/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "audio_tx.h" #include "log.h" #include "phone.h" #include "userintf.h" #include "util.h" #include "line.h" #include "sequence_number.h" #include "audits/memman.h" extern t_phone *phone; #define SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE (MAX_PTIME * sc_sample_rate/1000 * AUDIO_SAMPLE_SIZE/8) // Debug macro to print timestamp #define DEBUG_TS(s) { gettimeofday(&debug_timer, NULL);\ cout << "DEBUG: ";\ cout << debug_timer.tv_sec * 1000 +\ debug_timer.tv_usec / 1000;\ cout << ":" << debug_timer.tv_sec * 1000 + debug_timer.tv_usec / 1000 - (debug_timer_prev.tv_sec * 1000 + debug_timer_prev.tv_usec / 1000);\ cout << " " << (s) << endl;\ debug_timer_prev = debug_timer;\ } ////////// // PUBLIC ////////// t_audio_tx::t_audio_tx(t_audio_session *_audio_session, t_audio_io *_playback_device, t_twinkle_rtp_session *_rtp_session, t_audio_codec _codec, const map &_payload2codec, unsigned short _ptime) { audio_session = _audio_session; user_config = audio_session->get_line()->get_user(); assert(user_config); playback_device = _playback_device; rtp_session = _rtp_session; codec = _codec; sc_sample_rate = audio_sample_rate(_codec); payload2codec = _payload2codec; is_running = false; stop_running = false; // Create audio decoders map_audio_decoder[CODEC_G711_ALAW] = new t_g711a_audio_decoder(_ptime, user_config); MEMMAN_NEW(map_audio_decoder[CODEC_G711_ALAW]); map_audio_decoder[CODEC_G711_ULAW] = new t_g711u_audio_decoder(_ptime, user_config); MEMMAN_NEW(map_audio_decoder[CODEC_G711_ULAW]); map_audio_decoder[CODEC_GSM] = new t_gsm_audio_decoder(user_config); MEMMAN_NEW(map_audio_decoder[CODEC_GSM]); #ifdef HAVE_SPEEX map_audio_decoder[CODEC_SPEEX_NB] = new t_speex_audio_decoder( t_speex_audio_decoder::MODE_NB, user_config); MEMMAN_NEW(map_audio_decoder[CODEC_SPEEX_NB]); map_audio_decoder[CODEC_SPEEX_WB] = new t_speex_audio_decoder( t_speex_audio_decoder::MODE_WB, user_config); MEMMAN_NEW(map_audio_decoder[CODEC_SPEEX_WB]); map_audio_decoder[CODEC_SPEEX_UWB] = new t_speex_audio_decoder( t_speex_audio_decoder::MODE_UWB, user_config); MEMMAN_NEW(map_audio_decoder[CODEC_SPEEX_UWB]); #endif #ifdef HAVE_ILBC map_audio_decoder[CODEC_ILBC] = new t_ilbc_audio_decoder(_ptime, user_config); MEMMAN_NEW(map_audio_decoder[CODEC_ILBC]); #endif map_audio_decoder[CODEC_G726_16] = new t_g726_audio_decoder( t_g726_audio_decoder::BIT_RATE_16, _ptime, user_config); MEMMAN_NEW(map_audio_decoder[CODEC_G726_16]); map_audio_decoder[CODEC_G726_24] = new t_g726_audio_decoder( t_g726_audio_decoder::BIT_RATE_24, _ptime, user_config); MEMMAN_NEW(map_audio_decoder[CODEC_G726_24]); map_audio_decoder[CODEC_G726_32] = new t_g726_audio_decoder( t_g726_audio_decoder::BIT_RATE_32, _ptime, user_config); MEMMAN_NEW(map_audio_decoder[CODEC_G726_32]); map_audio_decoder[CODEC_G726_40] = new t_g726_audio_decoder( t_g726_audio_decoder::BIT_RATE_40, _ptime, user_config); MEMMAN_NEW(map_audio_decoder[CODEC_G726_40]); #ifdef HAVE_BCG729 map_audio_decoder[CODEC_G729A] = new t_g729a_audio_decoder( _ptime, user_config); MEMMAN_NEW(map_audio_decoder[CODEC_G729A]); #endif ptime = map_audio_decoder[codec]->get_default_ptime(); sample_buf = new unsigned char[SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE]; MEMMAN_NEW_ARRAY(sample_buf); // Create concealment buffers for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CONCEALMENT; i++) { conceal_buf[i] = new unsigned char[SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE]; MEMMAN_NEW_ARRAY(conceal_buf[i]); conceal_buflen[i] = 0; } conceal_num = 0; conceal_pos = 0; // Initialize jitter buffer jitter_buf = new unsigned char[JITTER_BUF_SIZE(sc_sample_rate)]; MEMMAN_NEW_ARRAY(jitter_buf); jitter_buf_len = 0; load_jitter_buf = true; soundcard_buf_size = playback_device->get_buffer_size(false); // Initialize 3-way settings is_3way = false; is_3way_mixer = false; media_3way_peer_tx = NULL; peer_tx_3way = NULL; peer_rx_3way = NULL; mix_buf_3way = NULL; // Initialize telephone event settings pt_telephone_event = -1; pt_telephone_event_alt = 1; } t_audio_tx::~t_audio_tx() { struct timespec sleeptimer; if (is_running) { stop_running = true; do { sleeptimer.tv_sec = 0; sleeptimer.tv_nsec = 10000000; nanosleep(&sleeptimer, NULL); continue; } while (is_running); } MEMMAN_DELETE_ARRAY(sample_buf); delete [] sample_buf; MEMMAN_DELETE_ARRAY(jitter_buf); delete [] jitter_buf; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CONCEALMENT; i++) { MEMMAN_DELETE_ARRAY(conceal_buf[i]); delete [] conceal_buf[i]; } // Destroy audio decoders for (map::iterator i = map_audio_decoder.begin(); i != map_audio_decoder.end(); i++) { MEMMAN_DELETE(i->second); delete i->second; } // Cleanup 3-way resources if (media_3way_peer_tx) { MEMMAN_DELETE(media_3way_peer_tx); delete media_3way_peer_tx; } if (mix_buf_3way) { MEMMAN_DELETE_ARRAY(mix_buf_3way); delete [] mix_buf_3way; } } void t_audio_tx::retain_for_concealment(unsigned char *buf, unsigned short len) { if (conceal_num == 0) { memcpy(conceal_buf[0], buf, len); conceal_buflen[0] = len; conceal_num = 1; conceal_pos = 0; return; } if (conceal_num < MAX_CONCEALMENT) { memcpy(conceal_buf[conceal_num], buf, len); conceal_buflen[conceal_num] = len; conceal_num++; return; } memcpy(conceal_buf[conceal_pos], buf, len); conceal_buflen[conceal_pos] = len; conceal_pos = (conceal_pos + 1) % MAX_CONCEALMENT; } void t_audio_tx::conceal(short num) { // Some codecs have a PLC. // Only use this PLC is the sound card sample rate equals the codec // sample rate. If they differ, then we should resample the codec // samples. As this should be a rare case, we are lazy here. In // this rare case, use Twinkle's low-tech PLC. if (map_audio_decoder[codec]->has_plc() && audio_sample_rate(codec) == sc_sample_rate) { short *sb = (short *)sample_buf; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { int nsamples; nsamples = map_audio_decoder[codec]->conceal(sb, SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE); if (nsamples > 0) { play_pcm(sample_buf, nsamples * 2); } } return; } // Replay previous packets for other codecs short i = (conceal_pos + (MAX_CONCEALMENT - num)) % MAX_CONCEALMENT; if (i >= conceal_pos) { for (int j = i; j < MAX_CONCEALMENT; j++) { play_pcm(conceal_buf[j], conceal_buflen[j]); } for (int j = 0; j < conceal_pos; j++) { play_pcm(conceal_buf[j], conceal_buflen[j]); } } else { for (int j = i; j < conceal_pos; j++) { play_pcm(conceal_buf[j], conceal_buflen[j]); } } } void t_audio_tx::clear_conceal_buf(void) { conceal_pos = 0; conceal_num = 0; } void t_audio_tx::play_pcm(unsigned char *buf, unsigned short len, bool only_3rd_party) { int status; //struct timeval debug_timer, debug_timer_prev; unsigned char *playbuf = buf; // If there is only sound from the 3rd party in a 3-way, then check // if there is still enough sound in the buffer of the DSP to be // played. If not, then play out the sound from the 3rd party only. if (only_3rd_party) { /* Does not work on all ALSA implementations. if (playback_device->get_buffer_space(false) < soundcard_buf_size - len) { */ if (!playback_device->play_buffer_underrun()) { // There is still sound in the DSP buffers to be // played, so let's wait. Maybe in the next cycle // an RTP packet from the far-end will be received. return; } } // If we are in a 3-way then send the samples to the peer audio // receiver for mixing if (!only_3rd_party && is_3way && peer_rx_3way) { peer_rx_3way->post_media_peer_tx_3way(buf, len, sc_sample_rate); } // If we are in a 3-way conference and we are not the mixer then // send the sound samples to the mixer if (is_3way && !is_3way_mixer) { if (peer_tx_3way) { peer_tx_3way->post_media_peer_tx_3way(buf, len, sc_sample_rate); return; } else { // There is no peer. return; } } // Mix audio for 3-way conference if (is_3way && is_3way_mixer) { if (media_3way_peer_tx->get(mix_buf_3way, len)) { short *mix_sb = (short *)mix_buf_3way; short *sb = (short *)buf; for (int i = 0; i < len / 2; i++) { mix_sb[i] = mix_linear_pcm(sb[i], mix_sb[i]); } playbuf = mix_buf_3way; } } // Fill jitter buffer before playing if (load_jitter_buf) { if (jitter_buf_len + len < JITTER_BUF_SIZE(sc_sample_rate)) { memcpy(jitter_buf + jitter_buf_len, playbuf, len); jitter_buf_len += len; } else { // Write the contents of the jitter buffer to the DSP. // The buffers in the DSP will now function as jitter // buffer. status = playback_device->write(jitter_buf, jitter_buf_len); if (status != jitter_buf_len) { string msg("Writing to dsp failed: "); msg += get_error_str(errno); log_file->write_report(msg, "t_audio_tx::play_pcm", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CRITICAL); } // Write passed sound samples to DSP. status = playback_device->write(playbuf, len); if (status != len) { string msg("Writing to dsp failed: "); msg += get_error_str(errno); log_file->write_report(msg, "t_audio_tx::play_pcm", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CRITICAL); } load_jitter_buf = false; } return; } // If buffer on soundcard is empty, then the jitter buffer needs // to be refilled. This should only occur when no RTP packets // have been received for a while (silence suppression or packet loss) /* * This code does not work on all ALSA implementations, e.g. ALSA via pulse audio int bufferspace = playback_device->get_buffer_space(false); if (bufferspace == soundcard_buf_size && len <= JITTER_BUF_SIZE(sc_sample_rate)) { */ if (playback_device->play_buffer_underrun()) { memcpy(jitter_buf, playbuf, len); jitter_buf_len = len; load_jitter_buf = true; log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::play_pcm", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); log_file->write_raw(": jitter buffer empty.\n"); log_file->write_footer(); return; } // If the play-out buffer contains the maximum number of // packets then start skipping packets to prevent // unacceptable delay. // This can only happen if the thread did not get // processing time for a while and RTP packets start to // pile up. // Or if a soundcard plays out the samples at just less then // the requested sample rate. /* Not needed anymore, the ::run loop already discards incoming RTP packets with a late timestamp. This seems to solve the slow soundcard problem better. The solution below caused annoying ticks in the playout. if (soundcard_buf_size - bufferspace > JITTER_BUF_SIZE + len) { log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::play_pcm", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); log_file->write_raw(": jitter buffer overflow: "); log_file->write_raw(bufferspace); log_file->write_raw(" bytes.\n"); log_file->write_footer(); return; } */ // Write passed sound samples to DSP. status = playback_device->write(playbuf, len); if (status != len) { string msg("Writing to dsp failed: "); msg += get_error_str(errno); log_file->write_report(msg, "t_audio_tx::play_pcm", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CRITICAL); return; } } void t_audio_tx::set_running(bool running) { is_running = running; } void t_audio_tx::run(void) { const AppDataUnit* adu; struct timespec sleeptimer; //struct timeval debug_timer, debug_timer_prev; int last_seqnum = -1; // seqnum of last received RTP packet // RTP packets with multiple SSRCs may be received. Each SSRC // represents an audio stream. Twinkle will only play 1 audio stream. // On a reception of a new SSRC, Twinkle will switch over to play the // new stream. This supports devices that change SSRC during a call. uint32 ssrc_current = 0; bool recvd_dtmf = false; // indicates if last RTP packets is a DTMF event // The running flag is set already in t_audio_session::run to prevent // a crash when the thread gets destroyed before it starts running. // is_running = true; uint32 rtp_timestamp = 0; // This thread may not take the lock on the transaction layer to // prevent dead locks phone->add_prohibited_thread(); ui->add_prohibited_thread(); while (true) { do { adu = NULL; if (stop_running) break; rtp_timestamp = rtp_session->getFirstTimestamp(); adu = rtp_session->getData( rtp_session->getFirstTimestamp()); if (adu == NULL || adu->getSize() <= 0) { // There is no packet available. This may have // several reasons: // - the thread scheduling granularity does // not match ptime // - packet lost // - packet delayed // Wait another cycle for a packet. The // jitter buffer will cope with this variation. if (adu) { delete adu; adu = NULL; } // If we are the mixer in a 3-way call and there // is enough media from the other far-end then // this must be sent to the dsp. if (is_3way && is_3way_mixer && media_3way_peer_tx->size_content() >= ptime * (audio_sample_rate(codec) / 1000) * 2) { // Fill the sample buffer with silence int len = ptime * (audio_sample_rate(codec) / 1000) * 2; memset(sample_buf, 0, len); play_pcm(sample_buf, len, true); } // Sleep ptime ms sleeptimer.tv_sec = 0; if (ptime >= 20) { sleeptimer.tv_nsec = ptime * 1000000 - 10000000; } else { // With a thread schedule of 10ms // granularity, this will schedule the // thread every 10ms. sleeptimer.tv_nsec = 5000000; } nanosleep(&sleeptimer, NULL); } } while (adu == NULL || (adu->getSize() <= 0)); if (stop_running) { if (adu) delete adu; break; } if (adu) { // adu is created by ccRTP, but we have to delete it, // so report it to MEMMAN MEMMAN_NEW(const_cast(adu)); } // Check for a codec change map::const_iterator it_codec; it_codec = payload2codec.find(adu->getType()); t_audio_codec recvd_codec = CODEC_NULL; if (it_codec != payload2codec.end()) { recvd_codec = it_codec->second; } // Switch over to new SSRC if (last_seqnum == -1 || ssrc_current != adu->getSource().getID()) { if (recvd_codec != CODEC_NULL) { ssrc_current = adu->getSource().getID(); // An SSRC defines a sequence number space. So a new // SSRC starts with a new random sequence number last_seqnum = -1; log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::run", LOG_NORMAL); log_file->write_raw("Audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); log_file->write_raw(": play SSRC "); log_file->write_raw(ssrc_current); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); } else { // SSRC received had an unsupported codec // Discard. // KLUDGE: for now this supports a scenario where a // far-end starts ZRTP negotiation by sending CN // packets with a separate SSRC while ZRTP is disabled // in Twinkle. Twinkle will then receive the CN packets // and discard them here as CN is an unsupported codec. log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::run", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); log_file->write_raw(": SSRC received ("); log_file->write_raw(adu->getSource().getID()); log_file->write_raw(") has unsupported codec "); log_file->write_raw(adu->getType()); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); MEMMAN_DELETE(const_cast(adu)); delete adu; continue; } } map::const_iterator it_decoder; it_decoder = map_audio_decoder.find(recvd_codec); if (it_decoder != map_audio_decoder.end()) { if (codec != recvd_codec) { codec = recvd_codec; get_line()->ci_set_recv_codec(codec); ui->cb_async_recv_codec_changed(get_line()->get_line_number(), codec); log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::run", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); log_file->write_raw(": codec change to "); log_file->write_raw(ui->format_codec(codec)); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); } } else { if (adu->getType() == pt_telephone_event || adu->getType() == pt_telephone_event_alt) { recvd_dtmf = true; } else { if (codec != CODEC_UNSUPPORTED) { codec = CODEC_UNSUPPORTED; get_line()->ci_set_recv_codec(codec); ui->cb_async_recv_codec_changed( get_line()->get_line_number(), codec); log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::run", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); log_file->write_raw(": payload type "); log_file->write_raw(adu->getType()); log_file->write_raw(" not supported\n"); log_file->write_footer(); } last_seqnum = adu->getSeqNum(); MEMMAN_DELETE(const_cast(adu)); delete adu; continue; } } // DTMF event if (recvd_dtmf) { // NOTE: the DTMF tone will be detected here // while there might still be data in the jitter // buffer. If the jitter buffer was already sent // to the DSP, then the DSP will continue to play // out the buffer sound samples. if (dtmf_previous_timestamp != rtp_timestamp) { // A new DTMF tone has been received. dtmf_previous_timestamp = rtp_timestamp; t_rtp_telephone_event *e = (t_rtp_telephone_event *)adu->getData(); ui->cb_async_dtmf_detected(get_line()->get_line_number(), e->get_event()); // Log DTMF event log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::run"); log_file->write_raw("Audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); log_file->write_raw(": detected DTMF event - "); log_file->write_raw(e->get_event()); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); } recvd_dtmf = false; last_seqnum = adu->getSeqNum(); MEMMAN_DELETE(const_cast(adu)); delete adu; continue; } // Discard invalide payload sizes if (!map_audio_decoder[codec]->valid_payload_size( adu->getSize(), SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE / 2)) { log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::run", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); log_file->write_raw(": RTP payload size ("); log_file->write_raw((unsigned long)(adu->getSize())); log_file->write_raw(" bytes) invalid for \n"); log_file->write_raw(ui->format_codec(codec)); log_file->write_footer(); last_seqnum = adu->getSeqNum(); MEMMAN_DELETE(const_cast(adu)); delete adu; continue; } unsigned short recvd_ptime; recvd_ptime = map_audio_decoder[codec]->get_ptime(adu->getSize()); // Log a change of ptime if (ptime != recvd_ptime) { log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::run", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); log_file->write_raw(": ptime changed from "); log_file->write_raw(ptime); log_file->write_raw(" ms to "); log_file->write_raw(recvd_ptime); log_file->write_raw(" ms\n"); log_file->write_footer(); ptime = recvd_ptime; } // Check for lost packets // This must be done before decoding the received samples as the // speex decoder has its own PLC algorithm for which it needs the decoding // state before decoding the new samples. seq16_t seq_recvd(adu->getSeqNum()); seq16_t seq_last(static_cast(last_seqnum)); if (last_seqnum != -1 && seq_recvd - seq_last > 1) { // Packets have been lost uint16 num_lost = (seq_recvd - seq_last) - 1; log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::run", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); log_file->write_raw(": "); log_file->write_raw(num_lost); log_file->write_raw(" RTP packets lost.\n"); log_file->write_footer(); if (num_lost <= conceal_num) { // Conceal packet loss conceal(num_lost); } clear_conceal_buf(); } // Determine if resampling is needed due to dynamic change to // codec with other sample rate. short downsample_factor = 1; short upsample_factor = 1; if (audio_sample_rate(codec) > sc_sample_rate) { downsample_factor = audio_sample_rate(codec) / sc_sample_rate; } else if (audio_sample_rate(codec) < sc_sample_rate) { upsample_factor = sc_sample_rate / audio_sample_rate(codec); } // Create sample buffer. If no resampling is needed, the sample // buffer from the audio_tx object can be used directly. // Otherwise a temporary sample buffers is created that will // be resampled to the object's sample buffer later. short *sb; int sb_size; if (downsample_factor > 1) { sb_size = SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE / 2 * downsample_factor; sb = new short[sb_size]; MEMMAN_NEW_ARRAY(sb); } else if (upsample_factor > 1) { sb_size = SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE / 2; sb = new short[SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE / 2]; MEMMAN_NEW_ARRAY(sb); } else { sb_size = SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE / 2; sb = (short *)sample_buf; } // Decode the audio unsigned char *payload = const_cast(adu->getData()); short sample_size; // size in bytes sample_size = 2 * map_audio_decoder[codec]->decode(payload, adu->getSize(), sb, sb_size); // Resample if needed if (downsample_factor > 1) { short *p = sb; sb = (short *)sample_buf; for (int i = 0; i < sample_size / 2; i += downsample_factor) { sb[i / downsample_factor] = p[i]; } MEMMAN_DELETE_ARRAY(p); delete [] p; sample_size /= downsample_factor; } else if (upsample_factor > 1) { short *p = sb; sb = (short *)sample_buf; for (int i = 0; i < sample_size / 2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < upsample_factor; j++) { sb[i * upsample_factor + j] = p[i]; } } MEMMAN_DELETE_ARRAY(p); delete [] p; sample_size *= upsample_factor; } // If the decoder deliverd 0 bytes, then it failed if (sample_size == 0) { last_seqnum = adu->getSeqNum(); MEMMAN_DELETE(const_cast(adu)); delete adu; continue; } // Discard packet if we are lacking behind. This happens if the // soundcard plays at a rate less than the requested sample rate. if (rtp_session->isWaiting(&(adu->getSource()))) { uint32 last_ts = rtp_session->getLastTimestamp(&(adu->getSource())); uint32 diff; diff = last_ts - rtp_timestamp; if (diff > (uint32_t)(JITTER_BUF_SIZE(sc_sample_rate) / AUDIO_SAMPLE_SIZE) * 8) { log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::run", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); log_file->write_raw(": discard delayed packet.\n"); log_file->write_raw("Timestamp: "); log_file->write_raw(rtp_timestamp); log_file->write_raw(", Last timestamp: "); log_file->write_raw((long unsigned int)last_ts); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); last_seqnum = adu->getSeqNum(); MEMMAN_DELETE(const_cast(adu)); delete adu; continue; } } play_pcm(sample_buf, sample_size); retain_for_concealment(sample_buf, sample_size); last_seqnum = adu->getSeqNum(); MEMMAN_DELETE(const_cast(adu)); delete adu; // No sleep is done here but in the loop waiting // for a new packet. If a packet is already available // it can be send to the sound card immediately so // the play-out buffer keeps filled. // If the play-out buffer gets empty you hear a // crack in the sound. #ifdef HAVE_SPEEX // store decoded output for (optional) echo cancellation if (audio_session->get_do_echo_cancellation()) { if (audio_session->get_echo_captured_last()) { speex_echo_playback(audio_session->get_speex_echo_state(), (spx_int16_t *) sb); audio_session->set_echo_captured_last(false);; } } #endif } phone->remove_prohibited_thread(); ui->remove_prohibited_thread(); is_running = false; } void t_audio_tx::set_pt_telephone_event(int pt, int pt_alt) { pt_telephone_event = pt; pt_telephone_event_alt = pt_alt; } t_line *t_audio_tx::get_line(void) const { return audio_session->get_line(); } void t_audio_tx::join_3way(bool mixer, t_audio_tx *peer_tx, t_audio_rx *peer_rx) { mtx_3way.lock(); if (is_3way) { log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::join_3way"); log_file->write_raw("ERROR: audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); log_file->write_raw(" - 3way is already active.\n"); log_file->write_footer(); mtx_3way.unlock(); return; } // Logging log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::join_3way"); log_file->write_raw("Audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); log_file->write_raw(": join 3-way.\n"); if (mixer) { log_file->write_raw("Role is: mixer.\n"); } else { log_file->write_raw("Role is: non-mixing.\n"); } if (peer_tx) { log_file->write_raw("A peer transmitter already exists.\n"); } else { log_file->write_raw("A peer transmitter does not exist.\n"); } if (peer_rx) { log_file->write_raw("A peer receiver already exists.\n"); } else { log_file->write_raw("A peer receiver does not exist.\n"); } log_file->write_footer(); peer_tx_3way = peer_tx; peer_rx_3way = peer_rx; is_3way_mixer = mixer; is_3way = true; // Create buffers for mixing mix_buf_3way = new unsigned char[SAMPLE_BUF_SIZE]; MEMMAN_NEW_ARRAY(mix_buf_3way); // See comments in audio_rx.cpp for the size of this buffer. media_3way_peer_tx = new t_media_buffer(JITTER_BUF_SIZE(sc_sample_rate)); MEMMAN_NEW(media_3way_peer_tx); mtx_3way.unlock(); } void t_audio_tx::set_peer_tx_3way(t_audio_tx *peer_tx) { mtx_3way.lock(); if (!is_3way) { mtx_3way.unlock(); return; } // Logging log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::set_peer_tx_3way"); log_file->write_raw("Audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); if (peer_tx) { log_file->write_raw(": set peer transmitter.\n"); } else { log_file->write_raw(": erase peer transmitter.\n"); } if (is_3way_mixer) { log_file->write_raw("Role is: mixer.\n"); } else { log_file->write_raw("Role is: non-mixing.\n"); } log_file->write_footer(); peer_tx_3way = peer_tx; mtx_3way.unlock(); } void t_audio_tx::set_peer_rx_3way(t_audio_rx *peer_rx) { mtx_3way.lock(); if (!is_3way) { mtx_3way.unlock(); return; } // Logging log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::set_peer_rx_3way"); log_file->write_raw("Audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); if (peer_rx) { log_file->write_raw(": set peer receiver.\n"); } else { log_file->write_raw(": erase peer receiver.\n"); } if (is_3way_mixer) { log_file->write_raw("Role is: mixer.\n"); } else { log_file->write_raw("Role is: non-mixing.\n"); } log_file->write_footer(); peer_rx_3way = peer_rx; mtx_3way.unlock(); } void t_audio_tx::set_mixer_3way(bool mixer) { mtx_3way.lock(); if (!is_3way) { mtx_3way.unlock(); return; } // Logging log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::set_mixer_3way"); log_file->write_raw("Audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); if (mixer) { log_file->write_raw(": change role to: mixer.\n"); } else { log_file->write_raw(": change role to: non-mixing.\n"); } log_file->write_footer(); is_3way_mixer = mixer; mtx_3way.unlock(); } void t_audio_tx::stop_3way(void) { mtx_3way.lock(); if (!is_3way) { log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::stop_3way"); log_file->write_raw("ERROR: audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); log_file->write_raw(" - 3way is not active.\n"); log_file->write_footer(); mtx_3way.unlock(); return; } // Logging log_file->write_header("t_audio_tx::stop_3way"); log_file->write_raw("Audio tx line "); log_file->write_raw(get_line()->get_line_number()+1); log_file->write_raw(": stop 3-way.\n"); log_file->write_footer(); is_3way = false; is_3way_mixer = false; if (media_3way_peer_tx) { MEMMAN_DELETE(media_3way_peer_tx); delete media_3way_peer_tx; media_3way_peer_tx = NULL; } if (mix_buf_3way) { MEMMAN_DELETE_ARRAY(mix_buf_3way); delete [] mix_buf_3way; mix_buf_3way = NULL; } mtx_3way.unlock(); } void t_audio_tx::post_media_peer_tx_3way(unsigned char *media, int len, unsigned short peer_sample_rate) { mtx_3way.lock(); if (!is_3way || !is_3way_mixer) { mtx_3way.unlock(); return; } if (peer_sample_rate != sc_sample_rate) { // Resample media from peer to sample rate of this transmitter int output_len = (len / 2) * sc_sample_rate / peer_sample_rate; short *output_buf = new short[output_len]; MEMMAN_NEW_ARRAY(output_buf); int resample_len = resample((short *)media, len / 2, peer_sample_rate, output_buf, output_len, sc_sample_rate); media_3way_peer_tx->add((unsigned char *)output_buf, resample_len * 2); MEMMAN_DELETE_ARRAY(output_buf); delete [] output_buf; } else { media_3way_peer_tx->add(media, len); } mtx_3way.unlock(); } bool t_audio_tx::get_is_3way_mixer(void) const { return is_3way_mixer; }