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@@ -36,7 +36,11 @@ Note that your commit name will be used to sign the recipe, so for full
anonymity either commit with a name that can't be traced back to you, or ask
someone else to commit for you.
+If you add a Bitcoin/Monero address, put it in "code" between \`'s, like below. This is for formatting, especially with long Monero addresses.
- Luke Smith - [website](, [donate](
-- Luke Smith (photo credit) - [website](, [donate](
+- Billy Smith - btc: `bc1q763s4ud0hgfa66ce64gyh6tsss49vyk5cqcm6w`
+- Sally Smith (photo credit) - [website](, [donate](
;tags: tag1 tag2 tag3 (see README for tag guidelines)
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+# Aljotta
+Aljotta, 'jo' as in "Yo!", is a light fish soup with roots in french bouillabaisse and similarly refers to the method of serving the fish that are cooked in it. The most appropriate fish to use for both the stock and the accompanying meal are 'clean' white fish that don't turn the broth cloudy, ideally stargazers, monkfish, red gurnard, and moray eels but also hake, mullets, cod and haddock. There are a some variants; restaurant versions could very well include lemon juice and shellfish which I don't associate with aljotta. Rice eventually became a staple with it and how much you put in is up to you. I recommend just a little, in fact, there are no ingredient amounts, the picture should give you an idea of the density you're going for. **Fresh herbs are a must**.
+## Ingredients
+- Fish stock (see 2.)
+- Fish, raw
+- Onion, roughly chopped
+- Garlic, sliced or diced
+- Tomatos, chopped
+- frying oil/lard
+- Extra virgin olive oil
+- Marjoram
+- Black pepper (optional)
+- Mint, small amount (optional, I never use it myself as it's too overpowering)
+- Lemon wedge/juice (optional, also overpowering)
+- Rice (optional)
+## Directions
+1. Cook some rice and set aside. White short-grain is best but other types will do as long as it's not starchy. Don't use arborio or sushi rice.
+2. Prepare the stock, possibly the day before, by boiling fish and fish bones in a tall stock pot on medium heat for 1-2 hours. It's customary to have loose chunks of fish in the soup so you can boil the fish and seperate the meat as it starts to cook. As an example, the head, tail, skin and spine from the [anglerfish fillet recipe]( were used to make stock, then half a fillet and meat that separated from the offal became part of the soup.
+3. In a pot, heat some oil on low heat and add in the onions. Saute until translucent.
+4. Add the garlic, tomato, herbs and salt if desired. Switch to medium heat, stirring occationally until the water starts to boil.
+5. Add the fish and let simmer on low heat until the fish are cooked thoroughly, being careful not to break them. Turn the heat off and add the olive oil.
+6. Take the fish out to be served seperately. They are traditionally served topped with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon with steamed vegetables.
+7. If you are using lemon juice or rice, add them to each serving according to your preference.
+8. Leave some for tomorrow. It always tastes better the next day.
+## Contribution
+Shou, [website](
+;tags: fish soup mediterranian
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+# Arroz Chaufa
+Peruvian-chinese dish, Easy to cook just add and mix everything.
+![Arroz Chaufa](pix/arroz_chaufa-2.webp)
+- ⏲️ Prep time: 40 min
+- 🍳Cook time: 10 min
+- 🍽️ Servings: 4
+## Ingredients
+- Rice
+- Salt
+- Bell Pepper
+- Chicken
+- Eggs
+- Soy Sauce
+- Welsh Onion
+## Directions
+1. Cut the chicken into pieces and fry it (don't forget the salt).
+2. Cook scrambled eggs (don't forget the salt).
+3. Cook the rice (if it is yesterday's rice better, preferably without salt).
+4. Cut the welsh onion and bell pepper into small squares.
+5. Mix everything over low heat, adding soy sauce.
+6. Optional: add beacon, sesame oil.
+7. (Everything is salty, you can reduce it with just a teaspoon of sugar, especially if you cook the rice with salt.)
+## Contribution
+- Andy Rufasto
+- [![](](
+;tags: peruvian chinese rice
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index 24e864ca5..8db530eb9 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Tender chunks of meat in a rich brown gravy poured over sour cream mashed potato
## Contributors
-- **Batu Cam** -- Transcribed recipe from Mark Rippetoe's video with moderate to significant modifications based on experience -- Monero (XMR) to help me save for an unazoomer cabin: 85eZ4uVd4gkiCsQEeDnsQG9pUbDzdi1r1VSJ9hK5Sx7hKsFZjvmqtWV7gU1ysWUR32jhWutBRGUUq8VAJNUfin9wBCCuTdg
+- **Batu Cam** -- Transcribed recipe from Mark Rippetoe's video with moderate to significant modifications based on experience -- Monero (XMR) to help me save for an unazoomer cabin: `85eZ4uVd4gkiCsQEeDnsQG9pUbDzdi1r1VSJ9hK5Sx7hKsFZjvmqtWV7gU1ysWUR32jhWutBRGUUq8VAJNUfin9wBCCuTdg`
- **Mark Rippetoe** -- Original recipe author, creator of starting strength, and pink nationalist -- [Website](
-;tags: american beef
+;tags: american beef potato
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+# Bolinhos de Coco
+This is a Portuguese dish that translates to "coconut cupcakes," though there are probably lots of equivalent dishes from other cultures.
+Its simplicity and short preparation time make it perfect for a snack or dessert.
+- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 min
+- 🍳Cook time: 10 min
+## Ingredients
+- 300 g coconut
+- 150 g sugar
+- 3 egg yolks
+- 1 whole egg
+- Powdered sugar (optional)
+## Directions
+1. Mix the non-optional ingredients in a medium bowl.
+2. Scoop tablespoons of the batter into a cookie sheet or cupcake pan.
+3. Cook for around 10 minutes or until slightly brown on top.
+4. Top with powdered sugar if desired.
+5. Let cool and enjoy!
+## Contribution
+- A family recipe (not mine)
+- Submitted by Mealwhiles
+;tags: portuguese quick sweet snack dessert
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Brigadeiro
+A very traditional brazilian dessert that is present in every brazilian birthday party! Delicious and super easy to make.
+## Ingredients:
+- One can of condensed milk.
+- Three or four spoons of chocolate powder or cocoa powder.
+- One spoon of butter (actual butter pls, no margerine!)
+## Instructions:
+1. Add all the ingredients into a pan
+2. Put it under low heat and stir it (preferably with a wooden spoon) it until it starts sticking to the bottom of the pan
+3. Remove it from the pan and eat it with a spoon or wait for it to cool down and roll it into small balls!
+## Closing remarks:
+Depending on how much brigadeiro you want to do, you'll have to add more or less of each ingredient, so be creative! Be careful with the chocolate powder, you definitely do not want to add too much of it!
+## Contribution
+;tags: dessert quick
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 31860d05f..21130af71 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -25,6 +25,6 @@ Pasta water and the cheese are already salty, so you may not need to add any ext
## Contributors
- Some guy called [siedes](
-- Batu Cam -- Added picture -- XMR: 85eZ4uVd4gkiCsQEeDnsQG9pUbDzdi1r1VSJ9hK5Sx7hKsFZjvmqtWV7gU1ysWUR32jhWutBRGUUq8VAJNUfin9wBCCuTdg
+- Batu Cam -- Added picture -- XMR: `85eZ4uVd4gkiCsQEeDnsQG9pUbDzdi1r1VSJ9hK5Sx7hKsFZjvmqtWV7gU1ysWUR32jhWutBRGUUq8VAJNUfin9wBCCuTdg`
;tags: italian quick pasta
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index 49781f433..b4ce9404e 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -35,6 +35,6 @@ The smoked bacon is not in the traditional recipe but it's good. Don't add it if
## Contribution
-- anon btc: 1FJSSps89rEMtYm8Vvkp2uyTX9MFpZtcGy
+- anon btc: `1FJSSps89rEMtYm8Vvkp2uyTX9MFpZtcGy`
;tags: flemish stew beef
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c62cd938a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Chicken Soup
+Hearty soup that is adaptable to customizing to your desired vegetables or other additions
+- ⏲️ Prep time: 30 min
+- 🍳Cook time: 2 hours
+- 🍽️ Servings:
+## Ingredients
+- 2 chicken breasts
+- 1 Onion
+- 2 carrots
+- 2 celery stalks
+- 32 oz Chicken Stock or Broth
+- Pasta (Optional)
+## Directions
+1. Season, cook, and then shred chicken breasts, set aside in a bowl.
+2. Cut up carrots and celery, place in pot and saute.
+3. Add in chicken and stock or broth and mix together well. Season with salt, pepper, hot sauce, whatever you desire
+4. Allow it to simmer on low heat for 2 hours mixing every so often.
+5. If adding noodles, add in pasta and allow pasta to cook until al dente.
+## Contribution
+- AJ XMR: `45kYSzfMbY79HeuFoJC2sSGwoXCkty7X6F8nD7rNMkmuZvsDwoAnxDk3B1bT4rK2Je6z9cvKoxxGqS7aUbzvQajzEcK8nfQ`
+;tags: chicken soup
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index 383b42336..0d9613962 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -29,6 +29,6 @@ Best served with white rice
## Contribution
-- Thijs Wester - [website](
+- Thijs Wester - [website](
;tags: thai
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 87f302c3d..35df89d64 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
A recipe for Flammkuchen a very thin crust pizza-like dish - it originates from Elsass, a French region close to where I grew up.
I like the recipe because it takes 10 minutes to prepare and another 10 minutes to bake. It goes well with a green salad as a side.
+- 🍽️ Servings:2
## Ingredients
-for 2
- 400g Pizza dough (either bought or from [Pizza Dough](pizza-dough.html))
- 1 onion (I prefer the red ones for optical reasons)
- 150g bacon (you can replace it with mushrooms or other vegetables)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index bf608bbca..f4ea457e5 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -32,6 +32,6 @@ Serves 4
## Contribution
-- anon btc: 1FJSSps89rEMtYm8Vvkp2uyTX9MFpZtcGy
+- anon btc: `1FJSSps89rEMtYm8Vvkp2uyTX9MFpZtcGy`
;tags: french pork quick
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 224ccf112..cb55cc26a 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ This is a simple light-flavoured recipe. Anglerfish (I'm referring specifically
2. Remove the organs. Gently pull and cut the membrane that connects each to the rest of the body.
3. Make an incision around the mouth (the hard 'lips'), turn the fish around and do the same to that side.
4. Start to slowly but firmly pull back the skin cutting whenever there is resistance as you make your way towards the tail.
-5. Once you have removed the skin, flip it back onto its belly and cut off the thin flabs of meat and fins from the body. At this point there should be a clear distinction between the body and the larger head. Behead the animal.
+5. Once you have removed the skin, flip it back onto its back and cut off the thin flabs of meat of its underside and fins from the body. At this point there should be a clear distinction between the body and the larger head. Behead the animal.
6. With a filleting knife, fillet the meat from the backbone and remove the tail.
7. You should be left with 2 long strips of meat. Cut each in half.
@@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ This is a simple light-flavoured recipe. Anglerfish (I'm referring specifically
## Contribution
-by Shou, [website](
+Shou, [website](
;tags: fish
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 5b9f5ee29..461921901 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -19,21 +19,20 @@ Very filling egg dish that's easy, fast, and can be eaten at any meal. Any other
1. Dice peppers and onions and saute in an oven safe pan at medium heat.
2. Add in meat to the pan and set oven to low broil.
-3. Beat eggs, cream, salt, and pepper together in a bowl.
-4. Add in egg mixture to the pan and mix together until even.
+3. Beat eggs, cream, salt, and pepper together in a bowl.
+4. Add in egg mixture to the pan and mix together until even.
5. Cook egg and vegetable mixture in pan until eggs begin to firm up and edges begin to pull away. Place into oven
6. Keep in Oven until completely firm. At this point you can add shredded cheese on top and put back into the oven until melted (about 2 more minutes)
7. Flip out of pan and cool to room temperature to ensure settling.
## Notes
-- Other good vegetables include spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, broccoli rabe
+- Other good vegetables include spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, broccoli rabe
- If adding tomatoes, try to keep as much of the juice out to prevent it from being too watery and falling apart
- An easy way to get it out of the pan is flip upside down on to a plate and then flip again onto another plate/cooling rack
- It is possible to use ground meat as well, but it may have to cook a bit longer in the over to ensure firmness.
## Contribution
-- AJ XMR: 45kYSzfMbY79HeuFoJC2sSGwoXCkty7X6F8nD7rNMkmuZvsDwoAnxDk3B1bT4rK2Je6z9cvKoxxGqS7aUbzvQajzEcK8nfQ
-;tags: eggs italian
+- AJ XMR: `45kYSzfMbY79HeuFoJC2sSGwoXCkty7X6F8nD7rNMkmuZvsDwoAnxDk3B1bT4rK2Je6z9cvKoxxGqS7aUbzvQajzEcK8nfQ`
+;tags: eggs italian
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 5ccf5c1bd..209ddb1ec 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ They are substantial and can be roasted in butter and other ingredients.
5. Begin to boil more water with lots of kosher salt added.
6. Flour a work surface, pinch off some of the dough and roll it on the surface into a long chubby snake.
7. Slice the dough snake into small pieces. Press the pieces with your finger to make an indentation.
-8. Add the pieces to the boiling water. They will rise to the top when they have ready.
+8. Add the pieces to the boiling water. They will rise to the top when they are ready.
9. In a pan, melt butter and add sprigs of sage (oregano or thyme will work as well, albeit are less traditional). Smashed tomato juices are also a nice addition.
10. Add the cooked gnocchi to the pan and roast them in butter for a minute or two until slightly browned. As pan begins to dry, add some pasta water.
-12. Serve gnocchi on a plate, add parmesan cheese liberally. Add garnish if desired.
+12. Serve gnocchi on a plate, grate on Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese liberally. Add garnish if desired.
## Contribution
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 0268cb86e..6be6de259 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -41,6 +41,6 @@ This is a very easy and simple Japanese style ramen noodle soup. This is very ch
## Contribution
-- Jake Keast - [website](, xmr: 8BBKCQbL1xSKS8fWE257cVBzerYu1censWYUCncLppo6MPLd3u59ejYE9XMdW4CNL3DGgf1vjG5SHGDEJV95xtxW2wsaANo
+- Jake Keast - [website](, xmr: `8BBKCQbL1xSKS8fWE257cVBzerYu1censWYUCncLppo6MPLd3u59ejYE9XMdW4CNL3DGgf1vjG5SHGDEJV95xtxW2wsaANo`
;tags: japanese chicken soup
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee7ea192c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Lemon juice salad dressing
+A dressing that goes well on lettuce or any other mixed greens.
+## Ingredients
+- Lemon juice from half a lemon
+- Tablespoon of olive oil
+- Clove of garlic
+## Directions
+1. Combine lemon juice and oil in small bowl.
+2. Add salt and pepper to taste.
+3. Add the garlic, pressed or finely minced.
+4. Mix well before adding to salad.
+## Contribution
+- Martin Chrzanowski -- [website](, [donate](
+;tags: salad basic
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 4fdd7cc01..89cd64b54 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ With beef liver, remove its membrane, that is on top, with your fingers. Cut it
## Contribution
-btc: 3DdikYnxPHv6Bz6qgXYoyxrcbikADqxwNd
+- vod3 btc: `3DdikYnxPHv6Bz6qgXYoyxrcbikADqxwNd`
;tags: pate liver
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2323f298c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Pickled Red Onions
+A good way to use up older red onions and goes great with just about anything.
+- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 min
+- 🍳Cook time: 10 min
+- 🍽️ Servings Varies
+## Ingredients
+- Red Onions
+- Vinegar
+- Water
+## Directions
+1. Cut onion in half and slice root to stem and place in a jar
+2. Mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a pot and bring to a boil. Add salt to taste
+3. As soon as it begins to boil, turn off and pour the mix into the jar and allow to cool.
+4. Seal and place in fridge for a few hours until vibrant pink.
+## Notes
+- You can add other herbs or spices before sealing it to give different flavors as well. Use any of your standard pickling spices if desired.
+## Contribution
+- AJ XMR: `45kYSzfMbY79HeuFoJC2sSGwoXCkty7X6F8nD7rNMkmuZvsDwoAnxDk3B1bT4rK2Je6z9cvKoxxGqS7aUbzvQajzEcK8nfQ`
+;tags: quick side basic
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 7fa2e01b7..4cfaf45d0 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ Sauerkraut is a based lacto-fermented food that is healthy and has a long shelf
## Contribution
-- Andrej Kirchmaier, XMR: 53QjcCVACp4Fuc5cULMoa8GyS8jyuwLteSihhoAkuezfBMSpnwsQgZ2Mu1cha2fpG8AZqtAwdHmZB6hNqk3K4485HrKQFyS
+- Andrej Kirchmaier, XMR: `53QjcCVACp4Fuc5cULMoa8GyS8jyuwLteSihhoAkuezfBMSpnwsQgZ2Mu1cha2fpG8AZqtAwdHmZB6hNqk3K4485HrKQFyS`
;tags: german cabbage side
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 51cfd8807..95f1747d6 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ Simple chinese inspired sticky porkchops.
## Contribution
-- Jake Keast - [website](, xmr: 8BBKCQbL1xSKS8fWE257cVBzerYu1censWYUCncLppo6MPLd3u59ejYE9XMdW4CNL3DGgf1vjG5SHGDEJV95xtxW2wsaANo
+- Jake Keast - [website](, xmr: `8BBKCQbL1xSKS8fWE257cVBzerYu1censWYUCncLppo6MPLd3u59ejYE9XMdW4CNL3DGgf1vjG5SHGDEJV95xtxW2wsaANo`
;tags: japanese pork soup
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2535e980b..b54dbb3bd 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -28,6 +28,6 @@ Can be prepared the night before and kept frozen for a week or two.
5. Add spices, syrup and cream.
## Contribution
-- Thijs Wester - [website](
+- Thijs Wester - [website](
;tags: soup
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 73fe0027d..535db88dd 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ This is a based, easy and relatively quick to make meal. Great for making in lar
- 1kg Med ground beef
- 900g Elbow macaroni
-- 4 Cans of Campbells Tomato soup (Or your prefered brand)
+- 4 Cans of Campbell's Tomato soup (Or your preferred brand)
- Diced half or full onion
- Diced half or full bell pepper
- Oregano leaves
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ This is a based, easy and relatively quick to make meal. Great for making in lar
- Pink salt
- Onion power
- Frank's RedHot sauce (optional)
-- Mozzerella Cheese (optional)
+- Mozzarella Cheese (optional)
## Directions
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ This is a based, easy and relatively quick to make meal. Great for making in lar
10. Dump either the macaroni into the hamburger pot or vice versa, the order doesn't really matter.
11. Throw in some cheese which should melt nicely. (optional)
12. Pour in the cans of tomato soup.
-13. *Important* Stir everything toghether, make sure the hamburger gets evenly distributed in the macaroni. Make sure to stir right to the bottom so the sauce can reach there too.
+13. *Important* Stir everything together, make sure the hamburger gets evenly distributed in the macaroni. Make sure to stir right to the bottom so the sauce can reach there too.
14. Ready to eat. If you don't come back for seconds, you didn't do it right. 😉
## Contribution
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 3da3c88a3..6b6a6cd90 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -23,6 +23,6 @@
9. Wait for the bread to cool before cutting.
## Contribution
-- Thijs Wester - [website](
+- Thijs Wester - [website](
;tags: swiss bread