package org.bukkit.entity; /** * A wild tameable cat */ public interface Ocelot extends Animals, Tameable, Sittable { /** * Gets the current type of this cat. * * @return Type of the cat. */ public Type getCatType(); /** * Sets the current type of this cat. * * @param type New type of this cat. */ public void setCatType(Type type); /** * Represents the various different cat types there are. */ public enum Type { WILD_OCELOT(0), BLACK_CAT(1), RED_CAT(2), SIAMESE_CAT(3); private static final Type[] types = new Type[Type.values().length]; private final int id; static { for (Type type : values()) { types[type.getId()] = type; } } private Type(int id) { = id; } /** * Gets the ID of this cat type. * * @return Type ID. * @deprecated Magic value */ @Deprecated public int getId() { return id; } /** * Gets a cat type by its ID. * * @param id ID of the cat type to get. * @return Resulting type, or null if not found. * @deprecated Magic value */ @Deprecated public static Type getType(int id) { return (id >= types.length) ? null : types[id]; } } }