Essentials Development Readme - 3.0 ============================= The official repository is at: The master repository is not for production use. Use branch 2.9 for production use code. We use NetBeans 7 for development. Recommended NetBeans plugins: * Git * PMD & FindBugs ( ) Please follow the format guidelines that are saved in the project properties. Windows users, please read this: The default line ending is LF. To build all jars, open this folder and use `mvn clean install` to build it. You'll find all jars inside the jars/ folder. If you create pull requests, always make them for the master branch. The essentials bug tracker can be found at If you want to build the new messages files, you require the gettext command line utils (xgettext, msgcat, msgmerge). For Linux / Mac install them using your package manager (e.g. MacPorts). For Windows install using the installer from or get the utils from and put them on your path.