)) { if (r->hdr_cseq.method == INVITE) { if (r->hdr_to.tag.size() > 0) { // Create a new pending dialog d = open_dialog->copy(); pending_dialogs.push_back(d); d->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); } else { open_dialog->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); } } else { open_dialog->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); } cleanup(); return; } // out-of-dialog response // Provisional responses should only be given for INVITE. // A response for an INVITE is always in a dialog. // Ignore provisional responses for other requests. } void t_line::recvd_success(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { t_dialog *d; if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_response(r, 0)) { active_dialog->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); cleanup(); return; } d = match_response(r, pending_dialogs); if (d) { d->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); if (r->hdr_cseq.method == INVITE) { if (!active_dialog) { // Make the dialog the active dialog active_dialog = d; pending_dialogs.remove(d); start_timer(LTMR_INVITE_COMP); substate = LSSUB_ESTABLISHED; ui->cb_line_state_changed(); } else { // An active dialog already exists. // Terminate this dialog by sending BYE d->send_bye(); } } cleanup(); return; } d = match_response(r, dying_dialogs); if (d) { d->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); if (r->hdr_cseq.method == INVITE) { d->send_bye(); } cleanup(); return; } if (open_dialog && open_dialog->match_response(r, tuid)) { if (r->hdr_cseq.method == INVITE) { // Create a new dialog d = open_dialog->copy(); if (!active_dialog) { active_dialog = d; active_dialog->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); start_timer(LTMR_INVITE_COMP); substate = LSSUB_ESTABLISHED; ui->cb_line_state_changed(); } else { pending_dialogs.push_back(d); d->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); // An active dialog already exists. // Terminate this dialog by sending BYE d->send_bye(); } } else { open_dialog->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); } cleanup(); return; } // Response does not match with any pending request. Discard. } void t_line::recvd_redirect(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { t_dialog *d; assert(phone_user); t_user *user_config = phone_user->get_user_profile(); if (active_dialog) { // If an active dialog exists then non-2XX should // only be for this dialog. if (active_dialog->match_response(r, 0)) { // Redirection of mid-dialog request if (!user_config->get_allow_redirection() || !active_dialog->redirect_request(r)) { // Redirection not allowed/failed active_dialog->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); } // Retrieve a held line after a REFER failure if (r->hdr_cseq.method == REFER && active_dialog->out_refer_req_failed) { active_dialog->out_refer_req_failed = false; if (phone->get_active_line() == line_number && user_config->get_referrer_hold()) { retrieve(); } } } cleanup(); return; } d = match_response(r, pending_dialogs); if (d) { d->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); if (r->hdr_cseq.method == INVITE) { pending_dialogs.remove(d); MEMMAN_DELETE(d); delete d; // RFC 3261 // All early dialogs are considered terminated // upon reception of the non-2xx final response. list::iterator i; for (i = pending_dialogs.begin(); i != pending_dialogs.end(); i++) { MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; } pending_dialogs.clear(); if (open_dialog) { if (!user_config->get_allow_redirection() || !open_dialog->redirect_invite(r)) { MEMMAN_DELETE(open_dialog); delete open_dialog; open_dialog = NULL; } } } cleanup(); return; } d = match_response(r, dying_dialogs); if (d) { d->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); cleanup(); return; } if (open_dialog && open_dialog->match_response(r, tuid)) { if (r->hdr_cseq.method != INVITE) { // TODO: can there be a non-INVITE response for an // open dialog?? open_dialog->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); } if (r->hdr_cseq.method == INVITE) { if (!user_config->get_allow_redirection() || !open_dialog->redirect_invite(r)) { // Redirection failed/not allowed open_dialog->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(open_dialog); delete open_dialog; open_dialog = NULL; } // RFC 3261 // All early dialogs are considered terminated // upon reception of the non-2xx final response. list::iterator i; for (i = pending_dialogs.begin(); i != pending_dialogs.end(); i++) { MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; } pending_dialogs.clear(); } cleanup(); return; } // out-of-dialog responses should be handled by the phone } void t_line::recvd_client_error(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { t_dialog *d; assert(phone_user); t_user *user_config = phone_user->get_user_profile(); if (active_dialog) { // If an active dialog exists then non-2XX should // only be for this dialog. if (active_dialog->match_response(r, 0)) { bool response_processed = false; if (r->must_authenticate()) { // Authentication for mid-dialog request if (active_dialog->resend_request_auth(r)) { // Authorization successul. // The response does not need to be // processed any further response_processed = true; } } if (!response_processed) { // The request failed, redirect it if there // are other destinations available. if (!user_config->get_allow_redirection() || !active_dialog->redirect_request(r)) { // Request failed active_dialog-> recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); } } // Retrieve a held line after a REFER failure if (r->hdr_cseq.method == REFER && active_dialog->out_refer_req_failed) { active_dialog->out_refer_req_failed = false; if (phone->get_active_line() == line_number && user_config->get_referrer_hold()) { retrieve(); } } } cleanup(); return; } d = match_response(r, pending_dialogs); if (d) { if (r->hdr_cseq.method != INVITE) { if (r->must_authenticate()) { // Authentication for non-INVITE request in pending dialog if (!d->resend_request_auth(r)) { // Could not authorize, send response to dialog // where it will be handle as a client failure. d->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); } } else { d->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); } } else { d->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); pending_dialogs.remove(d); MEMMAN_DELETE(d); delete d; // RFC 3261 // All early dialogs are considered terminated // upon reception of the non-2xx final response. list::iterator i; for (i = pending_dialogs.begin(); i != pending_dialogs.end(); i++) { MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; } pending_dialogs.clear(); if (open_dialog) { bool response_processed = false; if (r->must_authenticate()) { // INVITE authentication if (open_dialog->resend_invite_auth(r)) { // Authorization successul. // The response does not need to // be processed any further response_processed = true; } } // Resend INVITE if the response indicated that // required extensions are not supported. if (!response_processed && open_dialog->resend_invite_unsupported(r)) { response_processed = true; } if (!response_processed) { // The request failed, redirect it if there // are other destinations available. if (!user_config->get_allow_redirection() || !open_dialog->redirect_invite(r)) { // Request failed MEMMAN_DELETE(open_dialog); delete open_dialog; open_dialog = NULL; } } } } cleanup(); return; } d = match_response(r, dying_dialogs); if (d) { d->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); cleanup(); return; } if (open_dialog && open_dialog->match_response(r, tuid)) { // If the response is a 401/407 then do not send the // response to the dialog as the request must be resent. // For an INVITE request, the transaction layer has already // sent ACK for a failure response. if (r->hdr_cseq.method != INVITE) { if (r->must_authenticate()) { // Authenticate non-INVITE request if (!open_dialog->resend_request_auth(r)) { // Could not authorize, handle as other client // errors. open_dialog->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); } } else { open_dialog->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); } } if (r->hdr_cseq.method == INVITE) { bool response_processed = false; if (r->must_authenticate()) { // INVITE authentication if (open_dialog->resend_invite_auth(r)) { // Authorization successul. // The response does not need to // be processed any further response_processed = true; } } // Resend INVITE if the response indicated that // required extensions are not supported. if (!response_processed && open_dialog->resend_invite_unsupported(r)) { response_processed = true; } if (!response_processed) { // The request failed, redirect it if there // are other destinations available. if (!user_config->get_allow_redirection() || !open_dialog->redirect_invite(r)) { // Request failed open_dialog->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(open_dialog); delete open_dialog; open_dialog = NULL; } } // RFC 3261 // All early dialogs are considered terminated // upon reception of the non-2xx final response. list::iterator i; for (i = pending_dialogs.begin(); i != pending_dialogs.end(); i++) { MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; } pending_dialogs.clear(); } cleanup(); return; } // out-of-dialog responses should be handled by the phone } void t_line::recvd_server_error(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { t_dialog *d; assert(phone_user); t_user *user_config = phone_user->get_user_profile(); if (active_dialog) { // If an active dialog exists then non-2XX should // only be for this dialog. if (active_dialog->match_response(r, 0)) { bool response_processed = false; if (r->code == R_503_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) { // RFC 3263 4.3 // Failover to next destination if (active_dialog->failover_request(r)) { // Failover successul. // The response does not need to be // processed any further response_processed = true; } } if (!response_processed) { // The request failed, redirect it if there // are other destinations available. if (!user_config->get_allow_redirection() || !active_dialog->redirect_request(r)) { // Request failed active_dialog-> recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); } } // Retrieve a held line after a REFER failure if (r->hdr_cseq.method == REFER && active_dialog->out_refer_req_failed) { active_dialog->out_refer_req_failed = false; if (phone->get_active_line() == line_number && user_config->get_referrer_hold()) { retrieve(); } } } cleanup(); return; } d = match_response(r, pending_dialogs); if (d) { d->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); if (r->hdr_cseq.method == INVITE) { pending_dialogs.remove(d); MEMMAN_DELETE(d); delete d; // RFC 3261 // All early dialogs are considered terminated // upon reception of the non-2xx final response. list::iterator i; for (i = pending_dialogs.begin(); i != pending_dialogs.end(); i++) { MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; } pending_dialogs.clear(); if (open_dialog) { bool response_processed = false; if (r->code == R_503_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) { // INVITE failover if (open_dialog->failover_invite()) { // Failover successul. // The response does not need to // be processed any further response_processed = true; } } if (!response_processed) { // The request failed, redirect it if there // are other destinations available. if (!user_config->get_allow_redirection() || !open_dialog->redirect_invite(r)) { // Request failed MEMMAN_DELETE(open_dialog); delete open_dialog; open_dialog = NULL; } } } } cleanup(); return; } d = match_response(r, dying_dialogs); if (d) { d->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); cleanup(); return; } if (open_dialog && open_dialog->match_response(r, tuid)) { // If the response is a 503 then do not send the // response to the dialog as the request must be resent. // For an INVITE request, the transaction layer has already // sent ACK for a failure response. if (r->code != R_503_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE && r->hdr_cseq.method != INVITE) { open_dialog->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); } if (r->hdr_cseq.method == INVITE) { bool response_processed = false; if (r->code == R_503_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) { // INVITE failover if (open_dialog->failover_invite()) { // Failover successul. // The response does not need to // be processed any further response_processed = true; } } if (!response_processed) { // The request failed, redirect it if there // are other destinations available. if (!user_config->get_allow_redirection() || !open_dialog->redirect_invite(r)) { // Request failed open_dialog->recvd_response(r, tuid, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(open_dialog); delete open_dialog; open_dialog = NULL; } } // RFC 3261 // All early dialogs are considered terminated // upon reception of the non-2xx final response. list::iterator i; for (i = pending_dialogs.begin(); i != pending_dialogs.end(); i++) { MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; } pending_dialogs.clear(); } cleanup(); return; } // out-of-dialog responses should be handled by the phone } void t_line::recvd_global_error(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { recvd_redirect(r, tuid, tid); } void t_line::recvd_invite(t_phone_user *pu, t_request *r, t_tid tid, const string &ringtone) { t_user *user_config = NULL; switch (state) { case LS_IDLE: assert(!active_dialog); assert(r->hdr_to.tag == ""); /* // TEST ONLY // Test code to test INVITE authentication if (!r->hdr_authorization.is_populated()) { resp = r->create_response(R_401_UNAUTHORIZED); t_challenge c; c.auth_scheme = AUTH_DIGEST; c.digest_challenge.realm = "mtel.nl"; c.digest_challenge.nonce = "0123456789abcdef"; c.digest_challenge.opaque = "secret"; c.digest_challenge.algorithm = ALG_MD5; c.digest_challenge.qop_options.push_back(QOP_AUTH); c.digest_challenge.qop_options.push_back(QOP_AUTH_INT); resp->hdr_www_authenticate.set_challenge(c); send_response(resp, 0, tid); return; } */ assert(pu); phone_user = pu; user_config = phone_user->get_user_profile(); user_defined_ringtone = ringtone; call_info.mutex.lock(); call_info.from_uri = r->hdr_from.uri; call_info.from_display = r->hdr_from.display; call_info.from_display_override = r->hdr_from.display_override; if (r->hdr_organization.is_populated()) { call_info.from_organization = r->hdr_organization.name; } else { call_info.from_organization.clear(); } call_info.to_uri = r->hdr_to.uri; call_info.to_display = r->hdr_to.display; call_info.to_organization.clear(); call_info.subject = r->hdr_subject.subject; call_info.mutex.unlock(); try_to_encrypt = user_config->get_zrtp_enabled(); // Check for REFER support // If the Allow header is not present then assume REFER // is supported. if (!r->hdr_allow.is_populated() || r->hdr_allow.contains_method(REFER)) { call_info.refer_supported = true; } active_dialog = new t_dialog(this); MEMMAN_NEW(active_dialog); active_dialog->recvd_request(r, 0, tid); state = LS_BUSY; substate = LSSUB_INCOMING_PROGRESS; ui->cb_line_state_changed(); start_timer(LTMR_NO_ANSWER); cleanup(); // Answer if auto answer mode is activated if (auto_answer) { // Validate speaker and mic string error_msg; if (!sys_config->exec_audio_validation(false, true, true, error_msg)) { ui->cb_display_msg(error_msg, MSG_CRITICAL); } else { answer(); } } break; case LS_BUSY: // Only re-INVITEs can be sent to a busy line assert(r->hdr_to.tag != ""); /* // TEST ONLY // Test code to test re-INVITE authentication if (!r->hdr_authorization.is_populated()) { resp = r->create_response(R_401_UNAUTHORIZED); t_challenge c; c.auth_scheme = AUTH_DIGEST; c.digest_challenge.realm = "mtel.nl"; c.digest_challenge.nonce = "0123456789abcdef"; c.digest_challenge.opaque = "secret"; c.digest_challenge.algorithm = ALG_MD5; c.digest_challenge.qop_options.push_back(QOP_AUTH); c.digest_challenge.qop_options.push_back(QOP_AUTH_INT); resp->hdr_www_authenticate.set_challenge(c); send_response(resp, 0, tid); return; } */ if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_request(r)) { // re-INVITE active_dialog->recvd_request(r, 0, tid); cleanup(); return; } // Should not get here as phone already checked that // the request matched with this line assert(false); break; default: assert(false); } } void t_line::recvd_ack(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_request(r)) { active_dialog->recvd_request(r, 0, tid); substate = LSSUB_ESTABLISHED; ui->cb_line_state_changed(); } else { // Should not get here as phone already checked that // the request matched with this line assert(false); } cleanup(); } void t_line::recvd_cancel(t_request *r, t_tid cancel_tid, t_tid target_tid) { // A CANCEL matches a dialog if the target tid equals the tid // of the INVITE request. This will be checked by // dialog::recvd_cancel() itself. if (active_dialog) { active_dialog->recvd_cancel(r, cancel_tid, target_tid); } else { // Should not get here as phone already checked that // the request matched with this line assert(false); } cleanup(); } void t_line::recvd_bye(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_request(r)) { active_dialog->recvd_request(r, 0, tid); } else { // Should not get here as phone already checked that // the request matched with this line assert(false); } cleanup(); } void t_line::recvd_options(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_request(r)) { active_dialog->recvd_request(r, 0, tid); } else { // Should not get here as phone already checked that // the request matched with this line assert(false); } cleanup(); } void t_line::recvd_prack(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_request(r)) { active_dialog->recvd_request(r, 0, tid); } else { // Should not get here as phone already checked that // the request matched with this line assert(false); } cleanup(); } void t_line::recvd_subscribe(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_request(r)) { active_dialog->recvd_request(r, 0, tid); } else { // Should not get here as phone already checked that // the request matched with this line assert(false); } cleanup(); } void t_line::recvd_notify(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_request(r)) { active_dialog->recvd_request(r, 0, tid); } else { // Should not get here as phone already checked that // the request matched with this line assert(false); } cleanup(); } void t_line::recvd_info(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_request(r)) { active_dialog->recvd_request(r, 0, tid); } else { // Should not get here as phone already checked that // the request matched with this line assert(false); } cleanup(); } void t_line::recvd_message(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_request(r)) { active_dialog->recvd_request(r, 0, tid); } else { // Should not get here as phone already checked that // the request matched with this line assert(false); } cleanup(); } bool t_line::recvd_refer(t_request *r, t_tid tid) { bool retval = false; if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_request(r)) { active_dialog->recvd_request(r, 0, tid); retval = active_dialog->refer_accepted; } else { // Should not get here as phone already checked that // the request matched with this line assert(false); } cleanup(); return retval; } void t_line::recvd_refer_permission(bool permission, t_request *r) { if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_request(r)) { active_dialog->recvd_refer_permission(permission, r); } cleanup(); } void t_line::recvd_stun_resp(StunMessage *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { t_dialog *d; if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_response(r, tuid)) { active_dialog->recvd_stun_resp(r, tuid, tid); cleanup(); return; } if (open_dialog && open_dialog->match_response(r, tuid)) { open_dialog->recvd_stun_resp(r, tuid, tid); cleanup(); return; } d = match_response(r, tuid, pending_dialogs); if (d) { d->recvd_stun_resp(r, tuid, tid); cleanup(); return; } d = match_response(r, tuid, dying_dialogs); if (d) { d->recvd_stun_resp(r, tuid, tid); cleanup(); return; } } void t_line::failure(t_failure failure, t_tid tid) { // TODO } void t_line::timeout(t_line_timer timer, t_object_id did) { t_dialog *dialog = get_dialog(did); list cf_dest; // call forwarding destinations switch (timer) { case LTMR_ACK_TIMEOUT: // If there is no dialog then ignore the timeout if (dialog) { dialog->id_ack_timeout = 0; dialog->timeout(timer); } break; case LTMR_ACK_GUARD: // If there is no dialog then ignore the timeout if (dialog) { dialog->id_ack_guard = 0; dialog->dur_ack_timeout = 0; dialog->timeout(timer); } break; case LTMR_INVITE_COMP: id_invite_comp = 0; // RFC 3261 // The UAC core considers the INVITE transaction completed // 64*T1 seconds after the reception of the first 2XX // response. // Cleanup all open and pending dialogs cleanup_open_pending(); break; case LTMR_NO_ANSWER: // User did not answer the call. // Reject call or redirect it if CF_NOANSWER is active. // If there is no active dialog then ignore the timeout. // The timer should have been stopped already. log_file->write_report("No answer timeout", "t_line::timeout"); if (active_dialog) { assert(phone_user); t_user *user_config = phone_user->get_user_profile(); t_service *srv = phone->ref_service(user_config); if (srv->get_cf_active(CF_NOANSWER, cf_dest)) { log_file->write_report("Call redirection no answer", "t_line::timeout"); active_dialog->redirect(cf_dest, R_302_MOVED_TEMPORARILY); } else { active_dialog->reject(R_480_TEMP_NOT_AVAILABLE, REASON_480_NO_ANSWER); } ui->cb_answer_timeout(get_line_number()); } break; case LTMR_RE_INVITE_GUARD: // If there is no dialog then ignore the timeout if (dialog) { dialog->id_re_invite_guard = 0; dialog->timeout(timer); } break; case LTMR_GLARE_RETRY: // If there is no dialog then ignore the timeout if (dialog) { dialog->id_glare_retry = 0; dialog->timeout(timer); } break; case LTMR_100REL_TIMEOUT: // If there is no dialog then ignore the timeout if (dialog) { dialog->id_100rel_timeout = 0; dialog->timeout(timer); } break; case LTMR_100REL_GUARD: // If there is no dialog then ignore the timeout if (dialog) { dialog->id_100rel_guard = 0; dialog->dur_100rel_timeout = 0; dialog->timeout(timer); } break; case LTMR_CANCEL_GUARD: // If there is no dialog then ignore the timeout if (dialog) { dialog->id_cancel_guard = 0; dialog->timeout(timer); } break; default: assert(false); } cleanup(); } void t_line::timeout_sub(t_subscribe_timer timer, t_object_id did, const string &event_type, const string &event_id) { t_dialog *dialog = get_dialog(did); if (dialog) dialog->timeout_sub(timer, event_type, event_id); cleanup(); } bool t_line::match(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid) const { if (open_dialog && open_dialog->match_response(r, tuid)) { return true; } if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_response(r, 0)) { return true; } if (match_response(r, pending_dialogs)) { return true; } if (match_response(r, dying_dialogs)) { return true; } return false; } bool t_line::match(t_request *r) const { assert(r->method != CANCEL); return (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_request(r)); } bool t_line::match_cancel(t_request *r, t_tid target_tid) const { assert(r->method == CANCEL); // A CANCEL matches a dialog if the target tid equals the tid // of the INVITE request. return (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_cancel(r, target_tid)); } bool t_line::match(StunMessage *r, t_tuid tuid) const { if (open_dialog && open_dialog->match_response(r, tuid)) { return true; } if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match_response(r, tuid)) { return true; } if (match_response(r, tuid, pending_dialogs)) { return true; } if (match_response(r, tuid, dying_dialogs)) { return true; } return false; } bool t_line::match_replaces(const string &call_id, const string &to_tag, const string &from_tag, bool no_fork_req_disposition, bool &early_matched) const { if (active_dialog && active_dialog->match(call_id, to_tag, from_tag)) { early_matched = false; return true; } // RFC 3891 3 // An early dialog only matches when it was created by the UA // As an exception to this rule we accept a match when the incoming // request contained a no-fork request disposition. This disposition // indicated that the request did not fork. The reason why RFC 3891 3 // does not allow a match is to avoid problems with forked requests. // With this exception, call transfer scenario's during ringing can // be implemented. t_dialog *d; if ((d = match_call_id_tags(call_id, to_tag, from_tag, pending_dialogs)) != NULL && (d->is_call_id_owner() || no_fork_req_disposition)) { early_matched = true; return true; } return false; } bool t_line::is_invite_retrans(t_request *r) { assert(r->method == INVITE); return (active_dialog && active_dialog->is_invite_retrans(r)); } void t_line::process_invite_retrans(void) { if (active_dialog) active_dialog->process_invite_retrans(); } string t_line::create_user_contact(const string &auto_ip) const { assert(phone_user); t_user *user_config = phone_user->get_user_profile(); return user_config->create_user_contact(hide_user, auto_ip); } string t_line::create_user_uri(void) const { assert(phone_user); t_user *user_config = phone_user->get_user_profile(); return user_config->create_user_uri(hide_user); } t_response *t_line::create_options_response(t_request *r, bool in_dialog) const { assert(phone_user); t_user *user_config = phone_user->get_user_profile(); return phone->create_options_response(user_config, r, in_dialog); } void t_line::send_response(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { if (hide_user) { r->hdr_privacy.add_privacy(PRIVACY_ID); } phone->send_response(r, tuid, tid); } void t_line::send_request(t_request *r, t_tuid tuid) { assert(phone_user); t_user *user_config = phone_user->get_user_profile(); phone->send_request(user_config, r, tuid); } t_phone *t_line::get_phone(void) const { return phone; } unsigned short t_line::get_line_number(void) const { return line_number; } bool t_line::get_is_on_hold(void) const { return is_on_hold; } bool t_line::get_is_muted(void) const { return is_muted; } bool t_line::get_hide_user(void) const { return hide_user; } bool t_line::get_is_transfer_consult(unsigned short &lineno) const { lineno = consult_transfer_from_line; return is_transfer_consult; } void t_line::set_is_transfer_consult(bool enable, unsigned short lineno) { is_transfer_consult = enable; consult_transfer_from_line = lineno; } bool t_line::get_to_be_transferred(unsigned short &lineno) const { lineno = consult_transfer_to_line; return to_be_transferred; } void t_line::set_to_be_transferred(bool enable, unsigned short lineno) { to_be_transferred = enable; consult_transfer_to_line = lineno; } bool t_line::get_is_encrypted(void) const { t_audio_session *as = get_audio_session(); if (as) return as->get_is_encrypted(); return false; } bool t_line::get_try_to_encrypt(void) const { return try_to_encrypt; } bool t_line::get_auto_answer(void) const { return auto_answer; } void t_line::set_auto_answer(bool enable) { auto_answer = enable; } bool t_line::is_refer_succeeded(void) const { if (active_dialog) return active_dialog->refer_succeeded; return false; } bool t_line::has_media(void) const { t_session *session = get_session(); return (session && !session->receive_host.empty() && !session->dst_rtp_host.empty()); } t_url t_line::get_remote_target_uri(void) const { if (!active_dialog) return t_url(); return active_dialog->get_remote_target_uri(); } t_url t_line::get_remote_target_uri_pending(void) const { if (pending_dialogs.empty()) return t_url(); return pending_dialogs.front()->get_remote_target_uri(); } string t_line::get_remote_target_display(void) const { if (!active_dialog) return ""; return active_dialog->get_remote_target_display(); } string t_line::get_remote_target_display_pending(void) const { if (pending_dialogs.empty()) return ""; return pending_dialogs.front()->get_remote_target_display(); } t_url t_line::get_remote_uri(void) const { if (!active_dialog) return t_url(); return active_dialog->get_remote_uri(); } t_url t_line::get_remote_uri_pending(void) const { if (pending_dialogs.empty()) return t_url(); return pending_dialogs.front()->get_remote_uri(); } string t_line::get_remote_display(void) const { if (!active_dialog) return ""; return active_dialog->get_remote_display(); } string t_line::get_remote_display_pending(void) const { if (pending_dialogs.empty()) return ""; return pending_dialogs.front()->get_remote_display(); } string t_line::get_call_id(void) const { if (!active_dialog) return ""; return active_dialog->get_call_id(); } string t_line::get_call_id_pending(void) const { if (pending_dialogs.empty()) return ""; return pending_dialogs.front()->get_call_id(); } string t_line::get_local_tag(void) const { if (!active_dialog) return ""; return active_dialog->get_local_tag(); } string t_line::get_local_tag_pending(void) const { if (pending_dialogs.empty()) return ""; return pending_dialogs.front()->get_local_tag(); } string t_line::get_remote_tag(void) const { if (!active_dialog) return ""; return active_dialog->get_remote_tag(); } string t_line::get_remote_tag_pending(void) const { if (pending_dialogs.empty()) return ""; return pending_dialogs.front()->get_remote_tag(); } bool t_line::remote_extension_supported(const string &extension) const { if (!active_dialog) return false; return active_dialog->remote_extension_supported(extension); } bool t_line::seize(void) { // Only an idle line can be seized. if (substate != LSSUB_IDLE) return false; substate = LSSUB_SEIZED; ui->cb_line_state_changed(); return true; } void t_line::unseize(void) { // Only a seized line can be unseized. if (substate != LSSUB_SEIZED) return; substate = LSSUB_IDLE; ui->cb_line_state_changed(); } t_session *t_line::get_session(void) const { if (!active_dialog) return NULL; return active_dialog->get_session(); } t_audio_session *t_line::get_audio_session(void) const { if (!active_dialog) return NULL; return active_dialog->get_audio_session(); } void t_line::notify_refer_progress(t_response *r) { if (active_dialog) active_dialog->notify_refer_progress(r); } void t_line::failed_retrieve(void) { // Call retrieve failed, so line is still on-hold is_on_hold = true; ui->cb_line_state_changed(); } void t_line::failed_hold(void) { // Call hold failed, so line is not on-hold is_on_hold = false; ui->cb_line_state_changed(); } void t_line::retry_retrieve_succeeded(void) { // Retry of retrieve succeeded, so line is not on-hold anymore is_on_hold = false; ui->cb_line_state_changed(); } t_call_info t_line::get_call_info(void) const { t_mutex_guard g(call_info.mutex); return call_info; } void t_line::ci_set_dtmf_supported(bool supported, bool inband, bool info) { call_info.dtmf_supported = supported; call_info.dtmf_inband = inband; call_info.dtmf_info = info; } void t_line::ci_set_last_provisional_reason(const string &reason) { call_info.last_provisional_reason = reason; } void t_line::ci_set_send_codec(t_audio_codec codec) { call_info.send_codec = codec; } void t_line::ci_set_recv_codec(t_audio_codec codec) { call_info.recv_codec = codec; } void t_line::ci_set_refer_supported(bool supported) { call_info.refer_supported = supported; } void t_line::init_rtp_port(void) { rtp_port = sys_config->get_rtp_port() + line_number * 2; } unsigned short t_line::get_rtp_port(void) const { return rtp_port; } t_user *t_line::get_user(void) const { t_user *user_config = NULL; if (phone_user) { user_config = phone_user->get_user_profile(); } return user_config; } t_phone_user *t_line::get_phone_user(void) const { return phone_user; } string t_line::get_ringtone(void) const { assert(phone_user); t_user *user_config = phone_user->get_user_profile(); if (!user_defined_ringtone.empty()) { // Ring tone returned by incoming call script return user_defined_ringtone; } else if (!user_config->get_ringtone_file().empty()) { // Ring tone from user profile return user_config->get_ringtone_file(); } else if (!sys_config->get_ringtone_file().empty()) { // Ring tone from system settings return sys_config->get_ringtone_file(); } else { // Twinkle default return FILE_RINGTONE; } } void t_line::confirm_zrtp_sas(void) { t_audio_session *as = get_audio_session(); if (as && !as->get_zrtp_sas_confirmed()) { as->confirm_zrtp_sas(); ui->cb_zrtp_sas_confirmed(line_number); ui->cb_line_state_changed(); log_file->write_header("t_line::confirm_zrtp_sas"); log_file->write_raw("Line "); log_file->write_raw(line_number + 1); log_file->write_raw(": User confirmed ZRTP SAS\n"); log_file->write_footer(); } } void t_line::reset_zrtp_sas_confirmation(void) { t_audio_session *as = get_audio_session(); if (as && as->get_zrtp_sas_confirmed()) { as->reset_zrtp_sas_confirmation(); ui->cb_zrtp_sas_confirmation_reset(line_number); ui->cb_line_state_changed(); log_file->write_header("t_line::reset_zrtp_sas_confirmation"); log_file->write_raw("Line "); log_file->write_raw(line_number + 1); log_file->write_raw(": User reset ZRTP SAS confirmation\n"); log_file->write_footer(); } } void t_line::enable_zrtp(void) { t_audio_session *as = get_audio_session(); if (as) { as->enable_zrtp(); } } void t_line::zrtp_request_go_clear(void) { t_audio_session *as = get_audio_session(); if (as) { as->zrtp_request_go_clear(); } } void t_line::zrtp_go_clear_ok(void) { t_audio_session *as = get_audio_session(); if (as) { as->zrtp_go_clear_ok(); } } void t_line::force_idle(void) { cleanup_forced(); } void t_line::set_keep_seized(bool seize) { keep_seized = seize; cleanup(); } bool t_line::get_keep_seized(void) const { return keep_seized; } t_dialog *t_line::get_dialog_with_active_session(void) const { if (open_dialog && open_dialog->has_active_session()) { return open_dialog; } if (active_dialog && active_dialog->has_active_session()) { return active_dialog; } for (list::const_iterator it = pending_dialogs.begin(); it != pending_dialogs.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->has_active_session()) { return *it; } } for (list::const_iterator it = dying_dialogs.begin(); it != dying_dialogs.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->has_active_session()) { return *it; } } return NULL; }