/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.code.CodeConstants; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.exps.*; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.stats.IfStatement; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.stats.SequenceStatement; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.stats.Statement; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.StructMethod; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.attr.StructAnnotationAttribute; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.attr.StructAnnotationParameterAttribute; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.attr.StructGeneralAttribute; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.gen.MethodDescriptor; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.VBStyleCollection; import java.util.List; public class IdeaNotNullHelper { public static boolean removeHardcodedChecks(Statement root, StructMethod mt) { boolean checks_removed = false; // parameter @NotNull annotations while (findAndRemoveParameterCheck(root, mt)) { // iterate until nothing found. Each invocation removes one parameter check. checks_removed = true; } // method @NotNull annotation while (findAndRemoveReturnCheck(root, mt)) { // iterate until nothing found. Each invocation handles one method exit check. checks_removed = true; } return checks_removed; } private static boolean findAndRemoveParameterCheck(Statement stat, StructMethod mt) { Statement st = stat.getFirst(); while (st.type == Statement.TYPE_SEQUENCE) { st = st.getFirst(); } if (st.type == Statement.TYPE_IF) { IfStatement ifstat = (IfStatement)st; Statement ifbranch = ifstat.getIfstat(); Exprent if_condition = ifstat.getHeadexprent().getCondition(); boolean is_notnull_check = false; // TODO: FUNCTION_NE also possible if reversed order (in theory) if (ifbranch != null && if_condition.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_FUNCTION && ((FunctionExprent)if_condition).getFunctype() == FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_EQ && ifbranch.type == Statement.TYPE_BASICBLOCK && ifbranch.getExprents().size() == 1 && ifbranch.getExprents().get(0).type == Exprent.EXPRENT_EXIT) { FunctionExprent func = (FunctionExprent)if_condition; Exprent first_param = func.getLstOperands().get(0); Exprent second_param = func.getLstOperands().get(1); if (second_param.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_CONST && second_param.getExprType().type == CodeConstants.TYPE_NULL) { // TODO: reversed parameter order if (first_param.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_VAR) { VarExprent var = (VarExprent)first_param; boolean thisvar = !mt.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_STATIC); MethodDescriptor md = MethodDescriptor.parseDescriptor(mt.getDescriptor()); VBStyleCollection attributes = mt.getAttributes(); // parameter annotations StructAnnotationParameterAttribute param_annotations = (StructAnnotationParameterAttribute)attributes .getWithKey(StructGeneralAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_RUNTIME_INVISIBLE_PARAMETER_ANNOTATIONS); if (param_annotations != null) { List> param_annotations_lists = param_annotations.getParamAnnotations(); int method_param_number = md.params.length; int index = thisvar ? 1 : 0; for (int i = 0; i < method_param_number; i++) { if (index == var.getIndex()) { if (param_annotations_lists.size() >= method_param_number - i) { int shift = method_param_number - param_annotations_lists .size(); // NOTE: workaround for compiler bug, count annotations starting with the last parameter List annotations = param_annotations_lists.get(i - shift); for (AnnotationExprent ann : annotations) { if (ann.getClassname().equals("org/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull")) { is_notnull_check = true; } } } break; } index += md.params[i].stack_size; } } } } } if (!is_notnull_check) { return false; } removeParameterCheck(stat, mt); return true; } return false; } private static void removeParameterCheck(Statement stat, StructMethod mt) { Statement st = stat.getFirst(); while (st.type == Statement.TYPE_SEQUENCE) { st = st.getFirst(); } IfStatement ifstat = (IfStatement)st; if (ifstat.getElsestat() == null) { // if // TODO: } else { // if - else StatEdge ifedge = ifstat.getIfEdge(); StatEdge elseedge = ifstat.getElseEdge(); Statement ifbranch = ifstat.getIfstat(); Statement elsebranch = ifstat.getElsestat(); ifstat.getFirst().removeSuccessor(ifedge); ifstat.getFirst().removeSuccessor(elseedge); ifstat.getStats().removeWithKey(ifbranch.id); ifstat.getStats().removeWithKey(elsebranch.id); if (!ifbranch.getAllSuccessorEdges().isEmpty()) { ifbranch.removeSuccessor(ifbranch.getAllSuccessorEdges().get(0)); } ifstat.getParent().replaceStatement(ifstat, elsebranch); ifstat.getParent().setAllParent(); } } private static boolean findAndRemoveReturnCheck(Statement stat, StructMethod mt) { VBStyleCollection attributes = mt.getAttributes(); boolean is_notnull_check = false; // method annotation, refers to the return value StructAnnotationAttribute attr = (StructAnnotationAttribute)attributes.getWithKey(StructGeneralAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_RUNTIME_INVISIBLE_ANNOTATIONS); if (attr != null) { List annotations = attr.getAnnotations(); for (AnnotationExprent ann : annotations) { if (ann.getClassname().equals("org/jetbrains/annotations/NotNull")) { is_notnull_check = true; } } } if (is_notnull_check) { return removeReturnCheck(stat, mt); } return false; } private static boolean removeReturnCheck(Statement stat, StructMethod mt) { Statement parent = stat.getParent(); if (parent != null && parent.type == Statement.TYPE_IF && stat.type == Statement.TYPE_BASICBLOCK && stat.getExprents().size() == 1) { Exprent exprent = stat.getExprents().get(0); if (exprent.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_EXIT) { ExitExprent exit_exprent = (ExitExprent)exprent; if (exit_exprent.getExittype() == ExitExprent.EXIT_RETURN) { Exprent exprent_value = exit_exprent.getValue(); //if(exprent_value.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_VAR) { // VarExprent var_value = (VarExprent)exprent_value; IfStatement ifparent = (IfStatement)parent; Exprent if_condition = ifparent.getHeadexprent().getCondition(); if (ifparent.getElsestat() == stat && if_condition.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_FUNCTION && ((FunctionExprent)if_condition).getFunctype() == FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_EQ) { // TODO: reversed order possible (in theory) FunctionExprent func = (FunctionExprent)if_condition; Exprent first_param = func.getLstOperands().get(0); Exprent second_param = func.getLstOperands().get(1); StatEdge ifedge = ifparent.getIfEdge(); StatEdge elseedge = ifparent.getElseEdge(); Statement ifbranch = ifparent.getIfstat(); Statement elsebranch = ifparent.getElsestat(); if (second_param.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_CONST && second_param.getExprType().type == CodeConstants.TYPE_NULL) { // TODO: reversed parameter order //if(first_param.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_VAR && ((VarExprent)first_param).getIndex() == var_value.getIndex()) { if (first_param.equals(exprent_value)) { // TODO: check for absence of side effects like method invocations etc. if (ifbranch.type == Statement.TYPE_BASICBLOCK && ifbranch.getExprents().size() == 1 && // TODO: special check for IllegalStateException ifbranch.getExprents().get(0).type == Exprent.EXPRENT_EXIT) { ifparent.getFirst().removeSuccessor(ifedge); ifparent.getFirst().removeSuccessor(elseedge); ifparent.getStats().removeWithKey(ifbranch.id); ifparent.getStats().removeWithKey(elsebranch.id); if (!ifbranch.getAllSuccessorEdges().isEmpty()) { ifbranch.removeSuccessor(ifbranch.getAllSuccessorEdges().get(0)); } if (!ifparent.getFirst().getExprents().isEmpty()) { elsebranch.getExprents().addAll(0, ifparent.getFirst().getExprents()); } ifparent.getParent().replaceStatement(ifparent, elsebranch); ifparent.getParent().setAllParent(); return true; } } } } //} } } } else if (parent != null && parent.type == Statement.TYPE_SEQUENCE && stat.type == Statement.TYPE_BASICBLOCK && stat.getExprents().size() == 1) { Exprent exprent = stat.getExprents().get(0); if (exprent.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_EXIT) { ExitExprent exit_exprent = (ExitExprent)exprent; if (exit_exprent.getExittype() == ExitExprent.EXIT_RETURN) { Exprent exprent_value = exit_exprent.getValue(); SequenceStatement sequence = (SequenceStatement)parent; int sequence_stats_number = sequence.getStats().size(); if (sequence_stats_number > 1 && sequence.getStats().getLast() == stat && sequence.getStats().get(sequence_stats_number - 2).type == Statement.TYPE_IF) { IfStatement ifstat = (IfStatement)sequence.getStats().get(sequence_stats_number - 2); Exprent if_condition = ifstat.getHeadexprent().getCondition(); if (ifstat.iftype == IfStatement.IFTYPE_IF && if_condition.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_FUNCTION && ((FunctionExprent)if_condition).getFunctype() == FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_EQ) { // TODO: reversed order possible (in theory) FunctionExprent func = (FunctionExprent)if_condition; Exprent first_param = func.getLstOperands().get(0); Exprent second_param = func.getLstOperands().get(1); Statement ifbranch = ifstat.getIfstat(); if (second_param.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_CONST && second_param.getExprType().type == CodeConstants.TYPE_NULL) { // TODO: reversed parameter order if (first_param.equals(exprent_value)) { // TODO: check for absence of side effects like method invocations etc. if (ifbranch.type == Statement.TYPE_BASICBLOCK && ifbranch.getExprents().size() == 1 && // TODO: special check for IllegalStateException ifbranch.getExprents().get(0).type == Exprent.EXPRENT_EXIT) { ifstat.removeSuccessor(ifstat.getAllSuccessorEdges().get(0)); // remove 'else' edge if (!ifstat.getFirst().getExprents().isEmpty()) { stat.getExprents().addAll(0, ifstat.getFirst().getExprents()); } for (StatEdge edge : ifstat.getAllPredecessorEdges()) { ifstat.removePredecessor(edge); edge.getSource().changeEdgeNode(Statement.DIRECTION_FORWARD, edge, stat); stat.addPredecessor(edge); } sequence.getStats().removeWithKey(ifstat.id); sequence.setFirst(sequence.getStats().get(0)); return true; } } } } } } } } for (Statement st : stat.getStats()) { if (removeReturnCheck(st, mt)) { return true; } } return false; } }