package org.bukkit.inventory; import; import org.bukkit.Keyed; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.NamespacedKey; import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData; /** * Represents a smelting recipe. */ public class FurnaceRecipe implements Recipe, Keyed { private final NamespacedKey key; private ItemStack output; private ItemStack ingredient; private float experience; private int cookingTime; private String group = ""; @Deprecated public FurnaceRecipe(ItemStack result, Material source) { this(NamespacedKey.randomKey(), result, source, 0, 0, 200); } @Deprecated public FurnaceRecipe(ItemStack result, MaterialData source) { this(NamespacedKey.randomKey(), result, source.getItemType(), source.getData(), 0, 200); } @Deprecated public FurnaceRecipe(ItemStack result, MaterialData source, float experience) { this(NamespacedKey.randomKey(), result, source.getItemType(), source.getData(), experience, 200); } @Deprecated public FurnaceRecipe(ItemStack result, Material source, int data) { this(NamespacedKey.randomKey(), result, source, data, 0, 200); } /** * Create a furnace recipe to craft the specified ItemStack. * * @param key The unique recipe key * @param result The item you want the recipe to create. * @param source The input material. * @param experience The experience given by this recipe * @param cookingTime The cooking time (in ticks) */ public FurnaceRecipe(NamespacedKey key, ItemStack result, Material source, float experience, int cookingTime) { this(key, result, source, 0, experience, cookingTime); } @Deprecated public FurnaceRecipe(NamespacedKey key, ItemStack result, Material source, int data, float experience, int cookingTime) { this.key = key; this.output = new ItemStack(result); this.ingredient = new ItemStack(source, 1, (short) data); this.experience = experience; this.cookingTime = cookingTime; } /** * Sets the input of this furnace recipe. * * @param input The input material. * @return The changed recipe, so you can chain calls. */ public FurnaceRecipe setInput(MaterialData input) { return setInput(input.getItemType(), input.getData()); } /** * Sets the input of this furnace recipe. * * @param input The input material. * @return The changed recipe, so you can chain calls. */ public FurnaceRecipe setInput(Material input) { return setInput(input, 0); } /** * Sets the input of this furnace recipe. * * @param input The input material. * @param data The data value. (Note: This is currently ignored by the * CraftBukkit server.) * @return The changed recipe, so you can chain calls. * @deprecated Magic value */ @Deprecated public FurnaceRecipe setInput(Material input, int data) { this.ingredient = new ItemStack(input, 1, (short) data); return this; } /** * Get the input material. * * @return The input material. */ public ItemStack getInput() { return this.ingredient.clone(); } /** * Get the result of this recipe. * * @return The resulting stack. */ public ItemStack getResult() { return output.clone(); } /** * Sets the experience given by this recipe. * * @param experience the experience level */ public void setExperience(float experience) { this.experience = experience; } /** * Get the experience given by this recipe. * * @return experience level */ public float getExperience() { return experience; } /** * Set the cooking time for this recipe in ticks. * * @param cookingTime new cooking time */ public void setCookingTime(int cookingTime) { Preconditions.checkArgument(cookingTime >= 0, "cookingTime must be >= 0"); this.cookingTime = cookingTime; } /** * Get the cooking time for this recipe in ticks. * * @return cooking time */ public int getCookingTime() { return cookingTime; } @Override public NamespacedKey getKey() { return key; } /** * Get the group of this recipe. Recipes with the same group may be grouped * together when displayed in the client. * * @return recipe group. An empty string denotes no group. May not be null. */ public String getGroup() { return group; } /** * Set the group of this recipe. Recipes with the same group may be grouped * together when displayed in the client. * * @param group recipe group. An empty string denotes no group. May not be * null. */ public void setGroup(String group) { Preconditions.checkArgument(group != null, "group"); = group; } }