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index d6b307cb..13a3c4a4 100644
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@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ Disqualify:
###### News
+"[CloudflareのDNSだと「5ちゃんねる」に接続できない? ネットで話題に](" by [itmedia](
"[Cloudflare down: Thousands of popular websites affected by brief outage](" by [Alexander J Martin](
"[Major websites and services across the internet went down Tuesday because of a hosting-platform outage](" by [Antonio Villas-Boas](
@@ -139,12 +141,26 @@ Disqualify:
###### Forum / Wiki
+"[Pale Moon developer shows disdain for Tor and people who combat Cloudflare MITM](" by [vargasgetulio](
"[...Cloudflare DOES TLS termination, directly having access to all the data in clear.](" by [JustCondition4](
"[DNS over HTTPS](http://oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion/tech/res/1082196.html)"
"[Cloudflare = CIA](http://oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion/tech/res/1032001.html)"
+"[Please remove cloudflare](" by [cloudspyha](
+"[coinkite SSL is shared with shady sites?](" by [notR1CH](
+"[Cloudflare's mobile application " Faster & Safer Internet" keeps a log of your DNS queries for 24 hours, can't be disabled](" by [maybenot12](
+"[In other news, Bitpay is completely broken now.](" by [phelix2](
+"[Can we stop posting articles from medium?](" by [FusionTorpedo](
+"[How to avoid plain text passwords etc being visible to Cloudflare's MITM proxies](" by [r0ck0](
"[Thoughts on CloudFlare](" by [techEnthusiast0](
"[Is it possible to universally bypass the Cloudflare DDOS-protection? Can add a delay to your daily browsing when automatically clearing cookies](" by [8VBQ-Y5AG-8XU9-567UM](
@@ -163,14 +179,50 @@ Disqualify:
"[Fastest DNS from Cloudflare + privacy first? Hmmm](" by [deleted](
+"[Tor says CloudFlare's claim that 94% of requests from Tor are malicious is likely based on flawed methodology, asks for explanation](" by [autotldr](
+"[Is there a safe download mirror for Monero wallets that doesn't force me to go through this hateful and broken CloudFlare?](" by [VedadoAnonimato](
+"[Can't get passed CloudFlare's CAPTCHA with TorBrowser.](" by [VedadoAnonimato](
+"[Anyone else getting this error - THIS REQUEST HAS BEEN RATE LIMITED](" by [jessicadunbar](
+"[Cloudflare blocked "my" IP address.](" by [Stillhart](
+"[CloudFlare blocks reddit API requests from Tor](" by [QuantumBadger](
+"[Any way to fix 523 cloudflare error websites (websites that dead with 523 cloudlare error)?](" by [fasdaa222](
+"[Ongoing centralization of the internet through CDNs](" by [quickdecision](
"[I'm not sure if I can ELI5 this but I'll try my best to explain.](" by [Waphire](
"[Anonym im Internet - Inhaltsverzeichnis](" by [Kairaven](
"[Cloudflare is MITM](,4705549,4705549,read.html)" by Nutzer
+"[Constant "CloudFlare" IP BLOCK Popups](" by [craigs](
+"[This Cloudflare horsesh*t. Are they CIA? Seriously, I keep finding cloudflare based problems. No way they are this popular with all these problems.](" by deleted
"[Issues with corporate censorship and mass surveillance](" by [Jacob Appelbaum](
+[How can i get rid of those cloudflare captchas its annoying](
+[Cloudflares captcha screen insurmountable](
+[Does cloudflare identify tor users actual ip address and other identifying info](
+[Cloudflare hates tbb v7 not duplicate](
+[Cloudflare wont let in even though i solve the captcha correctly](
+[Getting cloudflared all of a sudden why](
+[Is a tor or cloudflare update the reason i suddenly getting cloudflared to death](
+[How do enter all cloudflares captchas on one page to access a complex page](
"[Be careful with CloudFlare](" by [no-idea-for-username](
"[Be wary reporting to Cloudflare](" by [athenahollow](
@@ -225,6 +277,26 @@ Disqualify:
###### Microsoft GitHub
+"[blocked by cloudflare](" by [imesg](
+"[Cloudflare blocked](" by [sinkaroid](
+"[Blocked by cloudflare](" by [roquez](
+"[Can't access your API](" by [adeelotx](
+"[Can't access susper, because of cloudflare](" by [clownfeces](
+"[Extension blocked by Cloudflare](" by [Neolex-Security](
+"[Custom DNS option not working !](" by [Nokia808](
+"[Patreon added Cloudflare, blocks get_file_contents](" by [TwistedMexi](
+"[Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA?](" by [DrPaw](
+"[i found a solution for cloudflare](" by [WAVDEVTEAM](
"[Notes on privacy and data collection of](" by [maxidorius](
"[The feed stopped working](" by [leandroprz](
@@ -295,6 +367,134 @@ Disqualify:
###### Twitter (aka "Birdsite")
+"Laughable, and I'll advise clients and other decent humans away from your services." by @[CalawayTandC](
+"Cloudflare is having issues #cloudflare is getting too many requests. #websiteproblem" by @[subhaghealth](
+""The #uk #PirateParty feed is blocked by Cloudflare," a friend tells me. Surely they should know better. #Cloudflare needs to be avoided. " by @[schestowitz](
+"This is really annoying when Cloudflare blocks WordPress REST API PUT requests for #Gutenberg editor (WP0025B rule blocks). You can't save, update or publish your blog post. #block #wordpress #cloudflare #fix #WP0025B" by @[Eftakhairul](
+"cloudflare unable to access my sites from China unless using VPN. Have you been blocked by the GFW?" by @[FrasSmith](
+"I don't want this from #Cloudflare, it is risking being blocked by China. Not just the VPN, but all Cloudflare protected sites." by @[EvolvingViews](
+"Explain to me how this isn't a MITM attack & proves SSL is busted. CloudFlare promises SSL security" by @[TechHelp](
+" compromised again in a MiTM attack, CloudFlare used to generate fraudulent SSL..." by @[TechL0G](
+" is not the solution - it is just a commercial MITM attack which any proper security design would have to mitigate." by @[Engbrg](
+"I firmly believe Cloudflare in the most dangerous thing that happened to the internet this decade. Facebook abuses the data you voluntarily give them; but Cloudflare is a full on MITM attack." by @[peter_szilagyi](
+"CloudFlare blocked access to from Williams (open public wifi) because of suspicious activity. Good thing I have a VPN." by @[dj3vande](
+"Can't Access Your Favorite Site? Cloudflare Has Been Experiencing Major Outages Almost Everywhere" by @[K4Kats](
+"Seems Cloudflare is having ssl issues in the Boston area. If you can’t access my sites please just drive outside of Boston and that should fix it" by @[wesbos](
+"cloudflare just fucking died, can't access discord or a lotta sites bruh" by @[LucasIsYoshi](
+"Yeah, just noticed it’s a cloudflare issue and not discord, as my own sites running on cloudflare aren’t loading - 502 bad gateway." by @[KieranCairns](
+"god fucking damnit, another cloudflare shitshow. the first one was last week and verizon's fault, but this is still infuriating. I can't access most of the websites I usually visit" by @[elli_psis](
+"Is CloudFlare down? I can’t even visit it’s website :( Sadly, my server relies on CloudFlare’s services." by @[rickyipcw](
+"I can't visit CloudFlare "protected" sites with cookies disabled (is my default browser configuration). There aren't less intrusive methods to "protect" sites?" by @[lito_ordes](
+"I can't visit and Archive Today with Cloudflare DNS It returns zero results when DNS querying for Archive Today or any domains under *.mil Google DNS works though for some reason" by @[wongmjane](
+"But the site works fine through Google DNS" by @[wongmjane](
+"Let's harass Tor users, MITM all our customers, and call ourselves a "security" company." by @[taoeffect](
+"The number one MITM just got bigger: "CloudFlare is used by 73.9% of all the websites whose reverse proxy service we know. This is 6.8% of all websites."" by @[modrobert](
+"too bad there's a cloudflare mitm that targets tor users with captchas" by @[femmetasm](
+"I bet Cloudlfare (Cloudbleed) triggers most of those captchas. If you really want to know how much the web depends on this MITM service, try using Tor for a while. BTW: Are the webmasters using Cloudflare fully aware what they are doing to their visitors?" by @[modrobert](
+"I registered an account last night and was sent an activation but the activate link (or any request to ) produces a Cloudflare error "This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Ray ID"" by @[TouchingVirus](
+"Turns out Cloudflare's https redirection is messing with http-01 challenge. Always use nginx's own https redirection." by @[6r33z3](
+"I keep getting a Cloudflare error screen when attempting to load" by @[dtjohnso](
+"is fa down again? I'm getting a gateway error from cloudflare." by @[JayriAvieock](
+"It’s script kiddies, human error, or just a Cloudflare outage." by @[notgrubles](
+"Maybe Cloudflare should shut off business with facebook for allowing this manifesto being posted. Naw... cloudflare would never cut off one of the hands that feed them by applying equal censorship. #CloudflareHypocrisy" by @[TheCypressGang](
+"Cloudflareみたいな会社が、偉い人間の感情でこういうことするの本当に良くないから(止|辞)めてね" by @[sekai67](
+"I'm getting 502 Cloudflare Issues. Is there any updates on how long this is going to take?" by @[Shadowclouddr](
+"Sorry to be a pest, but Cloudflare says the host for the site isn't responding!" by @[HannahCaruso3](
+"Just letting you know you've issued a certificate to a crypto scam site" by @[SickBeard_Log](
+"Cloudflare's CDN isnt a DNS smartass. Cloudflare's only mission is to MITM the whole internet. " by @[6JY6ZQVYS4p7YrL](
+"While you try and MITM the whole fucking internet." by @[6JY6ZQVYS4p7YrL](
+"Cloudflare acts as a MITM. In other words, the client connects via HTTPS to their servers, not to the actual website, and then they connect to the actual server. They can read all traffic since encryption is "terminated" at their node." by @[OtomaiShirona](
+"speaking of crapflare, yet another one... the 2nd one I've seen since this prior tweet. Maybe it is me... but in the end vendors lose out and I move on..." by @[brettPowerline](
+"would you want your kids to be victims on your own infrastructure? #Hypocrisy #cybercrime" by @[phyzonloop](
+"You blocked , which includes Japan's strongest liberal community /poverty/ (kenmo) board. You think you blocked Japan's alt-right website, but it's not actually quite that simple." by @[joinus_yaruo](
+"Having trouble with the haveibeenpwned API. Using v3 with an API key and sending requests under the rate limit but still getting blocked by Cloudflare. Anyone else having similar problems?" by @[averagesecguy](
+" can't login to Patreon. When I try to, it tells me to verify by clicking the link sent to my mail. After I click, I see " 403 Forbidden " and " cloudflare". This must have something to do with you. I am not attacking the site obviously, why am I blocked?" by @[pleionea](
+"Cloudflare blocking access to the site from France. So much for net neutrality..." by @[jfenal](
+"Cloudflareの1.1.1.1ってpoliticalな云々でblockingするとこだったっけ?と" by @[hornet_mk2](
+"率直に言って Cloudflare DNS が特定のドメインの名前解決を阻害し続けるならば、今後それを使うことはなくなる。" by @[soltia48](
+"Hey remember when you dickheads forwarded my name, email address, and IP number to 8chan after we sent you a report about the child pornography ring they were hosting?" by @[FoldableHuman](
+"Reading this thread makes me think it's straight up dangerous to have any sort of contact with Cloudflare if you have any sort of morals or scruples. I'd say it's best to report websites hosted by them to the authorities." by @[WenSchw](
+"Is cloudflare trying to shut you guys down too? " by @[youngandaspire](
+"CloudflareのDNSだと「5ちゃんねる」に接続できない? ネットで話題に … "Cloudflareは今回、8chanの現運営者が一時的に管理していた5ちゃんねるに対しても措置を講じたとみられる"" by @[catnap707](
+"People did not know cloudflare sucks? You ever try to browse websites from a Tor connection to a cloudflare hosted site? (Granted they eventually stopped putting people in captcha jail)" by @[Pic0o](
+"Hm.. Pakistan govt has signed up enterprise plan with Cloudflare to block it's army website for India IP addresses. " by @[njnrn](
+"Hey, i have some trouble with your website Cloudflare say i have no access...." by @[Poke7z](
+"I have a bad gateway error (502) with the Cloudflare server being in Warsaw." by @[kbartek05](
+"Hey there #errbot devs. It appears that errbot is throwing a Cloudflare error: Error 1014 CNAME Cross-User Banned" by @[n8felton](
+"Dear FJ, the Cloudflare error in white page means that the owner of the site has blocked Indian connections from accessing it." by @[Aamer_Sha](
+"You alright? For a second there was a cloudflare error. " by @[RainbowKappaMC](
+"is your website ok? getting a Error 522 via cloudflare" by @[CatherineWeird](
+"Getting a 521 error on cloudflare for the past 30 minutes. fyi." by @[taffy_nay](
+"i placed an Order, and after paying with Paypal i was redirected to a Cloudflare Error-Page. My Paypal has the debit but there is no E-Mail Order Confirmation or Order No at your Website." by @[Dryteak](
+"Hello i have a Problem with the Website i can go on the Site it gives me an Cloudflare Error! I just want to Download the Client is there way that i get a directly Download Link?" by @[imxylox](
+"What's up with Cloudflare? 1. Error while attempting to log in (credentials are correct -- cookies wiped) 2. When logging in using incognito, it works but redirects to.. the path to a SVG logo that isn't there? 3. Many errors on the main page after clearing out all site data " by @[CoolApps45](
+"In truth Cloudflare's commitment to freedom on the 'net is clearly not true given Cloudflare's blocking of anyone who tries to connect to one of their client sites from a #tor exit node. It's not about freedom. I doubt it's about any principles at all." by @[DeborahPeasley](
+"If anything, Cloudflare is demonstrably against free access to information. Their entire business model comes down to locking off the Internet to all but the biggest tech giants (Googlebot), and denying any other Mom&Pop co’s in the name of “DDoS protection.”" by @[petebray](
+"I remember cloudflare's "safety lead" blocking a bunch of people for pointing out that their abuse process is (was) extremely unsafe." by @[sschinke](
"Well cloudflare is one of the worst companies out there. Their entire business model is made up of restricting access to content (ie machine learning to only let Google and other big co bots through, but denying all small players)." by @[petebray](
"Finding it difficult to access petition. Error 502. No idea if deliberate or just technical." by @[NDWissner](
@@ -1605,6 +1805,30 @@ Disqualify:
###### Mastodon
+"I don't get why none of these people understand how Cloudflare works and doesn't work." by @[zoe](
+"PSA:, where for some reason – and I don't really know how this works – most images that are posted here on mastodon are hosted, is #cloudflared. That's very bad." by @[utf8equalsX](
+"i do care about cloudflare not taking over the fediverse. im also weird about the instances (which incidentally use cf for media content)" by @[unknown](
+"Also mit nginx eine eigene Firewall bauen, anstelle, wie es andere machen, #Cloudflare zu nutzen." by @[kromonos](
+"How to shut down the #bullshitweb? Switch off #Cloudflare & AWS, approx. 80% done. There's a Firefox (and Chrome) addon available at codeberg helping you decide what links not to click, as Cloudflare does a #MITM" by @[IzzyOnDroid](
+"DDoS protection is good – but the price it comes at… They're said to play MITM in breaking up your encryption. And as I indicated: whenever they have an outage (and they had some), about 1/3 of "the internet" is unreachable…" by @[IzzyOnDroid](
+"The PINE64 website is also #cloudflared. This means that #cloudflare terminates the secure connection, decrypts the traffic, and encrypts it again. That is terrible." by @[utf8equalsX](
+"Everyone should boycott censorship-loving @Cloudflare and any groups associated with it that they are able. (Dailymotion) #Cloudflare #8chan #Censorship " by @[Styx666Official](
+"I found that over half the sites I tried to visit would not load at all unless I added exceptions, and some loaded but with broken elements. It seems to me it's not healthy for the #internet to have a single company controlling this much. They may be benevolent now, but what about the future?" by @[kezzbracey](
+"Well done, #Cloudflare. And thank you. Thank you for proving me right. You're a #surveillance and #censorship company. You start with nazis and you move on closer from that edge" by @[Dr. Roy](
+"And now #bigTech #cloudflare is deciding they need to be the gatekeeper of more speech. Because a crazy happened to post on one of their hosted sites???" by @[poncho524](
+"Ich betreibe gleich seit fast 14 Jahren eigene #Server und hab noch keinen Grund dafür finden können, sie komplett hinter einen #Proxy von #Cloudflare zu stellen. Ganz ehrlich... Wer Cloudflare wegen "Sicherheit" nimmt, der sollte aufgrund mangelnder #Kenntnisse über #Serversicherheit seinen Server besser kündigen und sich einfachen Webspace zu legen!" by @[kromonos](
"Services like #CloudFlare are really nice with #PatriotAct and #NSA. #USHackers #whatawonderfulworld. CloudFlare create SSL certificates for sites they cache. So have the wholme traffic unciphered locally, and send it to the remote server to be cached. So, they have clear and unciphered access to the whole content : usernames passwords web content..." by @[popolon](
"Google reCaptcha nicht erreichbar? ... Na dann viel Spaß in der #Hölle, freunde von #Cloudflare" by @[kromonos](
@@ -1756,6 +1980,9 @@ Und jene, die keine Ahnung haben ... denen ist die Meinung der wirklichen Expert
"Firefox is going to ship with DNS over HTTPS (DoH) by default soon. It will still use Cloudflare by default." by @[amolith](
+"Oh, #Cloudflare hat Konkurrenz bekommen?
+Jede Seite, die mich dazu drängt, ein #Google #Captcha zu lösen, damit ich mir die ansehen kann, schließe ich einfach direkt wieder" by @[kromonos](
"How pathetic is life when becoming absolutely enraged after solving a #captcha 3 times but not being permitted to move forward." by @[hrthu](
"When #Cloudflare and #Google prevent you from watching a government's parliamentary debates. Does that count as interfering with democratic processes?" by @[MacLemon](