path: root/Essentials/src/com/earth2me/essentials/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Essentials/src/com/earth2me/essentials/')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Essentials/src/com/earth2me/essentials/ b/Essentials/src/com/earth2me/essentials/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c774b848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Essentials/src/com/earth2me/essentials/
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+package com.earth2me.essentials;
+import java.util.*;
+import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
+import com.earth2me.essentials.commands.IEssentialsCommand;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import org.bukkit.entity.CreatureType;
+public class Settings implements IConf
+ private EssentialsConf config;
+ public Settings(File dataFolder)
+ {
+ config = new EssentialsConf(new File(dataFolder, "config.yml"));
+ config.setTemplateName("/config.yml");
+ config.load();
+ }
+ public boolean getRespawnAtHome()
+ {
+ return config.getBoolean("respawn-at-home", false);
+ }
+ public boolean getBedSetsHome()
+ {
+ return config.getBoolean("bed-sethome", false);
+ }
+ public int getChatRadius()
+ {
+ return config.getInt("chat.radius", config.getInt("chat-radius", 0));
+ }
+ public long getTeleportDelay()
+ {
+ return config.getInt("teleport-delay", 0) * 1000L;
+ }
+ public int getDefaultStackSize()
+ {
+ return config.getInt("default-stack-size", 64);
+ }
+ public int getStartingBalance()
+ {
+ return config.getInt("starting-balance", 0);
+ }
+ public boolean getNetherPortalsEnabled()
+ {
+ return isNetherEnabled() && config.getBoolean("nether.portals-enabled", false);
+ }
+ public String getMcslKey()
+ {
+ return config.getString("mcsl-key", "").replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "");
+ }
+ public boolean getWhitelistEnabled()
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public boolean isCommandDisabled(IEssentialsCommand cmd)
+ {
+ return isCommandDisabled(cmd.getName());
+ }
+ public boolean isCommandDisabled(String label)
+ {
+ for (String c : config.getStringList("disabled-commands", new ArrayList<String>(0)))
+ {
+ if (!c.equalsIgnoreCase(label)) continue;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return config.getBoolean("disable-" + label.toLowerCase(), false);
+ }
+ public boolean isCommandRestricted(IEssentialsCommand cmd)
+ {
+ return isCommandRestricted(cmd.getName());
+ }
+ public boolean isCommandRestricted(String label)
+ {
+ for (String c : config.getStringList("restricted-commands", new ArrayList<String>(0)))
+ {
+ if (!c.equalsIgnoreCase(label)) continue;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return config.getBoolean("restrict-" + label.toLowerCase(), false);
+ }
+ public int getCommandCost(IEssentialsCommand cmd)
+ {
+ return getCommandCost(cmd.getName());
+ }
+ public int getCommandCost(String label)
+ {
+ int cost = config.getInt("command-costs." + label, 0);
+ if (cost == 0)
+ cost = config.getInt("cost-" + label, 0);
+ return cost;
+ }
+ public String getCommandPrefix()
+ {
+ return config.getString("command-prefix", "");
+ }
+ public String getNicknamePrefix()
+ {
+ return config.getString("nickname-prefix", "");
+ }
+ public long getTeleportCooldown()
+ {
+ return (long)config.getInt("teleport-cooldown", 60) * 1000L;
+ }
+ public long getHealCooldown()
+ {
+ return (long)config.getInt("heal-cooldown", 60) * 1000L;
+ }
+ public Object getKit(String name)
+ {
+ Map<String, Object> kits = (Map<String, Object>)config.getProperty("kits");
+ return kits.get(name.replace('.', '_').replace('/', '_'));
+ }
+ public ChatColor getOperatorColor()
+ {
+ String colorName = config.getString("ops-name-color", null);
+ if (colorName == null)
+ return ChatColor.RED;
+ try
+ {
+ return ChatColor.valueOf(colorName.toUpperCase());
+ }
+ catch (IllegalArgumentException ex)
+ {
+ }
+ return ChatColor.getByCode(Integer.parseInt(colorName, 16));
+ }
+ public boolean getReclaimSetting()
+ {
+ return config.getBoolean("reclaim-onlogout", true);
+ }
+ public String getNetherName()
+ {
+ return config.getString("nether.folder", "nether");
+ }
+ public boolean isNetherEnabled()
+ {
+ return config.getBoolean("nether.enabled", true);
+ }
+ public int getSpawnMobLimit()
+ {
+ return config.getInt("spawnmob-limit", 10);
+ }
+ public boolean showNonEssCommandsInHelp()
+ {
+ return config.getBoolean("non-ess-in-help", true);
+ }
+ public HashMap<String, Boolean> getEpSettings()
+ {
+ HashMap<String, Boolean> epSettings = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
+ epSettings.put("protect.protect.signs", config.getBoolean("protect.protect.signs", true));
+ epSettings.put("protect.protect.rails", config.getBoolean("protect.protect.rails", true));
+ epSettings.put("protect.protect.block-below", config.getBoolean("protect.protect.block-below", true));
+ epSettings.put("protect.protect.prevent-block-on-rails", config.getBoolean("protect.protect.prevent-block-on-rails", false));
+ return epSettings;
+ }
+ public HashMap<String, String> getEpDBSettings()
+ {
+ HashMap<String, String> epSettings = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ epSettings.put("protect.datatype", config.getString("protect.datatype", "sqlite"));
+ epSettings.put("protect.username", config.getString("protect.username", "root"));
+ epSettings.put("protect.password", config.getString("protect.password", "root"));
+ epSettings.put("protect.mysqlDb", config.getString("protect.mysqlDb", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft"));
+ return epSettings;
+ }
+ public ArrayList getEpAlertOnPlacement()
+ {
+ ArrayList epAlertPlace = new ArrayList();
+ epAlertPlace.addAll(Arrays.asList(config.getString("protect.alert.on-placement", "").split(",")));
+ return epAlertPlace;
+ }
+ public ArrayList getEpAlertOnUse()
+ {
+ ArrayList epAlertUse = new ArrayList();
+ epAlertUse.addAll(Arrays.asList(config.getString("protect.alert.on-use", "").split(",")));
+ return epAlertUse;
+ }
+ public ArrayList getEpAlertOnBreak()
+ {
+ ArrayList epAlertPlace = new ArrayList();
+ epAlertPlace.addAll(Arrays.asList(config.getString("protect.alert.on-break", "").split(",")));
+ return epAlertPlace;
+ }
+ public ArrayList epBlackListPlacement()
+ {
+ ArrayList epBlack = new ArrayList();
+ epBlack.addAll(Arrays.asList(config.getString("protect.blacklist.placement", "").split(",")));
+ return epBlack;
+ }
+ public ArrayList epBlackListUsage()
+ {
+ ArrayList epBlack = new ArrayList();
+ epBlack.addAll(Arrays.asList(config.getString("protect.blacklist.usage", "").split(",")));
+ return epBlack;
+ }
+ public HashMap<String, Boolean> getEpGuardSettings()
+ {
+ HashMap<String, Boolean> epSettings = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
+ epSettings.put("protect.prevent.lava-flow", config.getBoolean("protect.prevent.lava-flow", false));
+ epSettings.put("protect.prevent.water-flow", config.getBoolean("protect.prevent.water-flow", false));
+ epSettings.put("protect.prevent.water-bucket-flow", config.getBoolean("protect.prevent.water-bucket-flow", false));
+ epSettings.put("", config.getBoolean("", false));
+ epSettings.put("protect.prevent.flint-fire", config.getBoolean("protect.prevent.flint-fire", false));
+ epSettings.put("protect.prevent.lava-fire-spread", config.getBoolean("protect.prevent.lava-fire-spread", false));
+ epSettings.put("protect.prevent.tnt-explosion", config.getBoolean("protect.prevent.tnt-explosion", false));
+ epSettings.put("protect.prevent.creeper-explosion", config.getBoolean("protect.prevent.creeper-explosion", false));
+ epSettings.put("protect.prevent.creeper-playerdamage", config.getBoolean("protect.prevent.creeper-playerdamage", false));
+ epSettings.put("protect.prevent.creeper-blockdamage", config.getBoolean("protect.prevent.creeper-blockdamage", false));
+ for (CreatureType ct : CreatureType.values()) {
+ String name = ct.toString().toLowerCase();
+ epSettings.put("protect.prevent.spawn."+name, config.getBoolean("protect.prevent.spawn."+name, false));
+ }
+ return epSettings;
+ }
+ public HashMap<String, Boolean> getEpPlayerSettings()
+ {
+ HashMap<String, Boolean> epPlayerSettings = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
+ epPlayerSettings.put("protect.disable.fall", config.getBoolean("protect.disable.fall", false));
+ epPlayerSettings.put("protect.disable.pvp", config.getBoolean("protect.disable.pvp", false));
+ epPlayerSettings.put("protect.disable.drown", config.getBoolean("protect.disable.drown", false));
+ epPlayerSettings.put("protect.disable.suffocate", config.getBoolean("protect.disable.suffocate", false));
+ epPlayerSettings.put("protect.disable.lavadmg", config.getBoolean("protect.disable.lavadmg", false));
+ epPlayerSettings.put("protect.disable.projectiles", config.getBoolean("protect.disable.projectiles", false));
+ epPlayerSettings.put("protect.disable.contactdmg", config.getBoolean("protect.disable.contactdmg", false));
+ epPlayerSettings.put("protect.disable.firedmg", config.getBoolean("protect.disable.firedmg", false));
+ epPlayerSettings.put("", config.getBoolean("", false));
+ return epPlayerSettings;
+ }
+ public int getEpCreeperMaxHeight()
+ {
+ return config.getInt("protect.creeper.max-height", -1);
+ }
+ public boolean areSignsDisabled()
+ {
+ return config.getBoolean("signs-disabled", false);
+ }
+ public long getBackupInterval()
+ {
+ return config.getInt("backup.interval", 1440); // 1440 = 24 * 60
+ }
+ public String getBackupCommand()
+ {
+ return config.getString("backup.command", null);
+ }
+ public String getChatFormat(String group)
+ {
+ return config.getString("" + (group == null ? "Default" : group),
+ config.getString("chat.format", "&7[{GROUP}]&f {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&f {MESSAGE}"));
+ }
+ public boolean getGenerateExitPortals()
+ {
+ return config.getBoolean("nether.generate-exit-portals", true);
+ }
+ public boolean getAnnounceNewPlayers()
+ {
+ return !config.getString("newbies.announce-format", "-").isEmpty();
+ }
+ public String getAnnounceNewPlayerFormat(User user)
+ {
+ return format(config.getString("newbies.announce-format", "&dWelcome {DISPLAYNAME} to the server!"), user);
+ }
+ public String format(String format, User user)
+ {
+ return format.replace('&', '§').replace("§§", "&").replace("{PLAYER}", user.getDisplayName()).replace("{DISPLAYNAME}", user.getDisplayName()).replace("{GROUP}", user.getGroup()).replace("{USERNAME}", user.getName()).replace("{ADDRESS}", user.getAddress().toString());
+ }
+ public String getNewbieSpawn()
+ {
+ return config.getString("newbies.spawnpoint", "default");
+ }
+ public boolean getPerWarpPermission()
+ {
+ return config.getBoolean("per-warp-permission", false);
+ }
+ public boolean getSortListByGroups()
+ {
+ return config.getBoolean("sort-list-by-groups", true);
+ }
+ public void reloadConfig() {
+ config.load();
+ }
+ public ArrayList itemSpawnBlacklist()
+ {
+ ArrayList epItemSpwn = new ArrayList();
+ epItemSpwn.addAll(Arrays.asList(config.getString("item-spawn-blacklist", "").split(",")));
+ return epItemSpwn;
+ }
+ public ArrayList epBlockBreakingBlacklist()
+ {
+ ArrayList epBreakList = new ArrayList();
+ epBreakList.addAll(Arrays.asList(config.getString("protect.blacklist.break", "").split(",")));
+ return epBreakList;
+ }