package com.earth2me.essentials; import net.ess3.Warps; import net.ess3.economy.WorthHolder; import; import static net.ess3.I18n._; import net.ess3.api.IEssentials; import net.ess3.settings.Spawns; import; import; import*; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; @Deprecated public class EssentialsUpgrade { private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); private final transient IEssentials ess; private final transient EssentialsConf doneFile; EssentialsUpgrade(final IEssentials essentials) { ess = essentials; if (!ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder().exists()) { ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder().mkdirs(); } doneFile = new EssentialsConf(new File(ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "upgrades-done.yml")); doneFile.load(); } private void moveWorthValuesToWorthYml() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("moveWorthValuesToWorthYml", false)) { return; } try { final File configFile = new File(ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "config.yml"); if (!configFile.exists()) { return; } final EssentialsConf conf = new EssentialsConf(configFile); conf.load(); final WorthHolder worth = new WorthHolder(ess); boolean found = false; for (Material mat : Material.values()) { final int id = mat.getId(); final double value = conf.getDouble("worth-" + id, Double.NaN); if (!Double.isNaN(value)) { found = true; worth.setPrice(new ItemStack(mat, 1, (short)0, (byte)0), value); } } if (found) { removeLinesFromConfig(configFile, "\\s*#?\\s*worth-[0-9]+.*", "# Worth values have been moved to worth.yml"); } doneFile.setProperty("moveWorthValuesToWorthYml", true);; } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, _("upgradingFilesError"), e); } } private void moveMotdRulesToFile(String name) { if (doneFile.getBoolean("move" + name + "ToFile", false)) { return; } try { final File file = new File(ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), name + ".txt"); if (file.exists()) { return; } final File configFile = new File(ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "config.yml"); if (!configFile.exists()) { return; } final EssentialsConf conf = new EssentialsConf(configFile); conf.load(); List lines = conf.getStringList(name); if (lines != null && !lines.isEmpty()) { if (!file.createNewFile()) { throw new IOException("Failed to create file " + file); } PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(file); for (String line : lines) { writer.println(line); } writer.close(); } doneFile.setProperty("move" + name + "ToFile", true);; } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, _("upgradingFilesError"), e); } } private void removeLinesFromConfig(File file, String regex, String info) throws Exception { boolean needUpdate = false; final BufferedReader bReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); final File tempFile = File.createTempFile("essentialsupgrade", ".tmp.yml", ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder()); final BufferedWriter bWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tempFile)); do { final String line = bReader.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } if (line.matches(regex)) { if (!needUpdate && info != null) { bWriter.write(info, 0, info.length()); bWriter.newLine(); } needUpdate = true; } else { if (line.endsWith("\r\n")) { bWriter.write(line, 0, line.length() - 2); } else if (line.endsWith("\r") || line.endsWith("\n")) { bWriter.write(line, 0, line.length() - 1); } else { bWriter.write(line, 0, line.length()); } bWriter.newLine(); } } while (true); bReader.close(); bWriter.close(); if (needUpdate) { if (!file.renameTo(new File(file.getParentFile(), file.getName().concat("." + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".upgradebackup")))) { throw new Exception(_("configFileMoveError")); } if (!tempFile.renameTo(file)) { throw new Exception(_("configFileRenameError")); } } else { tempFile.delete(); } } private void updateUsersToNewDefaultHome() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("updateUsersToNewDefaultHome", false)) { return; } final File userdataFolder = new File(ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!userdataFolder.exists() || !userdataFolder.isDirectory()) { return; } final File[] userFiles = userdataFolder.listFiles(); for (File file : userFiles) { if (!file.isFile() || !file.getName().endsWith(".yml")) { continue; } final EssentialsConf config = new EssentialsConf(file); try { config.load(); if (config.hasProperty("home") && !config.hasProperty("home.default")) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List vals = (List)config.getProperty("home"); if (vals == null) { continue; } World world = ess.getServer().getWorlds().get(0); if (world != null) { final StoredLocation loc = new StoredLocation( (String)vals.get(5), ((Number)vals.get(0)).doubleValue(), ((Number)vals.get(1)).doubleValue(), ((Number)vals.get(2)).doubleValue(), ((Number)vals.get(3)).floatValue(), ((Number)vals.get(4)).floatValue()); final String worldName = world.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (worldName != null && !worldName.isEmpty()) { config.removeProperty("home"); config.setProperty("home.default", worldName); config.setProperty("home.worlds." + worldName, loc);; } } } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "File: " + file.toString()); throw ex; } } doneFile.setProperty("updateUsersToNewDefaultHome", true);; } private void updateUsersPowerToolsFormat() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("updateUsersPowerToolsFormat", false)) { return; } final File userdataFolder = new File(ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!userdataFolder.exists() || !userdataFolder.isDirectory()) { return; } final File[] userFiles = userdataFolder.listFiles(); for (File file : userFiles) { if (!file.isFile() || !file.getName().endsWith(".yml")) { continue; } final EssentialsConf config = new EssentialsConf(file); try { config.load(); if (config.hasProperty("powertools")) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Map powertools = config.getConfigurationSection("powertools").getValues(false); if (powertools == null) { continue; } for (Map.Entry entry : powertools.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() instanceof String) { List temp = new ArrayList(); temp.add((String)entry.getValue()); ((Map)powertools).put(entry.getKey(), temp); } }; } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "File: " + file.toString()); throw ex; } } doneFile.setProperty("updateUsersPowerToolsFormat", true);; } private void updateUsersHomesFormat() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("updateUsersHomesFormat", false)) { return; } final File userdataFolder = new File(ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!userdataFolder.exists() || !userdataFolder.isDirectory()) { return; } final File[] userFiles = userdataFolder.listFiles(); for (File file : userFiles) { if (!file.isFile() || !file.getName().endsWith(".yml")) { continue; } final EssentialsConf config = new EssentialsConf(file); try { config.load(); if (config.hasProperty("home") && config.hasProperty("home.default")) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final String defworld = (String)config.getProperty("home.default"); final StoredLocation defloc = getFakeLocation(config, "home.worlds." + defworld); if (defloc != null) { config.setProperty("homes.home", defloc); } Set worlds = config.getConfigurationSection("home.worlds").getKeys(false); StoredLocation loc; String worldName; if (worlds == null) { continue; } for (String world : worlds) { if (defworld.equalsIgnoreCase(world)) { continue; } loc = getFakeLocation(config, "home.worlds." + world); if (loc == null) { continue; } worldName = loc.getWorldName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (worldName != null && !worldName.isEmpty()) { config.setProperty("homes." + worldName, loc); } } config.removeProperty("home");; } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "File: " + file.toString()); throw ex; } } doneFile.setProperty("updateUsersHomesFormat", true);; } /* * private void moveUsersDataToUserdataFolder() { final File usersFile = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "users.yml"); * if (!usersFile.exists()) { return; } final EssentialsConf usersConfig = new EssentialsConf(usersFile); * usersConfig.load(); for (String username : usersConfig.getKeys(null)) { final User user = new User(new * OfflinePlayer(username, ess), ess); final String nickname = usersConfig.getString(username + ".nickname"); if * (nickname != null && !nickname.isEmpty() && !nickname.equals(username)) { user.setNickname(nickname); } final * List mails = usersConfig.getStringList(username + ".mail", null); if (mails != null && !mails.isEmpty()) * { user.setMails(mails); } if (!user.hasHome()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List vals = * (List)usersConfig.getProperty(username + ".home"); if (vals != null) { World world = * ess.getServer().getWorlds().get(0); if (vals.size() > 5) { world = getFakeWorld((String)vals.get(5)); } if (world * != null) { user.setHome("home", new Location(world, ((Number)vals.get(0)).doubleValue(), * ((Number)vals.get(1)).doubleValue(), ((Number)vals.get(2)).doubleValue(), ((Number)vals.get(3)).floatValue(), * ((Number)vals.get(4)).floatValue())); } } } } usersFile.renameTo(new File(usersFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".old")); * } */ private void convertWarps() { final File warpsFolder = new File(ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "warps"); if (!warpsFolder.exists()) { warpsFolder.mkdirs(); } final File[] listOfFiles = warpsFolder.listFiles(); if (listOfFiles.length >= 1) { for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) { final String filename = listOfFiles[i].getName(); if (listOfFiles[i].isFile() && filename.endsWith(".dat")) { try { final BufferedReader rx = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(listOfFiles[i])); double x, y, z; float yaw, pitch; String worldName; try { if (!rx.ready()) { continue; } x = Double.parseDouble(rx.readLine().trim()); if (!rx.ready()) { continue; } y = Double.parseDouble(rx.readLine().trim()); if (!rx.ready()) { continue; } z = Double.parseDouble(rx.readLine().trim()); if (!rx.ready()) { continue; } yaw = Float.parseFloat(rx.readLine().trim()); if (!rx.ready()) { continue; } pitch = Float.parseFloat(rx.readLine().trim()); worldName = rx.readLine(); } finally { rx.close(); } if (worldName != null) { final StoredLocation loc = new StoredLocation(worldName, x, y, z, yaw, pitch); ((Warps)ess.getWarps()).setWarp(filename.substring(0, filename.length() - 4), loc); if (!listOfFiles[i].renameTo(new File(warpsFolder, filename + ".old"))) { throw new Exception(_("fileRenameError", filename)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } } /*final File warpFile = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "warps.txt"); if (warpFile.exists()) { try { final BufferedReader rx = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(warpFile)); try { for (String[] parts = new String[0]; rx.ready(); parts = rx.readLine().split(":")) { if (parts.length < 6) { continue; } final String name = parts[0]; final double x = Double.parseDouble(parts[1].trim()); final double y = Double.parseDouble(parts[2].trim()); final double z = Double.parseDouble(parts[3].trim()); final float yaw = Float.parseFloat(parts[4].trim()); final float pitch = Float.parseFloat(parts[5].trim()); if (name.isEmpty()) { continue; } World w = null; for (World world : ess.getServer().getWorlds()) { if (world.getEnvironment() != World.Environment.NETHER) { w = world; break; } } final Location loc = new Location(name, x, y, z, yaw, pitch); ess.getWarps().setWarp(name, loc); if (!warpFile.renameTo(new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "warps.txt.old"))) { throw new Exception(_("fileRenameError", "warps.txt")); } } } finally { rx.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }*/ } /* * private void sanitizeAllUserFilenames() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("sanitizeAllUserFilenames", false)) { return; } * final File usersFolder = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!usersFolder.exists()) { return; } final * File[] listOfFiles = usersFolder.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) { final String * filename = listOfFiles[i].getName(); if (!listOfFiles[i].isFile() || !filename.endsWith(".yml")) { continue; } * final String sanitizedFilename = Util.sanitizeFileName(filename.substring(0, filename.length() - 4)) + ".yml"; if * (sanitizedFilename.equals(filename)) { continue; } final File tmpFile = new File(listOfFiles[i].getParentFile(), * sanitizedFilename + ".tmp"); final File newFile = new File(listOfFiles[i].getParentFile(), sanitizedFilename); if * (!listOfFiles[i].renameTo(tmpFile)) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, _("userdataMoveError", filename, * sanitizedFilename)); continue; } if (newFile.exists()) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, _("duplicatedUserdata", * filename, sanitizedFilename)); continue; } if (!tmpFile.renameTo(newFile)) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, * _("userdataMoveBackError", sanitizedFilename, sanitizedFilename)); } } * doneFile.setProperty("sanitizeAllUserFilenames", true);; } */ /* * private World getFakeWorld(final String name) { final File bukkitDirectory = * ess.getDataFolder().getParentFile().getParentFile(); final File worldDirectory = new File(bukkitDirectory, name); * if (worldDirectory.exists() && worldDirectory.isDirectory()) { return new FakeWorld(worldDirectory.getName(), * World.Environment.NORMAL); } return null; } */ public StoredLocation getFakeLocation(EssentialsConf config, String path) { String worldName = config.getString((path != null ? path + "." : "") + "world"); if (worldName == null || worldName.isEmpty()) { return null; } return new StoredLocation(worldName, config.getDouble((path != null ? path + "." : "") + "x", 0), config.getDouble((path != null ? path + "." : "") + "y", 0), config.getDouble((path != null ? path + "." : "") + "z", 0), (float)config.getDouble((path != null ? path + "." : "") + "yaw", 0), (float)config.getDouble((path != null ? path + "." : "") + "pitch", 0)); } private void deleteOldItemsCsv() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("deleteOldItemsCsv", false)) { return; } final File file = new File(ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "items.csv"); if (file.exists()) { try { final Set oldconfigs = new HashSet(); oldconfigs.add(new BigInteger("66ec40b09ac167079f558d1099e39f10", 16)); // sep 1 oldconfigs.add(new BigInteger("34284de1ead43b0bee2aae85e75c041d", 16)); // crlf oldconfigs.add(new BigInteger("c33bc9b8ee003861611bbc2f48eb6f4f", 16)); // jul 24 oldconfigs.add(new BigInteger("6ff17925430735129fc2a02f830c1daa", 16)); // crlf MessageDigest digest = ManagedFile.getDigest(); final BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); final DigestInputStream dis = new DigestInputStream(bis, digest); final byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; try { while ( != -1) { } } finally { dis.close(); } BigInteger hash = new BigInteger(1, digest.digest()); if (oldconfigs.contains(hash) && !file.delete()) { throw new IOException("Could not delete file " + file.toString()); } doneFile.setProperty("deleteOldItemsCsv", true);; } catch (IOException ex) { Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } private void updateSpawnsToNewSpawnsConfig() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("updateSpawnsToNewSpawnsConfig", false)) { return; } final File configFile = new File(ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "spawn.yml"); if (configFile.exists()) { final EssentialsConf config = new EssentialsConf(configFile); try { config.load(); if (!config.hasProperty("spawns")) { final Spawns spawns = new Spawns(); Set keys = config.getKeys(false); for (String group : keys) { StoredLocation loc = getFakeLocation(config, group); spawns.getSpawns().put(group.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), loc); } if (!configFile.renameTo(new File(ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "spawn.yml.old"))) { throw new Exception(_("fileRenameError", "spawn.yml")); } PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(configFile); try { new YamlStorageWriter(writer).save(spawns); } finally { writer.close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } doneFile.setProperty("updateSpawnsToNewSpawnsConfig", true);; } private void updateJailsToNewJailsConfig() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("updateJailsToNewJailsConfig", false)) { return; } final File configFile = new File(ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "jail.yml"); if (configFile.exists()) { final EssentialsConf config = new EssentialsConf(configFile); try { config.load(); if (!config.hasProperty("jails")) { final net.ess3.settings.Jails jails = new net.ess3.settings.Jails(); Set keys = config.getKeys(false); for (String jailName : keys) { StoredLocation loc = getFakeLocation(config, jailName); jails.getJails().put(jailName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), loc); } if (!configFile.renameTo(new File(ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), "jail.yml.old"))) { throw new Exception(_("fileRenameError", "jail.yml")); } PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(configFile); try { new YamlStorageWriter(writer).save(jails); } finally { writer.close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } doneFile.setProperty("updateJailsToNewJailsConfig", true);; } private void warnMetrics() { if (doneFile.getBoolean("warnMetrics", false)) { return; } //todo - metrics // ess.getSettings().setMetricsEnabled(false); doneFile.setProperty("warnMetrics", true);; } public void beforeSettings() { if (!ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder().exists()) { ess.getPlugin().getDataFolder().mkdirs(); } moveWorthValuesToWorthYml(); moveMotdRulesToFile("motd"); moveMotdRulesToFile("rules"); } public void afterSettings() { //TODO? //sanitizeAllUserFilenames(); updateUsersToNewDefaultHome(); //moveUsersDataToUserdataFolder(); convertWarps(); updateUsersPowerToolsFormat(); updateUsersHomesFormat(); deleteOldItemsCsv(); updateSpawnsToNewSpawnsConfig(); updateJailsToNewJailsConfig(); warnMetrics(); } }