path: root/src/org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/main/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/main/')
1 files changed, 1107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/main/ b/src/org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/main/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c14fe79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/main/
@@ -0,0 +1,1107 @@
+ * Fernflower - The Analytical Java Decompiler
+ *
+ *
+ * (C) 2008 - 2010, Stiver
+ *
+ * This software is NEITHER public domain NOR free software
+ * as per GNU License. See license.txt for more details.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
+ * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ */
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+public class ClassWriter {
+ private static final int[] modval_class = new int[] {CodeConstants.ACC_PUBLIC, CodeConstants.ACC_PROTECTED, CodeConstants.ACC_PRIVATE,
+ CodeConstants.ACC_ABSTRACT, CodeConstants.ACC_STATIC, CodeConstants.ACC_FINAL, CodeConstants.ACC_STRICT};
+ private static final String[] modstr_class = new String[] {"public ", "protected ", "private ", "abstract ", "static ", "final ", "strictfp "};
+ private static final int[] modval_field = new int[] {CodeConstants.ACC_PUBLIC, CodeConstants.ACC_PROTECTED, CodeConstants.ACC_PRIVATE,
+ CodeConstants.ACC_STATIC, CodeConstants.ACC_FINAL, CodeConstants.ACC_TRANSIENT, CodeConstants.ACC_VOLATILE};
+ private static final String[] modstr_field = new String[] {"public ", "protected ", "private ", "static ", "final ", "transient ", "volatile "};
+ private static final int[] modval_meth = new int[] {CodeConstants.ACC_PUBLIC, CodeConstants.ACC_PROTECTED, CodeConstants.ACC_PRIVATE,
+ CodeConstants.ACC_ABSTRACT, CodeConstants.ACC_STATIC, CodeConstants.ACC_FINAL, CodeConstants.ACC_SYNCHRONIZED,
+ CodeConstants.ACC_NATIVE, CodeConstants.ACC_STRICT};
+ private static final String[] modstr_meth = new String[] {"public ", "protected ", "private ", "abstract ", "static ", "final ", "synchronized ", "native ", "strictfp "};
+ private static final HashSet<Integer> mod_notinterface = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(new Integer[] {CodeConstants.ACC_ABSTRACT, CodeConstants.ACC_STATIC}));
+ private static final HashSet<Integer> mod_notinterface_fields = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(new Integer[] {CodeConstants.ACC_PUBLIC, CodeConstants.ACC_STATIC, CodeConstants.ACC_FINAL}));
+ private static final HashSet<Integer> mod_notinterface_meth = new HashSet<Integer>(Arrays.asList(new Integer[] {CodeConstants.ACC_PUBLIC, CodeConstants.ACC_ABSTRACT}));
+ private ClassReference14Processor ref14processor;
+ private PoolInterceptor interceptor;
+ public ClassWriter() {
+ ref14processor = new ClassReference14Processor();
+ interceptor = DecompilerContext.getPoolInterceptor();
+ }
+ private void invokeProcessors(ClassNode node) {
+ ClassWrapper wrapper = node.wrapper;
+ StructClass cl = wrapper.getClassStruct();
+ InitializerProcessor.extractInitializers(wrapper);
+ if(node.type == ClassNode.CLASS_ROOT && DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_CLASS_1_4)) {
+ ref14processor.processClassReferences(node);
+ }
+ if(DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_ENUM) && (cl.access_flags & CodeConstants.ACC_ENUM) != 0) {
+ EnumProcessor.clearEnum(wrapper);
+ }
+ if(DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_ASSERTIONS)) {
+ AssertProcessor.buildAssertions(node);
+ }
+ }
+ public void classLambdaToJava(ClassNode node, BufferedWriter writer, Exprent method_object, int indent) throws IOException {
+ // get the class node with the content method
+ ClassNode node_content = node;
+ while(node_content != null && node_content.type == ClassNode.CLASS_LAMBDA) {
+ node_content = node_content.parent;
+ }
+ if(node_content == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ boolean lambda_to_anonymous = DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.LAMBDA_TO_ANONYMOUS_CLASS);
+ ClassNode nodeold = (ClassNode)DecompilerContext.getProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_CLASSNODE);
+ DecompilerContext.setProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_CLASSNODE, node);
+ ClassWrapper wrapper = node_content.wrapper;
+ StructClass cl = wrapper.getClassStruct();
+ DecompilerContext.getLogger().startWriteClass(node.simpleName);
+ if(node.lambda_information.is_method_reference) {
+ if(!node.lambda_information.is_content_method_static && method_object != null) { // reference to a virtual method
+ writer.write(method_object.toJava(indent));
+ } else { // reference to a static method
+ writer.write(ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(new VarType(node.lambda_information.content_class_name, false)));
+ }
+ writer.write("::");
+ writer.write(node.lambda_information.content_method_name);
+ writer.flush();
+ } else {
+ // lambda method
+ StructMethod mt = cl.getMethod(node.lambda_information.content_method_key);
+ MethodWrapper meth = wrapper.getMethodWrapper(mt.getName(), mt.getDescriptor());
+ MethodDescriptor md_content = MethodDescriptor.parseDescriptor(node.lambda_information.content_method_descriptor);
+ MethodDescriptor md_lambda = MethodDescriptor.parseDescriptor(node.lambda_information.method_descriptor);
+ if(!lambda_to_anonymous) { // lambda parameters '() ->'
+ StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder("(");
+ boolean firstpar = true;
+ int index = node.lambda_information.is_content_method_static ? 0 : 1;;
+ int start_index = md_content.params.length - md_lambda.params.length;
+ for(int i=0;i<md_content.params.length;i++) {
+ if(i >= start_index) {
+ if(!firstpar) {
+ buff.append(", ");
+ }
+ String parname = meth.varproc.getVarName(new VarVersionPaar(index, 0));
+ buff.append(parname==null ? "param"+index : parname); // null iff decompiled with errors
+ firstpar = false;
+ }
+ index+=md_content.params[i].stack_size;
+ }
+ buff.append(") ->");
+ writer.write(buff.toString());
+ }
+ StringWriter strwriter = new StringWriter();
+ BufferedWriter bufstrwriter = new BufferedWriter(strwriter);
+ if(lambda_to_anonymous) {
+ methodLambdaToJava(node, node_content, mt, bufstrwriter, indent+1, false);
+ } else {
+ methodLambdaToJava(node, node_content, mt, bufstrwriter, indent, true);
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.flush();
+ // closing up class definition
+ writer.write(" {");
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ writer.write(strwriter.toString());
+ writer.write(InterpreterUtil.getIndentString(indent));
+ writer.write("}");
+ writer.flush();
+ }
+ DecompilerContext.setProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_CLASSNODE, nodeold);
+ DecompilerContext.getLogger().endWriteClass();
+ }
+ public void classToJava(ClassNode node, BufferedWriter writer, int indent) throws IOException {
+ ClassWrapper wrapper = node.wrapper;
+ StructClass cl = wrapper.getClassStruct();
+ ClassNode nodeold = (ClassNode)DecompilerContext.getProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_CLASSNODE);
+ DecompilerContext.setProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_CLASSNODE, node);
+ // last minute processing
+ invokeProcessors(node);
+ DecompilerContext.getLogger().startWriteClass(cl.qualifiedName);
+ writeClassDefinition(node, writer, indent);
+ // methods
+ StringWriter strwriter = new StringWriter();
+ BufferedWriter bufstrwriter = new BufferedWriter(strwriter);
+ boolean firstmt = true;
+ boolean mthidden = false;
+ for(StructMethod mt : cl.getMethods()) {
+ int flags = mt.getAccessFlags();
+ boolean isSynthetic = (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0 || mt.getAttributes().containsKey("Synthetic");
+ boolean isBridge = (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_BRIDGE) != 0;
+ if((!isSynthetic || !DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.REMOVE_SYNTHETIC)) &&
+ (!isBridge || !DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.REMOVE_BRIDGE)) &&
+ !wrapper.getHideMembers().contains(InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(mt.getName(), mt.getDescriptor()))) {
+ if(!mthidden && (!firstmt || node.type != ClassNode.CLASS_ANONYMOUS)) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ firstmt = false;
+ }
+ mthidden = !methodToJava(node, mt, bufstrwriter, indent+1);
+ }
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.flush();
+ StringWriter strwriter1 = new StringWriter();
+ BufferedWriter bufstrwriter1 = new BufferedWriter(strwriter1);
+ int fields_count = 0;
+ boolean enumfields = false;
+ // fields
+ for(StructField fd: cl.getFields()) {
+ int flags = fd.access_flags;
+ boolean isSynthetic = (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0 || fd.getAttributes().containsKey("Synthetic");
+ if((!isSynthetic || !DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.REMOVE_SYNTHETIC))
+ && !wrapper.getHideMembers().contains(InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(fd.getName(), fd.getDescriptor()))) {
+ boolean isEnum = DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_ENUM) && (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_ENUM) != 0;
+ if(isEnum) {
+ if(enumfields) {
+ bufstrwriter1.write(",");
+ bufstrwriter1.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ } else {
+ enumfields = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(enumfields) {
+ bufstrwriter1.write(";");
+ bufstrwriter1.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ enumfields = false;
+ }
+ }
+ fieldToJava(wrapper, cl, fd, bufstrwriter1, indent+1);
+ fields_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(enumfields) {
+ bufstrwriter1.write(";");
+ bufstrwriter1.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ bufstrwriter1.flush();
+ if(fields_count > 0) {
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ writer.write(strwriter1.toString());
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ // methods
+ writer.write(strwriter.toString());
+ // member classes
+ for(ClassNode inner : node.nested) {
+ if(inner.type == ClassNode.CLASS_MEMBER) {
+ StructClass innercl = inner.classStruct;
+ boolean isSynthetic = ((inner.access | innercl.access_flags) & CodeConstants.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0 || innercl.getAttributes().containsKey("Synthetic");
+ if((!isSynthetic || !DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.REMOVE_SYNTHETIC))
+ && !wrapper.getHideMembers().contains(innercl.qualifiedName)) {
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ classToJava(inner, writer, indent+1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ writer.write(InterpreterUtil.getIndentString(indent));
+ writer.write("}");
+ if(node.type != ClassNode.CLASS_ANONYMOUS) {
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ writer.flush();
+ DecompilerContext.setProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_CLASSNODE, nodeold);
+ DecompilerContext.getLogger().endWriteClass();
+ }
+ private void writeClassDefinition(ClassNode node, BufferedWriter writer, int indent) throws IOException {
+ if(node.type == ClassNode.CLASS_ANONYMOUS) {
+ writer.write(" {");
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ } else {
+ String indstr = InterpreterUtil.getIndentString(indent);
+ ClassWrapper wrapper = node.wrapper;
+ StructClass cl = wrapper.getClassStruct();
+ int flags = node.type == ClassNode.CLASS_ROOT?cl.access_flags:node.access;
+ boolean isInterface = (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_INTERFACE) != 0;
+ boolean isAnnotation = (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_ANNOTATION) != 0;
+ boolean isEnum = DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_ENUM) && (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_ENUM) != 0;
+ boolean isDeprecated = cl.getAttributes().containsKey("Deprecated");
+ if(interceptor != null) {
+ String oldname = interceptor.getOldName(cl.qualifiedName);
+ if(oldname != null) {
+ writer.write(indstr);
+ writer.write("// $FF: renamed from: "+getDescriptorPrintOut(oldname, 0));
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ }
+ if (isDeprecated) {
+ writer.write(indstr);
+ writer.write("/** @deprecated */");
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ // class annotations
+ List<AnnotationExprent> lstAnn = getAllAnnotations(cl.getAttributes());
+ for(AnnotationExprent annexpr : lstAnn) {
+ writer.write(annexpr.toJava(indent));
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ boolean isSynthetic = (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0 || cl.getAttributes().containsKey("Synthetic");
+ if(isSynthetic) {
+ writer.write(indstr);
+ writer.write("// $FF: synthetic class");
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ writer.write(indstr);
+ if(isEnum) {
+ // remove abstract and final flags (JLS 8.9 Enums)
+ flags &=~CodeConstants.ACC_ABSTRACT;
+ flags &=~CodeConstants.ACC_FINAL;
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<modval_class.length;i++) {
+ if(!isInterface || !mod_notinterface.contains(modval_class[i])) {
+ if((flags & modval_class[i]) != 0) {
+ writer.write(modstr_class[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(isEnum) {
+ writer.write("enum ");
+ }else if(isInterface) {
+ if(isAnnotation) {
+ writer.write("@");
+ }
+ writer.write("interface ");
+ } else {
+ writer.write("class ");
+ }
+ GenericClassDescriptor descriptor = null;
+ if(DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_GENERIC_SIGNATURES)) {
+ StructGenericSignatureAttribute attr = (StructGenericSignatureAttribute)cl.getAttributes().getWithKey("Signature");
+ if(attr != null) {
+ descriptor = GenericMain.parseClassSignature(attr.getSignature());
+ }
+ }
+ writer.write(node.simpleName);
+ if(descriptor != null && !descriptor.fparameters.isEmpty()) {
+ writer.write("<");
+ for(int i=0;i<descriptor.fparameters.size();i++) {
+ if(i>0) {
+ writer.write(", ");
+ }
+ writer.write(descriptor.fparameters.get(i));
+ List<GenericType> lstBounds = descriptor.fbounds.get(i);
+ if (lstBounds.size() > 1 || !"java/lang/Object".equals(lstBounds.get(0).value)) {
+ writer.write(" extends ");
+ writer.write(GenericMain.getGenericCastTypeName(lstBounds.get(0)));
+ for(int j=1;j<lstBounds.size();j++) {
+ writer.write(" & " + GenericMain.getGenericCastTypeName(lstBounds.get(j)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ writer.write(">");
+ }
+ writer.write(" ");
+ if(!isEnum && !isInterface && cl.superClass != null) {
+ VarType supertype = new VarType(cl.superClass.getString(), true);
+ if(!VarType.VARTYPE_OBJECT.equals(supertype)) {
+ writer.write("extends ");
+ if(descriptor != null) {
+ writer.write(GenericMain.getGenericCastTypeName(descriptor.superclass));
+ } else {
+ writer.write(ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(supertype));
+ }
+ writer.write(" ");
+ }
+ }
+ if(!isAnnotation) {
+ int[] interfaces = cl.getInterfaces();
+ if(interfaces.length > 0) {
+ writer.write(isInterface?"extends ":"implements ");
+ for(int i=0;i<interfaces.length;i++) {
+ if(i>0) {
+ writer.write(", ");
+ }
+ if(descriptor != null) {
+ writer.write(GenericMain.getGenericCastTypeName(descriptor.superinterfaces.get(i)));
+ } else {
+ writer.write(ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(new VarType(cl.getInterface(i), true)));
+ }
+ }
+ writer.write(" ");
+ }
+ }
+ writer.write("{");
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ }
+ private void fieldToJava(ClassWrapper wrapper, StructClass cl, StructField fd, BufferedWriter writer, int indent) throws IOException {
+ String indstr = InterpreterUtil.getIndentString(indent);
+ boolean isInterface = (cl.access_flags & CodeConstants.ACC_INTERFACE) != 0;
+ int flags = fd.access_flags;
+ if(interceptor != null) {
+ String oldname = interceptor.getOldName(cl.qualifiedName+" "+fd.getName()+" "+fd.getDescriptor());
+ if(oldname != null) {
+ String[] element = oldname.split(" ");
+ writer.write(indstr);
+ writer.write("// $FF: renamed from: "+element[1]+" "+getDescriptorPrintOut(element[2], 1));
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ }
+ boolean isDeprecated = fd.getAttributes().containsKey("Deprecated");
+ if (isDeprecated) {
+ writer.write(indstr);
+ writer.write("/** @deprecated */");
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ // field annotations
+ List<AnnotationExprent> lstAnn = getAllAnnotations(fd.getAttributes());
+ for(AnnotationExprent annexpr : lstAnn) {
+ writer.write(annexpr.toJava(indent));
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ boolean isSynthetic = (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0 || fd.getAttributes().containsKey("Synthetic");
+ boolean isEnum = DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_ENUM) && (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_ENUM) != 0;
+ if(isSynthetic) {
+ writer.write(indstr);
+ writer.write("// $FF: synthetic field");
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ writer.write(indstr);
+ if(!isEnum) {
+ for(int i=0;i<modval_field.length;i++) {
+ if(!isInterface || !mod_notinterface_fields.contains(modval_field[i])) {
+ if((flags & modval_field[i]) != 0) {
+ writer.write(modstr_field[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ VarType fieldType = new VarType(fd.getDescriptor(), false);
+ GenericFieldDescriptor descriptor = null;
+ if(DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_GENERIC_SIGNATURES)) {
+ StructGenericSignatureAttribute attr = (StructGenericSignatureAttribute)fd.getAttributes().getWithKey("Signature");
+ if(attr != null) {
+ descriptor = GenericMain.parseFieldSignature(attr.getSignature());
+ }
+ }
+ if(!isEnum) {
+ if(descriptor != null) {
+ writer.write(GenericMain.getGenericCastTypeName(descriptor.type));
+ } else {
+ writer.write(ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(fieldType));
+ }
+ writer.write(" ");
+ }
+ writer.write(fd.getName());
+ Exprent initializer;
+ if((flags & CodeConstants.ACC_STATIC) != 0) {
+ initializer = wrapper.getStaticFieldInitializers().getWithKey(InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(fd.getName(), fd.getDescriptor()));
+ } else {
+ initializer = wrapper.getDynamicFieldInitializers().getWithKey(InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(fd.getName(), fd.getDescriptor()));
+ }
+ if(initializer != null) {
+ if(isEnum && initializer.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_NEW) {
+ NewExprent nexpr = (NewExprent)initializer;
+ nexpr.setEnumconst(true);
+ writer.write(nexpr.toJava(indent));
+ } else {
+ writer.write(" = ");
+ writer.write(initializer.toJava(indent));
+ }
+ } else if((flags & CodeConstants.ACC_FINAL) != 0 && (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_STATIC) != 0) {
+ StructConstantValueAttribute attr = (StructConstantValueAttribute)fd.getAttributes().getWithKey(StructGeneralAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_CONSTANT_VALUE);
+ if(attr != null) {
+ PrimitiveConstant cnst = cl.getPool().getPrimitiveConstant(attr.getIndex());
+ writer.write(" = ");
+ writer.write(new ConstExprent(fieldType, cnst.value).toJava(indent));
+ }
+ }
+ if(!isEnum) {
+ writer.write(";");
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean methodLambdaToJava(ClassNode node_lambda, ClassNode node_content, StructMethod mt, BufferedWriter writer, int indent, boolean code_only) throws IOException {
+ ClassWrapper wrapper = node_content.wrapper;
+ MethodWrapper meth = wrapper.getMethodWrapper(mt.getName(), mt.getDescriptor());
+ MethodWrapper methold = (MethodWrapper)DecompilerContext.getProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_METHOD_WRAPPER);
+ DecompilerContext.setProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_METHOD_WRAPPER, meth);
+ String indstr = InterpreterUtil.getIndentString(indent);
+ String method_name = node_lambda.lambda_information.method_name;
+ MethodDescriptor md_content = MethodDescriptor.parseDescriptor(node_lambda.lambda_information.content_method_descriptor);
+ MethodDescriptor md_lambda = MethodDescriptor.parseDescriptor(node_lambda.lambda_information.method_descriptor);
+ StringWriter strwriter = new StringWriter();
+ BufferedWriter bufstrwriter = new BufferedWriter(strwriter);
+ if(!code_only) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(indstr);
+ bufstrwriter.write("public ");
+ bufstrwriter.write(method_name);
+ bufstrwriter.write("(");
+ boolean firstpar = true;
+ int index = node_lambda.lambda_information.is_content_method_static ? 0 : 1;;
+ int start_index = md_content.params.length - md_lambda.params.length;
+ for(int i=0;i<md_content.params.length;i++) {
+ if(i >= start_index) {
+ if(!firstpar) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(", ");
+ }
+ VarType partype = md_content.params[i].copy();
+ String strpartype = ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(partype);
+ if(ExprProcessor.UNDEFINED_TYPE_STRING.equals(strpartype) && DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.UNDEFINED_PARAM_TYPE_OBJECT)) {
+ strpartype = ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(VarType.VARTYPE_OBJECT);
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.write(strpartype);
+ bufstrwriter.write(" ");
+ String parname = meth.varproc.getVarName(new VarVersionPaar(index, 0));
+ bufstrwriter.write(parname==null?"param"+index:parname); // null iff decompiled with errors
+ firstpar = false;
+ }
+ index+=md_content.params[i].stack_size;
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.write(")");
+ bufstrwriter.write(" ");
+ bufstrwriter.write("{");
+ bufstrwriter.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ RootStatement root = wrapper.getMethodWrapper(mt.getName(), mt.getDescriptor()).root;
+ if(root != null && !meth.decompiledWithErrors) { // check for existence
+ try {
+ String code = root.toJava(indent+1);
+ bufstrwriter.write(code);
+ } catch(Throwable ex) {
+ DecompilerContext.getLogger().writeMessage("Method "+mt.getName()+" "+mt.getDescriptor()+" couldn't be written.", ex);
+ meth.decompiledWithErrors = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(meth.decompiledWithErrors) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(InterpreterUtil.getIndentString(indent+1));
+ bufstrwriter.write("// $FF: Couldn't be decompiled");
+ bufstrwriter.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ if(!code_only) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(indstr+"}");
+ bufstrwriter.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.flush();
+ writer.write(strwriter.toString());
+ DecompilerContext.setProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_METHOD_WRAPPER, methold);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public boolean methodToJava(ClassNode node, StructMethod mt, BufferedWriter writer, int indent) throws IOException {
+ ClassWrapper wrapper = node.wrapper;
+ StructClass cl = wrapper.getClassStruct();
+ MethodWrapper meth = wrapper.getMethodWrapper(mt.getName(), mt.getDescriptor());
+ MethodWrapper methold = (MethodWrapper)DecompilerContext.getProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_METHOD_WRAPPER);
+ DecompilerContext.setProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_METHOD_WRAPPER, meth);
+ boolean isInterface = (cl.access_flags & CodeConstants.ACC_INTERFACE) != 0;
+ boolean isAnnotation = (cl.access_flags & CodeConstants.ACC_ANNOTATION) != 0;
+ boolean isEnum = (cl.access_flags & CodeConstants.ACC_ENUM) != 0 && DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_ENUM);
+ boolean isDeprecated = mt.getAttributes().containsKey("Deprecated");
+ String indstr = InterpreterUtil.getIndentString(indent);
+ boolean clinit = false, init = false, dinit = false;
+ MethodDescriptor md = MethodDescriptor.parseDescriptor(mt.getDescriptor());
+ StringWriter strwriter = new StringWriter();
+ BufferedWriter bufstrwriter = new BufferedWriter(strwriter);
+ int flags = mt.getAccessFlags();
+ if((flags & CodeConstants.ACC_NATIVE) != 0) {
+ flags &= ~CodeConstants.ACC_STRICT; // compiler bug: a strictfp class sets all methods to strictfp
+ }
+ if("<clinit>".equals(mt.getName())) {
+ flags &= CodeConstants.ACC_STATIC; // ingnore all modifiers except 'static' in a static initializer
+ }
+ if(interceptor != null) {
+ String oldname = interceptor.getOldName(cl.qualifiedName+" "+mt.getName()+" "+mt.getDescriptor());
+ if(oldname != null) {
+ String[] element = oldname.split(" ");
+ bufstrwriter.write(indstr);
+ bufstrwriter.write("// $FF: renamed from: "+element[1]+" "+getDescriptorPrintOut(element[2], 2));
+ bufstrwriter.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ }
+ if (isDeprecated) {
+ writer.write(indstr);
+ writer.write("/** @deprecated */");
+ writer.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ // method annotations
+ List<AnnotationExprent> lstAnn = getAllAnnotations(mt.getAttributes());
+ for(AnnotationExprent annexpr : lstAnn) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(annexpr.toJava(indent));
+ bufstrwriter.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ boolean isSynthetic = (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0 || mt.getAttributes().containsKey("Synthetic");
+ boolean isBridge = (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_BRIDGE) != 0;
+ if(isSynthetic) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(indstr);
+ bufstrwriter.write("// $FF: synthetic method");
+ bufstrwriter.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ if(isBridge) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(indstr);
+ bufstrwriter.write("// $FF: bridge method");
+ bufstrwriter.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.write(indstr);
+ for(int i=0;i<modval_meth.length;i++) {
+ if(!isInterface || !mod_notinterface_meth.contains(modval_meth[i])) {
+ if((flags & modval_meth[i]) != 0) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(modstr_meth[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 'default' modifier (Java 8)
+ if(isInterface && mt.containsCode()) {
+ bufstrwriter.write("default ");
+ }
+ String name = mt.getName();
+ if ("<init>".equals(name)) {
+ if (node.type == ClassNode.CLASS_ANONYMOUS) {
+ name = "";
+ dinit = true;
+ } else {
+ name = node.simpleName;
+ init = true;
+ }
+ } else if ("<clinit>".equals(name)) {
+ name = "";
+ clinit = true;
+ }
+ GenericMethodDescriptor descriptor = null;
+ if(DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_GENERIC_SIGNATURES)) {
+ StructGenericSignatureAttribute attr = (StructGenericSignatureAttribute)mt.getAttributes().getWithKey("Signature");
+ if(attr != null) {
+ descriptor = GenericMain.parseMethodSignature(attr.getSignature());
+ int actualParams = md.params.length;
+ if(isEnum && init) actualParams -= 2;
+ if(actualParams != descriptor.params.size()) {
+ DecompilerContext.getLogger().writeMessage("Inconsistent generic signature in method "+mt.getName()+" "+mt.getDescriptor(), IFernflowerLogger.WARNING);
+ descriptor = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ boolean throwsExceptions = false;
+ int param_count_explicit = 0;
+ if(!clinit && !dinit) {
+ boolean thisvar = (mt.getAccessFlags() & CodeConstants.ACC_STATIC) == 0;
+ // formal type parameters
+ if(descriptor != null && !descriptor.fparameters.isEmpty()) {
+ bufstrwriter.write("<");
+ for(int i=0;i<descriptor.fparameters.size();i++) {
+ if(i>0) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(", ");
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.write(descriptor.fparameters.get(i));
+ List<GenericType> lstBounds = descriptor.fbounds.get(i);
+ if (lstBounds.size() > 1 || !"java/lang/Object".equals(lstBounds.get(0).value)) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(" extends ");
+ bufstrwriter.write(GenericMain.getGenericCastTypeName(lstBounds.get(0)));
+ for(int j = 1; j < lstBounds.size(); j++) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(" & " + GenericMain.getGenericCastTypeName(lstBounds.get(j)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.write("> ");
+ }
+ if(!init) {
+ if(descriptor != null) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(GenericMain.getGenericCastTypeName(descriptor.ret));
+ } else {
+ bufstrwriter.write(ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(md.ret));
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.write(" ");
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.write(name);
+ bufstrwriter.write("(");
+ // parameter annotations
+ List<List<AnnotationExprent>> lstParAnn = getAllParameterAnnotations(mt.getAttributes());
+ List<VarVersionPaar> signFields = meth.signatureFields;
+ // compute last visible parameter
+ int lastparam_index = -1;
+ for(int i=0;i<md.params.length;i++) {
+ if(signFields == null || signFields.get(i) == null) {
+ lastparam_index = i;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean firstpar = true;
+ int index = isEnum && init ? 3 : thisvar ? 1 : 0;
+ int start = isEnum && init && descriptor == null ? 2 : 0;
+ int params = descriptor == null ? md.params.length : descriptor.params.size();
+ for(int i = start; i < params; i++) {
+ if (signFields == null || signFields.get(i) == null) {
+ if(!firstpar) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(", ");
+ }
+ if(lstParAnn.size() > param_count_explicit) {
+ List<AnnotationExprent> annotations = lstParAnn.get(param_count_explicit);
+ for(int j=0;j<annotations.size();j++) {
+ AnnotationExprent annexpr = annotations.get(j);
+ if(annexpr.getAnnotationType() == AnnotationExprent.ANNOTATION_NORMAL) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ bufstrwriter.write(annexpr.toJava(indent+1));
+ } else {
+ bufstrwriter.write(annexpr.toJava(0));
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.write(" ");
+ }
+ }
+ if(meth.varproc.getVarFinal(new VarVersionPaar(index, 0)) == VarTypeProcessor.VAR_FINALEXPLICIT) {
+ bufstrwriter.write("final ");
+ }
+ if(descriptor != null) {
+ GenericType partype = descriptor.params.get(i);
+ boolean isVarArgs = (i == lastparam_index && (mt.getAccessFlags() & CodeConstants.ACC_VARARGS) != 0
+ && partype.arraydim > 0);
+ if(isVarArgs) {
+ partype.arraydim--;
+ }
+ String strpartype = GenericMain.getGenericCastTypeName(partype);
+ if(ExprProcessor.UNDEFINED_TYPE_STRING.equals(strpartype) &&
+ DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.UNDEFINED_PARAM_TYPE_OBJECT)) {
+ strpartype = ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(VarType.VARTYPE_OBJECT);
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.write(strpartype);
+ if(isVarArgs) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(" ...");
+ }
+ } else {
+ VarType partype = md.params[i].copy();
+ boolean isVarArgs = (i == lastparam_index && (mt.getAccessFlags() & CodeConstants.ACC_VARARGS) != 0
+ && partype.arraydim > 0);
+ if(isVarArgs) {
+ partype.decArrayDim();
+ }
+ String strpartype = ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(partype);
+ if(ExprProcessor.UNDEFINED_TYPE_STRING.equals(strpartype) &&
+ DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.UNDEFINED_PARAM_TYPE_OBJECT)) {
+ strpartype = ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(VarType.VARTYPE_OBJECT);
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.write(strpartype);
+ if(isVarArgs) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(" ...");
+ }
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.write(" ");
+ String parname = meth.varproc.getVarName(new VarVersionPaar(index, 0));
+ bufstrwriter.write(parname==null?"param"+index:parname); // null iff decompiled with errors
+ firstpar = false;
+ param_count_explicit++;
+ }
+ index+=md.params[i].stack_size;
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.write(")");
+ StructExceptionsAttribute attr = (StructExceptionsAttribute)mt.getAttributes().getWithKey("Exceptions");
+ if((descriptor!=null && !descriptor.exceptions.isEmpty()) || attr != null) {
+ throwsExceptions = true;
+ bufstrwriter.write(" throws ");
+ for(int i=0;i<attr.getThrowsExceptions().size();i++) {
+ if(i>0) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(", ");
+ }
+ if(descriptor!=null && !descriptor.exceptions.isEmpty()) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(GenericMain.getGenericCastTypeName(descriptor.exceptions.get(i)));
+ } else {
+ VarType exctype = new VarType(attr.getExcClassname(i, cl.getPool()), true);
+ bufstrwriter.write(ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(exctype));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ boolean hidemethod = false;
+ if((flags & (CodeConstants.ACC_ABSTRACT | CodeConstants.ACC_NATIVE)) != 0) { // native or abstract method (explicit or interface)
+ if(isAnnotation) {
+ StructAnnDefaultAttribute attr = (StructAnnDefaultAttribute)mt.getAttributes().getWithKey("AnnotationDefault");
+ if(attr != null) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(" default ");
+ bufstrwriter.write(attr.getDefaultValue().toJava(indent+1));
+ }
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.write(";");
+ bufstrwriter.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ } else {
+ if(!clinit && !dinit) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(" ");
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.write("{");
+ bufstrwriter.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ RootStatement root = wrapper.getMethodWrapper(mt.getName(), mt.getDescriptor()).root;
+ if(root != null && !meth.decompiledWithErrors) { // check for existence
+ try {
+ String code = root.toJava(indent+1);
+ boolean singleinit = false;
+ if(init && param_count_explicit == 0 && !throwsExceptions && DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.HIDE_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR)) {
+ int init_counter = 0;
+ for(MethodWrapper mth : wrapper.getMethods()) {
+ if("<init>".equals(mth.methodStruct.getName())) {
+ init_counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ singleinit = (init_counter == 1);
+ }
+ hidemethod = (clinit || dinit || singleinit) && code.length() == 0;
+ bufstrwriter.write(code);
+ } catch(Throwable ex) {
+ DecompilerContext.getLogger().writeMessage("Method "+mt.getName()+" "+mt.getDescriptor()+" couldn't be written.", ex);
+ meth.decompiledWithErrors = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(meth.decompiledWithErrors) {
+ bufstrwriter.write(InterpreterUtil.getIndentString(indent+1));
+ bufstrwriter.write("// $FF: Couldn't be decompiled");
+ bufstrwriter.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.write(indstr+"}");
+ bufstrwriter.write(DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator());
+ }
+ bufstrwriter.flush();
+ if(!hidemethod) {
+ writer.write(strwriter.toString());
+ }
+ DecompilerContext.setProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_METHOD_WRAPPER, methold);
+ return !hidemethod;
+ }
+ private List<AnnotationExprent> getAllAnnotations(VBStyleCollection<StructGeneralAttribute, String> attributes) {
+ String[] annattrnames = new String[] {StructGeneralAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_RUNTIME_VISIBLE_ANNOTATIONS,
+ List<AnnotationExprent> lst = new ArrayList<AnnotationExprent>();
+ for(String attrname : annattrnames) {
+ StructAnnotationAttribute attr = (StructAnnotationAttribute)attributes.getWithKey(attrname);
+ if(attr != null) {
+ lst.addAll(attr.getAnnotations());
+ }
+ }
+ return lst;
+ }
+ private List<List<AnnotationExprent>> getAllParameterAnnotations(VBStyleCollection<StructGeneralAttribute, String> attributes) {
+ String[] annattrnames = new String[] {StructGeneralAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_RUNTIME_VISIBLE_PARAMETER_ANNOTATIONS,
+ List<List<AnnotationExprent>> ret = new ArrayList<List<AnnotationExprent>>();
+ for(String attrname : annattrnames) {
+ StructAnnotationParameterAttribute attr = (StructAnnotationParameterAttribute)attributes.getWithKey(attrname);
+ if(attr != null) {
+ for(int i=0;i<attr.getParamAnnotations().size();i++) {
+ List<AnnotationExprent> lst = new ArrayList<AnnotationExprent>();
+ boolean isnew = (ret.size()<=i);
+ if(!isnew) {
+ lst = ret.get(i);
+ }
+ lst.addAll(attr.getParamAnnotations().get(i));
+ if(isnew) {
+ ret.add(lst);
+ } else {
+ ret.set(i, lst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private String getDescriptorPrintOut(String descriptor, int element) {
+ switch(element) {
+ case 0: // class
+ return ExprProcessor.buildJavaClassName(descriptor);
+ case 1: // field
+ return getTypePrintOut(FieldDescriptor.parseDescriptor(descriptor).type);
+ case 2: // method
+ default:
+ MethodDescriptor md = MethodDescriptor.parseDescriptor(descriptor);
+ StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("(");
+ boolean first = true;
+ for(VarType partype : md.params) {
+ if(first) {
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ buffer.append(", ");
+ }
+ buffer.append(getTypePrintOut(partype));
+ }
+ buffer.append(") ");
+ buffer.append(getTypePrintOut(md.ret));
+ return buffer.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ private String getTypePrintOut(VarType type) {
+ String strtype = ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(type, false);
+ if(ExprProcessor.UNDEFINED_TYPE_STRING.equals(strtype) &&
+ DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.UNDEFINED_PARAM_TYPE_OBJECT)) {
+ strtype = ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(VarType.VARTYPE_OBJECT, false);
+ }
+ return strtype;
+ }