package net.minecraft.server; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; // CraftBukkit start import; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.LoggerOutputStream; import org.bukkit.event.server.ServerCommandEvent; // CraftBukkit end public class DedicatedServer extends MinecraftServer implements IMinecraftServer { private final List l = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); private final IConsoleLogManager m; private RemoteStatusListener n; private RemoteControlListener o; public PropertyManager propertyManager; // CraftBukkit - private -> public private boolean generateStructures; private EnumGamemode r; private ServerConnection s; private boolean t; // CraftBukkit start - Signature changed public DedicatedServer(joptsimple.OptionSet options) { super(options); // CraftBukkit end this.m = new ConsoleLogManager("Minecraft-Server", (String) null, (String) null); // CraftBukkit - null last argument new ThreadSleepForever(this); } protected boolean init() throws { // CraftBukkit - throws UnknownHostException ThreadCommandReader threadcommandreader = new ThreadCommandReader(this); threadcommandreader.setDaemon(true); threadcommandreader.start(); // CraftBukkit start System.setOut(new PrintStream(new LoggerOutputStream(this.getLogger().getLogger(), Level.INFO), true)); System.setErr(new PrintStream(new LoggerOutputStream(this.getLogger().getLogger(), Level.SEVERE), true)); // CraftBukkit end this.getLogger().info("Starting minecraft server version 1.6.2"); if (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024L / 1024L < 512L) { this.getLogger().warning("To start the server with more ram, launch it as \"java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar\""); } this.getLogger().info("Loading properties"); this.propertyManager = new PropertyManager(this.options, this.getLogger()); // CraftBukkit - CLI argument support if (this.K()) { this.c(""); } else { this.setOnlineMode(this.propertyManager.getBoolean("online-mode", true)); this.c(this.propertyManager.getString("server-ip", "")); } this.setSpawnAnimals(this.propertyManager.getBoolean("spawn-animals", true)); this.setSpawnNPCs(this.propertyManager.getBoolean("spawn-npcs", true)); this.setPvP(this.propertyManager.getBoolean("pvp", true)); this.setAllowFlight(this.propertyManager.getBoolean("allow-flight", false)); this.setTexturePack(this.propertyManager.getString("texture-pack", "")); this.setMotd(this.propertyManager.getString("motd", "A Minecraft Server")); this.setForceGamemode(this.propertyManager.getBoolean("force-gamemode", false)); if (this.propertyManager.getInt("difficulty", 1) < 0) { this.propertyManager.a("difficulty", Integer.valueOf(0)); } else if (this.propertyManager.getInt("difficulty", 1) > 3) { this.propertyManager.a("difficulty", Integer.valueOf(3)); } this.generateStructures = this.propertyManager.getBoolean("generate-structures", true); int i = this.propertyManager.getInt("gamemode", EnumGamemode.SURVIVAL.a()); this.r = WorldSettings.a(i); this.getLogger().info("Default game type: " + this.r); InetAddress inetaddress = null; if (this.getServerIp().length() > 0) { inetaddress = InetAddress.getByName(this.getServerIp()); } if (this.I() < 0) { this.setPort(this.propertyManager.getInt("server-port", 25565)); } this.getLogger().info("Generating keypair"); this.a(MinecraftEncryption.b()); this.getLogger().info("Starting Minecraft server on " + (this.getServerIp().length() == 0 ? "*" : this.getServerIp()) + ":" + this.I()); try { this.s = new DedicatedServerConnection(this, inetaddress, this.I()); } catch (Throwable ioexception) { // CraftBukkit - IOException -> Throwable this.getLogger().warning("**** FAILED TO BIND TO PORT!"); this.getLogger().warning("The exception was: {0}", new Object[] { ioexception.toString()}); this.getLogger().warning("Perhaps a server is already running on that port?"); return false; } this.a((PlayerList) (new DedicatedPlayerList(this))); // CraftBukkit if (!this.getOnlineMode()) { this.getLogger().warning("**** SERVER IS RUNNING IN OFFLINE/INSECURE MODE!"); this.getLogger().warning("The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware."); this.getLogger().warning("While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose."); this.getLogger().warning("To change this, set \"online-mode\" to \"true\" in the file."); } // this.a((PlayerList) (new DedicatedPlayerList(this))); // CraftBukkit - moved up this.convertable = new WorldLoaderServer(server.getWorldContainer()); // CraftBukkit - moved from MinecraftServer constructor long j = System.nanoTime(); if (this.L() == null) { this.k(this.propertyManager.getString("level-name", "world")); } String s = this.propertyManager.getString("level-seed", ""); String s1 = this.propertyManager.getString("level-type", "DEFAULT"); String s2 = this.propertyManager.getString("generator-settings", ""); long k = (new Random()).nextLong(); if (s.length() > 0) { try { long l = Long.parseLong(s); if (l != 0L) { k = l; } } catch (NumberFormatException numberformatexception) { k = (long) s.hashCode(); } } WorldType worldtype = WorldType.getType(s1); if (worldtype == null) { worldtype = WorldType.NORMAL; } this.d(this.propertyManager.getInt("max-build-height", 256)); this.d((this.getMaxBuildHeight() + 8) / 16 * 16); this.d(MathHelper.a(this.getMaxBuildHeight(), 64, 256)); this.propertyManager.a("max-build-height", Integer.valueOf(this.getMaxBuildHeight())); this.getLogger().info("Preparing level \"" + this.L() + "\""); this.a(this.L(), this.L(), k, worldtype, s2); long i1 = System.nanoTime() - j; String s3 = String.format("%.3fs", new Object[] { Double.valueOf((double) i1 / 1.0E9D)}); this.getLogger().info("Done (" + s3 + ")! For help, type \"help\" or \"?\""); if (this.propertyManager.getBoolean("enable-query", false)) { this.getLogger().info("Starting GS4 status listener"); this.n = new RemoteStatusListener(this); this.n.a(); } if (this.propertyManager.getBoolean("enable-rcon", false)) { this.getLogger().info("Starting remote control listener"); this.o = new RemoteControlListener(this); this.o.a(); this.remoteConsole = new org.bukkit.craftbukkit.command.CraftRemoteConsoleCommandSender(); // CraftBukkit } // CraftBukkit start if (this.server.getBukkitSpawnRadius() > -1) { this.getLogger().info("'settings.spawn-radius' in bukkit.yml has been moved to 'spawn-protection' in I will move your config for you.");"spawn-protection"); this.propertyManager.getInt("spawn-protection", this.server.getBukkitSpawnRadius()); this.server.removeBukkitSpawnRadius(); this.propertyManager.savePropertiesFile(); } return true; } public PropertyManager getPropertyManager() { return this.propertyManager; } // CraftBukkit end public boolean getGenerateStructures() { return this.generateStructures; } public EnumGamemode getGamemode() { return this.r; } public int getDifficulty() { return Math.max(0, Math.min(3, this.propertyManager.getInt("difficulty", 1))); // CraftBukkit - clamp values } public boolean isHardcore() { return this.propertyManager.getBoolean("hardcore", false); } protected void a(CrashReport crashreport) { while (this.isRunning()) {; try { Thread.sleep(10L); } catch (InterruptedException interruptedexception) { interruptedexception.printStackTrace(); } } } public CrashReport b(CrashReport crashreport) { crashreport = super.b(crashreport); crashreport.g().a("Is Modded", (Callable) (new CrashReportModded(this))); crashreport.g().a("Type", (Callable) (new CrashReportType(this))); return crashreport; } protected void r() { System.exit(0); } public void t() { // CraftBukkit - protected -> public super.t();; } public boolean getAllowNether() { return this.propertyManager.getBoolean("allow-nether", true); } public boolean getSpawnMonsters() { return this.propertyManager.getBoolean("spawn-monsters", true); } public void a(MojangStatisticsGenerator mojangstatisticsgenerator) { mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("whitelist_enabled", Boolean.valueOf(; mojangstatisticsgenerator.a("whitelist_count", Integer.valueOf(; super.a(mojangstatisticsgenerator); } public boolean getSnooperEnabled() { return this.propertyManager.getBoolean("snooper-enabled", true); } public void issueCommand(String s, ICommandListener icommandlistener) { this.l.add(new ServerCommand(s, icommandlistener)); } public void ar() { while (!this.l.isEmpty()) { ServerCommand servercommand = (ServerCommand) this.l.remove(0); // CraftBukkit start - ServerCommand for preprocessing ServerCommandEvent event = new ServerCommandEvent(this.console, servercommand.command); this.server.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); servercommand = new ServerCommand(event.getCommand(), servercommand.source); // this.getCommandHandler().a(servercommand.source, servercommand.command); // Called in dispatchServerCommand this.server.dispatchServerCommand(this.console, servercommand); // CraftBukkit end } } public boolean V() { return true; } public DedicatedPlayerList as() { return (DedicatedPlayerList) super.getPlayerList(); } public ServerConnection ag() { return this.s; } public int a(String s, int i) { return this.propertyManager.getInt(s, i); } public String a(String s, String s1) { return this.propertyManager.getString(s, s1); } public boolean a(String s, boolean flag) { return this.propertyManager.getBoolean(s, flag); } public void a(String s, Object object) { this.propertyManager.a(s, object); } public void a() { this.propertyManager.savePropertiesFile(); } public String b_() { File file1 = this.propertyManager.c(); return file1 != null ? file1.getAbsolutePath() : "No settings file"; } public void at() { ServerGUI.a(this); this.t = true; } public boolean ai() { return this.t; } public String a(EnumGamemode enumgamemode, boolean flag) { return ""; } public boolean getEnableCommandBlock() { return this.propertyManager.getBoolean("enable-command-block", false); } public int getSpawnProtection() { return this.propertyManager.getInt("spawn-protection", super.getSpawnProtection()); } public boolean a(World world, int i, int j, int k, EntityHuman entityhuman) { if (world.worldProvider.dimension != 0) { return false; } else if ( { return false; } else if ( { return false; } else if (this.getSpawnProtection() <= 0) { return false; } else { ChunkCoordinates chunkcoordinates = world.getSpawn(); int l = MathHelper.a(i - chunkcoordinates.x); int i1 = MathHelper.a(k - chunkcoordinates.z); int j1 = Math.max(l, i1); return j1 <= this.getSpawnProtection(); } } public IConsoleLogManager getLogger() { return this.m; } public int k() { return this.propertyManager.getInt("op-permission-level", 4); } public PlayerList getPlayerList() { return; } }