/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package net.minecraft.server; /** * * @author Nathan */ public abstract class LongHash { static long toLong(int msw, int lsw) { return ((long)msw << 32) + lsw - Integer.MIN_VALUE; } static int msw(long l) { return (int) (l >> 32); } static int lsw(long l) { return (int) (l & 0xFFFFFFFF) + Integer.MIN_VALUE; } public boolean containsKey(int msw, int lsw) { return containsKey(toLong(msw, lsw)); } public void remove(int msw, int lsw) { remove(toLong(msw, lsw)); } public abstract boolean containsKey(long key); public abstract void remove(long key); }