SelectNicForm 0 0 482 144 Twinkle - Select NIC :/icons/images/kcmpci.png false 20 41 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Vertical Select the network interface/IP address that you want to use: Qt::AlignTop true You have multiple IP addresses. Here you must select which IP address should be used. This IP address will be used inside the SIP messages. 20 16 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Vertical 40 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Horizontal Set as default &IP Alt+I Make the selected IP address the default IP address. The next time you start Twinkle, this IP address will be automatically selected. Set as default &NIC Alt+N Make the selected network interface the default interface. The next time you start Twinkle, this interface will be automatically selected. &OK Alt+O true okPushButton clicked() SelectNicForm accept() nicListBox selected(QString) SelectNicForm accept() defaultIpPushButton clicked() SelectNicForm setAsDefaultIp() defaultNicPushButton clicked() SelectNicForm setAsDefaultNic()