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1 files changed, 96 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/nms-patches/EntityEnderDragon.patch b/nms-patches/EntityEnderDragon.patch
index b312c187..974f5d4f 100644
--- a/nms-patches/EntityEnderDragon.patch
+++ b/nms-patches/EntityEnderDragon.patch
@@ -1,10 +1,105 @@
--- a/net/minecraft/server/
+++ b/net/minecraft/server/
-@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+@@ -4,7 +4,12 @@
+ import java.util.List;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
++// CraftBukkit start
++import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent;
++import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent;
++// CraftBukkit end
+// PAIL: Fixme
public class EntityEnderDragon extends EntityInsentient implements IComplex, IMonster {
private static final Logger bH = LogManager.getLogger();
+@@ -32,6 +37,7 @@
+ private final PathPoint[] bM = new PathPoint[24];
+ private final int[] bN = new int[24];
+ private final Path bO = new Path();
++ private Explosion explosionSource = new Explosion(null, this, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Double.NaN, Float.NaN, true, true); // CraftBukkit - reusable source for CraftTNTPrimed.getSource()
+ public EntityEnderDragon(World world) {
+ super(world);
+@@ -308,7 +314,14 @@
+ if (this.currentEnderCrystal.dead) {
+ this.currentEnderCrystal = null;
+ } else if (this.ticksLived % 10 == 0 && this.getHealth() < this.getMaxHealth()) {
+- this.setHealth(this.getHealth() + 1.0F);
++ // CraftBukkit start
++ EntityRegainHealthEvent event = new EntityRegainHealthEvent(this.getBukkitEntity(), 1.0F, EntityRegainHealthEvent.RegainReason.ENDER_CRYSTAL);
++ if (!event.isCancelled()) {
++ this.setHealth((float) (this.getHealth() + event.getAmount()));
++ }
++ // CraftBukkit end
+ }
+ }
+@@ -381,6 +394,10 @@
+ int j1 = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.f);
+ boolean flag = false;
+ boolean flag1 = false;
++ // CraftBukkit start - Create a list to hold all the destroyed blocks
++ List<org.bukkit.block.Block> destroyedBlocks = new java.util.ArrayList<org.bukkit.block.Block>();
++ org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftWorld craftWorld =;
++ // CraftBukkit end
+ for (int k1 = i; k1 <= l; ++k1) {
+ for (int l1 = j; l1 <= i1; ++l1) {
+@@ -394,7 +411,11 @@
+ flag = true;
+ } else if (block != Blocks.BARRIER && block != Blocks.OBSIDIAN && block != Blocks.END_STONE && block != Blocks.BEDROCK && block != Blocks.END_PORTAL && block != Blocks.END_PORTAL_FRAME) {
+ if (block != Blocks.COMMAND_BLOCK && block != Blocks.dc && block != Blocks.dd && block != Blocks.IRON_BARS && block != Blocks.END_GATEWAY) {
+- flag1 = || flag1;
++ // CraftBukkit start - Add blocks to list rather than destroying them
++ // flag1 = || flag1;
++ flag1 = true;
++ destroyedBlocks.add(craftWorld.getBlockAt(k1, l1, i2));
++ // CraftBukkit end
+ } else {
+ flag = true;
+ }
+@@ -406,6 +427,41 @@
+ }
+ }
++ // CraftBukkit start - Set off an EntityExplodeEvent for the dragon exploding all these blocks
++ org.bukkit.entity.Entity bukkitEntity = this.getBukkitEntity();
++ EntityExplodeEvent event = new EntityExplodeEvent(bukkitEntity, bukkitEntity.getLocation(), destroyedBlocks, 0F);
++ bukkitEntity.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event);
++ if (event.isCancelled()) {
++ // This flag literally means 'Dragon hit something hard' (Obsidian, White Stone or Bedrock) and will cause the dragon to slow down.
++ // We should consider adding an event extension for it, or perhaps returning true if the event is cancelled.
++ return flag;
++ } else if (event.getYield() == 0F) {
++ // Yield zero ==> no drops
++ for (org.bukkit.block.Block block : event.blockList()) {
++ BlockPosition(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ()));
++ }
++ } else {
++ for (org.bukkit.block.Block block : event.blockList()) {
++ org.bukkit.Material blockId = block.getType();
++ if (blockId == org.bukkit.Material.AIR) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ int blockX = block.getX();
++ int blockY = block.getY();
++ int blockZ = block.getZ();
++ Block nmsBlock = org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.CraftMagicNumbers.getBlock(blockId);
++ if (nmsBlock.a(explosionSource)) {
++ nmsBlock.dropNaturally(, new BlockPosition(blockX, blockY, blockZ), nmsBlock.fromLegacyData(block.getData()), event.getYield(), 0);
++ }
++ nmsBlock.wasExploded(world, new BlockPosition(blockX, blockY, blockZ), explosionSource);
++ BlockPosition(blockX, blockY, blockZ));
++ }
++ }
++ // CraftBukkit end
+ if (flag1) {
+ double d0 = axisalignedbb.a + (axisalignedbb.d - axisalignedbb.a) * (double) this.random.nextFloat();
+ double d1 = axisalignedbb.b + (axisalignedbb.e - axisalignedbb.b) * (double) this.random.nextFloat();