EssentialsProtect: REQUIRED : Essentials.jar. Also sqlite.jar, mysql.jar in the bukkit lib folder. Config Settings in plugins/Essentials/config.yml protect: datatype: 'sqlite' type of db, options sqlite or mysql username: 'root' mysql username pasword: 'root' mysql password mysqlDb: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft' mysql database location protectSigns: true protectRails: true protectBlockBelow: true preventBlockOnRail: false prevents block placement on protected rails On startup creates a sqlite database under /plugins/essentials called EssentialsProtect.db Permissions: "essentials.protect" - allows protection "essentials.protect.admin" can delete protected blocks / query protection by right clicking a protected item. Usage: Place a sign or rail and they (plus optionally the block below) will be protected. Only the owners and those with admin permissions can destroy.