BuddyForm 0 0 484 154 Twinkle - Buddy 20 47 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Vertical Qt::TabFocus :/icons/images/kontact_contacts.png Address book Select an address from the address book. &Phone: phoneLineEdit false Name of your buddy. &Show availability Alt+S true Check this option if you want to see the availability of your buddy. This will only work if your provider offers a presence agent. &Name: nameLineEdit false SIP address your buddy. 20 16 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Vertical 131 20 QSizePolicy::Expanding Qt::Horizontal &OK Alt+O true &Cancel Alt+C nameLineEdit phoneLineEdit subscribeCheckBox addressToolButton okPushButton cancelPushButton presence/buddy.h user.h q3listview.h getaddressform.h okPushButton clicked() BuddyForm validate() cancelPushButton clicked() BuddyForm reject() addressToolButton clicked() BuddyForm showAddressBook()