HistoryForm 0 0 872 647 Twinkle - Call History true true Q3ListView::LastColumn Time true true In/Out true true From/To true true Subject true true Status true true Call details Qt::RichText Q3TextEdit::NoWrap true Q3TextEdit::AutoAll Details of the selected call record. View &Incoming calls Alt+I Check this option to show incoming calls. &Outgoing calls Alt+O Check this option to show outgoing calls. &Answered calls Alt+A Check this option to show answered calls. &Missed calls Alt+M Check this option to show missed calls. Current &user profiles only Alt+U Check this option to show only calls associated with this user profile. C&lear Alt+L <p>Clear the complete call history.</p> <p><b>Note:</b> this will clear <b>all</b> records, also records not shown depending on the checked view options.</p> 540 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Horizontal Clo&se Alt+S false Close this window. &Call Alt+C true Call selected address. Number of calls: false ### false Total call duration: false ### false 460 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Horizontal historyListView cdrTextEdit inCheckBox outCheckBox successCheckBox missedCheckBox profileCheckBox clearPushButton closePushButton user.h phone.h q3popupmenu.h closePushButton clicked() HistoryForm close() historyListView currentChanged(Q3ListViewItem*) HistoryForm showCallDetails(Q3ListViewItem*) inCheckBox toggled(bool) HistoryForm loadHistory() missedCheckBox toggled(bool) HistoryForm loadHistory() outCheckBox toggled(bool) HistoryForm loadHistory() profileCheckBox toggled(bool) HistoryForm loadHistory() successCheckBox toggled(bool) HistoryForm loadHistory() historyListView rightButtonPressed(Q3ListViewItem*,QPoint,int) HistoryForm popupMenu(Q3ListViewItem*,QPoint) historyListView doubleClicked(Q3ListViewItem*,QPoint,int) HistoryForm call(Q3ListViewItem*) clearPushButton clicked() HistoryForm clearHistory() callPushButton clicked() HistoryForm call()