#!/bin/bash if [ -z "$1" ] then echo "Please run this script again with the clean decompile sources as an argument. In most cases this will be ../work/decompile-XXXX" exit fi cb=src/main/java/net/minecraft/server nms="$1/net/minecraft/server" for file in $(/bin/ls $cb) do echo "Diffing $file" sed -i 's/\r//' "$nms/$file" outName=$(echo nms-patches/"$(echo $file | cut -d. -f1)".patch) patchNew=$(diff -u "$nms/$file" "$cb/$file") if [ -f "$outName" ] then patchCut=$(echo "$patchNew" | tail -n +3) patchOld=$(cat "$outName" | tail -n +3) if [ "$patchCut" != "$patchOld" ] ; then echo "$outName changed" echo "$patchNew" > "$outName" fi else echo "New patch $outName" echo "$patchNew" > "$outName" fi done