package org.bukkit.entity; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.bukkit.entity.minecart.CommandMinecart; import org.bukkit.entity.minecart.HopperMinecart; import org.bukkit.entity.minecart.SpawnerMinecart; import org.bukkit.entity.minecart.RideableMinecart; import org.bukkit.entity.minecart.ExplosiveMinecart; import org.bukkit.entity.minecart.PoweredMinecart; import org.bukkit.entity.minecart.StorageMinecart; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType; public enum EntityType { // These strings MUST match the strings in nms.EntityTypes and are case sensitive. /** * An item resting on the ground. *

* Spawn with {@link World#dropItem(Location, ItemStack)} or {@link * World#dropItemNaturally(Location, ItemStack)} */ DROPPED_ITEM("item", Item.class, 1, false), /** * An experience orb. */ EXPERIENCE_ORB("experience_orb", ExperienceOrb.class, 2), /** * @see AreaEffectCloud */ AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD("area_effect_cloud", AreaEffectCloud.class, 3), /** * @see ElderGuardian */ ELDER_GUARDIAN("elder_guardian", ElderGuardian.class, 4), /** * @see WitherSkeleton */ WITHER_SKELETON("wither_skeleton", WitherSkeleton.class, 5), /** * @see Stray */ STRAY("stray", Stray.class, 6), /** * A flying chicken egg. */ EGG("egg", Egg.class, 7), /** * A leash attached to a fencepost. */ LEASH_HITCH("leash_knot", LeashHitch.class, 8), /** * A painting on a wall. */ PAINTING("painting", Painting.class, 9), /** * An arrow projectile; may get stuck in the ground. */ ARROW("arrow", Arrow.class, 10), /** * A flying snowball. */ SNOWBALL("snowball", Snowball.class, 11), /** * A flying large fireball, as thrown by a Ghast for example. */ FIREBALL("fireball", LargeFireball.class, 12), /** * A flying small fireball, such as thrown by a Blaze or player. */ SMALL_FIREBALL("small_fireball", SmallFireball.class, 13), /** * A flying ender pearl. */ ENDER_PEARL("ender_pearl", EnderPearl.class, 14), /** * An ender eye signal. */ ENDER_SIGNAL("eye_of_ender", EnderSignal.class, 15), /** * A flying splash potion. */ SPLASH_POTION("potion", SplashPotion.class, 16, false), /** * A flying experience bottle. */ THROWN_EXP_BOTTLE("experience_bottle", ThrownExpBottle.class, 17), /** * An item frame on a wall. */ ITEM_FRAME("item_frame", ItemFrame.class, 18), /** * A flying wither skull projectile. */ WITHER_SKULL("wither_skull", WitherSkull.class, 19), /** * Primed TNT that is about to explode. */ PRIMED_TNT("tnt", TNTPrimed.class, 20), /** * A block that is going to or is about to fall. */ FALLING_BLOCK("falling_block", FallingBlock.class, 21, false), /** * Internal representation of a Firework once it has been launched. */ FIREWORK("firework_rocket", Firework.class, 22, false), /** * @see Husk */ HUSK("husk", Husk.class, 23), /** * Like {@link #TIPPED_ARROW} but causes the {@link PotionEffectType#GLOWING} effect on all team members. */ SPECTRAL_ARROW("spectral_arrow", SpectralArrow.class, 24), /** * Bullet fired by {@link #SHULKER}. */ SHULKER_BULLET("shulker_bullet", ShulkerBullet.class, 25), /** * Like {@link #FIREBALL} but with added effects. */ DRAGON_FIREBALL("dragon_fireball", DragonFireball.class, 26), /** * @see ZombieVillager */ ZOMBIE_VILLAGER("zombie_villager", ZombieVillager.class, 27), /** * @see SkeletonHorse */ SKELETON_HORSE("skeleton_horse", SkeletonHorse.class, 28), /** * @see ZombieHorse */ ZOMBIE_HORSE("zombie_horse", ZombieHorse.class, 29), /** * Mechanical entity with an inventory for placing weapons / armor into. */ ARMOR_STAND("armor_stand", ArmorStand.class, 30), /** * @see Donkey */ DONKEY("donkey", Donkey.class, 31), /** * @see Mule */ MULE("mule", Mule.class, 32), /** * @see EvokerFangs */ EVOKER_FANGS("evoker_fangs", EvokerFangs.class, 33), /** * @see Evoker */ EVOKER("evoker", Evoker.class, 34), /** * @see Vex */ VEX("vex", Vex.class, 35), /** * @see Vindicator */ VINDICATOR("vindicator", Vindicator.class, 36), /** * @see Illusioner */ ILLUSIONER("illusioner", Illusioner.class, 37), /** * @see CommandMinecart */ MINECART_COMMAND("command_block_minecart", CommandMinecart.class, 40), /** * A placed boat. */ BOAT("boat", Boat.class, 41), /** * @see RideableMinecart */ MINECART("minecart", RideableMinecart.class, 42), /** * @see StorageMinecart */ MINECART_CHEST("chest_minecart", StorageMinecart.class, 43), /** * @see PoweredMinecart */ MINECART_FURNACE("furnace_minecart", PoweredMinecart.class, 44), /** * @see ExplosiveMinecart */ MINECART_TNT("tnt_minecart", ExplosiveMinecart.class, 45), /** * @see HopperMinecart */ MINECART_HOPPER("hopper_minecart", HopperMinecart.class, 46), /** * @see SpawnerMinecart */ MINECART_MOB_SPAWNER("spawner_minecart", SpawnerMinecart.class, 47), CREEPER("creeper", Creeper.class, 50), SKELETON("skeleton", Skeleton.class, 51), SPIDER("spider", Spider.class, 52), GIANT("giant", Giant.class, 53), ZOMBIE("zombie", Zombie.class, 54), SLIME("slime", Slime.class, 55), GHAST("ghast", Ghast.class, 56), PIG_ZOMBIE("zombie_pigman", PigZombie.class, 57), ENDERMAN("enderman", Enderman.class, 58), CAVE_SPIDER("cave_spider", CaveSpider.class, 59), SILVERFISH("silverfish", Silverfish.class, 60), BLAZE("blaze", Blaze.class, 61), MAGMA_CUBE("magma_cube", MagmaCube.class, 62), ENDER_DRAGON("ender_dragon", EnderDragon.class, 63), WITHER("wither", Wither.class, 64), BAT("bat", Bat.class, 65), WITCH("witch", Witch.class, 66), ENDERMITE("endermite", Endermite.class, 67), GUARDIAN("guardian", Guardian.class, 68), SHULKER("shulker", Shulker.class, 69), PIG("pig", Pig.class, 90), SHEEP("sheep", Sheep.class, 91), COW("cow", Cow.class, 92), CHICKEN("chicken", Chicken.class, 93), SQUID("squid", Squid.class, 94), WOLF("wolf", Wolf.class, 95), MUSHROOM_COW("mooshroom", MushroomCow.class, 96), SNOWMAN("snow_golem", Snowman.class, 97), OCELOT("ocelot", Ocelot.class, 98), IRON_GOLEM("iron_golem", IronGolem.class, 99), HORSE("horse", Horse.class, 100), RABBIT("rabbit", Rabbit.class, 101), POLAR_BEAR("polar_bear", PolarBear.class, 102), LLAMA("llama", Llama.class, 103), LLAMA_SPIT("llama_spit", LlamaSpit.class, 104), PARROT("parrot", Parrot.class, 105), VILLAGER("villager", Villager.class, 120), ENDER_CRYSTAL("end_crystal", EnderCrystal.class, 200), TURTLE("turtle", Turtle.class, -1), PHANTOM("phantom", Phantom.class, -1), TRIDENT("trident", Trident.class, -1), COD("cod", Cod.class, -1), SALMON("salmon", Salmon.class, -1), PUFFERFISH("pufferfish", PufferFish.class, -1), TROPICAL_FISH("tropical_fish", TropicalFish.class, -1), DROWNED("drowned", Drowned.class, -1), DOLPHIN("dolphin", Dolphin.class, -1), // These don't have an entity ID in nms.EntityTypes. /** * A flying lingering potion */ LINGERING_POTION(null, LingeringPotion.class, -1, false), /** * A fishing line and bobber. */ FISHING_HOOK("fishing_bobber", FishHook.class, -1, false), /** * A bolt of lightning. *

* Spawn with {@link World#strikeLightning(Location)}. */ LIGHTNING("lightning_bolt", LightningStrike.class, -1, false), WEATHER(null, Weather.class, -1, false), PLAYER("player", Player.class, -1, false), COMPLEX_PART(null, ComplexEntityPart.class, -1, false), /** * Like {@link #ARROW} but tipped with a specific potion which is applied on * contact. */ TIPPED_ARROW(null, TippedArrow.class, -1), /** * An unknown entity without an Entity Class */ UNKNOWN(null, null, -1, false); private String name; private Class clazz; private short typeId; private boolean independent, living; private static final Map NAME_MAP = new HashMap(); private static final Map ID_MAP = new HashMap(); static { for (EntityType type : values()) { if ( != null) { NAME_MAP.put(, type); } if (type.typeId > 0) { ID_MAP.put(type.typeId, type); } } // Add legacy names NAME_MAP.put("xp_orb", EXPERIENCE_ORB); NAME_MAP.put("eye_of_ender_signal", ENDER_SIGNAL); NAME_MAP.put("xp_bottle", THROWN_EXP_BOTTLE); NAME_MAP.put("fireworks_rocket", FIREWORK); NAME_MAP.put("evocation_fangs", EVOKER_FANGS); NAME_MAP.put("evocation_illager", EVOKER); NAME_MAP.put("vindication_illager", VINDICATOR); NAME_MAP.put("illusion_illager", ILLUSIONER); NAME_MAP.put("commandblock_minecart", MINECART_COMMAND); NAME_MAP.put("snowman", SNOWMAN); NAME_MAP.put("villager_golem", IRON_GOLEM); NAME_MAP.put("ender_crystal", ENDER_CRYSTAL); } private EntityType(String name, Class clazz, int typeId) { this(name, clazz, typeId, true); } private EntityType(String name, Class clazz, int typeId, boolean independent) { = name; this.clazz = clazz; this.typeId = (short) typeId; this.independent = independent; if (clazz != null) { = LivingEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); } } /** * * @return the entity type's name * @deprecated Magic value */ @Deprecated public String getName() { return name; } public Class getEntityClass() { return clazz; } /** * * @return the raw type id * @deprecated Magic value */ @Deprecated public short getTypeId() { return typeId; } /** * * @param name the entity type's name * @return the matching entity type or null * @deprecated Magic value */ @Deprecated public static EntityType fromName(String name) { if (name == null) { return null; } return NAME_MAP.get(name.toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH)); } /** * * @param id the raw type id * @return the matching entity type or null * @deprecated Magic value */ @Deprecated public static EntityType fromId(int id) { if (id > Short.MAX_VALUE) { return null; } return ID_MAP.get((short) id); } /** * Some entities cannot be spawned using {@link * World#spawnEntity(Location, EntityType)} or {@link * World#spawn(Location, Class)}, usually because they require additional * information in order to spawn. * * @return False if the entity type cannot be spawned */ public boolean isSpawnable() { return independent; } public boolean isAlive() { return living; } }