package; import; /** *

This class allows channels to keep track of individual users. Each * user in the channel has a nick and has voice, ops, both, or none. * Note that nicks can change, but the information we have about that * person does not.

* *

Control over events that happen to this class can be obtained in * a similar fashion to how control for the Channel is taken from * ClientState.

*/ public class Member { private FullNick nick; private boolean hasOpsV = false; private boolean hasVoiceV = false; /** *

Strips off the leading 'at' or 'plus', sets ops or voice, and * keeps the nick. Calls the methods setVoice(...) and * setOps(...) from the constructor, if those conditions * are true. The nick is set before setVoice or setOps are * called.

* * @param nickStr Nick of member */ public Member( String nickStr ) { char first = nickStr.charAt(0); String shortNick = nickStr.substring(1, nickStr.length() ); if( first == '@' ) { nick = new FullNick( shortNick ); setOps( true ); } else if( first == '+' ) { nick = new FullNick( shortNick ); setVoice( true ); } else { nick = new FullNick( nickStr ); } } /** * Does a nick-wise compare. * * @param member Member to compare against * @return True or false of this member equals the other one */ public boolean equals( Member member ) { return equals( member.nick ); } public boolean equals( FullNick fullNick ) { return nick.equals( fullNick ); } public boolean equals( Object o ) { if( o instanceof Member ) return equals( (Member)o ); else if( o instanceof FullNick ) return equals( (FullNick)o ); else return false; } public int hashCode() { return nick.hashCode(); } public void setOps( boolean ops ) { hasOpsV = ops; } public void setVoice( boolean voice ) { hasVoiceV = voice; } public boolean hasOps() { return hasOpsV; } public boolean hasVoice() { return hasVoiceV; } public void setNick( FullNick nick ) { this.nick = nick; } public FullNick getNick() { return nick; } }