/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef nsDebug_h___
#define nsDebug_h___

#include "nscore.h"
#include "nsError.h"

#include "nsXPCOM.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/Likely.h"
#include <stdarg.h>

#ifdef DEBUG
#include "prprf.h"

 * Warn if the given condition is true. The condition is evaluated in both
 * release and debug builds, and the result is an expression which can be
 * used in subsequent expressions, such as:
 * if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv)) {
 *   return rv;
 * }
 * This explicit warning and return is preferred to the NS_ENSURE_* macros
 * which hide the warning and the return control flow.
 * This macro can also be used outside of conditions just to issue a warning,
 * like so:
 *   Unused << NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(FnWithSideEffects());
 * (The |Unused <<| is necessary because of the MOZ_MUST_USE annotation.)
 * However, note that the argument to this macro is evaluated in all builds. If
 * you just want a warning assertion, it is better to use NS_WARNING_ASSERTION
 * (which evaluates the condition only in debug builds) like so:
 *   NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "operation failed");
 * @note This is C++-only
#ifdef __cplusplus
#ifdef DEBUG
inline MOZ_MUST_USE bool NS_warn_if_impl(bool aCondition, const char* aExpr,
                                         const char* aFile, int32_t aLine)
  if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(aCondition)) {
    NS_DebugBreak(NS_DEBUG_WARNING, nullptr, aExpr, aFile, aLine);
  return aCondition;
#define NS_WARN_IF(condition) \
  NS_warn_if_impl(condition, #condition, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define NS_WARN_IF(condition) (bool)(condition)

 * Test an assertion for truth. If the expression is not true then
 * emit a warning.
 * Program execution continues past the usage of this macro.
 * Note also that the non-debug version of this macro does <b>not</b>
 * evaluate the message argument.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(_expr, _msg)                     \
  do {                                                        \
    if (!(_expr)) {                                           \
      NS_DebugBreak(NS_DEBUG_WARNING, _msg, #_expr, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
    }                                                         \
  } while(0)
#define NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(_expr, _msg)  do { /* nothing */ } while(0)

 * Test an assertion for truth. If the expression is not true then
 * trigger a program failure.
 * Note that the non-debug version of this macro does <b>not</b>
 * evaluate the message argument.
#ifdef DEBUG
inline void MOZ_PretendNoReturn()
#define NS_ASSERTION(expr, str)                               \
  do {                                                        \
    if (!(expr)) {                                            \
      NS_DebugBreak(NS_DEBUG_ASSERTION, str, #expr, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
      MOZ_PretendNoReturn();                                         \
    }                                                         \
  } while(0)
#define NS_ASSERTION(expr, str)        do { /* nothing */ } while(0)

#define NS_PRECONDITION(expr, str) NS_ASSERTION(expr, str)
#define NS_POSTCONDITION(expr, str) NS_ASSERTION(expr, str)

 * This macros triggers a program failure if executed. It indicates that
 * an attempt was made to execute some unimplemented functionality.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define NS_NOTYETIMPLEMENTED(str)                             \
  do {                                                        \
    NS_DebugBreak(NS_DEBUG_ASSERTION, str, "NotYetImplemented", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
    MOZ_PretendNoReturn();                                    \
  } while(0)
#define NS_NOTYETIMPLEMENTED(str)      do { /* nothing */ } while(0)

 * This macros triggers a program failure if executed. It indicates that
 * an attempt was made to execute a codepath which should not be reachable.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define NS_NOTREACHED(str)                                    \
  do {                                                        \
    NS_DebugBreak(NS_DEBUG_ASSERTION, str, "Not Reached", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
    MOZ_PretendNoReturn();                                    \
  } while(0)
#define NS_NOTREACHED(str)             do { /* nothing */ } while(0)

 * Log an error message.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define NS_ERROR(str)                                         \
  do {                                                        \
    NS_DebugBreak(NS_DEBUG_ASSERTION, str, "Error", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
    MOZ_PretendNoReturn();                                    \
  } while(0)
#define NS_ERROR(str)                  do { /* nothing */ } while(0)

 * Log a warning message.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define NS_WARNING(str)                                       \
  NS_DebugBreak(NS_DEBUG_WARNING, str, nullptr, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define NS_WARNING(str)                do { /* nothing */ } while(0)

 * Trigger an debug-only abort.
 * @see NS_RUNTIMEABORT for release-mode asserts.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define NS_ABORT()                                            \
  do {                                                        \
    NS_DebugBreak(NS_DEBUG_ABORT, nullptr, nullptr, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
    MOZ_PretendNoReturn();                                    \
  } while(0)
#define NS_ABORT()                     do { /* nothing */ } while(0)

 * Trigger a debugger breakpoint, only in debug builds.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define NS_BREAK()                                            \
  do {                                                        \
    NS_DebugBreak(NS_DEBUG_BREAK, nullptr, nullptr, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
    MOZ_PretendNoReturn();                                    \
  } while(0)
#define NS_BREAK()                     do { /* nothing */ } while(0)

** Macros for static assertions.  These are used by the sixgill tool.
** When the tool is not running these macros are no-ops.

/* Avoid name collision if included with other headers defining annotations. */


#define STATIC_PRECONDITION(COND)         __attribute__((precondition(#COND)))
#define STATIC_PRECONDITION_ASSUME(COND)  __attribute__((precondition_assume(#COND)))
#define STATIC_POSTCONDITION(COND)        __attribute__((postcondition(#COND)))
#define STATIC_POSTCONDITION_ASSUME(COND) __attribute__((postcondition_assume(#COND)))
#define STATIC_INVARIANT(COND)            __attribute__((invariant(#COND)))
#define STATIC_INVARIANT_ASSUME(COND)     __attribute__((invariant_assume(#COND)))

/* Used to make identifiers for assert/assume annotations in a function. */
#define STATIC_PASTE2(X,Y) X ## Y

#define STATIC_ASSUME(COND)                          \
  do {                                               \
    __attribute__((assume_static(#COND), unused))    \
    int STATIC_PASTE1(assume_static_, __COUNTER__);  \
  } while(0)

#define STATIC_ASSERT_RUNTIME(COND)                         \
  do {                                                      \
    __attribute__((assert_static_runtime(#COND), unused))   \
    int STATIC_PASTE1(assert_static_runtime_, __COUNTER__); \
  } while(0)

#else /* XGILL_PLUGIN */

#define STATIC_PRECONDITION(COND)          /* nothing */
#define STATIC_PRECONDITION_ASSUME(COND)   /* nothing */
#define STATIC_POSTCONDITION(COND)         /* nothing */
#define STATIC_INVARIANT(COND)             /* nothing */
#define STATIC_INVARIANT_ASSUME(COND)      /* nothing */

#define STATIC_ASSUME(COND)          do { /* nothing */ } while(0)
#define STATIC_ASSERT_RUNTIME(COND)  do { /* nothing */ } while(0)

#endif /* XGILL_PLUGIN */



** Macros for terminating execution when an unrecoverable condition is
** reached.  These need to be compiled regardless of the DEBUG flag.

 * Terminate execution <i>immediately</i>, and if possible on the current
 * platform, in such a way that execution can't be continued by other
 * code (e.g., by intercepting a signal).
#define NS_RUNTIMEABORT(msg)                                    \
  NS_DebugBreak(NS_DEBUG_ABORT, msg, nullptr, __FILE__, __LINE__)

/* Macros for checking the trueness of an expression passed in within an
 * interface implementation.  These need to be compiled regardless of the
 * DEBUG flag. New code should use NS_WARN_IF(condition) instead!
 * @status deprecated

#define NS_ENSURE_TRUE(x, ret)                                \
  do {                                                        \
    if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!(x))) {                                 \
       NS_WARNING("NS_ENSURE_TRUE(" #x ") failed");           \
       return ret;                                            \
    }                                                         \
  } while(0)

#define NS_ENSURE_FALSE(x, ret)                               \
  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!(x), ret)

#define NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(x)                                \
  do {                                                        \
    if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!(x))) {                                 \
       NS_WARNING("NS_ENSURE_TRUE(" #x ") failed");           \
       return;                                                \
    }                                                         \
  } while(0)

#define NS_ENSURE_FALSE_VOID(x)                               \

** Macros for checking results

#if defined(DEBUG) && !defined(XPCOM_GLUE_AVOID_NSPR)

#define NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_BODY(res, ret)                                  \
    char *msg = PR_smprintf("NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(%s, %s) failed with "      \
                            "result 0x%X", #res, #ret, __rv);             \
    NS_WARNING(msg);                                                      \

#define NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_BODY_VOID(res)                                  \
    char *msg = PR_smprintf("NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(%s) failed with "     \
                            "result 0x%X", #res, __rv);                   \
    NS_WARNING(msg);                                                      \


#define NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_BODY(res, ret)                                  \
    NS_WARNING("NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(" #res ", " #ret ") failed");

#define NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_BODY_VOID(res)                                  \
    NS_WARNING("NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(" #res ") failed");


#define NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(res, ret)                                       \
  do {                                                                    \
    nsresult __rv = res; /* Don't evaluate |res| more than once */        \
    if (NS_FAILED(__rv)) {                                                \
      NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_BODY(res, ret)                                    \
      return ret;                                                         \
    }                                                                     \
  } while(0)

#define NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(res)                                       \
  do {                                                                    \
    nsresult __rv = res;                                                  \
    if (NS_FAILED(__rv)) {                                                \
      NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_BODY_VOID(res)                                    \
      return;                                                             \
    }                                                                     \
  } while(0)

** Macros for checking state and arguments upon entering interface boundaries

#define NS_ENSURE_ARG(arg)                                    \

#define NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(arg)                            \

#define NS_ENSURE_ARG_MIN(arg, min)                           \

#define NS_ENSURE_ARG_MAX(arg, max)                           \

#define NS_ENSURE_ARG_RANGE(arg, min, max)                    \
  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(((arg) >= min) && ((arg) <= max), NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG)

#define NS_ENSURE_STATE(state)                                \

#define NS_ENSURE_NO_AGGREGATION(outer)                       \


#if (defined(DEBUG) || (defined(NIGHTLY_BUILD) && !defined(MOZ_PROFILING))) && !defined(XPCOM_GLUE_AVOID_NSPR)

  #define NS_CheckThreadSafe(owningThread, msg)
  #define NS_CheckThreadSafe(owningThread, msg)                 \
    if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(owningThread != PR_GetCurrentThread())) {  \
      MOZ_CRASH(msg);                                           \

void NS_ABORT_OOM(size_t aSize);
inline void NS_ABORT_OOM(size_t)

typedef void (*StderrCallback)(const char* aFmt, va_list aArgs);
/* When compiling the XPCOM Glue on Windows, we pretend that it's going to
 * be linked with a static CRT (-MT) even when it's not. This means that we
 * cannot link to data exports from the CRT, only function exports. So,
 * instead of referencing "stderr" directly, use fdopen.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * printf_stderr(...) is much like fprintf(stderr, ...), except that:
 *  - it calls the callback set through set_stderr_callback
 *  - on Android and Firefox OS, *instead* of printing to stderr, it
 *    prints to logcat.  (Newlines in the string lead to multiple lines
 *    of logcat, but each function call implicitly completes a line even
 *    if the string does not end with a newline.)
 *  - on Windows, if a debugger is present, it calls OutputDebugString
 *    in *addition* to writing to stderr
void printf_stderr(const char* aFmt, ...) MOZ_FORMAT_PRINTF(1, 2);

 * Same as printf_stderr, but taking va_list instead of varargs
void vprintf_stderr(const char* aFmt, va_list aArgs);

 * fprintf_stderr is like fprintf, except that if its file argument
 * is stderr, it invokes printf_stderr instead.
 * This is useful for general debugging code that logs information to a
 * file, but that you would like to be useful on Android and Firefox OS.
 * If you use fprintf_stderr instead of fprintf in such debugging code,
 * then callers can pass stderr to get logging that works on Android and
 * Firefox OS (and also the other side-effects of using printf_stderr).
 * Code that is structured this way needs to be careful not to split a
 * line of output across multiple calls to fprintf_stderr, since doing
 * so will cause it to appear in multiple lines in logcat output.
 * (Producing multiple lines at once is fine.)
void fprintf_stderr(FILE* aFile, const char* aFmt, ...) MOZ_FORMAT_PRINTF(2, 3);

// used by the profiler to log stderr in the profiler for more
// advanced performance debugging and display/layers visualization.
void set_stderr_callback(StderrCallback aCallback);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* nsDebug_h___ */