SelectProfileForm SelectProfileForm 0 0 501 513 Twinkle - Select user profile unnamed selectTextLabel 5 0 0 0 Select user profile(s) to run: WordBreak|AlignVCenter User profile true true profileListView LastColumn Tick the check boxes of the user profiles that you want to run and press run. layout78 unnamed spacer17 Vertical Expanding 20 20 newProfileGroupBox Create profile unnamed newPushButton Ed&itor Alt+I Create a new profile with the profile editor. wizardPushButton &Wizard Alt+W Create a new profile with the wizard. diamondcardPushButton Dia&mondcard Alt+M Create a profile for a Diamondcard account. With a Diamondcard account you can make worldwide calls to regular and cell phones and send SMS messages. modifyProfileGroupBox Modify profile unnamed editPushButton &Edit Alt+E Edit the highlighted profile. deletePushButton &Delete Alt+D Delete the highlighted profile. renamePushButton Ren&ame Alt+A Rename the highlighted profile. startupProfileGroupBox Startup profile unnamed defaultPushButton &Set as default Alt+S Make the selected profiles the default profiles. The next time you start Twinkle, these profiles will be automatically run. runPushButton &Run Alt+R true Run Twinkle with the selected profiles. sysPushButton S&ystem settings Alt+Y Edit the system settings. cancelPushButton &Cancel Alt+C cancelPushButton clicked() SelectProfileForm reject() runPushButton clicked() SelectProfileForm runProfile() editPushButton clicked() SelectProfileForm editProfile() newPushButton clicked() SelectProfileForm newProfile() deletePushButton clicked() SelectProfileForm deleteProfile() renamePushButton clicked() SelectProfileForm renameProfile() wizardPushButton clicked() SelectProfileForm wizardProfile() defaultPushButton clicked() SelectProfileForm setAsDefault() sysPushButton clicked() SelectProfileForm sysSettings() profileListView doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) SelectProfileForm toggleItem(QListViewItem*) diamondcardPushButton clicked() SelectProfileForm diamondcardProfile() profileListView newPushButton wizardPushButton diamondcardPushButton editPushButton deletePushButton renamePushButton defaultPushButton runPushButton sysPushButton cancelPushButton list string phone.h qmainwindow.h qdir.h user.h qstringlist.h qmessagebox.h protocol.h gui.h userprofileform.h getprofilenameform.h audits/memman.h wizardform.h syssettingsform.h qlistview.h cstring service.h presence/buddy.h diamondcardprofileform.h selectprofileform.ui.h class t_phone; extern t_phone *phone; std::list<std::string> selectedProfiles; bool defaultSet; t_user *user_config; QMainWindow *mainWindow; selection(const list<string> &) profileRenamed() showForm( QMainWindow * _mainWindow ) runProfile() editProfile() newProfile() newProfile( bool exec_mode ) newProfileCreated() deleteProfile() renameProfile() setAsDefault() wizardProfile() wizardProfile( bool exec_mode ) diamondcardProfile() diamondcardProfile( bool exec_mode ) sysSettings() fillProfileListView( const QStringList & profiles ) toggleItem( QListViewItem * item ) init() destroy() execForm() getUserProfiles( QStringList & profiles, QString & error )