package net.ess3.signs; import net.ess3.api.ChargeException; import static net.ess3.I18n._; import net.ess3.economy.Trade; import net.ess3.utils.Util; import net.ess3.api.IEssentials; import net.ess3.api.IUser; import net.ess3.utils.FormatUtil; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; //TODO: Sell Enchantment on Trade signs? public class SignTrade extends EssentialsSign { public SignTrade() { super("Trade"); } @Override protected boolean onSignCreate(final ISign sign, final IUser player, final String username, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException, ChargeException { validateTrade(sign, 1, false, ess); validateTrade(sign, 2, true, ess); final Trade charge = getTrade(sign, 2, true, true, ess); charge.isAffordableFor(player); sign.setLine(3, "ยง8" + username); charge.charge(player); Trade.log("Sign", "Trade", "Create", username, charge, username, null, sign.getBlock().getLocation(), ess); return true; } @Override protected boolean onSignInteract(final ISign sign, final IUser player, final String username, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException, ChargeException { if (sign.getLine(3).substring(2).equalsIgnoreCase(username)) { final Trade store = rechargeSign(sign, ess, player); Trade stored = null; try { stored = getTrade(sign, 1, true, true, ess); subtractAmount(sign, 1, stored, ess);; } catch (SignException e) { if (store == null) { throw new SignException(_("tradeSignEmptyOwner"), e); } } Trade.log("Sign", "Trade", "OwnerInteract", username, store, username, stored, sign.getBlock().getLocation(), ess); } else { final Trade charge = getTrade(sign, 1, false, false, ess); final Trade trade = getTrade(sign, 2, false, true, ess); charge.isAffordableFor(player); addAmount(sign, 1, charge, ess); subtractAmount(sign, 2, trade, ess); if (!, false)) { subtractAmount(sign, 1, charge, ess); addAmount(sign, 2, trade, ess); throw new ChargeException("Full inventory"); } charge.charge(player); Trade.log("Sign", "Trade", "Interact", sign.getLine(3), charge, username, trade, sign.getBlock().getLocation(), ess); } sign.updateSign(); return true; } private Trade rechargeSign(final ISign sign, final IEssentials ess, final IUser player) throws SignException, ChargeException { final Trade trade = getTrade(sign, 2, false, false, ess); ItemStack itemInHand = player.getPlayer().getItemInHand(); if (trade.getItemStack() != null && itemInHand != null && trade.getItemStack().getTypeId() == itemInHand.getTypeId() && trade.getItemStack().getDurability() == itemInHand.getDurability() && trade.getItemStack().getEnchantments().equals(itemInHand.getEnchantments())) { int amount = itemInHand.getAmount(); amount -= amount % trade.getItemStack().getAmount(); if (amount > 0) { final ItemStack stack = itemInHand.clone(); stack.setAmount(amount); final Trade store = new Trade(stack, ess); addAmount(sign, 2, store, ess); store.charge(player); return store; } } return null; } @Override protected boolean onSignBreak(final ISign sign, final IUser player, final String username, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException { if ((sign.getLine(3).length() > 3 && sign.getLine(3).substring(2).equalsIgnoreCase(username)) || SignsPermissions.TRADE_OVERRIDE.isAuthorized(player)) { try { final Trade stored1 = getTrade(sign, 1, true, false, ess); final Trade stored2 = getTrade(sign, 2, true, false, ess);;; Trade.log("Sign", "Trade", "Break", username, stored2, username, stored1, sign.getBlock().getLocation(), ess); } catch (SignException e) { if (SignsPermissions.TRADE_OVERRIDE.isAuthorized(player)) { return true; } throw e; } return true; } else { return false; } } protected final void validateTrade(final ISign sign, final int index, final boolean amountNeeded, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException { final String line = sign.getLine(index).trim(); if (line.isEmpty()) { throw new SignException("Empty line"); } final String[] split = line.split("[ :]+"); if (split.length == 1 && !amountNeeded) { final Double money = getMoney(split[0]); if (money != null) { if (FormatUtil.shortCurrency(money, ess).length() * 2 > 15) { throw new SignException("Line can be too long!"); } sign.setLine(index, FormatUtil.shortCurrency(money, ess) + ":0"); return; } } if (split.length == 2 && amountNeeded) { final Double money = getMoney(split[0]); Double amount = getDoublePositive(split[1]); if (money != null && amount != null) { amount -= amount % money; if (amount < 0.01 || money < 0.01) { throw new SignException(_("moreThanZero")); } sign.setLine(index, FormatUtil.shortCurrency(money, ess) + ":" + FormatUtil.shortCurrency(amount, ess).substring(1)); return; } } if (split.length == 2 && !amountNeeded) { final int amount = getIntegerPositive(split[0]); if (amount < 1) { throw new SignException(_("moreThanZero")); } if (!(split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("exp") || split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("xp")) && getItemStack(split[1], amount, ess).getTypeId() == 0) { throw new SignException(_("moreThanZero")); } String newline = amount + " " + split[1] + ":0"; if ((newline + amount).length() > 15) { throw new SignException("Line can be too long!"); } sign.setLine(index, newline); return; } if (split.length == 3 && amountNeeded) { final int stackamount = getIntegerPositive(split[0]); int amount = getIntegerPositive(split[2]); amount -= amount % stackamount; if (amount < 1 || stackamount < 1) { throw new SignException(_("moreThanZero")); } if (!(split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("exp") || split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("xp")) && getItemStack(split[1], stackamount, ess).getTypeId() == 0) { throw new SignException(_("moreThanZero")); } sign.setLine(index, stackamount + " " + split[1] + ":" + amount); return; } throw new SignException(_("invalidSignLine", index + 1)); } protected final Trade getTrade(final ISign sign, final int index, final boolean fullAmount, final boolean notEmpty, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException { final String line = sign.getLine(index).trim(); if (line.isEmpty()) { throw new SignException("Empty line"); } final String[] split = line.split("[ :]+"); if (split.length == 2) { try { final Double money = getMoney(split[0]); final Double amount = notEmpty ? getDoublePositive(split[1]) : getDouble(split[1]); if (money != null && amount != null) { return new Trade(fullAmount ? amount : money, ess); } } catch (SignException e) { throw new SignException(_("tradeSignEmpty"), e); } } if (split.length == 3) { if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("exp") || split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("xp")) { final int stackamount = getIntegerPositive(split[0]); int amount = getInteger(split[2]); amount -= amount % stackamount; if (notEmpty && (amount < 1 || stackamount < 1)) { throw new SignException(_("tradeSignEmpty")); } return new Trade(fullAmount ? amount : stackamount, ess); } else { final int stackamount = getIntegerPositive(split[0]); final ItemStack item = getItemStack(split[1], stackamount, ess); int amount = getInteger(split[2]); amount -= amount % stackamount; if (notEmpty && (amount < 1 || stackamount < 1 || item.getTypeId() == 0)) { throw new SignException(_("tradeSignEmpty")); } item.setAmount(fullAmount ? amount : stackamount); return new Trade(item, ess); } } throw new SignException(_("invalidSignLine", index + 1)); } protected final void subtractAmount(final ISign sign, final int index, final Trade trade, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException { final Double money = trade.getMoney(); if (money != null) { changeAmount(sign, index, -money, ess); } final ItemStack item = trade.getItemStack(); if (item != null) { changeAmount(sign, index, -item.getAmount(), ess); } final Integer exp = trade.getExperience(); if (exp != null) { changeAmount(sign, index, -exp.intValue(), ess); } } protected final void addAmount(final ISign sign, final int index, final Trade trade, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException { final Double money = trade.getMoney(); if (money != null) { changeAmount(sign, index, money, ess); } final ItemStack item = trade.getItemStack(); if (item != null) { changeAmount(sign, index, item.getAmount(), ess); } final Integer exp = trade.getExperience(); if (exp != null) { changeAmount(sign, index, exp.intValue(), ess); } } //TODO: Translate these exceptions. private void changeAmount(final ISign sign, final int index, final double value, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException { final String line = sign.getLine(index).trim(); if (line.isEmpty()) { throw new SignException("Empty line"); } final String[] split = line.split("[ :]+"); if (split.length == 2) { final Double money = getMoney(split[0]); final Double amount = getDouble(split[1]); if (money != null && amount != null) { final String newline = FormatUtil.shortCurrency(money, ess) + ":" + FormatUtil.shortCurrency(amount + value, ess).substring(1); if (newline.length() > 15) { throw new SignException("This sign is full: Line too long!"); } sign.setLine(index, newline); return; } } if (split.length == 3) { if (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("exp") || split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("xp")) { final int stackamount = getIntegerPositive(split[0]); final int amount = getInteger(split[2]); final String newline = stackamount + " " + split[1] + ":" + (amount + Math.round(value)); if (newline.length() > 15) { throw new SignException("This sign is full: Line too long!"); } sign.setLine(index, newline); return; } else { final int stackamount = getIntegerPositive(split[0]); //TODO: Unused local variable final ItemStack item = getItemStack(split[1], stackamount, ess); final int amount = getInteger(split[2]); final String newline = stackamount + " " + split[1] + ":" + (amount + Math.round(value)); if (newline.length() > 15) { throw new SignException("This sign is full: Line too long!"); } sign.setLine(index, newline); return; } } throw new SignException(_("invalidSignLine", index + 1)); } }