path: root/EssentialsAntiCheat/src/config.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'EssentialsAntiCheat/src/config.yml')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/EssentialsAntiCheat/src/config.yml b/EssentialsAntiCheat/src/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81882dea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EssentialsAntiCheat/src/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# Main configuration file for NoCheat. Read "Instructions.txt"
+ active: true
+ showactivechecks: false
+ debugmessages: false
+ prefix: '&4NC&f: '
+ filename: nocheat.log
+ file: true
+ console: true
+ ingamechat: true
+ inventory:
+ drop:
+ active: true
+ time: 20
+ limit: 100
+ actions: log:drop:0:1:cif cmd:kick
+ instantbow:
+ active: true
+ actions: log:ibow:2:5:if cancel
+ instanteat:
+ active: true
+ actions: log:ieat:2:5:if cancel
+ moving:
+ runfly:
+ active: true
+ allowfastsneaking: false
+ actions: log:moveshort:3:5:f cancel vl>100 log:moveshort:0:5:if cancel vl>400 log:movelong:0:5:cif cancel
+ checknofall: true
+ nofallaggressivemode: true
+ nofallactions: log:nofall:0:5:cif cancel
+ flying:
+ allowflyingalways: false
+ allowflyingincreative: true
+ flyingspeedlimithorizontal: 60
+ flyingspeedlimitvertical: 100
+ flyingheightlimit: 128
+ actions: log:moveshort:3:5:f cancel vl>100 log:moveshort:0:5:if cancel vl>400 log:movelong:0:5:cif cancel
+ morepackets:
+ active: true
+ actions: log:morepackets:3:2:if cancel vl>20 log:morepackets:0:2:if cancel
+ blockbreak:
+ reach:
+ active: true
+ actions: cancel vl>5 log:bbreach:0:2:if cancel
+ direction:
+ active: true
+ precision: 50
+ penaltytime: 300
+ actions: cancel vl>10 log:bbdirection:0:5:if cancel
+ noswing:
+ active: true
+ actions: log:bbnoswing:3:2:if cancel
+ blockplace:
+ reach:
+ active: true
+ actions: cancel vl>5 log:bpreach:0:2:if cancel
+ direction:
+ active: true
+ precision: 75
+ penaltytime: 100
+ actions: cancel vl>10 log:bpdirection:0:3:if cancel
+ chat:
+ color:
+ active: true
+ actions: log:color:0:1:if cancel
+ spam:
+ active: true
+ whitelist: ''
+ timeframe: 3
+ messagelimit: 3
+ commandlimit: 12
+ actions: log:spam:0:3:if cancel vl>30 log:spam:0:3:cif cancel cmd:kick
+ fight:
+ direction:
+ active: true
+ precision: 75
+ penaltytime: 500
+ actions: cancel vl>5 log:fdirection:3:5:f cancel vl>20 log:fdirection:0:5:if cancel vl>50 log:fdirection:0:5:cif cancel
+ noswing:
+ active: true
+ actions: log:fnoswing:0:5:cif cancel
+ reach:
+ active: true
+ distance: 400
+ penaltytime: 500
+ actions: cancel vl>10 log:freach:2:5:if cancel
+ speed:
+ active: true
+ attacklimit: 15
+ actions: log:fspeed:0:5:if cancel
+ godmode:
+ active: true
+ actions: log:fgod:2:5:if cancel
+ instantheal:
+ active: true
+ actions: log:fheal:1:1:if cancel
+ drop: '[player] failed [check]: Tried to drop more items than allowed. VL [violations]'
+ moveshort: '[player] failed [check]. VL [violations]'
+ movelong: '[player] in [world] at [location] moving to [locationto] over distance [movedistance] failed check [check]. Total violation level so far [violations]'
+ nofall: '[player] failed [check]: tried to avoid fall damage for ~[falldistance] blocks. VL [violations]'
+ morepackets: '[player] failed [check]: Sent [packets] more packets than expected. Total violation level [violations]'
+ bbreach: '[player] failed [check]: tried to interact with a block over distance [reachdistance]. VL [violations]'
+ bbdirection: '[player] failed [check]: tried to interact with a block out of line of sight. VL [violations]'
+ bbnoswing: '[player] failed [check]: Didn''t swing arm. VL [violations]'
+ bpreach: '[player] failed [check]: tried to interact with a block over distance [reachdistance]. VL [violations]'
+ bpdirection: '[player] failed [check]: tried to interact with a block out of line of sight. VL [violations]'
+ color: '[player] failed [check]: Sent colored chat message ''[text]''. VL [violations]'
+ spam: '[player] failed [check]: Last sent message ''[text]''. VL [violations]'
+ fdirection: '[player] failed [check]: tried to interact with a block out of line of sight. VL [violations]'
+ freach: '[player] failed [check]: tried to attack entity out of reach. VL [violations]'
+ fspeed: '[player] failed [check]: tried to attack more than [limit] times per second. VL [violations]'
+ fnoswing: '[player] failed [check]: Didn''t swing arm. VL [violations]'
+ fgod: '[player] failed [check]: Avoided taking damage or lagging. VL [violations]'
+ fheal: '[player] failed [check]: Tried to regenerate health faster than normal. VL [violations]'
+ ibow: '[player] failed [check]: Fires bow to fast. VL [violations]'
+ ieat: '[player] failed [check]: Eats food [food] too fast. VL [violations]'
+ kick: kick [player]