package net.ess3.commands; import java.util.*; import static net.ess3.I18n._; import net.ess3.api.IUser; import net.ess3.api.server.CommandSender; import net.ess3.api.server.Player; import net.ess3.api.server.World; import net.ess3.permissions.Permissions; import net.ess3.utils.DescParseTickFormat; import net.ess3.utils.Util; public class Commandtime extends EssentialsCommand { @Override protected void run(final CommandSender sender, final String commandLabel, final String[] args) throws Exception { boolean add = false; final List argList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(args)); if (argList.remove("set") && !argList.isEmpty() && Util.isInt(argList.get(0))) { argList.set(0, argList.get(0) + "t"); } if (argList.remove("add") && !argList.isEmpty() && Util.isInt(argList.get(0))) { add = true; argList.set(0, argList.get(0) + "t"); } final String[] validArgs = argList.toArray(new String[0]); // Which World(s) are we interested in? String worldSelector = null; if (validArgs.length == 2) { worldSelector = validArgs[1]; } final Set worlds = getWorlds(sender, worldSelector); // If no arguments we are reading the time if (validArgs.length == 0) { getWorldsTime(sender, worlds); return; } if (Permissions.TIME_SET.isAuthorized(sender)) { sender.sendMessage(_("timeSetPermission")); return; } // Parse the target time int ticks from args[0] long ticks; try { ticks = DescParseTickFormat.parse(validArgs[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new NotEnoughArgumentsException(e); } setWorldsTime(sender, worlds, ticks, add); } /** * Used to get the time and inform */ private void getWorldsTime(final CommandSender sender, final Collection worlds) { if (worlds.size() == 1) { final Iterator iter = worlds.iterator(); sender.sendMessage(DescParseTickFormat.format(; return; } for (World world : worlds) { sender.sendMessage(_("timeWorldCurrent", world.getName(), DescParseTickFormat.format(world.getTime()))); } } /** * Used to set the time and inform of the change */ private void setWorldsTime(final CommandSender sender, final Collection worlds, final long ticks, final boolean add) { // Update the time for (World world : worlds) { long time = world.getTime(); if (!add) { time -= time % 24000; } world.setTime(time + (add ? 0 : 24000) + ticks); } final StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); for (World world : worlds) { if (output.length() > 0) { output.append(", "); } output.append(world.getName()); } sender.sendMessage(_("timeWorldSet", DescParseTickFormat.format(ticks), output.toString())); } /** * Used to parse an argument of the type "world(s) selector" */ private Set getWorlds(final CommandSender sender, final String selector) throws Exception { final Set worlds = new TreeSet(new WorldNameComparator()); // If there is no selector we want the world the user is currently in. Or all worlds if it isn't a user. if (selector == null) { final IUser user = sender instanceof Player ? ess.getUserMap().getUser((Player)sender) : null; if (user == null) { worlds.addAll(server.getWorlds()); } else { worlds.add(user.getWorld()); } return worlds; } // Try to find the world with name = selector final World world = server.getWorld(selector); if (world != null) { worlds.add(world); } // If that fails, Is the argument something like "*" or "all"? else if (selector.equalsIgnoreCase("*") || selector.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { worlds.addAll(server.getWorlds()); } // We failed to understand the world target... else { throw new Exception(_("invalidWorld")); } return worlds; } } class WorldNameComparator implements Comparator { @Override public int compare(final World a, final World b) { return a.getName().compareTo(b.getName()); } }