CraftBukkit =========== A Bukkit (Minecraft Server API) implementation Compilation ----------- We use maven to handle our dependencies. * Install [Maven 3]( * Check out and install [Bukkit]( * *Note*: this is not needed as the repository we use has Bukkit too, but you might have a newer one (with your own changes :D) * Check out this repo and: `mvn clean package` Coding and Pull Request Conventions ----------- * We generally follow the Sun/Oracle coding standards. * No tabs; use 4 spaces instead. * No trailing whitespaces. * No 80 column limit or 'weird' midstatement newlines. * The number of commits in a pull request should be kept to a minimum (squish them into one most of the time - use common sense!). * No merges should be included in pull requests unless the pull request's purpose is a merge. * Pull requests should be tested (does it compile? AND does it work?) before submission. If you make changes or add net.minecraft.server classes it is mandatory to: * Get the files from the [mc-dev repo]( - make sure you have the last version! * Mark your changes with: * 1 line; add a trailing: `// CraftBukkit [- Optional reason]` * 2+ lines; add * Before: `// CraftBukkit start [- Optional comment]` * After: `// CraftBukkit end` * Keep the diffs to a minimum (*really* important) Follow the above conventions if you want your pull requests accepted.