diff options
authorKHobbits <>2012-06-10 18:38:55 +0100
committerKHobbits <>2012-06-10 18:38:55 +0100
commit24ec242ecf8cce3a4f418b2645ceb09af86d0ba4 (patch)
parent9068c13e39ab64506af4cc1b2b04553dcd317f4e (diff)
Fixing up some TL mistakes
11 files changed, 109 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/Essentials/src/ b/Essentials/src/
index 2dbfbce87..d49c7283a 100644
--- a/Essentials/src/
+++ b/Essentials/src/
@@ -112,8 +112,9 @@ geoipJoinFormat=Player {0} comes from {1}
godDisabledFor=disabled for {0}
godEnabledFor=enabled for {0}
godMode=\u00a77God mode {0}.
-hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
+hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use this item as a hat!
hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
+hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
haveBeenReleased=\u00a77You have been released
heal=\u00a77You have been healed.
healOther=\u00a77Healed {0}.
@@ -168,9 +169,9 @@ jailReleasedPlayerNotify=\u00a77You have been released!
jailSentenceExtended=Jail time extend to: {0)
jailSet=\u00a77Jail {0} has been set
jumpError=That would hurt your computer's brain.
-kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kickDefault=Kicked from server
kickExempt=\u00a7cYou can not kick that person.
+kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kill=\u00a77Killed {0}.
kitError2=\u00a7cThat kit does not exist or is improperly defined.
kitError=\u00a7cThere are no valid kits.
@@ -364,13 +365,13 @@ timeSet=Time set in all worlds.
timeSetPermission=\u00a7cYou are not authorized to set the time.
timeWorldCurrent=The current time in {0} is \u00a73{1}
timeWorldSet=The time was set to {0} in: \u00a7c{1}
+tps=Current TPS = {0}
tradeCompleted=\u00a77Trade completed.
tradeSignEmpty=The trade sign has nothing available for you.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=There is nothing to collect from this trade sign.
treeFailure=\u00a7cTree generation failure. Try again on grass or dirt.
treeSpawned=\u00a77Tree spawned.
-tps=Current TPS = {0}
typeTpaccept=\u00a77To teleport, type \u00a7c/tpaccept\u00a77.
typeTpdeny=\u00a77To deny this request, type \u00a7c/tpdeny\u00a77.
typeWorldName=\u00a77You can also type the name of a specific world.
@@ -433,4 +434,3 @@ year=year
youAreHealed=\u00a77You have been healed.
youHaveNewMail=\u00a7cYou have {0} messages!\u00a7f Type \u00a77/mail read\u00a7f to view your mail.
-hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use armor as a hat!
diff --git a/Essentials/src/ b/Essentials/src/
index 0265dab23..6ceb7240c 100644
--- a/Essentials/src/
+++ b/Essentials/src/
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ creatingConfigFromTemplate=Vytvarim config ze sablony: {0}
creatingEmptyConfig=Vytvarim prazdny config: {0}
+currentWorld=Current World: {0}
defaultBanReason=Banovaci kladivo promluvilo!
@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ disabledToSpawnMob=Spawnuti tohoto moba je zakazno v configuracnim souboru.
dontMoveMessage=\u00a77Teleport bude zahajen za {0}. Nehybej se.
downloadingGeoIp=Stahuji GeoIP databazi ... muze to chvilku trvat (staty: 0.6 MB, mesta: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Duplikovane data hrace: {0} and {1}
+durability=\u00a77This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 uses left
enableUnlimited=\u00a77Davam neomezene mnozstvi {0} hraci {1}.
enchantmentApplied = \u00a77Enchant {0} byl aplikovan na tvuj nastroj v ruce.
@@ -87,6 +89,8 @@ errorWithMessage=\u00a7cChyba: {0}
essentialsHelp1=Soubor je poskozen a Essentials jej nemuze otevrit. Essentials jsou zablokovany. Pokud nemuzete soubor opravit sami, navstivte
essentialsHelp2=Soubor je poskozen a Essentials jej nemuze otevrit. Essentials jsou zablokovany. Pokud nemuzete soubor opravit sami, pak napiste /essentialshelp ve hre nebo navstivte
essentialsReload=\u00a77Essentials znovu nacteny. {0}
+exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a77) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a77more exp to level up.
+expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp.
extinguish=\u00a77Uhasil ses.
extinguishOthers=\u00a77Uhasil jsi hrace {0}.
failedToCloseConfig=Chyba pri uzavreni configu {0}
@@ -111,6 +115,9 @@ geoipJoinFormat=Hrac {0} prichazi z {1}
godDisabledFor=zakazan pro {0}
godEnabledFor=povolen pro {0}
godMode=\u00a77God mode {0}.
+hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use this item as a hat!
+hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
+hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
haveBeenReleased=\u00a77Byl jsi uvolnen
heal=\u00a77Byl jsi uzdraven.
healOther=\u00a77Uzdravil jsi hrace {0}.
@@ -167,6 +174,7 @@ jailSet=\u00a77Vezeni {0} bylo vytvoreno.
jumpError=Tohle by tvuj procesor nemusel rozdychat.
kickDefault=Vyhozen ze serveru
kickExempt=\u00a7cNemuzes vyhodit tuhle osobu.
+kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kill=\u00a77Zabit {0}.
kitError2=\u00a7cTento kit neexistuje, nebo je chybne definovan.
kitError=\u00a7cNejsou zadne validni kity.
@@ -225,6 +233,7 @@ noAccessCommand=\u00a7cNemas povoleni na tento prikaz.
noAccessPermission=\u00a7cNemas povoleni k tomuto {0}.
noBreakBedrock=Nemas opravneni nicit bedrock.
noDestroyPermission=\u00a7cNemas povoleni nicit ten {0}.
+noDurability=\u00a7cThis item does not have a durability.
noGodWorldWarning=\u00a7cVarovani! God-mode je v tomto svete zakazan.
noHelpFound=\u00a7cZadne shodujici prikazy.
noHomeSet=Nemas nastaveny zadny domov.
@@ -359,6 +368,7 @@ timeSet=Cas nastaven ve vsech svetech.
timeSetPermission=\u00a7cNejsi autorizovany ke zmene casu.
timeWorldCurrent=Ve svete {0} je prave \u00a73{1}
timeWorldSet=Cas byl nastaven na {0} ve: \u00a7c{1}
+tps=Current TPS = {0}
tradeCompleted=\u00a77Vymena kompletni.
tradeSignEmpty=Tato cedule jiz nema dostupny material na vymenu.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=Na teto ceduli dosel material.
@@ -378,6 +388,8 @@ unknownItemName=Neznamy nazev itemu: {0}
unlimitedItemPermission=\u00a7cNemas opravneni pro neomezeny item: {0}.
unlimitedItems=Neomezene itemy:
unmutedPlayer=Hrac {0} byl umlcen.
+unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
+unvanishedReload=\u00a7cA reload has forced you to become visible.
upgradingFilesError=Chyba pri updatovani souboru.
userDoesNotExist=Uzivatel {0} neexistuje.
userIsAway={0} je AFK.
@@ -387,6 +399,7 @@ userUsedPortal={0} pouzil portal pro vychod.
userdataMoveBackError=Chyba pri pokusu o presun userdata/{0}.tmp do userdata/{1}
userdataMoveError=Chyba pri pokusu o presun userdata/{0} do userdata/{1}.tmp
usingTempFolderForTesting=Pouzivam docasnou slozku pro testovani:
+vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
versionMismatch=Chyba verzi! Prosim updatuj {0} na stejnou verzi.
versionMismatchAll=Chyba verzi! Prosim, updatuj vsechny Essentials .jar na stejnou verzi.
voiceSilenced=\u00a77Byl jsi ztisen.
@@ -424,14 +437,3 @@ year=rok
youAreHealed=\u00a77Byl jsi uzdraven.
youHaveNewMail=\u00a7cMas {0} zprav!\u00a7f Napis \u00a77/mail read\u00a7f aby jsi si precetl sve zpravy.
-currentWorld=Current World: {0}
-kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
-exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a77) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a77more exp to level up.
-expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp.
-unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
-unvanishedReload=\u00a7cA reload has forced you to become visible.
-vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
-tps=Current TPS = {0}
-hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
-hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
-hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use armor as a hat!
diff --git a/Essentials/src/ b/Essentials/src/
index 380f04ced..df7ae4c33 100644
--- a/Essentials/src/
+++ b/Essentials/src/
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ disabledToSpawnMob=Skabelse af denne mob er deaktiveret i configfilen.
dontMoveMessage=\u00a77Teleportering vil begynde om {0}. Bev\u00e6g dig ikke.
downloadingGeoIp=Downloader GeoIP database... det her kan tage et stykke tid (land: 0.6 MB, by: 27MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Duplikerede userdata: {0} og {1}
+durability=\u00a77This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 uses left
enableUnlimited=\u00a77Giver ubegr\u00e6nset m\u00e6ngde af {0} til {1}.
enchantmentApplied = \u00a77Enchantment {0} er blevet tilf\u00c3\u00b8jet til tingen i din h\u00c3\u00a5nd.
@@ -85,6 +86,8 @@ errorWithMessage=\u00a7cFejl: {0}
essentialsHelp1=Denne fil er \u00c3\u00b8delagt og Essentials kan ikke \u00c3\u00a5bne den. Essentials er nu deaktiveret. Kan du ikke ordne denne fil selv, kan du f\u00c3\u00a5 hj\u00c3\u00a6lp p\u00c3\u00a5
essentialsHelp2=Filen er \u00c3\u00b8delagt og Essentials kan ikke \u00c3\u00a5bne den. Essentials er nu deaktiveret. Kan du ikke ordne denne fil selv, skriv enten /essentialshelp ingame eller f\u00c3\u00a5 hj\u00c3\u00a6lp p\u00c3\u00a5
essentialsReload=\u00a77Essentials Genindl\u00e6st {0}.
+exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a77) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a77more exp to level up.
+expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp.
extinguish=\u00a77Du slukkede ilden i dig selv.
extinguishOthers=\u00a77Du slukkede ilden i {0}.
failedToCloseConfig=Fejlede i at lukke config {0}
@@ -109,6 +112,9 @@ geoipJoinFormat=Spilleren {0} kommer fra {1}
godDisabledFor=deaktiveret for {0}
godEnabledFor=aktiveret for {0}
godMode=\u00a77Gud mode {0}.
+hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use this item as a hat!
+hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
+hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
haveBeenReleased=\u00a77Du er blevet l\u00f8sladt
heal=\u00a77Du er blevet healed.
healOther=\u00a77Healed {0}.
@@ -163,9 +169,9 @@ jailReleasedPlayerNotify=\u00a77Du er blevet befriet fra f\u00c3\u00a6nglset!
jailSentenceExtended=F\u00c3\u00a6ngselsdom forl\u00c3\u00a6nget til: {0)
jailSet=\u00a77F\u00e6ngsel {0} er blevet sat.
jumpError=Dette vil skade din computer''s hjerne.
-kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kickDefault=Kicked fra serveren.
kickExempt=\u00a77Du kan ikke kicke denne spiller.
+kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kill=\u00a77dr\u00e6bte {0}.
kitError2=\u00a7cDette kit eksisterer ikke eller er forkert defineret.
kitError=\u00a7cDer er ikke nogen gyldige kits.
@@ -224,6 +230,7 @@ noAccessCommand=\u00a7cDu har ikke adgang til denne kommando.
noAccessPermission=\u00a7cDu har ikke tilladelse til at f\u00e5 adgang til {0}.
noBreakBedrock=You are not allowed to destroy bedrock.
noDestroyPermission=\u00a7cDu har ikke tilladelse til at \u00f8del\u00e6gge {0}.
+noDurability=\u00a7cThis item does not have a durability.
noGodWorldWarning=\u00a7cAdvarsel! God mode er sl\u00c3\u00a5et fra i denne verden.
noHelpFound=\u00a7cIngen matchende kommandoer.
noHomeSet=Du har sat et nyt hjem.
@@ -358,6 +365,7 @@ timeSet=Tid \u00c3\u00a6ndret i alle verdener.
timeSetPermission=\u00a7cDu har ikke tilladelse til at \u00c3\u00a6ndre tiden.
timeWorldCurrent=Tiden p\u00c3\u00a5 nuv\u00c3\u00a6rende tidspunkt i {0} er \u00a73{1}
timeWorldSet=Tiden blev \u00c3\u00a6ndret til {0} i: \u00a7c{1}
+tps=Current TPS = {0}
tradeCompleted=\u00a77Handel gennemf\u00f8rt.
tradeSignEmpty=Handelsskiltet har udsolgt!
tradeSignEmptyOwner=Der er intet at hente ved dette handelsskilt.
@@ -377,6 +385,8 @@ unknownItemName=Ukendt ting navn: {0}
unlimitedItemPermission=\u00a7cIngen tilladelse til ubegr\u00e6nset ting {0}.
unlimitedItems=Ubegr\u00c3\u00a6nsede ting:
unmutedPlayer=Spilleren {0} unmuted.
+unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
+unvanishedReload=\u00a7cA reload has forced you to become visible.
upgradingFilesError=Fejl under opgradering af filerne.
userDoesNotExist=Brugeren {0} eksisterer ikke.
userIsAway={0} er nu AFK. Skub ham i havet eller bur ham inde!
@@ -386,6 +396,7 @@ userUsedPortal={0} brugte en eksisterende udgangsportal.
userdataMoveBackError=Kunne ikke flytte userdata/{0}.tmp til userdata/{1}
userdataMoveError=Kunne ikke flytte userdata/{0} til userdata/{1}.tmp
usingTempFolderForTesting=Bruger temp-mappe til testing:
+vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
versionMismatch=Versioner matcher ikke! Opdater venligst {0} til den nyeste version.
versionMismatchAll=Versioner matcher ikke! Opdater venligst alle Essentials jar-filer til samme version.
voiceSilenced=\u00a77Din stemme er blevet gjort stille.
@@ -423,12 +434,3 @@ year=\u00e5r
youAreHealed=\u00a77Du er blevet healed. Halleluja!
youHaveNewMail=\u00a7cDu har {0} flaskeposter!\u00a7f Type \u00a77/mail read for at se din flaskepost.
-exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a77) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a77more exp to level up.
-expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp.
-unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
-unvanishedReload=\u00a7cA reload has forced you to become visible.
-vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
-tps=Current TPS = {0}
-hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
-hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
-hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use armor as a hat!
diff --git a/Essentials/src/ b/Essentials/src/
index 5558ab978..07ca7483e 100644
--- a/Essentials/src/
+++ b/Essentials/src/
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ disabledToSpawnMob=Spawning this mob was disabled in the config file.
dontMoveMessage=\u00a77Teleportvorgang startet in {0}. Beweg dich nicht.
downloadingGeoIp=Lade GeoIP-Datenbank ... dies kann etwas dauern (country: 0.6 MB, city: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Doppelte Datei in userdata: {0} und {1}
+durability=\u00a77This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 uses left
enableUnlimited=\u00a77Gebe {1} unendliche Mengen von {0}.
enchantmentApplied = \u00a77The enchantment {0} has been applied to your item in hand.
@@ -85,6 +86,8 @@ errorWithMessage=\u00a7cFehler: {0}
essentialsHelp1=The file is broken and Essentials can't open it. Essentials is now disabled. If you can't fix the file yourself, go to
essentialsHelp2=The file is broken and Essentials can't open it. Essentials is now disabled. If you can't fix the file yourself, either type /essentialshelp in game or go to
essentialsReload=\u00a77Essentials neu geladen {0}
+exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a77) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a77more exp to level up.
+expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp.
extinguish=\u00a77Du hast dich selbst gel\u00f6scht.
extinguishOthers=\u00a77Du hast {0} gel\u00f6scht.
failedToCloseConfig=Fehler beim Schliessen der Konfiguration {0}
@@ -109,6 +112,9 @@ geoipJoinFormat=Spieler {0} kommt aus {1}
godDisabledFor=deaktiviert f\u00fcr {0}
godEnabledFor=aktiviert f\u00fcr {0}
godMode=\u00a77Unsterblichkeit {0}.
+hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use this item as a hat!
+hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
+hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
haveBeenReleased=\u00a77Du wurdest frei gelassen.
heal=\u00a77Du wurdest geheilt.
healOther=\u00a77{0} geheilt.
@@ -163,9 +169,9 @@ jailReleasedPlayerNotify=\u00a77Du wurdest freigelassen!
jailSentenceExtended=Gef\u00e4ngnisszeit erweitert auf: {0)
jailSet=\u00a77Gef\u00e4ngnis {0} wurde erstellt.
jumpError=Das w\u00fcrde deinen Computer \u00fcberlasten.
-kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kickDefault=Vom Server geworfen
kickExempt=\u00a7cDu kannst diesen Spieler nicht rauswerfen.
+kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kill=\u00a77{0} get\u00f6tet.
kitError2=\u00a7cDiese Ausr\u00fcstung existiert nicht oder ist ung\u00fcltig.
kitError=\u00a7cEs gibt keine g\u00fcltigen Ausr\u00fcstungen.
@@ -224,6 +230,7 @@ noAccessCommand=\u00a7cDu hast keinen Zugriff auf diesen Befehl.
noAccessPermission=\u00a7cDu hast keine Rechte, den Block {0} zu \u00f6ffnen.
noBreakBedrock=You are not allowed to destroy bedrock.
noDestroyPermission=\u00a7cDu hast keine Rechte, den Block {0} zu zerst\u00f6ren.
+noDurability=\u00a7cThis item does not have a durability.
noGodWorldWarning=\u00a7cWarning! God mode in this world disabled.
noHelpFound=\u00a7cKeine \u00fcbereinstimmenden Kommandos.
noHomeSet=Du hast kein Zuhause gesetzt.
@@ -358,6 +365,7 @@ timeSet=Zeit in allen Welten gesetzt.
timeSetPermission=\u00a7cDu hast keine Berechtigung die Zeit zu \u00e4ndern.
timeWorldCurrent=Die momentane Zeit in {0} ist \u00a73{1}
timeWorldSet=Die Zeit in \u00a7c{1}\u00a7f wurde zu {0} gesetzt.
+tps=Current TPS = {0}
tradeCompleted=\u00a77Handel abgeschlossen.
tradeSignEmpty=Der Bestand des Trade-Schild ist aufgebraucht.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=Es gibt nichts mehr zu Sammeln von diesem Trade-Schild.
@@ -377,6 +385,8 @@ unknownItemName=Unbekannter Gegenstand: {0}
unlimitedItemPermission=\u00a7cDu hast keine Rechte f\u00fcr {0}.
unlimitedItems=Unendliche Objekte:
unmutedPlayer=Spieler {0} ist nicht mehr stumm.
+unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
+unvanishedReload=\u00a7cA reload has forced you to become visible.
upgradingFilesError=Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Dateien
userDoesNotExist=Spieler {0} existiert nicht.
userIsAway={0} ist abwesend.
@@ -386,6 +396,7 @@ userUsedPortal={0} benutzt ein vorhandenes Ausgangsportal.
userdataMoveBackError=Verschieben von userdata/{0}.tmp nach userdata/{1} gescheitert.
userdataMoveError=Verschieben von userdata/{0} nach userdata/{1}.tmp gescheitert.
usingTempFolderForTesting=Benutze tempor\u00e4ren Ordner zum Testen:
+vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
versionMismatch=Versionen nicht identisch! Bitte aktualisiere {0}.
versionMismatchAll=Versionen ungleich! Bitte aktualisiere alle Essentials jars auf die gleiche Version.
voiceSilenced=\u00a77Du bist stumm
@@ -423,12 +434,3 @@ year=Jahr
youAreHealed=\u00a77Du wurdest geheilt.
youHaveNewMail=\u00a7cDu hast {0} Nachrichten!\u00a7f Schreibe \u00a77/mail read\u00a7f um deine Nachrichten anzuzeigen.
-exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a77) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a77more exp to level up.
-expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp.
-unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
-unvanishedReload=\u00a7cA reload has forced you to become visible.
-vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
-tps=Current TPS = {0}
-hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
-hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
-hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use armor as a hat!
diff --git a/Essentials/src/ b/Essentials/src/
index ea765213f..d49c7283a 100644
--- a/Essentials/src/
+++ b/Essentials/src/
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ disabledToSpawnMob=Spawning this mob was disabled in the config file.
dontMoveMessage=\u00a77Teleportation will commence in {0}. Don''t move.
downloadingGeoIp=Downloading GeoIP database ... this might take a while (country: 0.6 MB, city: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Duplicated userdata: {0} and {1}
+durability=\u00a77This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 uses left
enableUnlimited=\u00a77Giving unlimited amount of {0} to {1}.
enchantmentApplied = \u00a77The enchantment {0} has been applied to your item in hand.
@@ -111,8 +112,9 @@ geoipJoinFormat=Player {0} comes from {1}
godDisabledFor=disabled for {0}
godEnabledFor=enabled for {0}
godMode=\u00a77God mode {0}.
-hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
+hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use this item as a hat!
hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
+hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
haveBeenReleased=\u00a77You have been released
heal=\u00a77You have been healed.
healOther=\u00a77Healed {0}.
@@ -167,9 +169,9 @@ jailReleasedPlayerNotify=\u00a77You have been released!
jailSentenceExtended=Jail time extend to: {0)
jailSet=\u00a77Jail {0} has been set
jumpError=That would hurt your computer's brain.
-kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kickDefault=Kicked from server
kickExempt=\u00a7cYou can not kick that person.
+kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kill=\u00a77Killed {0}.
kitError2=\u00a7cThat kit does not exist or is improperly defined.
kitError=\u00a7cThere are no valid kits.
@@ -228,6 +230,7 @@ noAccessCommand=\u00a7cYou do not have access to that command.
noAccessPermission=\u00a7cYou do not have permission to access that {0}.
noBreakBedrock=You are not allowed to destroy bedrock.
noDestroyPermission=\u00a7cYou do not have permission to destroy that {0}.
+noDurability=\u00a7cThis item does not have a durability.
noGodWorldWarning=\u00a7cWarning! God mode in this world disabled.
noHelpFound=\u00a7cNo matching commands.
noHomeSet=You have not set a home.
@@ -362,13 +365,13 @@ timeSet=Time set in all worlds.
timeSetPermission=\u00a7cYou are not authorized to set the time.
timeWorldCurrent=The current time in {0} is \u00a73{1}
timeWorldSet=The time was set to {0} in: \u00a7c{1}
+tps=Current TPS = {0}
tradeCompleted=\u00a77Trade completed.
tradeSignEmpty=The trade sign has nothing available for you.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=There is nothing to collect from this trade sign.
treeFailure=\u00a7cTree generation failure. Try again on grass or dirt.
treeSpawned=\u00a77Tree spawned.
-tps=Current TPS = {0}
typeTpaccept=\u00a77To teleport, type \u00a7c/tpaccept\u00a77.
typeTpdeny=\u00a77To deny this request, type \u00a7c/tpdeny\u00a77.
typeWorldName=\u00a77You can also type the name of a specific world.
@@ -431,4 +434,3 @@ year=year
youAreHealed=\u00a77You have been healed.
youHaveNewMail=\u00a7cYou have {0} messages!\u00a7f Type \u00a77/mail read\u00a7f to view your mail.
-hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use armor as a hat!
diff --git a/Essentials/src/ b/Essentials/src/
index 56016f96e..ff4e12a75 100644
--- a/Essentials/src/
+++ b/Essentials/src/
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ disabledToSpawnMob=Spawning this mob was disabled in the config file.
dontMoveMessage=\u00a77Teletransporte comenzara en {0}. No te muevas.
downloadingGeoIp=Descargando base de datos de GeoIP ... puede llevar un tiempo (pais: 0.6 MB, ciudad: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Datos de usuario duplicados: {0} y {1}
+durability=\u00a77This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 uses left
enableUnlimited=\u00a77Dando cantidad ilimitada de {0} a {1}.
enchantmentApplied = \u00a77The enchantment {0} has been applied to your item in hand.
@@ -85,6 +86,8 @@ errorWithMessage=\u00a7cError: {0}
essentialsHelp1=The file is broken and Essentials can't open it. Essentials is now disabled. If you can't fix the file yourself, go to
essentialsHelp2=The file is broken and Essentials can't open it. Essentials is now disabled. If you can't fix the file yourself, either type /essentialshelp in game or go to
essentialsReload=\u00a77Essentials Recargado {0}
+exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a77) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a77more exp to level up.
+expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp.
extinguish=\u00a77Te has suicidado.
extinguishOthers=\u00a77Has matado a {0}.
failedToCloseConfig=Error al cerrar configuracion {0}
@@ -109,6 +112,9 @@ geoipJoinFormat=El jugador {0} viene de {1}
godDisabledFor=Desactivado para {0}
godEnabledFor=Activado para {0}
godMode=\u00a77Modo Dios {0}.
+hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use this item as a hat!
+hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
+hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
haveBeenReleased=\u00a77Has sido liberado
heal=\u00a77Has sido curado.
healOther=\u00a77Has curado a {0}.
@@ -163,9 +169,9 @@ jailReleasedPlayerNotify=\u00a77 Has sido liberado!!
jailSentenceExtended=El tiempo en la carcel se alarga hasta: {0)
jailSet=\u00a77Carcel {0} ha sido puesta
jumpError=Eso es demasiado para tu ordenador!
-kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kickDefault=Echado del servidor.
kickExempt=\u00a7cNo puedes echar a esa persona.
+kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kill=\u00a77ha matado a {0}.
kitError2=\u00a7cEse kit no existe o esta mal escrito.
kitError=\u00a7cNo hay ningun kit valido.
@@ -224,6 +230,7 @@ noAccessCommand=\u00a7cNo tienes acceso a ese comando.
noAccessPermission=\u00a7cNo tienes permisos para hacer eso {0}.
noBreakBedrock=You are not allowed to destroy bedrock.
noDestroyPermission=\u00a7cNo tienes permisos para destrozar eso {0}.
+noDurability=\u00a7cThis item does not have a durability.
noGodWorldWarning=\u00a7cWarning! God mode in this world disabled.
noHelpFound=\u00a7cNo hay comandos relacionados.
noHomeSet=No has establecido un hogar.
@@ -358,6 +365,7 @@ timeSet=Time establecido en todos los mundos.
timeSetPermission=\u00a7cNo estas autorizado para establecer la hora.
timeWorldCurrent=La hora actual en {0} es \u00a73{1}
timeWorldSet=La hora ha sido establecido a {0} en: \u00a7c{1}
+tps=Current TPS = {0}
tradeCompleted=\u00a77Intercambio completado.
tradeSignEmpty=Esta tienda no tiene nada disponible para ti.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=No hay nada que recojer de esta tienda.
@@ -377,6 +385,8 @@ unknownItemName=Nombre de objeto desconocido: {0}
unlimitedItemPermission=\u00a7cNo tienes permiso para objetos ilimitados {0}.
unlimitedItems=Objetos ilimitados.
unmutedPlayer=Jugador {0} desmuteado.
+unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
+unvanishedReload=\u00a7cA reload has forced you to become visible.
upgradingFilesError=Error mientras se actualizaban los archivos
userDoesNotExist=El usuario {0} no existe
userIsAway={0} esta ahora ausente!
@@ -386,6 +396,7 @@ userUsedPortal={0} uso un portal de salida existente.
userdataMoveBackError=Error al mover userdata/{0}.tmp a userdata/{1}
userdataMoveError=Error al mover userdata/{0} a userdata/{1}.tmp
usingTempFolderForTesting=Usando carpeta temporal para pruebas:
+vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
versionMismatch=La version no coincide! Por favor actualiza {0} a la misma version.
versionMismatchAll=La version no coincide! Por favor actualiza todos los jars de Essentials a la misma version.
voiceSilenced=\u00a77Tu voz ha sido silenciada
@@ -423,12 +434,3 @@ year=a&ntilde;o
youAreHealed=\u00a77Has sido curado.
youHaveNewMail=\u00a7cTienes {0} mensajes!\u00a7f Pon \u00a77/mail read\u00a7f para ver tus emails no leidos!.
-exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a77) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a77more exp to level up.
-expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp.
-unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
-unvanishedReload=\u00a7cA reload has forced you to become visible.
-vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
-tps=Current TPS = {0}
-hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
-hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
-hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use armor as a hat!
diff --git a/Essentials/src/ b/Essentials/src/
index a101355ba..37120be63 100644
--- a/Essentials/src/
+++ b/Essentials/src/
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ disabledToSpawnMob=Spawning this mob was disabled in the config file.
dontMoveMessage=\u00a77La t\u00e9l\u00e9portation commence dans {0}. Ne bougez pas.
downloadingGeoIp=T\u00e9l\u00e9chargement de la base de donn\u00e9es GeoIP ... Cela peut prendre un moment (Pays : 0.6 Mo, villes : 20Mo)
duplicatedUserdata=Donn\u00e9e utilisateur dupliqu\u00e9e : {0} et {1}
+durability=\u00a77This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 uses left
enableUnlimited=\u00a77Quantit\u00e9 illimit\u00e9e de {0} \u00e0 {1}.
enchantmentApplied = \u00a77L''enchantement {0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 appliqu\u00e9 \u00e0 l''objet dans votre main.
@@ -85,6 +86,8 @@ errorWithMessage=\u00a7cErreur : {0}
essentialsHelp1=Le fichier est corrompuet Essentials ne peut l'ouvrir. Essentials est maintenant d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9. Si vous ne pouvez corriger vous-m\u00eame, aller \u00e0
essentialsHelp2=Le fichier est corrompuet Essentials ne peut l'ouvrir. Essentials est maintenant d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9. Si vous ne pouvez corriger vous-m\u00eame, tapez /essentialshelp ou aller \u00e0
essentialsReload=\u00a77Essentials {0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 recharg\u00e9.
+exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a77) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a77more exp to level up.
+expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp.
extinguish=\u00a77Vous cessez de br\u00fbler.
extinguishOthers=\u00a77Vous avez \u00e9teint la combustion de {0}.
failedToCloseConfig=Echec de la fermeture de la configuration {0}
@@ -109,6 +112,9 @@ geoipJoinFormat=Joueur {0} vient de {1}
godDisabledFor=d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9 pour {0}
godEnabledFor=activ\u00e9 pour {0}
godMode=\u00a77Mode Dieu {0}.
+hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use this item as a hat!
+hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
+hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
haveBeenReleased=\u00a77Vous avez \u00e9t\u00e9 lib\u00e9r\u00e9.
heal=\u00a77Vous avez \u00e9t\u00e9 soign\u00e9.
healOther=\u00a77{0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 soign\u00e9.
@@ -163,9 +169,9 @@ jailReleasedPlayerNotify=\u00a77Vous avez \u00e9t\u00e9 lib\u00e9r\u00e9 !
jailSentenceExtended=Dur\u00e9e d''emprisonnement rallong\u00e9e de : {0)
jailSet=\u00a77La prison {0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9.
jumpError=\u00c7a aurait pu faire mal au cerveau de votre ordinateur.
-kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kickDefault=\u00c9ject\u00e9 du serveur
kickExempt=\u00a77Vous ne pouvez pas \u00e9jecter ce joueur.
+kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kill=\u00a77Tu\u00e9 {0}.
kitError2=\u00a7cCe kit n'existe pas ou a \u00e9t\u00e9 mal d\u00e9fini.
kitError=\u00a7cIl n'y a pas de kits valides.
@@ -224,6 +230,7 @@ noAccessCommand=\u00a7cVous n'avez pas acc\u00c3\u00a8s \u00e0 cette commande.
noAccessPermission=\u00a7cVous n''avez pas la permissions d''acc\u00e9der \u00e0 cette {0}
noBreakBedrock=You are not allowed to destroy bedrock.
noDestroyPermission=\u00a7cVous n''avez pas la permission de d\u00e9truire ce {0}.
+noDurability=\u00a7cThis item does not have a durability.
noGodWorldWarning=\u00a7cWarning! Le mode Dieu est d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9 dans ce monde.
noHelpFound=\u00a7cAucune commande correspondante.
noHomeSet=Vous n'avez pas d\u00e9fini de r\u00e9sidence.
@@ -358,6 +365,7 @@ timeSet=Heure r\u00e9gl\u00e9e dans tous les mondes.
timeSetPermission=\u00a7cVous n'\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 r\u00e9gler l'heure.
timeWorldCurrent=Il est \u00a73{1}\u00a77 dans \u00a7c{0}.
timeWorldSet=L''heure a \u00e9t\u00e9 r\u00e9gl\u00e9e \u00e0 {0} dans : \u00a7c{1}
+tps=Current TPS = {0}
tradeCompleted=\u00a77\u00c9change termin\u00e9.
tradeSignEmpty=Le panneau de vente n'as pas encore assez de stock.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=Il n'y a rien \u00e0 collecter de cette pancarte d'\u00e9change commercial.
@@ -377,6 +385,8 @@ unknownItemName=Nom d''objet inconnu : {0}
unlimitedItemPermission=\u00a7cPas de permission pour l''objet illimit\u00e9 {0}.
unlimitedItems=Objets illimit\u00e9s:
unmutedPlayer=Le joueur {0} n''est plus muet.
+unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
+unvanishedReload=\u00a7cA reload has forced you to become visible.
upgradingFilesError=Erreur durant la mise \u00e0 jour des fichiers.
userDoesNotExist=L''utilisateur {0} n''existe pas.
userIsAway={0} s'est mis en AFK
@@ -386,6 +396,7 @@ userUsedPortal={0} a utilis\u00e9 un portail existant.
userdataMoveBackError=Echec du d\u00e9placement de userdata/{0}.tmp vers userdata/{1}
userdataMoveError=Echec du d\u00e9placement de userdata/{0} vers userdata/{1}.tmp
usingTempFolderForTesting=Utilise un fichier temporaire pour un test.
+vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
versionMismatch=Versions diff\u00e9rentes ! Mettez s''il vous plait {0} \u00e0 la m\u00eame version.
versionMismatchAll=Mauvaise version ! S'il vous plait mettez des jars Essentials de version identique.
voiceSilenced=\u00a77Vous avez \u00e9t\u00e9 r\u00e9duit au silence.
@@ -423,12 +434,3 @@ year=ann\u00e9e
youAreHealed=\u00a77Vous avez \u00e9t\u00e9 soign\u00e9.
youHaveNewMail=\u00a7cVous avez {0} messages ! \u00a7fEntrez \u00a77/mail read\u00a7f pour voir votre courrier.
-exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a77) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a77more exp to level up.
-expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp.
-unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
-unvanishedReload=\u00a7cA reload has forced you to become visible.
-vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
-tps=Current TPS = {0}
-hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
-hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
-hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use armor as a hat!
diff --git a/Essentials/src/ b/Essentials/src/
index 19659a76a..ee94f30d5 100644
--- a/Essentials/src/
+++ b/Essentials/src/
@@ -431,4 +431,6 @@ vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
tps=Current TPS = {0}
hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
-hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use armor as a hat!
+hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use this item as a hat!
+durability=\u00a77This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 uses left
+noDurability=\u00a7cThis item does not have a durability.
diff --git a/Essentials/src/ b/Essentials/src/
index 17aa50829..8418a43ee 100644
--- a/Essentials/src/
+++ b/Essentials/src/
@@ -431,4 +431,6 @@ vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
tps=Current TPS = {0}
hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
-hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use armor as a hat!
+hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use this item as a hat!
+durability=\u00a77This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 uses left
+noDurability=\u00a7cThis item does not have a durability.
diff --git a/Essentials/src/ b/Essentials/src/
index a8e0ac6d7..ab8c8290b 100644
--- a/Essentials/src/
+++ b/Essentials/src/
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ disabledToSpawnMob=Tworzenie tego moba zostalo wylaczone w pliku config.
dontMoveMessage=\u00a77Teleportacja nastapi za {0}. Prosze sie nie ruszac.
downloadingGeoIp=Pobieranie bazy danych GeoIP... To moze zajac chwile (wioska: 0.6 MB, miasto: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Kopiowanie danych uzytkownika: {0} i {1}
+durability=\u00a77This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 uses left
enableUnlimited=\u00a77Przyznano nielimitowane zasoby {0} dla {1}.
enchantmentApplied = \u00a77Ulepszenie {0} zostalo przyznane przedmiotowi w twoim reku.
@@ -85,6 +86,8 @@ errorWithMessage=\u00a7cBlad: {0}
essentialsHelp1=Plik jest uszkodzony i Essentials nie moze go otworzyc. Essentials jest teraz wylaczone. Jesli nie mozesz samemu naprawic pliku, idz do adresu
essentialsHelp2=Plik jest uszkodzony i Essentials nie moze go otworzyc. Essentials jest teraz wylaczone. Jesli nie mozesz samemu naprawic pliku, wpisz /essentialshelp w grze lub idz do adresu
essentialsReload=\u00a77Essentials przeladowalo {0}.
+exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77ma\u00a7c {1} \u00a77doswiadczenia (poziom\u00a7c {2}\u00a77), potrzebuje\u00a7c {3} \u00a77wiecej doswiadczenia do nastepnego poziomu.
+expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77teraz ma\u00a7c {1} \u00a77doswiadczenia.
extinguish=\u00a77Zostales ugaszony.
extinguishOthers=\u00a77Ugasiles {0}.
failedToCloseConfig=Blad podczas zamykania configu {0}
@@ -109,6 +112,9 @@ geoipJoinFormat=Gracz {0} przybyl z {1}
godDisabledFor=Godmode wylaczony dla {0}.
godEnabledFor=Godmode wlaczony dla {0}.
godMode=\u00a77Godmode {0}.
+hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use this item as a hat!
+hatFail=\u00a7cMusisz cos trzymac w dloni.
+hatPlaced=\u00a7eCiesz sie nowym kapeluszem!
haveBeenReleased=\u00a77Zostales wypuszczony.
healOther=\u00a77Uleczono {0}.
@@ -163,9 +169,9 @@ jailReleasedPlayerNotify=\u00a77Zostales zwolniony!
jailSentenceExtended=Czas pobyty w wiezieniu zwiekszony do: {0)
jailSet=\u00a77Zostalo stworzone wiezienie \u0093{0}\u0094.
jumpError=To moglo by ci cos zrobic.
-kickedAll=\u00a7cWyrzucanie wszystki graczy z serwera
kickDefault=Zostales wyrzucony z serwera.
kickExempt=\u00a7cNie mozesz wyrzucic tej osoby.
+kickedAll=\u00a7cWyrzucanie wszystki graczy z serwera
kill=\u00a77Zabito {0}.
kitError2=\u00a7cTen zestaw nie istnieje lub zostal zle zdefininowany.
kitError=\u00a7cNie ma prawidlowych zestawow.
@@ -224,6 +230,7 @@ noAccessCommand=\u00a7cNie masz dostepu do tej komendy.
noAccessPermission=\u00a7cNie masz uprawnien do dostepu do {0}.
noBreakBedrock=Nie masz uprawnien do niszczenia bedrocka.
noDestroyPermission=\u00a7cNie masz uprawnien do niszczenia {0}.
+noDurability=\u00a7cThis item does not have a durability.
noGodWorldWarning=\u00a7cUwaga! Godmode wylaczony w tym swiecie!.
noHelpFound=\u00a7cNie ma odpowiadajacych komend.
noHomeSet=Nie masz ustawionego domu.
@@ -233,7 +240,7 @@ noKits=\u00a77Nie ma jeszcze dostepnych zestawow.
noMail=Nie masz zadnych wiadomosci.
noMotd=\u00a7cNie ma wiadomosci dnia..
noNewMail=\u00a77Nie masz zadnych nowych wiadomosci.
-noPendingRequest=Nie masz oczekujácego zádania.
+noPendingRequest=Nie masz oczekuj\u00c3\u00a1cego z\u00c3\u00a1dania.
noPerm=\u00a7cNie masz uprawnien \u00a7f{0}.
noPermToSpawnMob=\u00a7cNie masz uprawnien do tworzenia tego moba..
noPlacePermission=\u00a7cNie masz uprawnien do stawiania bloku kolo tego znaku..
@@ -300,11 +307,11 @@ repairEnchanted=\u00a77Nie masz zezwolenia do naprawiania ulepszonych przedmioto
repairInvalidType=\u00a7cTen przedmiot nie moze byc naprawiony.
repairNone=Zaden przedmiot nie wymagal naprawy.
requestAccepted=\u00a77Zadanie teleportacji - zaakceptowano.
-requestAcceptedFrom=\u00a77{0} zaakceptowal Twoje zádanie teleportacji.
+requestAcceptedFrom=\u00a77{0} zaakceptowal Twoje z\u00c3\u00a1danie teleportacji.
requestDenied=\u00a77Zadanie teleportacji - odrzucone.
-requestDeniedFrom=\u00a77{0} odrzucil Twoje zádanie teleportacji.
-requestSent=\u00a77zZádanie wyslania do {0}\u00a77.
-requestTimedOut=\u00a7cZádanie teleportacji - przedawnione.
+requestDeniedFrom=\u00a77{0} odrzucil Twoje z\u00c3\u00a1danie teleportacji.
+requestSent=\u00a77zZ\u00c3\u00a1danie wyslania do {0}\u00a77.
+requestTimedOut=\u00a7cZ\u00c3\u00a1danie teleportacji - przedawnione.
requiredBukkit= * ! * Potrzebujesz najnowszego {0} CraftBukkit-a, pobierz go z
returnPlayerToJailError=Wystapil blad podczas powrotu gracza {0} do wiezienia: {1}
@@ -358,6 +365,7 @@ timeSet=Czas ustawiono we wszystkich swiatach.
timeSetPermission=\u00a7cNie masz uprawnien do ustawiania czasu.
timeWorldCurrent=Obecny czas {0} to \u00a73{1}.
timeWorldSet=Czas ustawiono {0} w: \u00a7c{1}.
+tps=Current TPS = {0}
tradeCompleted=\u00a77Handel zakonczono.
tradeSignEmpty=Tabliczka handlowa nie jest dostepna dla Ciebie.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=Nie ma nic do pobrania z tej tabliczki.
@@ -377,7 +385,9 @@ unknownItemName=Nieznana nazwa przedmiotu: {0}.
unlimitedItemPermission=\u00a7cBrak uprawnien dla nielimitowanego przedmiotu {0}.
unlimitedItems=Nielimitowane przedmioty:
unmutedPlayer=Gracz {0} moze znowu mowic.
-upgradingFilesError=Wystapil blad podczas aktualizowaniu plików.
+unvanished=\u00a7aZn\u00c3\u00b3w jestes widoczny.
+unvanishedReload=\u00a7cReload spowodowal ze cie widac.
+upgradingFilesError=Wystapil blad podczas aktualizowaniu plik\u00c3\u00b3w.
userDoesNotExist=Uzytkownik {0} nie istnieje w bazie danych.
userIsAway={0} jest teraz AFK.
userIsNotAway={0} nie jest juz AFK.
@@ -386,18 +396,19 @@ userUsedPortal={0} uzyl istniejacego portalu wyjscia.
userdataMoveBackError=Nie udalo sie przeniesc userdata/{0}.tmp do userdata/{1}
userdataMoveError=Nie udalo sie przeniesc userdata/{0} do userdata/{1}.tmp
usingTempFolderForTesting=Uzywam tymczasowego folderu dla testu:
+vanished=\u00a7aJuz jestes niewidoczny.
versionMismatch=Niepoprawna wersja! Prosze zaktualizowac {0} do tej samej wersji co inne pliki.
versionMismatchAll=Niepoprawna wersja! Prosze zaktualizowac wszystkie pliki Essentials do tej samej wersji.
voiceSilenced=\u00a77Twe usta zostaly zaszyte.
warpDeleteError=Wystapil problem podczas usuwania pliku z Warpami.
-warpListPermission=\u00a7cNie masz pozwolenia na sprawdzenie listy Warpów..
+warpListPermission=\u00a7cNie masz pozwolenia na sprawdzenie listy Warp\u00c3\u00b3w..
warpNotExist=Ten Warp nie istnieje.
warpOverwrite=\u00a7cNie mozesz nadpisac tego Warpa.
warpSet=\u00a77Warp {0} stworzony.
warpUsePermission=\u00a7cNie masz pozwolenie na korzystanie z tego Warpa.
warpingTo=\u00a77Teleportuje do {0}.
warps=Warpy: {0}
-warpsCount=\u00a77Istnieje {0} warpów. Pokazuje strone {1} z {2}.
+warpsCount=\u00a77Istnieje {0} warp\u00c3\u00b3w. Pokazuje strone {1} z {2}.
weatherStorm=\u00a77Ustawiles burze w {0}.
weatherStormFor=\u00a77Ustawiles burze w {0} na {1} sekund.
weatherSun=\u00a77Ustawiles bezchmurna pogode w {0}.
@@ -423,12 +434,3 @@ year=rok
youAreHealed=\u00a77Zostales/as uleczony/na.
youHaveNewMail=\u00a7cMasz {0} wiadomosci!\u00a7f napisz \u00a77/mail read\u00a7f aby je przeczytac.
-exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77ma\u00a7c {1} \u00a77doswiadczenia (poziom\u00a7c {2}\u00a77), potrzebuje\u00a7c {3} \u00a77wiecej doswiadczenia do nastepnego poziomu.
-expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77teraz ma\u00a7c {1} \u00a77doswiadczenia.
-unvanished=\u00a7aZnów jestes widoczny.
-unvanishedReload=\u00a7cReload spowodowal ze cie widac.
-vanished=\u00a7aJuz jestes niewidoczny.
-tps=Current TPS = {0}
-hatPlaced=\u00a7eCiesz sie nowym kapeluszem!
-hatFail=\u00a7cMusisz cos trzymac w dloni.
-hatArmor=\u00a7cNie mozesz uzywac zbroi jako nakrycia glowy! \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Essentials/src/ b/Essentials/src/
index 2a6260f1c..b27fdb91f 100644
--- a/Essentials/src/
+++ b/Essentials/src/
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ disabledToSpawnMob=Desovar este mob esta desativado nas configura\u00e7\u00f5es.
dontMoveMessage=\u00a77Teleporte vai come\u00e7ar em {0}. Nao se mova.
downloadingGeoIp=Baixando GeoIP database ... pode demorar um pouco (Pais: 0.6 MB, Cidade: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Dado de usu\u00e1rio duplicado: {0} e {1}
+durability=\u00a77This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 uses left
enableUnlimited=\u00a77Colocando quantidade ilimitada de {0} para {1}.
enchantmentApplied = \u00a77O encantamento {0} foi aplicado ao item na sua mao.
@@ -85,6 +86,8 @@ errorWithMessage=\u00a7cErro: {0}
essentialsHelp1=O arquivo esta quebrado e o essentials nao consegue abrilo. Essentials esta desativado agora. Se voc\u00ea nao consegue arrumar o arquivo, va para
essentialsHelp2=O arquivo esta quebrado e o essentials nao consegue abrilo. Essentials esta desativado agora. Se voc\u00ea nao consegue arrumar o arquivo, tente digitar /essentialshelp no jogo ou va para
essentialsReload=\u00a77Essentials recarregado {0}
+exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a77) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a77more exp to level up.
+expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp.
extinguish=\u00a77Voce se extinguiu.
extinguishOthers=\u00a77Voce foi extinguido {0}.
failedToCloseConfig=Falha em fechar o arquivo de configura\u00e7ao {0}
@@ -109,6 +112,9 @@ geoipJoinFormat=Jogador {0} veio do {1}
godDisabledFor=desativado para {0}
godEnabledFor=ativado para {0}
godMode=\u00a77Modo Deus {0}.
+hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use this item as a hat!
+hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
+hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
haveBeenReleased=\u00a77Voc\u00ea foi liberado.
heal=\u00a77Voc\u00ea foi curado.
healOther=\u00a77Curado {0}.
@@ -163,9 +169,9 @@ jailReleasedPlayerNotify=\u00a77Voc\u00ea foi solto!
jailSentenceExtended=Tempo de prisao estendido para: {0)
jailSet=\u00a77Cela {0} foi definida
jumpError=Isso prejudica o c\u00e9rebro do seu computador.
-kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kickDefault=Kickado do servidor.
kickExempt=\u00a7cVoc\u00ea nao pode kickar esta pessoa.
+kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kill=\u00a77Assassinado {0}.
kitError2=\u00a7cEsse kit nao existe ou foi definido impropiamente.
kitError=\u00a7cNao existe kits v\u00e1lidos.
@@ -224,6 +230,7 @@ noAccessCommand=\u00a7cVoc\u00ea nao tem acesso a este comando.
noAccessPermission=\u00a7cVoc\u00ea nao tem permissao para acessar isso {0}.
noBreakBedrock=Voce nao tem permissao para destruir bedrock.
noDestroyPermission=\u00a7cVoc\u00ea nao tem permissao para destruir isso {0}.
+noDurability=\u00a7cThis item does not have a durability.
noGodWorldWarning=\u00a7cAviso! Modo Deus neste mundo esta desativado.
noHelpFound=\u00a7cNenhum comando correspondente.
noHomeSet=Voc\u00ea nao definiu nenhuma casa.
@@ -358,6 +365,7 @@ timeSet=Horario definido em todos os mundos.
timeSetPermission=\u00a7cVoc\u00ea nao tem autoriza\u00e7ao para modificar o hor\u00e1rio.
timeWorldCurrent=O hor\u00e1rio atual no mundo {0} e \u00a73{1}
timeWorldSet=O hor\u00e1rio foi definido para {0} no: \u00a7c{1}
+tps=Current TPS = {0}
tradeCompleted=\u00a77Compra concluida.
tradeSignEmpty=A placa de troca nao tem abastecimento suficiente.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=Nao a nada para recolher desta placa de compra.
@@ -377,6 +385,8 @@ unknownItemName=Nome do item desconhecido: {0}
unlimitedItemPermission=\u00a7cSem permissao para item ilimitado {0}.
unlimitedItems=Item ilimitado:
unmutedPlayer=Jogador {0} desmutado.
+unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
+unvanishedReload=\u00a7cA reload has forced you to become visible.
upgradingFilesError=Erro ao aprimorar os arquivos
userDoesNotExist=O usu\u00e1rio {0} nao existe.
userIsAway=[AFK]: {0} esta aus\u00eante.
@@ -386,6 +396,7 @@ userUsedPortal={0} usou um portal de saida existente.
userdataMoveBackError=Falha ao mover userdata/{0}.tmp para userdata/{1}
userdataMoveError=Falha ao mover userdata/{0} para userdata/{1}.tmp
usingTempFolderForTesting=Usando pasta temporaria para teste:
+vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
versionMismatch=Versao incompativel! Atualise o {0} para mesma versao.
versionMismatchAll=Versao imcompativel! Atualise todos os essentials jars para mesma versao.
voiceSilenced=\u00a77Sua voz foi silenciada
@@ -423,12 +434,3 @@ year=ano
youAreHealed=\u00a77Voc\u00ea foi curado.
youHaveNewMail=\u00a7cVoc\u00ea tem {0} mensagens!\u00a7f Digite \u00a77/mail read\u00a7f para ver seu email.
-exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a77) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a77more exp to level up.
-expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp.
-unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
-unvanishedReload=\u00a7cA reload has forced you to become visible.
-vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
-tps=Current TPS = {0}
-hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat!
-hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
-hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use armor as a hat!