package org.bukkit.material; import org.bukkit.DyeColor; import org.bukkit.Material; /** * Represents dye */ public class Dye extends MaterialData implements Colorable { public Dye() { super(Material.LEGACY_INK_SACK); } public Dye(final Material type) { super(type); } /** * @param type the type * @param data the raw data value * @deprecated Magic value */ @Deprecated public Dye(final Material type, final byte data) { super(type, data); } /** * @param color color of the dye */ public Dye(final DyeColor color) { super(Material.LEGACY_INK_SACK, color.getDyeData()); } /** * Gets the current color of this dye * * @return DyeColor of this dye */ public DyeColor getColor() { return DyeColor.getByDyeData(getData()); } /** * Sets the color of this dye * * @param color New color of this dye */ public void setColor(DyeColor color) { setData(color.getDyeData()); } @Override public String toString() { return getColor() + " DYE(" + getData() + ")"; } @Override public Dye clone() { return (Dye) super.clone(); } }