//Added by qt3to4: #include #include #include /* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "call_history.h" #include "util.h" #include "gui.h" #include "qicon.h" #include "audits/memman.h" #include "historyform.h" #define HISTCOL_TIMESTAMP 0 #define HISTCOL_DIRECTION 1 #define HISTCOL_FROMTO 2 #define HISTCOL_SUBJECT 3 #define HISTCOL_STATUS 4 /* * Constructs a HistoryForm as a child of 'parent', with the * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'. * * The dialog will by default be modeless, unless you set 'modal' to * true to construct a modal dialog. */ HistoryForm::HistoryForm(QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent) { setupUi(this); init(); } /* * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ HistoryForm::~HistoryForm() { destroy(); // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us } /* * Sets the strings of the subwidgets using the current * language. */ void HistoryForm::languageChange() { retranslateUi(this); } void HistoryForm::init() { m_model = new QStandardItemModel(historyListView); historyListView->setModel(m_model); m_model->setColumnCount(5); m_model->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList() << tr("Time") << tr("In/Out") << tr("From/To") << tr("Subject") << tr("Status")); historyListView->sortByColumn(HISTCOL_TIMESTAMP, Qt::DescendingOrder); historyListView->setColumnWidth(HISTCOL_FROMTO, 200); historyListView->setColumnWidth(HISTCOL_SUBJECT, 200); inCheckBox->setChecked(true); outCheckBox->setChecked(true); successCheckBox->setChecked(true); missedCheckBox->setChecked(true); profileCheckBox->setChecked(true); timeLastViewed = phone->get_startup_time(); QIcon inviteIcon(QPixmap(":/icons/images/invite.png")); QIcon deleteIcon(QPixmap(":/icons/images/editdelete.png")); histPopupMenu = new QMenu(this); itemCall = histPopupMenu->addAction(inviteIcon, tr("Call..."), this, SLOT(call())); histPopupMenu->addAction(deleteIcon, tr("Delete"), this, SLOT(deleteEntry())); m_pixmapIn = QPixmap(":/icons/images/1leftarrow-yellow.png"); m_pixmapOut = QPixmap(":/icons/images/1rightarrow.png"); m_pixmapOk = QPixmap(":/icons/images/ok.png"); m_pixmapCancel = QPixmap(":/icons/images/cancel.png"); } void HistoryForm::destroy() { } void HistoryForm::loadHistory() { // Create list of all active profile names QStringList profile_name_list; listuser_list = phone->ref_users(); for (list::iterator i = user_list.begin(); i != user_list.end(); i++) { profile_name_list.append((*i)->get_profile_name().c_str()); } // Fill the history table unsigned long numberOfCalls = 0; unsigned long totalCallDuration = 0; unsigned long totalConversationDuration = 0; std::list history; call_history->get_history(history); m_history = QList::fromStdList(history); for (int x = 0; x < m_history.size(); x++) { const t_call_record* cr = &m_history[x]; if (cr->direction == t_call_record::DIR_IN && !inCheckBox->isChecked()) { continue; } if (cr->direction == t_call_record::DIR_OUT && !outCheckBox->isChecked()) { continue; } if (cr->invite_resp_code < 300 && !successCheckBox->isChecked()) { continue; } if (cr->invite_resp_code >= 300 && !missedCheckBox->isChecked()) { continue; } if (!profile_name_list.contains(cr->user_profile.c_str()) && profileCheckBox->isChecked()) { continue; } numberOfCalls++; // Calculate total duration totalCallDuration += cr->time_end - cr->time_start; if (cr->time_answer != 0) { totalConversationDuration += cr->time_end - cr->time_answer; } t_user *user_config = phone->ref_user_profile(cr->user_profile); // If the user profile is not active, then use the // first user profile for formatting if (!user_config) { user_config = phone->ref_users().front(); } m_model->setRowCount(numberOfCalls); for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { QModelIndex index = m_model->index(m_model->rowCount()-1, j); m_model->setData(index, QVariant(x), Qt::UserRole); switch (j) { case HISTCOL_TIMESTAMP: { QString time = QString::fromStdString(time2str(cr->time_start, "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")); m_model->setData(index, time); break; } case HISTCOL_DIRECTION: { m_model->setData(index, QString::fromStdString(cr->get_direction())); m_model->setData(index, (cr->direction == t_call_record::DIR_IN ? m_pixmapIn : m_pixmapOut), Qt::DecorationRole); break; } case HISTCOL_FROMTO: { std::string address; address = (cr->direction == t_call_record::DIR_IN ? ui->format_sip_address(user_config, cr->from_display, cr->from_uri) : ui->format_sip_address(user_config, cr->to_display, cr->to_uri)); m_model->setData(index, QString::fromStdString(address)); m_model->setData(index, (cr->invite_resp_code < 300 ? m_pixmapOk : m_pixmapCancel), Qt::DecorationRole); break; } case HISTCOL_SUBJECT: { m_model->setData(index, QString::fromStdString(cr->subject)); break; } case HISTCOL_STATUS: { m_model->setData(index, QString::fromStdString(cr->invite_resp_reason)); break; } } } } numberCallsValueTextLabel->setText(QString().setNum(numberOfCalls)); // Total call duration formatting QString durationText = duration2str(totalCallDuration).c_str(); durationText += " ("; durationText += tr("conversation"); durationText += ": "; durationText += duration2str(totalConversationDuration).c_str(); durationText += ")"; totalDurationValueTextLabel->setText(durationText); // Make the first entry the selected entry. historyListView->selectRow(0); // showCallDetails(first); } // Update history when triggered by a call back function on the user // interface. void HistoryForm::update() { // There is no need to update the history when the window is // hidden. if (isVisible()) loadHistory(); } void HistoryForm::show() { if (isVisible()) { raise(); activateWindow(); return; } loadHistory(); QDialog::show(); raise(); } void HistoryForm::closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e ) { struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t, NULL); timeLastViewed = t.tv_sec; // If Twinkle is terminated while the history window is // shown, then the call_history object is destroyed, before this // window is closed. if (call_history) { call_history->clear_num_missed_calls(); } QDialog::closeEvent(e); } void HistoryForm::showCallDetails(QModelIndex index) { QString s; int x = m_model->data(index, Qt::UserRole).toInt(); const t_call_record& cr = m_history[x]; cdrTextEdit->clear(); t_user *user_config = phone->ref_user_profile(cr.user_profile); // If the user profile is not active, then use the // first user profile for formatting if (!user_config) { user_config = phone->ref_users().front(); } s = ""; // Left column: header names s += ""; // Right column: values s += ""; s += "
"; s += tr("Call start:") + "
"; s += tr("Call answer:") + "
"; s += tr("Call end:") + "
"; s += tr("Call duration:") + "
"; s += tr("Direction:") + "
"; s += tr("From:") + "
"; s += tr("To:") + "
"; if (cr.reply_to_uri.is_valid()) s += tr("Reply to:") + "
"; if (cr.referred_by_uri.is_valid()) s += tr("Referred by:") + "
"; s += tr("Subject:") + "
"; s += tr("Released by:") + "
"; s += tr("Status:") + "
"; if (!cr.far_end_device.empty()) s += tr("Far end device:") + "
"; s += tr("User profile:"); s += "
"; s += time2str(cr.time_start, "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S").c_str(); s += "
"; if (cr.time_answer != 0) { s += time2str(cr.time_answer, "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S").c_str(); } s += "
"; s += time2str(cr.time_end, "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S").c_str(); s += "
"; s += duration2str((unsigned long)(cr.time_end - cr.time_start)).c_str(); if (cr.time_answer != 0) { s += " ("; s += tr("conversation"); s += ": "; s += duration2str((unsigned long)(cr.time_end - cr.time_answer)).c_str(); s += ")"; } s += "
"; s += cr.get_direction().c_str(); s += "
"; s += str2html(ui->format_sip_address(user_config, cr.from_display, cr.from_uri).c_str()); if (cr.from_organization != "") { s += ", "; s += str2html(cr.from_organization.c_str()); } s += "
"; s += str2html(ui->format_sip_address(user_config, cr.to_display, cr.to_uri).c_str()); if (cr.to_organization != "") { s += ", "; s += str2html(cr.to_organization.c_str()); } s += "
"; if (cr.reply_to_uri.is_valid()) { s += str2html(ui->format_sip_address(user_config, cr.reply_to_display, cr.reply_to_uri).c_str()); s += "
"; } if (cr.referred_by_uri.is_valid()) { s += str2html(ui->format_sip_address(user_config, cr.referred_by_display, cr.referred_by_uri).c_str()); s += "
"; } s += str2html(cr.subject.c_str()); s += "
"; s += cr.get_rel_cause().c_str(); s += "
"; s += int2str(cr.invite_resp_code).c_str(); s += ' '; s += str2html(cr.invite_resp_reason.c_str()); s += "
"; if (!cr.far_end_device.empty()) { s += str2html(cr.far_end_device.c_str()); s += "
"; } s += str2html(cr.user_profile.c_str()); s += "
"; cdrTextEdit->setText(s); } void HistoryForm::popupMenu(QPoint pos) { if (!historyListView->selectionModel()->hasSelection()) return; QModelIndex index = historyListView->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); int x = m_model->data(index, Qt::UserRole).toInt(); const t_call_record& cr = m_history[x]; // An anonymous caller cannot be called bool canCall = !(cr.direction == t_call_record::DIR_IN && cr.from_uri.encode() == ANONYMOUS_URI); itemCall->setEnabled(canCall); histPopupMenu->popup(pos); } void HistoryForm::call(QModelIndex index) { int i = m_model->data(index, Qt::UserRole).toInt(); const t_call_record& cr = m_history[i]; t_user *user_config = phone->ref_user_profile(cr.user_profile); // If the user profile is not active, then use the first profile if (!user_config) { user_config = phone->ref_users().front(); } // Determine subject QString subject; if (cr.direction == t_call_record::DIR_IN) { if (!cr.subject.empty()) { if (cr.subject.substr(0, tr("Re:").length()) != tr("Re:").toStdString()) { subject = tr("Re:").append(" "); subject += cr.subject.c_str(); } else { subject = cr.subject.c_str(); } } } else { subject = cr.subject.c_str(); } // Send call signal if (cr.direction == t_call_record::DIR_IN && cr.reply_to_uri.is_valid()) { // Call to the Reply-To contact emit call(user_config, ui->format_sip_address(user_config, cr.reply_to_display, cr.reply_to_uri).c_str(), subject, false); } else { // For incoming calls, call to the From contact // For outgoing calls, call to the To contact bool hide_user = false; if (cr.direction == t_call_record::DIR_OUT && cr.from_uri.encode() == ANONYMOUS_URI) { hide_user = true; } emit call(user_config, m_model->data(m_model->index(index.row(), HISTCOL_FROMTO)).toString(), subject, hide_user); } } void HistoryForm::call(void) { QModelIndex index = historyListView->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); if (index.isValid()) call(index); } void HistoryForm::deleteEntry(void) { QModelIndex index = historyListView->selectionModel()->currentIndex(); int i = m_model->data(index, Qt::UserRole).toInt(); m_model->removeRow(index.row()); call_history->delete_call_record(m_history[i].get_id()); } void HistoryForm::clearHistory() { call_history->clear(); m_model->setRowCount(0); }