/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "address_book.h" #include "sys_settings.h" #include "translator.h" #include "userintf.h" #include "util.h" // Call history file #define ADDRESS_BOOK_FILE "twinkle.ab"; // Field seperator in call history file #define REC_SEPARATOR '|' //////////////////////////// // class t_address_card //////////////////////////// string t_address_card::get_display_name(void) const { string s; if (!name_first.empty()) { s = name_first; } if (!name_infix.empty()) { if (!s.empty()) s += ' '; s += name_infix; } if (!name_last.empty()) { if (!s.empty()) s += ' '; s += name_last; } return s; } bool t_address_card::create_file_record(vector &v) const { v.clear(); v.push_back(name_first); v.push_back(name_infix); v.push_back(name_last); v.push_back(sip_address); v.push_back(remark); return true; } bool t_address_card::populate_from_file_record(const vector &v) { // Check number of fields if (v.size() != 5) return false; name_first = v[0]; name_infix = v[1]; name_last = v[2]; sip_address = v[3]; remark = v[4]; return true; } bool t_address_card::operator==(const t_address_card other) const { return (name_first == other.name_first && name_infix == other.name_infix && name_last == other.name_last && sip_address == other.sip_address && remark == other.remark); } //////////////////////////// // class t_address_book //////////////////////////// // Private void t_address_book::find_address(t_user *user_config, const t_url &u) const { if (u == last_url) return; last_url = u; last_name.clear(); // Normalize url using number conversion rules t_url u_normalized(u); u_normalized.apply_conversion_rules(user_config); for (list::const_iterator i = records.begin(); i != records.end(); i++) { string full_address = ui->expand_destination(user_config, i->sip_address, u_normalized.get_scheme()); t_url url_phone(full_address); if (!url_phone.is_valid()) continue; if (u_normalized.user_host_match(url_phone, user_config->get_remove_special_phone_symbols(), user_config->get_special_phone_symbols())) { last_name = i->get_display_name(); return; } } } // Public t_address_book::t_address_book() : utils::t_record_file() { set_header("first_name|infix_name|last_name|sip_address|remark"); set_separator(REC_SEPARATOR); string s(DIR_HOME); s += "/"; s += USER_DIR; s += "/"; s += ADDRESS_BOOK_FILE; set_filename(s); } void t_address_book::add_address(const t_address_card &address) { mtx_records.lock(); records.push_back(address); mtx_records.unlock(); } bool t_address_book::del_address(const t_address_card &address) { mtx_records.lock(); list::iterator it = find(records.begin(), records.end(), address); if (it == records.end()) { mtx_records.unlock(); return false; } records.erase(it); // Invalidate the cache for the address finder last_url.set_url(""); mtx_records.unlock(); return true; } bool t_address_book::update_address(const t_address_card &old_address, const t_address_card &new_address) { mtx_records.lock(); if (!del_address(old_address)) { mtx_records.unlock(); return false; } records.push_back(new_address); mtx_records.unlock(); return true; } string t_address_book::find_name(t_user *user_config, const t_url &u) const { mtx_records.lock(); find_address(user_config, u); string name = last_name; mtx_records.unlock(); return name; } const list &t_address_book::get_address_list(void) const { return records; }