SrvRedirectForm 0 0 648 315 Twinkle - Call Redirection User: userComboBox false 7 0 0 0 true There are 3 redirect services:<p> <b>Unconditional:</b> redirect all calls </p> <p> <b>Busy:</b> redirect a call if both lines are busy </p> <p> <b>No answer:</b> redirect a call when the no-answer timer expires </p> &Unconditional &Redirect all calls Alt+R Activate the unconditional redirection service. true Redirect to true You can specify up to 3 destinations to which you want to redirect the call. If the first destination does not answer the call, the second destination will be tried and so on. true You can specify up to 3 destinations to which you want to redirect the call. If the first destination does not answer the call, the second destination will be tried and so on. true &3rd choice destination: cfAlwaysDst3LineEdit false true You can specify up to 3 destinations to which you want to redirect the call. If the first destination does not answer the call, the second destination will be tried and so on. &2nd choice destination: cfAlwaysDst2LineEdit false &1st choice destination: cfAlwaysDst1LineEdit false Qt::TabFocus F10 :/icons/images/kontact_contacts.png Address book Qt::TabFocus F11 :/icons/images/kontact_contacts.png Address book Select an address from the address book. Qt::TabFocus F12 :/icons/images/kontact_contacts.png Address book Select an address from the address book. &Busy &Redirect calls when I am busy Alt+R Activate the redirection when busy service. true Redirect to true You can specify up to 3 destinations to which you want to redirect the call. If the first destination does not answer the call, the second destination will be tried and so on. &3rd choice destination: cfAlwaysDst3LineEdit false true You can specify up to 3 destinations to which you want to redirect the call. If the first destination does not answer the call, the second destination will be tried and so on. &2nd choice destination: cfAlwaysDst2LineEdit false &1st choice destination: cfAlwaysDst1LineEdit false true You can specify up to 3 destinations to which you want to redirect the call. If the first destination does not answer the call, the second destination will be tried and so on. :/icons/images/kontact_contacts.png Address book Select an address from the address book. :/icons/images/kontact_contacts.png Address book Select an address from the address book. :/icons/images/kontact_contacts.png Address book Select an address from the address book. &No answer &Redirect calls when I do not answer Alt+R Activate the redirection on no answer service. true Redirect to true You can specify up to 3 destinations to which you want to redirect the call. If the first destination does not answer the call, the second destination will be tried and so on. &3rd choice destination: cfAlwaysDst3LineEdit false &2nd choice destination: cfAlwaysDst2LineEdit false &1st choice destination: cfAlwaysDst1LineEdit false true You can specify up to 3 destinations to which you want to redirect the call. If the first destination does not answer the call, the second destination will be tried and so on. true You can specify up to 3 destinations to which you want to redirect the call. If the first destination does not answer the call, the second destination will be tried and so on. :/icons/images/kontact_contacts.png Address book Select an address from the address book. :/icons/images/kontact_contacts.png Address book Select an address from the address book. :/icons/images/kontact_contacts.png Address book Select an address from the address book. 20 16 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Vertical 261 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Horizontal &OK Alt+O true Accept and save all changes. &Cancel Alt+C Undo your changes and close the window. cfTabWidget cfAlwaysCheckBox cfAlwaysDst1LineEdit cfAlwaysDst2LineEdit cfAlwaysDst3LineEdit cfBusyCheckBox cfBusyDst1LineEdit cfBusyDst2LineEdit cfBusyDst3LineEdit cfNoanswerCheckBox cfNoanswerDst1LineEdit cfNoanswerDst2LineEdit cfNoanswerDst3LineEdit okPushButton cancelPushButton sockets/url.h list qlineedit.h ui_getaddressform.h user.h phone.h cancelPushButton clicked() SrvRedirectForm reject() okPushButton clicked() SrvRedirectForm validate() cfAlwaysCheckBox toggled(bool) SrvRedirectForm toggleAlways(bool) cfBusyCheckBox toggled(bool) SrvRedirectForm toggleBusy(bool) cfNoanswerCheckBox toggled(bool) SrvRedirectForm toggleNoanswer(bool) addrAlways1ToolButton clicked() SrvRedirectForm showAddressBook1() addrAlways2ToolButton clicked() SrvRedirectForm showAddressBook2() addrAlways3ToolButton clicked() SrvRedirectForm showAddressBook3() addrBusy1ToolButton clicked() SrvRedirectForm showAddressBook4() addrBusy2ToolButton clicked() SrvRedirectForm showAddressBook5() addrBusy3ToolButton clicked() SrvRedirectForm showAddressBook6() addrNoanswer1ToolButton clicked() SrvRedirectForm showAddressBook7() addrNoanswer2ToolButton clicked() SrvRedirectForm showAddressBook8() addrNoanswer3ToolButton clicked() SrvRedirectForm showAddressBook9() userComboBox activated(QString) SrvRedirectForm changedUser(QString)