# Reciple name This is a brief, one or two sentence description of the dish. Optionally include a picture of the dish here, stored in `pix/` with the same base name as this file. Please take your own picture after having followed exactly this recipe. ## Ingredients - Just do - a very simple - markdown list for this - with amounts. ## Directions 1. Now include the directions. 2. I suppose this list should be numbered 3. just for convenience's sake. 4. If necessary, include directional images between these items. ![like this](lol.jpg) 5. Looks good. 6. Obvious, ## Contributers - **Luke Smith** -- [website](https://lukesmith.xyz), [donate](https://lukesmith.xyz/donate) - Billy Smith -- [website](https://lukesmith.xyz) (improved kneading technique added)