WizardForm 0 0 596 321 Twinkle - Wizard The hostname, domain name or IP address of the STUN server. S&TUN server: stunServerLineEdit false The SIP user name given to you by your provider. It is the user part in your SIP address, <b>username</b>@domain.com This could be a telephone number. <br><br> This field is mandatory. &Domain*: domainLineEdit false Choose your SIP service provider. If your SIP service provider is not in the list, then select <b>Other</b> and fill in the settings you received from your provider.<br><br> If you select one of the predefined SIP service providers then you only have to fill in your name, user name, authentication name and password. &Authentication name: authNameLineEdit false &Your name: displayLineEdit false Your SIP authentication name. Quite often this is the same as your SIP user name. It can be a different name though. 206 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Horizontal The domain part of your SIP address, username@<b>domain.com</b>. Instead of a real domain this could also be the hostname or IP address of your <b>SIP proxy</b>. If you want direct IP phone to IP phone communications then you fill in the hostname or IP address of your computer. <br><br> This field is mandatory. This is just your full name, e.g. John Doe. It is used as a display name. When you make a call, this display name might be shown to the called party. true SIP pro&xy: proxyLineEdit false true The hostname, domain name or IP address of your SIP proxy. If this is the same value as your domain, you may leave this field empty. &SIP service provider: serviceProviderComboBox false &Password: authPasswordLineEdit false &User name*: usernameLineEdit false QLineEdit::Password Your password for authentication. 20 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Vertical 371 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Horizontal &OK Alt+O true &Cancel Alt+C serviceProviderComboBox displayLineEdit usernameLineEdit domainLineEdit authNameLineEdit authPasswordLineEdit proxyLineEdit stunServerLineEdit okPushButton cancelPushButton map user.h okPushButton clicked() WizardForm validate() cancelPushButton clicked() WizardForm reject() usernameLineEdit textChanged(QString) WizardForm updateAuthName(QString) serviceProviderComboBox activated(QString) WizardForm update(QString) authNameLineEdit lostFocus() WizardForm disableSuggestAuthName()