SysSettingsForm 0 0 765 624 Twinkle - System Settings 1 7 0 0 Select a category for which you want to see or modify the settings. General :/icons/images/twinkle32.png Audio :/icons/images/kmix.png Ring tones :/icons/images/knotify.png Address book :/icons/images/kontact_contacts32.png Network :/icons/images/network.png Log :/icons/images/log.png 321 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Horizontal &OK Alt+O true Accept and save your changes. &Cancel Alt+C Undo all your changes and close the window. 7 5 0 0 Box 0 21 QFrame::Box Audio 10 false Sound Card 7 0 0 0 Select the sound card for playing the ring tone for incoming calls. 7 0 0 0 Select the sound card to which your microphone is connected. 7 0 0 0 Select the sound card for the speaker function during a call. &Speaker: speakerComboBox false &Ring tone: ringtoneComboBox false Other device: otherRingtoneLineEdit false Other device: otherSpeakerLineEdit false Other device: otherMicLineEdit false &Microphone: micComboBox false &Validate devices before usage Alt+V <p> Twinkle validates the audio devices before usage to avoid an established call without an audio channel. <p> On startup of Twinkle a warning is given if an audio device is inaccessible. <p> If before making a call, the microphone or speaker appears to be invalid, a warning is given and no call can be made. <p> If before answering a call, the microphone or speaker appears to be invalid, a warning is given and the call will not be answered. Advanced OSS &fragment size: ossFragmentComboBox false The ALSA play period size influences the real time behaviour of your soundcard for playing sound. If your sound frequently drops while using ALSA, you might try a different value here. 16 32 64 128 256 ALSA &play period size: alsaPlayPeriodComboBox false &ALSA capture period size: alsaCapturePeriodComboBox false The OSS fragment size influences the real time behaviour of your soundcard. If your sound frequently drops while using OSS, you might try a different value here. 16 32 64 128 256 The ALSA capture period size influences the real time behaviour of your soundcard for capturing sound. If the other side of your call complains about frequently dropping sound, you might try a different value here. 16 32 64 128 256 121 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Horizontal 20 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Vertical 1 21 QFrame::Box Log 10 false &Max log size: logMaxSizeSpinBox false 100 1 5 5 The maximum size of a log file in MB. When the log file exceeds this size, a backup of the log file is created and the current log file is zapped. Only one backup log file will be kept. MB false 211 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Horizontal Log &debug reports Alt+D Indicates if reports marked as "debug" will be logged. Log &SIP reports Alt+S Indicates if SIP messages will be logged. Log S&TUN reports Alt+T Indicates if STUN messages will be logged. Log m&emory reports Alt+E Indicates if reports concerning memory management will be logged. 20 61 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Vertical 2 21 QFrame::Box General 10 false System tray Create &system tray icon on startup Alt+S Enable this option if you want a system tray icon for Twinkle. The system tray icon is created when you start Twinkle. &Hide in system tray when closing main window Alt+H Enable this option if you want Twinkle to hide in the system tray when you close the main window. Startup S&tartup hidden in system tray Alt+T Next time you start Twinkle it will immediately hide in the system tray. This works best when you also select a default user profile. Q3ListView::NoSelection Q3ListView::LastColumn If you always use the same profile(s), then you can mark these profiles as default here. The next time you start Twinkle, you will not be asked to select which profiles to run. The default profiles will automatically run. Default user profiles true true Services Call &waiting Alt+W With call waiting an incoming call is accepted when only one line is busy. When you disable call waiting an incoming call will be rejected when one line is busy. Hang up &both lines when ending a 3-way conference call. Alt+B Hang up both lines when you press bye to end a 3-way conference call. When this option is disabled, only the active line will be hung up and you can continue talking with the party on the other line. &Maximum calls in call history: histSizeSpinBox false 1000 10 The maximum number of calls that will be kept in the call history. 191 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Horizontal &Auto show main window on incoming call after Alt+A When the main window is hidden, it will be automatically shown on an incoming call after the number of specified seconds. 60 Number of seconds after which the main window should be shown. secs false 29 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Horizontal W&eb browser command: browserLineEdit false Command to start your web browser. If you leave this field empty Twinkle will try to figure out your default web browser. 3 21 QFrame::Box Network 10 false 20 230 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Vertical 314 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Horizontal Maximum allowed size (0-65535) in bytes of an incoming SIP message over UDP. &SIP port: sipUdpPortSpinBox false &RTP port: rtpPortSpinBox false Max. SIP message size (&TCP): maxTcpSizeLineEdit false 314 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Horizontal 65535 1025 5060 The UDP/TCP port used for sending and receiving SIP messages. Max. SIP message size (&UDP): maxUdpSizeLineEdit false Maximum allowed size (0-4294967295) in bytes of an incoming SIP message over TCP. 65535 1025 2 8000 The UDP port used for sending and receiving RTP for the first line. The UDP port for the second line is 2 higher. E.g. if port 8000 is used for the first line, then the second line uses port 8002. When you use call transfer then the next even port (eg. 8004) is also used. 4 21 QFrame::Box Ring tones 10 false Ring tone &Play ring tone on incoming call Alt+P Indicates if a ring tone should be played when a call comes in. &Default ring tone Alt+D true Play the default ring tone when a call comes in. C&ustom ring tone Alt+U Play a custom ring tone when a call comes in. 20 20 QSizePolicy::Fixed Qt::Horizontal Specify the file name of a .wav file that you want to be played as ring tone. Qt::TabFocus :/icons/images/fileopen.png Select ring tone file. Ring back tone P&lay ring back tone when network does not play ring back tone Alt+L <p> Play ring back tone while you are waiting for the far-end to answer your call. </p> <p> Depending on your SIP provider the network might provide ring back tone or an announcement. </p> D&efault ring back tone Alt+E true Play the default ring back tone. Cu&stom ring back tone Alt+S Play a custom ring back tone. 20 20 QSizePolicy::Fixed Qt::Horizontal Specify the file name of a .wav file that you want to be played as ring back tone. Qt::TabFocus :/icons/images/fileopen.png Select ring back tone file. 20 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Vertical 5 21 QFrame::Box Address book 10 false &Lookup name for incoming call Alt+L On an incoming call, Twinkle will try to find the name belonging to the incoming SIP address in your address book. This name will be displayed. Ove&rride received display name Alt+R The caller may have provided a display name already. Tick this box if you want to override that name with the name you have in your address book. Lookup &photo for incoming call Alt+P Lookup the photo of a caller in your address book and display it on an incoming call. 20 121 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Vertical categoryListBox guiUseSystrayCheckBox guiHideCheckBox startHiddenCheckBox profileListView callWaitingCheckBox hangupBothCheckBox histSizeSpinBox autoShowCheckBox autoShowTimeoutSpinBox ringtoneComboBox otherRingtoneLineEdit speakerComboBox otherSpeakerLineEdit micComboBox otherMicLineEdit validateAudioCheckBox ossFragmentComboBox alsaPlayPeriodComboBox alsaCapturePeriodComboBox playRingtoneCheckBox defaultRingtoneRadioButton ringtoneLineEdit openRingtoneToolButton playRingbackCheckBox defaultRingbackRadioButton ringbackLineEdit openRingbackToolButton abLookupNameCheckBox abOverrideDisplayCheckBox abLookupPhotoCheckBox sipUdpPortSpinBox rtpPortSpinBox maxUdpSizeLineEdit maxTcpSizeLineEdit logMaxSizeSpinBox logDebugCheckBox logSipCheckBox logStunCheckBox logMemoryCheckBox okPushButton cancelPushButton customRingtoneRadioButton customRingbackRadioButton sys_settings.h okPushButton clicked() SysSettingsForm validate() cancelPushButton clicked() SysSettingsForm reject() categoryListBox highlighted(int) SysSettingsForm showCategory(int) guiUseSystrayCheckBox toggled(bool) guiHideCheckBox setEnabled(bool) guiUseSystrayCheckBox toggled(bool) guiHideCheckBox setChecked(bool) guiUseSystrayCheckBox toggled(bool) startHiddenCheckBox setEnabled(bool) playRingtoneCheckBox toggled(bool) customRingtoneRadioButton setEnabled(bool) playRingtoneCheckBox toggled(bool) defaultRingtoneRadioButton setEnabled(bool) playRingtoneCheckBox toggled(bool) SysSettingsForm playRingToneCheckBoxToggles(bool) playRingtoneCheckBox toggled(bool) openRingtoneToolButton setEnabled(bool) playRingbackCheckBox toggled(bool) customRingbackRadioButton setEnabled(bool) playRingbackCheckBox toggled(bool) defaultRingbackRadioButton setEnabled(bool) playRingbackCheckBox toggled(bool) SysSettingsForm playRingBackToneCheckBoxToggles(bool) playRingbackCheckBox toggled(bool) openRingbackToolButton setEnabled(bool) openRingtoneToolButton clicked() SysSettingsForm chooseRingtone() openRingbackToolButton clicked() SysSettingsForm chooseRingback() customRingtoneRadioButton toggled(bool) ringtoneLineEdit setEnabled(bool) customRingtoneRadioButton toggled(bool) openRingtoneToolButton setEnabled(bool) customRingbackRadioButton toggled(bool) ringbackLineEdit setEnabled(bool) customRingbackRadioButton toggled(bool) openRingbackToolButton setEnabled(bool) abLookupNameCheckBox toggled(bool) abOverrideDisplayCheckBox setEnabled(bool) ringtoneComboBox activated(int) SysSettingsForm devRingtoneSelected(int) speakerComboBox activated(int) SysSettingsForm devSpeakerSelected(int) micComboBox activated(int) SysSettingsForm devMicSelected(int)