MphoneForm true 0 0 733 693 0 0 714 693 Twinkle :/icons/images/twinkle48.png:/icons/images/twinkle48.png false false true Qt::Horizontal 150 0 0 0 Qt::CustomContextMenu You can create a separate buddy list for each user profile. You can only see availability of your buddies and publish your own availability if your provider offers a presence server. true Buddy list &Call: false callComboBox 0 0 The address that you want to call. This can be a full SIP address like <b></b> or just the user part or telephone number of the full address. When you do not specify a full address, then Twinkle will complete the address by using the domain value of your user profile. true 10 QComboBox::NoInsert true Qt::TabFocus Address book Select an address from the address book. :/icons/images/kontact_contacts.png:/icons/images/kontact_contacts.png F10 Dial the address. Dial true &User: false userComboBox 0 0 The user that will make the call. 0 0 Auto answer indication. :/icons/images/auto_answer.png false 0 0 Call redirect indication. :/icons/images/cf.png false 0 0 Do not disturb indication. :/icons/images/cancel.png false 0 0 Message waiting indication. :/icons/images/mwi_none16.png false 0 0 Missed call indication. :/icons/images/missed.png false 0 0 Registration status. :/icons/images/twinkle16.png false 0 0 Display 0 0 true 0 0 Line status true 0 0 Click to switch to line 1. Line &1: Alt+1 true 0 0 From: false 21 0 0 To: false 21 0 0 Subject: false 21 0 0 false 0 0 idle Qt::RichText false 0 0 false 0 0 false 0 0 false 0 0 false 0 0 false 0 0 Short authentication string sas false 0 0 Audio codec g711a/g711a Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter false 0 0 Courier New Call duration 0:00:00 false Qt::NoFocus sip:from true Qt::NoFocus sip:to true Qt::NoFocus subject true 0 0 70 98 70 98 QFrame::StyledPanel photo false 0 0 Click to switch to line 2. Line &2: Alt+2 0 0 From: false 21 0 0 To: false 21 0 0 Subject: false 21 0 0 false 0 0 idle Qt::RichText false 0 0 false 0 0 false 0 0 false 0 0 false 0 0 false 0 0 Short authentication string sas false 0 0 Audio codec g711a/g711a Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter false 0 0 Courier New Call duration 0:00:00 false Qt::NoFocus sip:from true Qt::NoFocus sip:to true Qt::NoFocus subject true 0 0 70 98 70 98 QFrame::StyledPanel photo false Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon false false false false TopToolBarArea false 0 0 733 20 &File &Edit C&all Activate line &Message &Registration &Services &View Diamondcard &Help :/icons/images/exit.png:/icons/images/exit.png &Quit Quit Ctrl+Q fileExitAction :/icons/images/twinkle16.png:/icons/images/twinkle16.png &About Twinkle About Twinkle helpAboutAction :/icons/images/invite.png:/icons/images/invite.png &Call... Call Call someone F5 callInvite :/icons/images/answer.png:/icons/images/answer.png &Answer Answer Answer incoming call F6 callAnswer :/icons/images/bye.png:/icons/images/bye.png &Bye Bye Release call Esc callBye :/icons/images/reject.png:/icons/images/reject.png &Reject Reject Reject incoming call F8 callReject true :/icons/images/hold.png:/icons/images/hold.png &Hold Hold Put a call on hold, or retrieve a held call callHold :/icons/images/redirect.png:/icons/images/redirect.png R&edirect... Redirect Redirect incoming call without answering callRedirect :/icons/images/dtmf.png:/icons/images/dtmf.png &Dtmf... Dtmf Open keypad to enter digits for voice menu's callDTMF :/icons/images/twinkle16.png:/icons/images/twinkle16.png &Register Register regRegister :/icons/images/twinkle16-disabled.png:/icons/images/twinkle16-disabled.png &Deregister Deregister Deregister this device regDeregister :/icons/images/reg-query.png:/icons/images/reg-query.png &Show registrations Show registrations regShow &Terminal capabilities... Terminal capabilities Request terminal capabilities from someone callTermCap true :/icons/images/cancel.png:/icons/images/cancel.png &Do not disturb Do not disturb serviceDnd :/icons/images/cf.png:/icons/images/cf.png Call &redirection... Call redirection serviceRedirection :/icons/images/redial.png:/icons/images/redial.png &Redial Redial Repeat last call F12 callRedial :/icons/images/qt-logo.png:/icons/images/qt-logo.png About &Qt About Qt helpAboutQtAction :/icons/images/penguin-small.png:/icons/images/penguin-small.png &User profile... User profile editUserProfileAction :/icons/images/conference.png:/icons/images/conference.png &Conference Conf Join two calls in a 3-way conference callConference true :/icons/images/mute.png:/icons/images/mute.png &Mute Mute Mute a call callMute true :/icons/images/transfer.png:/icons/images/transfer.png Trans&fer... Xfer Transfer call callTransfer :/icons/images/settings.png:/icons/images/settings.png &System settings... System settings editSysSettingsAction registrationAction :/icons/images/twinkle16-disabled.png:/icons/images/twinkle16-disabled.png Deregister &all Deregister all Deregister all your registered devices regDeregisterAll true :/icons/images/auto_answer.png:/icons/images/auto_answer.png &Auto answer Auto answer serviceAutoAnswer :/icons/images/log_small.png:/icons/images/log_small.png &Log... Log viewLogAction :/icons/images/missed.png:/icons/images/missed.png Call &history... Call history F9 viewCall_HistoryAction :/icons/images/penguin-small.png:/icons/images/penguin-small.png &Change user ... Change user ... Activate or de-activate users fileChangeUserAction :/icons/images/contexthelp.png:/icons/images/contexthelp.png What's &This? What's This? Shift+F1 helpWhats_ThisAction false Activate line Activate line callActivate_LineAction true true &Display Display viewDisplayAction :/icons/images/mwi_none16.png:/icons/images/mwi_none16.png &Voice mail Voice mail Access voice mail F11 servicesVoice_mailAction :/icons/images/message.png:/icons/images/message.png Instant &message... Msg Instant message actionSendMsg true true &Buddy list Buddy list Buddy list viewBuddyListAction &Manual Manual helpManualAction &Sign up... Sign up Sign up diamondcardSign_upAction true true Line 1 actionLine1 true Line 2 actionLine2 actgrActivateLine callComboBox addressToolButton callPushButton displayTextEdit line1RadioButton line2RadioButton userComboBox from1Label subject1Label to1Label subject2Label from2Label to2Label phone.h ui_dtmfform.h ui_inviteform.h ui_redirectform.h ui_termcapform.h ui_srvredirectform.h ui_userprofileform.h ui_transferform.h ui_syssettingsform.h ui_logviewform.h ui_historyform.h ui_selectuserform.h ui_selectprofileform.h qevent.h im/msg_session.h messageformview.h buddylistview.h diamondcard.h helpWhats_ThisAction triggered() MphoneForm whatsThis() -1 -1 20 20 addressToolButton clicked() MphoneForm showAddressBook() 634 127 20 20 callPushButton clicked() MphoneForm quickCall() 664 127 20 20 fileChangeUserAction triggered() MphoneForm selectProfile() -1 -1 20 20 viewCall_HistoryAction triggered() MphoneForm viewHistory() -1 -1 20 20 viewLogAction triggered() MphoneForm viewLog() -1 -1 20 20 regDeregisterAll triggered() MphoneForm phoneDeregisterAll() -1 -1 20 20 editSysSettingsAction triggered() MphoneForm editSysSettings() -1 -1 20 20 callMute toggled(bool) MphoneForm phoneMute(bool) -1 -1 20 20 callConference triggered() MphoneForm phoneConference() -1 -1 20 20 editUserProfileAction triggered() MphoneForm editUserProfile() -1 -1 20 20 helpAboutQtAction triggered() MphoneForm aboutQt() -1 -1 20 20 helpAboutAction triggered() MphoneForm about() -1 -1 20 20 callRedial triggered() MphoneForm phoneRedial() -1 -1 20 20 serviceRedirection triggered() MphoneForm srvRedirect() -1 -1 20 20 regShow triggered() MphoneForm phoneShowRegistrations() -1 -1 20 20 regDeregister triggered() MphoneForm phoneDeregister() -1 -1 20 20 regRegister triggered() MphoneForm phoneRegister() -1 -1 20 20 callHold toggled(bool) MphoneForm phoneHold(bool) -1 -1 20 20 callReject triggered() MphoneForm phoneReject() -1 -1 20 20 callRedirect triggered() MphoneForm phoneRedirect() -1 -1 20 20 callInvite triggered() MphoneForm phoneInvite() -1 -1 20 20 callDTMF triggered() MphoneForm phoneDTMF() -1 -1 20 20 callBye triggered() MphoneForm phoneBye() -1 -1 20 20 callAnswer triggered() MphoneForm phoneAnswer() -1 -1 20 20 callTermCap triggered() MphoneForm phoneTermCap() -1 -1 20 20 line2RadioButton toggled(bool) MphoneForm line2rbChangedState(bool) 309 597 20 20 line1RadioButton toggled(bool) MphoneForm line1rbChangedState(bool) 309 491 20 20 fileExitAction triggered() MphoneForm fileExit() -1 -1 20 20 actionLine1 toggled(bool) MphoneForm actionLine1Toggled(bool) -1 -1 20 20 actionLine2 toggled(bool) MphoneForm actionLine2Toggled(bool) -1 -1 20 20 viewDisplayAction toggled(bool) MphoneForm showDisplay(bool) -1 -1 20 20 callTransfer triggered() MphoneForm phoneTransfer() -1 -1 20 20 servicesVoice_mailAction triggered() MphoneForm popupMenuVoiceMail() -1 -1 20 20 actionSendMsg triggered() MphoneForm startMessageSession() -1 -1 20 20 viewBuddyListAction toggled(bool) MphoneForm showBuddyList(bool) -1 -1 20 20 helpManualAction triggered() MphoneForm manual() -1 -1 20 20 diamondcardSign_upAction triggered() MphoneForm DiamondcardSignUp() -1 -1 20 20 buddyListView itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int) MphoneForm doMessageBuddy(QTreeWidgetItem*) 130 206 3 195 buddyListView customContextMenuRequested(QPoint) MphoneForm showBuddyListPopupMenu(QPoint) 98 285 3 301 doMessageBuddy(QTreeWidgetItem*) showBuddyListPopupMenu(QPoint)