/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include "audio_encoder.h" #ifdef HAVE_ILBC #ifndef HAVE_ILBC_CPP extern "C" { #endif #include #ifndef HAVE_ILBC_CPP } #endif #endif ////////////////////////////////////////// // class t_audio_encoder ////////////////////////////////////////// t_audio_encoder::t_audio_encoder(uint16 payload_id, uint16 ptime, t_user *user_config) : _payload_id(payload_id), _ptime(ptime), _user_config(user_config) {} t_audio_codec t_audio_encoder::get_codec(void) const { return _codec; } uint16 t_audio_encoder::get_payload_id(void) const { return _payload_id; } uint16 t_audio_encoder::get_ptime(void) const { return _ptime; } uint16 t_audio_encoder::get_sample_rate(void) const { return audio_sample_rate(_codec); } uint16 t_audio_encoder::get_max_payload_size(void) const { return _max_payload_size; } ////////////////////////////////////////// // class t_g711a_audio_encoder ////////////////////////////////////////// t_g711a_audio_encoder::t_g711a_audio_encoder(uint16 payload_id, uint16 ptime, t_user *user_config) : t_audio_encoder(payload_id, ptime, user_config) { _codec = CODEC_G711_ALAW; if (ptime == 0) _ptime = PTIME_G711_ALAW; _max_payload_size = audio_sample_rate(_codec)/1000 * _ptime; } uint16 t_g711a_audio_encoder::encode(int16 *sample_buf, uint16 nsamples, uint8 *payload, uint16 payload_size, bool &silence) { assert(nsamples <= payload_size); silence = false; for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) { payload[i] = linear2alaw(sample_buf[i]); } return nsamples; } ////////////////////////////////////////// // class t_g711u_audio_encoder ////////////////////////////////////////// t_g711u_audio_encoder::t_g711u_audio_encoder(uint16 payload_id, uint16 ptime, t_user *user_config) : t_audio_encoder(payload_id, ptime, user_config) { _codec = CODEC_G711_ULAW; if (ptime == 0) _ptime = PTIME_G711_ULAW; _max_payload_size = audio_sample_rate(_codec)/1000 * _ptime; } uint16 t_g711u_audio_encoder::encode(int16 *sample_buf, uint16 nsamples, uint8 *payload, uint16 payload_size, bool &silence) { assert(nsamples <= payload_size); silence = false; for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) { payload[i] = linear2ulaw(sample_buf[i]); } return nsamples; } ////////////////////////////////////////// // class t_gsm_audio_encoder ////////////////////////////////////////// t_gsm_audio_encoder::t_gsm_audio_encoder(uint16 payload_id, uint16 ptime, t_user *user_config) : t_audio_encoder(payload_id, PTIME_GSM, user_config) { _codec = CODEC_GSM; _max_payload_size = 33; gsm_encoder = gsm_create(); } t_gsm_audio_encoder::~t_gsm_audio_encoder() { gsm_destroy(gsm_encoder); } uint16 t_gsm_audio_encoder::encode(int16 *sample_buf, uint16 nsamples, uint8 *payload, uint16 payload_size, bool &silence) { assert(payload_size >= _max_payload_size); silence = false; gsm_encode(gsm_encoder, sample_buf, payload); return _max_payload_size; } #ifdef HAVE_SPEEX ////////////////////////////////////////// // class t_speex_audio_encoder ////////////////////////////////////////// t_speex_audio_encoder::t_speex_audio_encoder(uint16 payload_id, uint16 ptime, t_mode mode, t_user *user_config) : t_audio_encoder(payload_id, PTIME_SPEEX, user_config) { speex_bits_init(&speex_bits); _mode = mode; switch (mode) { case MODE_NB: _codec = CODEC_SPEEX_NB; speex_enc_state = speex_encoder_init(&speex_nb_mode); break; case MODE_WB: _codec = CODEC_SPEEX_WB; speex_enc_state = speex_encoder_init(&speex_wb_mode); break; case MODE_UWB: _codec = CODEC_SPEEX_UWB; speex_enc_state = speex_encoder_init(&speex_uwb_mode); break; default: assert(false); } int arg; // Bit rate type switch (_user_config->get_speex_bit_rate_type()) { case BIT_RATE_CBR: arg = 0; speex_encoder_ctl(speex_enc_state, SPEEX_SET_VBR, &arg); break; case BIT_RATE_VBR: arg = 1; speex_encoder_ctl(speex_enc_state, SPEEX_SET_VBR, &arg); break; case BIT_RATE_ABR: if (_codec == CODEC_SPEEX_NB) { arg = user_config->get_speex_abr_nb(); speex_encoder_ctl(speex_enc_state, SPEEX_SET_ABR, &arg); } else { arg = user_config->get_speex_abr_wb(); speex_encoder_ctl(speex_enc_state, SPEEX_SET_ABR, &arg); } break; default: assert(false); } _max_payload_size = 1500; /*** ENCODER OPTIONS ***/ // Discontinuos trasmission arg = (_user_config->get_speex_dtx() ? 1 : 0); speex_encoder_ctl(speex_enc_state, SPEEX_SET_DTX, &arg); // Quality arg = _user_config->get_speex_quality(); if (_user_config->get_speex_bit_rate_type() == BIT_RATE_VBR) speex_encoder_ctl(speex_enc_state, SPEEX_SET_VBR_QUALITY, &arg); else speex_encoder_ctl(speex_enc_state, SPEEX_SET_QUALITY, &arg); // Complexity arg = _user_config->get_speex_complexity(); speex_encoder_ctl(speex_enc_state, SPEEX_SET_COMPLEXITY, &arg); } t_speex_audio_encoder::~t_speex_audio_encoder() { speex_bits_destroy(&speex_bits); speex_encoder_destroy(speex_enc_state); } uint16 t_speex_audio_encoder::encode(int16 *sample_buf, uint16 nsamples, uint8 *payload, uint16 payload_size, bool &silence) { assert(payload_size >= _max_payload_size); silence = false; speex_bits_reset(&speex_bits); if (speex_encode_int(speex_enc_state, sample_buf, &speex_bits) == 0) silence = true; return speex_bits_write(&speex_bits, (char *)payload, payload_size); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_ILBC ////////////////////////////////////////// // class t_ilbc_audio_encoder ////////////////////////////////////////// t_ilbc_audio_encoder::t_ilbc_audio_encoder(uint16 payload_id, uint16 ptime, t_user *user_config) : t_audio_encoder(payload_id, (ptime < 25 ? 20 : 30), user_config) { _codec = CODEC_ILBC; _mode = _ptime; if (_mode == 20) { _max_payload_size = NO_OF_BYTES_20MS; } else { _max_payload_size = NO_OF_BYTES_30MS; } initEncode(&_ilbc_encoder, _mode); } uint16 t_ilbc_audio_encoder::encode(int16 *sample_buf, uint16 nsamples, uint8 *payload, uint16 payload_size, bool &silence) { assert(payload_size >= _max_payload_size); assert(nsamples == _ilbc_encoder.blockl); silence = false; float block[nsamples]; for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) { block[i] = static_cast(sample_buf[i]); } iLBC_encode((unsigned char*)payload, block, &_ilbc_encoder); return _ilbc_encoder.no_of_bytes; } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////// // class t_g726_encoder ////////////////////////////////////////// t_g726_audio_encoder::t_g726_audio_encoder(uint16 payload_id, uint16 ptime, t_bit_rate bit_rate, t_user *user_config) : t_audio_encoder(payload_id, ptime, user_config) { _bit_rate = bit_rate; switch (bit_rate) { case BIT_RATE_16: _codec = CODEC_G726_16; break; case BIT_RATE_24: _codec = CODEC_G726_24; break; case BIT_RATE_32: _codec = CODEC_G726_32; break; case BIT_RATE_40: _codec = CODEC_G726_40; break; default: assert(false); } if (ptime == 0) _ptime = PTIME_G726; _max_payload_size = audio_sample_rate(_codec)/1000 * _ptime; _packing = user_config->get_g726_packing(); g72x_init_state(&_state); } uint16 t_g726_audio_encoder::encode_16(int16 *sample_buf, uint16 nsamples, uint8 *payload, uint16 payload_size) { assert(nsamples % 4 == 0); assert(nsamples / 4 <= payload_size); for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i += 4) { payload[i >> 2] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { uint8 v = static_cast(g723_16_encoder(sample_buf[i+j], AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR, &_state)); if (_packing == G726_PACK_RFC3551) { payload[i >> 2] |= v << (j * 2); } else { payload[i >> 2] |= v << ((3-j) * 2); } } } return nsamples >> 2; } uint16 t_g726_audio_encoder::encode_24(int16 *sample_buf, uint16 nsamples, uint8 *payload, uint16 payload_size) { assert(nsamples % 8 == 0); assert(nsamples / 8 * 3 <= payload_size); for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i += 8) { uint32 v = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (_packing == G726_PACK_RFC3551) { v |= static_cast(g723_24_encoder(sample_buf[i+j], AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR, &_state)) << (j * 3); } else { v |= static_cast(g723_24_encoder(sample_buf[i+j], AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR, &_state)) << ((7-j) * 3); } } payload[(i >> 3) * 3] = static_cast(v & 0xff); payload[(i >> 3) * 3 + 1] = static_cast((v >> 8) & 0xff); payload[(i >> 3) * 3 + 2] = static_cast((v >> 16) & 0xff); } return (nsamples >> 3) * 3; } uint16 t_g726_audio_encoder::encode_32(int16 *sample_buf, uint16 nsamples, uint8 *payload, uint16 payload_size) { assert(nsamples % 2 == 0); assert(nsamples / 2 <= payload_size); for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i += 2) { payload[i >> 1] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { uint8 v = static_cast(g721_encoder(sample_buf[i+j], AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR, &_state)); if (_packing == G726_PACK_RFC3551) { payload[i >> 1] |= v << (j * 4); } else { payload[i >> 1] |= v << ((1-j) * 4); } } } return nsamples >> 1; } uint16 t_g726_audio_encoder::encode_40(int16 *sample_buf, uint16 nsamples, uint8 *payload, uint16 payload_size) { assert(nsamples % 8 == 0); assert(nsamples / 8 * 5 <= payload_size); for (int i = 0; i < nsamples; i += 8) { uint64 v = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (_packing == G726_PACK_RFC3551) { v |= static_cast(g723_40_encoder(sample_buf[i+j], AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR, &_state)) << (j * 5); } else { v |= static_cast(g723_40_encoder(sample_buf[i+j], AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR, &_state)) << ((7-j) * 5); } } payload[(i >> 3) * 5] = static_cast(v & 0xff); payload[(i >> 3) * 5 + 1] = static_cast((v >> 8) & 0xff); payload[(i >> 3) * 5 + 2] = static_cast((v >> 16) & 0xff); payload[(i >> 3) * 5 + 3] = static_cast((v >> 24) & 0xff); payload[(i >> 3) * 5 + 4] = static_cast((v >> 32) & 0xff); } return (nsamples >> 3) * 5; } uint16 t_g726_audio_encoder::encode(int16 *sample_buf, uint16 nsamples, uint8 *payload, uint16 payload_size, bool &silence) { silence = false; switch (_bit_rate) { case BIT_RATE_16: return encode_16(sample_buf, nsamples, payload, payload_size); case BIT_RATE_24: return encode_24(sample_buf, nsamples, payload, payload_size); case BIT_RATE_32: return encode_32(sample_buf, nsamples, payload, payload_size); case BIT_RATE_40: return encode_40(sample_buf, nsamples, payload, payload_size); default: assert(false); } return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_BCG729 t_g729a_audio_encoder::t_g729a_audio_encoder(uint16 payload_id, uint16 ptime, t_user *user_config) : t_audio_encoder(payload_id, ptime, user_config) { _context = initBcg729EncoderChannel(); } t_g729a_audio_encoder::~t_g729a_audio_encoder() { closeBcg729EncoderChannel(_context); } uint16 t_g729a_audio_encoder::encode(int16 *sample_buf, uint16 nsamples, uint8 *payload, uint16 payload_size, bool &silence) { assert ((nsamples % 80) == 0); assert (payload_size >= (nsamples/8)); silence = false; for (uint16 done = 0; done < nsamples; done += 80) { bcg729Encoder(_context, &sample_buf[done], &payload[done / 8]); } return nsamples / 8; } #endif