package org.bukkit; public interface WorldBorder { /** * Resets the border to default values. */ public void reset(); /** * Gets the current side length of the border. * * @return The current side length of the border. */ public double getSize(); /** * Sets the border to a square region with the specified side length in blocks. * * @param newSize The new size of the border. */ public void setSize(double newSize); /** * Sets the border to a square region with the specified side length in blocks. * * @param newSize The new side length of the border. * @param seconds The time in seconds in which the border grows or shrinks from the previous size to that being set. */ public void setSize(double newSize, long seconds); /** * Gets the current border center. * * @return The current border center. */ public Location getCenter(); /** * Sets the new border center. * * @param x The new center x-coordinate. * @param z The new center z-coordinate. */ public void setCenter(double x, double z); /** * Sets the new border center. * * @param location The new location of the border center. (Only x/z used) */ public void setCenter(Location location); /** * Gets the current border damage buffer. * * @return The current border damage buffer. */ public double getDamageBuffer(); /** * Sets the amount of blocks a player may safely be outside the border before taking damage. * * @param blocks The amount of blocks. (The default is 5 blocks.) */ public void setDamageBuffer(double blocks); /** * Gets the current border damage amount. * * @return The current border damage amount. */ public double getDamageAmount(); /** * Sets the amount of damage a player takes when outside the border plus the border buffer. * * @param damage The amount of damage. (The default is 0.2 damage per second per block.) */ public void setDamageAmount(double damage); /** * Gets the current border warning time in seconds. * * @return The current border warning time in seconds. */ public int getWarningTime(); /** * Sets the warning time that causes the screen to be tinted red when a contracting border will reach the player within the specified time. * * @param seconds The amount of time in seconds. (The default is 15 seconds.) */ public void setWarningTime(int seconds); /** * Gets the current border warning distance. * * @return The current border warning distance. */ public int getWarningDistance(); /** * Sets the warning distance that causes the screen to be tinted red when the player is within the specified number of blocks from the border. * * @param distance The distance in blocks. (The default is 5 blocks.) */ public void setWarningDistance(int distance); /** * Check if the specified location is inside this border. * * @param location the location to check * @return if this location is inside the border or not */ public boolean isInside(Location location); }