DiamondcardProfileForm DiamondcardProfileForm 0 0 541 433 0 Twinkle - Diamondcard User Profile unnamed explainTextLabel 5 5 0 0 <p>With a Diamondcard account you can make worldwide calls to regular and cell phones and send SMS messages. To sign up for a Diamondcard account click on the "sign up" link below. Once you have signed up you receive an account ID and PIN code. Enter the account ID and PIN code below to create a Twinkle user profile for your Diamondcard account.</p> <p>For call rates see the sign up web page that will be shown to you when you click on the "sign up" link.</p> RichText spacer35 Vertical Expanding 20 16 layout193 unnamed accountIdLineEdit Your Diamondcard account ID. nameLineEdit This is just your full name, e.g. John Doe. It is used as a display name. When you make a call, this display name might be shown to the called party. accountIdTextLabel &Account ID: accountIdLineEdit pinCodeTextLabel &PIN code: pinCodeLineEdit nameTextLabel &Your name: nameLineEdit pinCodeLineEdit Password Your Diamondcard PIN code. spacer27 Vertical Expanding 20 20 layout63 unnamed signUpTextLabel PaletteBackground 0 0 205 13 <p align="center"><u>Sign up for a Diamondcard account</u></p> AlignVCenter spacer28 Vertical Expanding 20 21 layout64 unnamed spacer21 Horizontal Expanding 61 20 okPushButton &OK Alt+O true cancelPushButton &Cancel Alt+C okPushButton clicked() DiamondcardProfileForm validate() cancelPushButton clicked() DiamondcardProfileForm reject() nameLineEdit accountIdLineEdit pinCodeLineEdit okPushButton cancelPushButton user.h qregexp.h qvalidator.h gui.h diamondcard.h getprofilenameform.h audits/memman.h diamondcardprofileform.ui.h t_user *user_config; bool destroy_user_config; success() newDiamondcardProfile(const QString&) destroyOldUserConfig() show( t_user * user ) validate() mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * e ) processLeftMouseButtonRelease( QMouseEvent * e ) init() destroy() exec( t_user * user )