path: root/src
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeLines
* When leaving the end, always target the main world. Fixes BUKKIT-3517feildmaster2013-01-29-1/+3
* Make command blocks only select players on its world. Fixes BUKKIT-3515feildmaster2013-01-28-0/+3
* Target default world when returning from The End; Fixes BUKKIT-3494EdGruberman2013-01-28-7/+15
* Remove erroneous break statement in scheduler. Fixes BUKKIT-3395Wesley Wolfe2013-01-27-1/+0
* Update Fireballs to account for ExplosionPower. Fixes BUKKIT-3460feildmaster2013-01-27-1/+21
* Ignore block functions for skulls on BlockPlace. Fixes BUKKIT-3495feildmaster2013-01-27-1/+2
* Direct all BlockPlaceEvents to a singular location. Fixes BUKKIT-3438feildmaster2013-01-27-141/+57
* Fix TileEntities and Blocks getting out of sync. Fixes BUKKIT-3501feildmaster2013-01-27-11/+9
* Call BlockGrowEvent for Cocoa plants. Fixes BUKKIT-2525QuarterAnimal2013-01-24-1/+1
* Add BlockCocoa for diff visibility.QuarterAnimal2013-01-24-0/+121
* Preserve source block in mushroom spread event. Fixes BUKKIT-3354QuarterAnimal2013-01-24-1/+7
* Properly calculate level cost for books. Fixes BUKKIT-3410feildmaster2013-01-24-0/+4
* Call BlockPlaceEvent for skulls the same as other blocks. BUKKIT-3406feildmaster2013-01-23-16/+7
* Compensate for allow-nether/allow-end as false; Fixes BUKKIT-3466EdGruberman2013-01-23-11/+35
* Reload ban files when reloading the server. Adds BUKKIT-3470feildmaster2013-01-23-0/+3
* Return the valid max value for piston direction. Fixes BUKKIT-2191feildmaster2013-01-23-3/+3
* Refactor processBlockPlace logic. Fixes BUKKIT-3406 and BUKKIT-3454feildmaster2013-01-19-8/+14
* Fix broken null contract with Jukebox.setPlaying, Fixes BUKKIT-3429feildmaster2013-01-19-3/+9
* [Bleeding] Add experimental support for entity portal travelingEdGruberman2013-01-19-565/+422
* Add BlockEnderPortal for diff visibilityEdGruberman2013-01-19-0/+56
* Improve the item meta deserialization code-styleWesley Wolfe2013-01-18-112/+81
* Always call PotionSplashEvent. Fixes BUKKIT-3363Zloteanu Nikita2013-01-17-1/+1
* Place beds with the correct data. Fixes BUKKIT-3447feildmaster2013-01-17-1/+1
* Update CraftBukkit to Minecraft 1.4.7feildmaster2013-01-17-346/+80
* Initialize entity data before spawning them. Fixes BUKKIT-3209feildmaster2013-01-16-5/+6
* Fix entities traveling sideways. Addresses BUKKIT-3443bloodmc2013-01-16-2/+2
* Get the BlockState before changing the block. Fixes BUKKIT-3441feildmaster2013-01-16-2/+4
* Handle beds and doors the same way as other blocks. Fixes BUKKIT-3437feildmaster2013-01-16-19/+14
* Throw BlockPlaceEvent when placing double slabs. Fixes BUKKIT-2469feildmaster2013-01-16-39/+61
* Add ItemStackMapTestWesley Wolfe2013-01-15-0/+121
* Spawn monsters without prematurely exiting. Fixes BUKKIT-3425cexikitin2013-01-14-1/+1
* Various ItemMeta fixes.Wesley Wolfe2013-01-09-13/+15
* Update unit test to reflect firework color fix. Fixes BUKKIT-3382Wesley Wolfe2013-01-05-1/+1
* Update calls to DyeColor getData and getByData. Addresses BUKKIT-2786Wesley Wolfe2013-01-05-7/+7
* Implement fishing experience. Adds BUKKIT-3348feildmaster2013-01-01-1/+3
* Move the tile entity with the falling block. Adds BUKKIT-3349feildmaster2013-01-01-0/+27
* Fix "setSitting" on tameable animals. Fixes BUKKIT-1534feildmaster2013-01-01-3/+2
* Add PathfinderGoalSit for diff visibilityfeildmaster2013-01-01-0/+39
* [Bleeding] Fix corruption due to thread safety issues. Fixes BUKKIT-3333Mike Primm2012-12-30-3/+3
* Return the level, not ID. Fixes BUKKIT-3326Wesley Wolfe2012-12-29-9/+12
* /dev/null does not accept EnchantmentThornsWesley Wolfe2012-12-29-1/+5
* Don't teleport entities that are considered dead. Addresses BUKKIT-1331feildmaster2012-12-29-0/+18
* [Bleeding] Implement periodic chunk garbage collectorMike Primm2012-12-29-0/+49
* Fix persistence on tamed pets. Fixes BUKKIT-3300feildmaster2012-12-28-2/+10
* Update maxhealth for entities that have variable max health. Fixes BUKKIT-3308feildmaster2012-12-27-4/+27
* Fix removing enchantments causing the enchantment tag to remain.feildmaster2012-12-27-1/+2
* Fix discrepancies in NBT and ItemMeta. Fixes BUKKIT-3279feildmaster2012-12-27-11/+17
* Fire BlockRedstoneEvent for repeaters. Fixes BUKKIT-1157Travis Watkins2012-12-27-0/+14
* Add BlockDiode from mc-dev for diff visibility.Travis Watkins2012-12-27-0/+214
* Don't update physics until after the place event. Fixes BUKKIT-3316Wizjany2012-12-27-3/+9