/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * @file * Call history */ #ifndef _CALL_HISTORY_H #define _CALL_HISTORY_H #include #include #include #include "parser/request.h" #include "parser/response.h" #include "sockets/url.h" #include "threads/mutex.h" #include "utils/record_file.h" using namespace std; /** Call detail record. */ class t_call_record : public utils::t_record { public: /** Release cause of a call. */ enum t_rel_cause { CS_LOCAL_USER, /**< Released by the local user. */ CS_REMOTE_USER, /**< Released by the remote user. */ CS_FAILURE /**< Call ended due to failure. */ }; /** Direction of the call as seen from the user. */ enum t_direction { DIR_IN, /**< Incoming call. */ DIR_OUT /**< Outgoing call. */ }; private: static t_mutex mtx_class; /**< Protect static members. */ static unsigned short next_id; /**< Next id to be used. */ unsigned short id; /**< Record id. */ public: time_t time_start; /**< Timestamp of start of call. */ time_t time_answer; /**< Timestamp when call got answered. */ time_t time_end; /**< Timestamp of end of call. */ t_direction direction; string from_display; t_url from_uri; string from_organization; string to_display; t_url to_uri; string to_organization; string reply_to_display; t_url reply_to_uri; string referred_by_display; t_url referred_by_uri; string subject; t_rel_cause rel_cause; int invite_resp_code; /**< Response code sent/received on INVITE. */ string invite_resp_reason; /**< Response reason sent/received on INVITE. */ string far_end_device; /**< User-agent/Server description of device. */ string user_profile; /** Constructor. */ t_call_record(); /** Copy constructor */ t_call_record(const t_call_record& that); /** Assignment operator */ t_call_record& operator=(const t_call_record& that); /** * Clear current settings and get a new record id. * So this action creates a brand new call record. */ void renew(); /** * Record call start. * @param invite [in] The INVITE request starting the call. * @param dir [in] Call direction. * @param _user_profile [in] The user profile. */ void start_call(const t_request *invite, t_direction dir, const string &_user_profile); /** * Record call failure. This is also the end of the call. * @param resp [in] The failure response. */ void fail_call(const t_response *resp); /** * Record successful call answer. * @param resp [in] The 2XX INVITE response. */ void answer_call(const t_response *resp); /** * Record end of a successful call with an explicit cause. * @param cause [in] The release cause. */ void end_call(t_rel_cause cause); /** * Record end of a successful call. * If far_end is true, then the far-end ended the call, otherwise * the near-end ended the call. This indication together with the * direction determines the correct cause of the call end. * @param far_end [in] Indicates if the far end released the call. */ void end_call(bool far_end); /** * Get user presentable release cause description. * The release cause is returned in the language of the user. * @return Release cause description. */ string get_rel_cause(void) const; /** * Get release cause description for internal use. * This description is written to file. * @return Release cause description. */ string get_rel_cause_internal(void) const; /** * Get user presentable direction description. * The description is returned in the language of the user. * @return Direction description. */ string get_direction(void) const; /** * Get direction description for internal use. * This description is written to file. * @return Direction description. */ string get_direction_internal(void) const; /** * Set the release cause from an internal description. * @param cause [in] Internal release cause description. * @return Indication if operation succeeded. */ bool set_rel_cause(const string &cause); /** * Set the direction from an internal description. * @param cause [in] Internal direction description. * @return Indication if operation succeeded. */ bool set_direction(const string &dir); virtual bool create_file_record(vector &v) const; virtual bool populate_from_file_record(const vector &v); /** * Check if this call record represents a valid call. * @return Indication if call record is valid. */ bool is_valid(void) const; /** Get the record id. */ unsigned short get_id(void) const; private: // Guarded by a mutex, because contents of this class are updated from other threads. // The main thread always creates a copy (snapshot) of current state. mutable t_mutex mutex; }; /** History of calls. */ class t_call_history : public utils::t_record_file { private: /** Number of missed calls since this counter was cleared. */ int num_missed_calls; public: /** Constructor. */ t_call_history(); /** * Add a call record to the history. * @param call_record [in] The call record to be added. * @param write [in] Indicates if history must be written to file after adding. */ void add_call_record(const t_call_record &call_record, bool write = true); /** * Delete record with a given id. * @param id [in] The record id that must be deleted. * @param write [in] Indicates if history must be written to file after deleting. */ void delete_call_record(unsigned short id, bool write = true); /** * Get list of historic call records. * @param history [out] List of historic call records. */ void get_history(list &history); /** * Clear call history file. * @param write [in] Indicates if history must be written to file after adding. */ void clear(bool write = true); /** Get number of missed calls. */ int get_num_missed_calls(void) const; /** Clear number of missed calls. */ void clear_num_missed_calls(void); }; extern t_call_history *call_history; #endif