path: root/Essentials/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Essentials/src/')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Essentials/src/ b/Essentials/src/
index 62be530f1..b67ed4d2e 100644
--- a/Essentials/src/
+++ b/Essentials/src/
@@ -373,6 +373,8 @@ timeSet=Tijd ingesteld in alle werelden.
timeSetPermission=\u00a7cJe bent niet bevoegd om de tijd te veranderen.
timeWorldCurrent=De actuele tijd in {0} is \u00a73{1}
timeWorldSet=De tijd was veranderd naar {0} in: \u00a7c{1}
+totalWorthAll=\u00a7aAlle spullen verkocht voor een totale waarde van {1}.
+totalWorthBlocks=\u00a7aAlle blokken verkocht voor een totale waarde van {1}.
tps=Huidige TPS = {0}
tradeCompleted=\u00a77Ruil verricht.
tradeSignEmpty=Dit handelsbord heeft een te kleine voorraad.
@@ -397,7 +399,7 @@ unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
unvanishedReload=\u00a7cEen herlading heeft je geforceerd om zichtbaar te worden.
upgradingFilesError=Fout tijdens het upgraden van de bestanden
userDoesNotExist=Speler {0} bestaat niet.
-userIsAway={0} is nu afwezing.
+userIsAway={0} is nu afwezig.
userIsNotAway={0} is niet meer afwezig.
userJailed=\u00a77Je bent in de gevangenis gezet.
userUsedPortal={0} gebruikte een bestaande uitgangs portal.
@@ -422,7 +424,7 @@ weatherStorm=\u00a77Je hebt het weer naar stormachtig gezet in de {0}
weatherStormFor=\u00a77Je hebt het weer in de {0} naar stormachtig gezet voor {1} seconde
weatherSun=\u00a77Je hebt het weer naar zonnig gezet in de {0}
weatherSunFor=\u00a77Je hebt het weer in de {0} naar zonnig gezet voor {1} seconde
-whoisAFK=\u00a76 - Afwezing:\u00a7f {0}
+whoisAFK=\u00a76 - Afwezig:\u00a7f {0}
whoisBanned=\u00a76 - Verbannen:\u00a7f {0}
whoisExp=\u00a76 - Exp:\u00a7f {0} (Level {1})
whoisFly=\u00a76 - Vlieg modus:\u00a7f {0} ({1})
@@ -458,3 +460,39 @@ antiBuildCraft=\u00a74You are not permitted to create\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildDrop=\u00a74You are not permitted to drop\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
gcWorld=\u00a76{0} "\u00a7c{1}\u00a76": \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 chunks, \u00a7c{3}\u00a76 entities
invalidHomeName=\u00a74Invalid home name
+invalidWarpName=\u00a74Invalid warp name
+userUnknown=\u00a74Warning: The user '\u00a7c{0}\u00a74' has never joined this server.
+teleportationEnabledFor=\u00a76Teleportation enabled for {0}
+teleportationDisabledFor=\u00a76Teleportation disabled for {0}
+kitOnce=\u00a74You can't use that kit again.
+fullStack=\u00a74You already have a full stack
+oversizedTempban=\u00a74You may not ban a player for this period of time.
+recipeNone=No recipes exist for {0}
+invalidNumber=Invalid Number
+recipeBadIndex=There is no recipe by that number
+recipe=\u00a76Recipe for \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 ({1} of {2})
+recipeFurnace=\u00a76Smelt \u00a7c{0}
+recipeGrid=\u00a7{0}X \u00a76| \u00a7{1}X \u00a76| \u00a7{2}X
+recipeGridItem=\ \u00a7{0}X \u00a76is \u00a7c{1}
+recipeMore=\u00a76Type /{0} \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 <number> to see other recipes for \u00a7c{2}
+recipeWhere=\u00a76Where: {0}
+recipeShapeless=\u00a76Combine \u00a7c{0}
+editBookContents=\u00a7eYou may now edit the contents of this book
+bookAuthorSet=\u00a76Author of the book set to {0}
+bookTitleSet=\u00a76Title of the book set to {0}
+denyChangeAuthor=\u00a74You cannot change the author of this book
+denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
+denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
+bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
+holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
+fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
+holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
+invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
+muteNotify=\u00a74{0} \u00a76has muted \u00a74{1}
+resetBal=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76 for all online players
+resetBalAll=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76 for all players
+messageTruncated=\u00a74Message truncated, to see the full output type:\u00a7c /{0} {1}
+userAFK=\u00a75{0} \u00a75is currently AFK and may not respond
+fireworkEffectsCleared=\u00a76Removed all effects from held stack.
+fireworkSyntax=\u00a76Firework parameters:\u00a7c color:<color> [fade:<color>] [shape:<shape>] [effect:<effect>]\n\u00a76To use multiple colors/effects, seperate values with commas: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Shapes:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Effects:\u00a7c trail, twinkle