/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.stats; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.code.CodeConstants; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.code.InstructionSequence; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.DecompilerContext; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.collectors.CounterContainer; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.extern.IFernflowerLogger; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.StatEdge; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.StrongConnectivityHelper; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.exps.Exprent; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.VBStyleCollection; import java.util.*; public class Statement { public static final int STATEDGE_ALL = 1 << 31; public static final int STATEDGE_DIRECT_ALL = 1 << 30; public static final int DIRECTION_BACKWARD = 0; public static final int DIRECTION_FORWARD = 1; public static final int TYPE_GENERAL = 0; public static final int TYPE_IF = 2; public static final int TYPE_DO = 5; public static final int TYPE_SWITCH = 6; public static final int TYPE_TRYCATCH = 7; public static final int TYPE_BASICBLOCK = 8; public static final int TYPE_FINALLY = 9; public static final int TYPE_SYNCRONIZED = 10; public static final int TYPE_PLACEHOLDER = 11; public static final int TYPE_CATCHALL = 12; public static final int TYPE_ROOT = 13; public static final int TYPE_DUMMYEXIT = 14; public static final int TYPE_SEQUENCE = 15; public static final int LASTBASICTYPE_IF = 0; public static final int LASTBASICTYPE_SWITCH = 1; public static final int LASTBASICTYPE_GENERAL = 2; // ***************************************************************************** // public fields // ***************************************************************************** public int type; public Integer id; // ***************************************************************************** // private fields // ***************************************************************************** private Map> mapSuccEdges = new HashMap>(); private Map> mapPredEdges = new HashMap>(); private Map> mapSuccStates = new HashMap>(); private Map> mapPredStates = new HashMap>(); // statement as graph protected VBStyleCollection stats = new VBStyleCollection(); protected Statement parent; protected Statement first; protected List exprents; protected HashSet labelEdges = new HashSet(); protected List varDefinitions = new ArrayList(); // copied statement, s. deobfuscating of irreducible CFGs private boolean copied = false; // relevant for the first stage of processing only // set to null after initializing of the statement structure protected Statement post; protected int lastBasicType = LASTBASICTYPE_GENERAL; protected boolean isMonitorEnter; protected boolean containsMonitorExit; protected HashSet continueSet = new HashSet(); // ***************************************************************************** // initializers // ***************************************************************************** { // set statement id id = DecompilerContext.getCountercontainer().getCounterAndIncrement(CounterContainer.STATEMENT_COUNTER); } // ***************************************************************************** // public methods // ***************************************************************************** public void clearTempInformation() { post = null; continueSet = null; copied = false; // FIXME: used in FlattenStatementsHelper.flattenStatement()! check and remove //lastBasicType = LASTBASICTYPE_GENERAL; isMonitorEnter = false; containsMonitorExit = false; processMap(mapSuccEdges); processMap(mapPredEdges); processMap(mapSuccStates); processMap(mapPredStates); } private static void processMap(Map> map) { map.remove(StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION); List lst = map.get(STATEDGE_DIRECT_ALL); if (lst != null) { map.put(STATEDGE_ALL, new ArrayList(lst)); } else { map.remove(STATEDGE_ALL); } } public void collapseNodesToStatement(Statement stat) { Statement head = stat.getFirst(); Statement post = stat.getPost(); VBStyleCollection setNodes = stat.getStats(); // post edges if (post != null) { for (StatEdge edge : post.getEdges(STATEDGE_DIRECT_ALL, DIRECTION_BACKWARD)) { if (stat.containsStatementStrict(edge.getSource())) { edge.getSource().changeEdgeType(DIRECTION_FORWARD, edge, StatEdge.TYPE_BREAK); stat.addLabeledEdge(edge); } } } // regular head edges for (StatEdge prededge : head.getAllPredecessorEdges()) { if (prededge.getType() != StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION && stat.containsStatementStrict(prededge.getSource())) { prededge.getSource().changeEdgeType(DIRECTION_FORWARD, prededge, StatEdge.TYPE_CONTINUE); stat.addLabeledEdge(prededge); } head.removePredecessor(prededge); prededge.getSource().changeEdgeNode(DIRECTION_FORWARD, prededge, stat); stat.addPredecessor(prededge); } if (setNodes.containsKey(first.id)) { first = stat; } // exception edges Set setHandlers = new HashSet(head.getNeighbours(StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION, DIRECTION_FORWARD)); for (Statement node : setNodes) { setHandlers.retainAll(node.getNeighbours(StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION, DIRECTION_FORWARD)); } if (!setHandlers.isEmpty()) { for (StatEdge edge : head.getEdges(StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION, DIRECTION_FORWARD)) { Statement handler = edge.getDestination(); if (setHandlers.contains(handler)) { if (!setNodes.containsKey(handler.id)) { stat.addSuccessor(new StatEdge(stat, handler, edge.getExceptions())); } } } for (Statement node : setNodes) { for (StatEdge edge : node.getEdges(StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION, DIRECTION_FORWARD)) { if (setHandlers.contains(edge.getDestination())) { node.removeSuccessor(edge); } } } } if (post != null && !stat.getNeighbours(StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION, DIRECTION_FORWARD).contains(post)) { // TODO: second condition redundant? stat.addSuccessor(new StatEdge(StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR, stat, post)); } // adjust statement collection for (Statement st : setNodes) { stats.removeWithKey(st.id); } stats.addWithKey(stat, stat.id); stat.setAllParent(); stat.setParent(this); stat.buildContinueSet(); // monitorenter and monitorexit stat.buildMonitorFlags(); if (stat.type == TYPE_SWITCH) { // special case switch, sorting leaf nodes ((SwitchStatement)stat).sortEdgesAndNodes(); } } public void setAllParent() { for (Statement st : stats) { st.setParent(this); } } public void addLabeledEdge(StatEdge edge) { if (edge.closure != null) { edge.closure.getLabelEdges().remove(edge); } edge.closure = this; this.getLabelEdges().add(edge); } private void addEdgeDirectInternal(int direction, StatEdge edge, int edgetype) { Map> mapEdges = direction == DIRECTION_BACKWARD ? mapPredEdges : mapSuccEdges; Map> mapStates = direction == DIRECTION_BACKWARD ? mapPredStates : mapSuccStates; List lst = mapEdges.get(edgetype); if (lst == null) { mapEdges.put(edgetype, lst = new ArrayList()); } lst.add(edge); List lstStates = mapStates.get(edgetype); if (lstStates == null) { mapStates.put(edgetype, lstStates = new ArrayList()); } lstStates.add(direction == DIRECTION_BACKWARD ? edge.getSource() : edge.getDestination()); } private void addEdgeInternal(int direction, StatEdge edge) { int type = edge.getType(); int[] arrtypes; if (type == StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION) { arrtypes = new int[]{STATEDGE_ALL, StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION}; } else { arrtypes = new int[]{STATEDGE_ALL, STATEDGE_DIRECT_ALL, type}; } for (int edgetype : arrtypes) { addEdgeDirectInternal(direction, edge, edgetype); } } private void removeEdgeDirectInternal(int direction, StatEdge edge, int edgetype) { Map> mapEdges = direction == DIRECTION_BACKWARD ? mapPredEdges : mapSuccEdges; Map> mapStates = direction == DIRECTION_BACKWARD ? mapPredStates : mapSuccStates; List lst = mapEdges.get(edgetype); if (lst != null) { int index = lst.indexOf(edge); if (index >= 0) { lst.remove(index); mapStates.get(edgetype).remove(index); } } } private void removeEdgeInternal(int direction, StatEdge edge) { int type = edge.getType(); int[] arrtypes; if (type == StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION) { arrtypes = new int[]{STATEDGE_ALL, StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION}; } else { arrtypes = new int[]{STATEDGE_ALL, STATEDGE_DIRECT_ALL, type}; } for (int edgetype : arrtypes) { removeEdgeDirectInternal(direction, edge, edgetype); } } public void addPredecessor(StatEdge edge) { addEdgeInternal(DIRECTION_BACKWARD, edge); } public void removePredecessor(StatEdge edge) { if (edge == null) { // FIXME: redundant? return; } removeEdgeInternal(DIRECTION_BACKWARD, edge); } public void addSuccessor(StatEdge edge) { addEdgeInternal(DIRECTION_FORWARD, edge); if (edge.closure != null) { edge.closure.getLabelEdges().add(edge); } edge.getDestination().addPredecessor(edge); } public void removeSuccessor(StatEdge edge) { if (edge == null) { return; } removeEdgeInternal(DIRECTION_FORWARD, edge); if (edge.closure != null) { edge.closure.getLabelEdges().remove(edge); } if (edge.getDestination() != null) { // TODO: redundant? edge.getDestination().removePredecessor(edge); } } // TODO: make obsolete and remove public void removeAllSuccessors(Statement stat) { if (stat == null) { return; } for (StatEdge edge : getAllSuccessorEdges()) { if (edge.getDestination() == stat) { removeSuccessor(edge); } } } public HashSet buildContinueSet() { continueSet.clear(); for (Statement st : stats) { continueSet.addAll(st.buildContinueSet()); if (st != first) { continueSet.remove(st.getBasichead()); } } for (StatEdge edge : getEdges(StatEdge.TYPE_CONTINUE, DIRECTION_FORWARD)) { continueSet.add(edge.getDestination().getBasichead()); } if (type == TYPE_DO) { continueSet.remove(first.getBasichead()); } return continueSet; } public void buildMonitorFlags() { for (Statement st : stats) { st.buildMonitorFlags(); } switch (type) { case TYPE_BASICBLOCK: BasicBlockStatement bblock = (BasicBlockStatement)this; InstructionSequence seq = bblock.getBlock().getSeq(); if (seq != null && seq.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < seq.length(); i++) { if (seq.getInstr(i).opcode == CodeConstants.opc_monitorexit) { containsMonitorExit = true; break; } } isMonitorEnter = (seq.getLastInstr().opcode == CodeConstants.opc_monitorenter); } break; case TYPE_SEQUENCE: case TYPE_IF: containsMonitorExit = false; for (Statement st : stats) { containsMonitorExit |= st.isContainsMonitorExit(); } break; case TYPE_SYNCRONIZED: case TYPE_ROOT: case TYPE_GENERAL: break; default: containsMonitorExit = false; for (Statement st : stats) { containsMonitorExit |= st.isContainsMonitorExit(); } } } public List getReversePostOrderList() { return getReversePostOrderList(first); } public List getReversePostOrderList(Statement stat) { List res = new ArrayList(); addToReversePostOrderListIterative(stat, res); return res; } public List getPostReversePostOrderList() { return getPostReversePostOrderList(null); } public List getPostReversePostOrderList(List lstexits) { List res = new ArrayList(); if (lstexits == null) { StrongConnectivityHelper schelper = new StrongConnectivityHelper(this); lstexits = StrongConnectivityHelper.getExitReps(schelper.getComponents()); } HashSet setVisited = new HashSet(); for (Statement exit : lstexits) { addToPostReversePostOrderList(exit, res, setVisited); } if (res.size() != stats.size()) { DecompilerContext.getLogger().writeMessage("computing post reverse post order failed!", IFernflowerLogger.ERROR); throw new RuntimeException("parsing failure!"); } return res; } public boolean containsStatement(Statement stat) { return this == stat || containsStatementStrict(stat); } public boolean containsStatementStrict(Statement stat) { if (stats.contains(stat)) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < stats.size(); i++) { if (stats.get(i).containsStatementStrict(stat)) { return true; } } return false; } // to be overwritten public String toJava() { return toJava(0); } public String toJava(int indent) { throw new RuntimeException("not implemented"); } // TODO: make obsolete and remove public List getSequentialObjects() { return new ArrayList(stats); } public void initExprents() { // do nothing } public void replaceExprent(Exprent oldexpr, Exprent newexpr) { // do nothing } public Statement getSimpleCopy() { throw new RuntimeException("not implemented"); } public void initSimpleCopy() { if (!stats.isEmpty()) { first = stats.get(0); } } public void replaceStatement(Statement oldstat, Statement newstat) { for (StatEdge edge : oldstat.getAllPredecessorEdges()) { oldstat.removePredecessor(edge); edge.getSource().changeEdgeNode(DIRECTION_FORWARD, edge, newstat); newstat.addPredecessor(edge); } for (StatEdge edge : oldstat.getAllSuccessorEdges()) { oldstat.removeSuccessor(edge); edge.setSource(newstat); newstat.addSuccessor(edge); } int statindex = stats.getIndexByKey(oldstat.id); stats.removeWithKey(oldstat.id); stats.addWithKeyAndIndex(statindex, newstat, newstat.id); newstat.setParent(this); newstat.post = oldstat.post; if (first == oldstat) { first = newstat; } List lst = new ArrayList(oldstat.getLabelEdges()); for (int i = lst.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { StatEdge edge = lst.get(i); if (edge.getSource() != newstat) { newstat.addLabeledEdge(edge); } else { if (this == edge.getDestination() || this.containsStatementStrict(edge.getDestination())) { edge.closure = null; } else { this.addLabeledEdge(edge); } } } oldstat.getLabelEdges().clear(); } // ***************************************************************************** // private methods // ***************************************************************************** private static void addToReversePostOrderListIterative(Statement root, List lst) { LinkedList stackNode = new LinkedList(); LinkedList stackIndex = new LinkedList(); HashSet setVisited = new HashSet(); stackNode.add(root); stackIndex.add(0); while (!stackNode.isEmpty()) { Statement node = stackNode.getLast(); int index = stackIndex.removeLast(); setVisited.add(node); List lstEdges = node.getAllSuccessorEdges(); for (; index < lstEdges.size(); index++) { StatEdge edge = lstEdges.get(index); Statement succ = edge.getDestination(); if (!setVisited.contains(succ) && (edge.getType() == StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR || edge.getType() == StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION)) { // TODO: edge filter? stackIndex.add(index + 1); stackNode.add(succ); stackIndex.add(0); break; } } if (index == lstEdges.size()) { lst.add(0, node); stackNode.removeLast(); } } } private static void addToPostReversePostOrderList(Statement stat, List lst, HashSet setVisited) { if (setVisited.contains(stat)) { // because of not considered exception edges, s. isExitComponent. Should be rewritten, if possible. return; } setVisited.add(stat); for (StatEdge prededge : stat.getEdges(StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR | StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION, DIRECTION_BACKWARD)) { Statement pred = prededge.getSource(); if (!setVisited.contains(pred)) { addToPostReversePostOrderList(pred, lst, setVisited); } } lst.add(0, stat); } // ***************************************************************************** // getter and setter methods // ***************************************************************************** public void changeEdgeNode(int direction, StatEdge edge, Statement value) { Map> mapEdges = direction == DIRECTION_BACKWARD ? mapPredEdges : mapSuccEdges; Map> mapStates = direction == DIRECTION_BACKWARD ? mapPredStates : mapSuccStates; int type = edge.getType(); int[] arrtypes; if (type == StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION) { arrtypes = new int[]{STATEDGE_ALL, StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION}; } else { arrtypes = new int[]{STATEDGE_ALL, STATEDGE_DIRECT_ALL, type}; } for (int edgetype : arrtypes) { List lst = mapEdges.get(edgetype); if (lst != null) { int index = lst.indexOf(edge); if (index >= 0) { mapStates.get(edgetype).set(index, value); } } } if (direction == DIRECTION_BACKWARD) { edge.setSource(value); } else { edge.setDestination(value); } } public void changeEdgeType(int direction, StatEdge edge, int newtype) { int oldtype = edge.getType(); if (oldtype == newtype) { return; } if (oldtype == StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION || newtype == StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid edge type!"); } removeEdgeDirectInternal(direction, edge, oldtype); addEdgeDirectInternal(direction, edge, newtype); if (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD) { edge.getDestination().changeEdgeType(DIRECTION_BACKWARD, edge, newtype); } edge.setType(newtype); } private List getEdges(int type, int direction) { Map> map = direction == DIRECTION_BACKWARD ? mapPredEdges : mapSuccEdges; List res; if ((type & (type - 1)) == 0) { res = map.get(type); res = res == null ? new ArrayList() : new ArrayList(res); } else { res = new ArrayList(); for (int edgetype : StatEdge.TYPES) { if ((type & edgetype) != 0) { List lst = map.get(edgetype); if (lst != null) { res.addAll(lst); } } } } return res; } public List getNeighbours(int type, int direction) { Map> map = direction == DIRECTION_BACKWARD ? mapPredStates : mapSuccStates; List res; if ((type & (type - 1)) == 0) { res = map.get(type); res = res == null ? new ArrayList() : new ArrayList(res); } else { res = new ArrayList(); for (int edgetype : StatEdge.TYPES) { if ((type & edgetype) != 0) { List lst = map.get(edgetype); if (lst != null) { res.addAll(lst); } } } } return res; } public Set getNeighboursSet(int type, int direction) { return new HashSet(getNeighbours(type, direction)); } public List getSuccessorEdges(int type) { return getEdges(type, DIRECTION_FORWARD); } public List getPredecessorEdges(int type) { return getEdges(type, DIRECTION_BACKWARD); } public List getAllSuccessorEdges() { return getEdges(STATEDGE_ALL, DIRECTION_FORWARD); } public List getAllPredecessorEdges() { return getEdges(STATEDGE_ALL, DIRECTION_BACKWARD); } public Statement getFirst() { return first; } public void setFirst(Statement first) { this.first = first; } public Statement getPost() { return post; } public void setPost(Statement post) { this.post = post; } public VBStyleCollection getStats() { return stats; } public int getLastBasicType() { return lastBasicType; } public HashSet getContinueSet() { return continueSet; } public boolean isContainsMonitorExit() { return containsMonitorExit; } public boolean isMonitorEnter() { return isMonitorEnter; } public BasicBlockStatement getBasichead() { if (type == TYPE_BASICBLOCK) { return (BasicBlockStatement)this; } else { return first.getBasichead(); } } public boolean isLabeled() { for (StatEdge edge : labelEdges) { if (edge.labeled && edge.explicit) { // FIXME: consistent setting return true; } } return false; } public boolean hasBasicSuccEdge() { // FIXME: default switch return type == TYPE_BASICBLOCK || (type == TYPE_IF && ((IfStatement)this).iftype == IfStatement.IFTYPE_IF) || (type == TYPE_DO && ((DoStatement)this).getLooptype() != DoStatement.LOOP_DO); } public Statement getParent() { return parent; } public void setParent(Statement parent) { this.parent = parent; } public HashSet getLabelEdges() { // FIXME: why HashSet? return labelEdges; } public List getVarDefinitions() { return varDefinitions; } public List getExprents() { return exprents; } public void setExprents(List exprents) { this.exprents = exprents; } public boolean isCopied() { return copied; } public void setCopied(boolean copied) { this.copied = copied; } // helper methods public String toString() { return id.toString(); } }