package; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.Observer; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * ClientStateMonitor asks commands to update the client state. */ public class ClientStateMonitor implements Observer { static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ClientStateMonitor.class.getName()); private IRCConnection connection; private boolean enabled = false; /** * This should only be called by the IRCConnection itself. * * @param connection Connection we are associated with */ ClientStateMonitor( IRCConnection connection ) { this.connection = connection; enable(); } public void enable() { if( enabled ) return; enabled = true; connection.addCommandObserver( this ); } public void disable() { if( !enabled ) return; connection.removeCommandObserver( this ); enabled = false; } public void update( Observable observable, Object command_o ) { InCommand command = (InCommand)command_o; try { /*if( */command.updateClientState( connection.getClientState() );// ) //log.debug("ClientStateMonnitor: Client state updated"); } catch( Throwable e ) { log.log(Level.SEVERE,"ClientStateMonitor: Client state update failed.", e); } } // ===== END ClientStateMonitor }