package com.earth2me.essentials.update.states; import com.earth2me.essentials.update.WorkListener; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; public abstract class AbstractState { private transient boolean abortion = false; private final transient StateMap stateMap; public AbstractState(final StateMap stateMap) { this.stateMap = stateMap; } public AbstractState getState(final Class stateClass) { if (!stateMap.containsKey(stateClass)) { try { final AbstractState state = stateClass.getConstructor(StateMap.class).newInstance(stateMap); stateMap.put(stateClass, state); } catch (Exception ex) { /* * This should never happen. * All states that are added to the map automatically, * have to have a Constructor that accepts the StateMap. */ throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } return stateMap.get(stateClass); } public abstract AbstractState getNextState(); /** * Check if we already know the answer, so the user does not have to answer the question. * * @return true, if the answer could be guessed. */ public boolean guessAnswer() { return false; } /** * Ask the user the question. * @param sender */ public abstract void askQuestion(Player sender); /** * React on the answer and set internal variables * @param answer * @return true, if the answer could be recognized as a valid answer */ public abstract boolean reactOnAnswer(String answer); public final AbstractState reactOnAnswer(final Player sender, final String answer) { final String trimmedAnswer = answer.trim(); if (trimmedAnswer.equalsIgnoreCase("quit") || trimmedAnswer.equalsIgnoreCase("bye") || trimmedAnswer.equalsIgnoreCase("abort")) { abort(); return null; } final boolean found = reactOnAnswer(trimmedAnswer); if (found) { return getNextState(); } else { sender.sendMessage("Answer not recognized."); return this; } } /** * Do something based on the answer, that the user gave. */ public abstract void doWork(WorkListener workListener); public boolean isAbortion() { return abortion; } protected void abort() { abortion = true; } }