/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "GeckoTaskTracer.h" #include "GeckoTaskTracerImpl.h" #include "mozilla/MathAlgorithms.h" #include "mozilla/StaticMutex.h" #include "mozilla/ThreadLocal.h" #include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h" #include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h" #include "mozilla/Unused.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "prtime.h" #include <stdarg.h> // We need a definition of gettid(), but older glibc versions don't provide a // wrapper for it. #if defined(__GLIBC__) #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #define gettid() static_cast<pid_t>(syscall(SYS_gettid)) #elif defined(XP_MACOSX) #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #define gettid() static_cast<pid_t>(syscall(SYS_thread_selfid)) #elif defined(LINUX) #include <sys/types.h> pid_t gettid(); #endif // NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID() without the warning on the debug build. #define ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(x) \ do { \ if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!(x))) { \ return; \ } \ } while(0) // NS_ENSURE_TRUE() without the warning on the debug build. #define ENSURE_TRUE(x, ret) \ do { \ if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!(x))) { \ return ret; \ } \ } while(0) namespace mozilla { namespace tasktracer { static MOZ_THREAD_LOCAL(TraceInfo*) sTraceInfoTLS; static mozilla::StaticMutex sMutex; // The generation of TraceInfo. It will be > 0 if the Task Tracer is started and // <= 0 if stopped. static mozilla::Atomic<bool> sStarted; static nsTArray<UniquePtr<TraceInfo>>* sTraceInfos = nullptr; static PRTime sStartTime; static const char sJSLabelPrefix[] = "#tt#"; namespace { static PRTime GetTimestamp() { return PR_Now() / 1000; } static TraceInfo* AllocTraceInfo(int aTid) { StaticMutexAutoLock lock(sMutex); auto* info = sTraceInfos->AppendElement(MakeUnique<TraceInfo>(aTid)); return info->get(); } static void SaveCurTraceInfo() { TraceInfo* info = GetOrCreateTraceInfo(); ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(info); info->mSavedCurTraceSourceId = info->mCurTraceSourceId; info->mSavedCurTraceSourceType = info->mCurTraceSourceType; info->mSavedCurTaskId = info->mCurTaskId; } static void RestoreCurTraceInfo() { TraceInfo* info = GetOrCreateTraceInfo(); ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(info); info->mCurTraceSourceId = info->mSavedCurTraceSourceId; info->mCurTraceSourceType = info->mSavedCurTraceSourceType; info->mCurTaskId = info->mSavedCurTaskId; } static void CreateSourceEvent(SourceEventType aType) { // Save the currently traced source event info. SaveCurTraceInfo(); // Create a new unique task id. uint64_t newId = GenNewUniqueTaskId(); TraceInfo* info = GetOrCreateTraceInfo(); ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(info); info->mCurTraceSourceId = newId; info->mCurTraceSourceType = aType; info->mCurTaskId = newId; uintptr_t* namePtr; #define SOURCE_EVENT_NAME(type) \ case SourceEventType::type: \ { \ static int CreateSourceEvent##type; \ namePtr = (uintptr_t*)&CreateSourceEvent##type; \ break; \ } switch (aType) { #include "SourceEventTypeMap.h" default: MOZ_CRASH("Unknown SourceEvent."); } #undef CREATE_SOURCE_EVENT_NAME // Log a fake dispatch and start for this source event. LogDispatch(newId, newId, newId, aType); LogVirtualTablePtr(newId, newId, namePtr); LogBegin(newId, newId); } static void DestroySourceEvent() { // Log a fake end for this source event. TraceInfo* info = GetOrCreateTraceInfo(); ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(info); LogEnd(info->mCurTraceSourceId, info->mCurTraceSourceId); // Restore the previously saved source event info. RestoreCurTraceInfo(); } inline static bool IsStartLogging() { return sStarted; } static void SetLogStarted(bool aIsStartLogging) { MOZ_ASSERT(aIsStartLogging != IsStartLogging()); sStarted = aIsStartLogging; StaticMutexAutoLock lock(sMutex); if (!aIsStartLogging) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sTraceInfos->Length(); ++i) { (*sTraceInfos)[i]->mObsolete = true; } } } static void CleanUp() { SetLogStarted(false); StaticMutexAutoLock lock(sMutex); if (sTraceInfos) { delete sTraceInfos; sTraceInfos = nullptr; } } inline static void ObsoleteCurrentTraceInfos() { // Note that we can't and don't need to acquire sMutex here because this // function is called before the other threads are recreated. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sTraceInfos->Length(); ++i) { (*sTraceInfos)[i]->mObsolete = true; } } } // namespace anonymous nsCString* TraceInfo::AppendLog() { MutexAutoLock lock(mLogsMutex); return mLogs.AppendElement(); } void TraceInfo::MoveLogsInto(TraceInfoLogsType& aResult) { MutexAutoLock lock(mLogsMutex); aResult.AppendElements(Move(mLogs)); } void InitTaskTracer(uint32_t aFlags) { if (aFlags & FORKED_AFTER_NUWA) { ObsoleteCurrentTraceInfos(); return; } MOZ_ASSERT(!sTraceInfos); sTraceInfos = new nsTArray<UniquePtr<TraceInfo>>(); if (!sTraceInfoTLS.initialized()) { Unused << sTraceInfoTLS.init(); } } void ShutdownTaskTracer() { CleanUp(); } static void FreeTraceInfo(TraceInfo* aTraceInfo) { StaticMutexAutoLock lock(sMutex); if (aTraceInfo) { sTraceInfos->RemoveElement(aTraceInfo); } } void FreeTraceInfo() { FreeTraceInfo(sTraceInfoTLS.get()); } TraceInfo* GetOrCreateTraceInfo() { ENSURE_TRUE(sTraceInfoTLS.initialized(), nullptr); ENSURE_TRUE(IsStartLogging(), nullptr); TraceInfo* info = sTraceInfoTLS.get(); if (info && info->mObsolete) { // TraceInfo is obsolete: remove it. FreeTraceInfo(info); info = nullptr; } if (!info) { info = AllocTraceInfo(gettid()); sTraceInfoTLS.set(info); } return info; } uint64_t GenNewUniqueTaskId() { TraceInfo* info = GetOrCreateTraceInfo(); ENSURE_TRUE(info, 0); pid_t tid = gettid(); uint64_t taskid = ((uint64_t)tid << 32) | ++info->mLastUniqueTaskId; return taskid; } AutoSaveCurTraceInfo::AutoSaveCurTraceInfo() { SaveCurTraceInfo(); } AutoSaveCurTraceInfo::~AutoSaveCurTraceInfo() { RestoreCurTraceInfo(); } void SetCurTraceInfo(uint64_t aSourceEventId, uint64_t aParentTaskId, SourceEventType aSourceEventType) { TraceInfo* info = GetOrCreateTraceInfo(); ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(info); info->mCurTraceSourceId = aSourceEventId; info->mCurTaskId = aParentTaskId; info->mCurTraceSourceType = aSourceEventType; } void GetCurTraceInfo(uint64_t* aOutSourceEventId, uint64_t* aOutParentTaskId, SourceEventType* aOutSourceEventType) { TraceInfo* info = GetOrCreateTraceInfo(); ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(info); *aOutSourceEventId = info->mCurTraceSourceId; *aOutParentTaskId = info->mCurTaskId; *aOutSourceEventType = info->mCurTraceSourceType; } void LogDispatch(uint64_t aTaskId, uint64_t aParentTaskId, uint64_t aSourceEventId, SourceEventType aSourceEventType) { LogDispatch(aTaskId, aParentTaskId, aSourceEventId, aSourceEventType, 0); } void LogDispatch(uint64_t aTaskId, uint64_t aParentTaskId, uint64_t aSourceEventId, SourceEventType aSourceEventType, int aDelayTimeMs) { TraceInfo* info = GetOrCreateTraceInfo(); ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(info); // aDelayTimeMs is the expected delay time in milliseconds, thus the dispatch // time calculated of it might be slightly off in the real world. uint64_t time = (aDelayTimeMs <= 0) ? GetTimestamp() : GetTimestamp() + aDelayTimeMs; // Log format: // [0 taskId dispatchTime sourceEventId sourceEventType parentTaskId] nsCString* log = info->AppendLog(); if (log) { log->AppendPrintf("%d %lld %lld %lld %d %lld", ACTION_DISPATCH, aTaskId, time, aSourceEventId, aSourceEventType, aParentTaskId); } } void LogBegin(uint64_t aTaskId, uint64_t aSourceEventId) { TraceInfo* info = GetOrCreateTraceInfo(); ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(info); // Log format: // [1 taskId beginTime processId threadId] nsCString* log = info->AppendLog(); if (log) { log->AppendPrintf("%d %lld %lld %d %d", ACTION_BEGIN, aTaskId, GetTimestamp(), getpid(), gettid()); } } void LogEnd(uint64_t aTaskId, uint64_t aSourceEventId) { TraceInfo* info = GetOrCreateTraceInfo(); ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(info); // Log format: // [2 taskId endTime] nsCString* log = info->AppendLog(); if (log) { log->AppendPrintf("%d %lld %lld", ACTION_END, aTaskId, GetTimestamp()); } } void LogVirtualTablePtr(uint64_t aTaskId, uint64_t aSourceEventId, uintptr_t* aVptr) { TraceInfo* info = GetOrCreateTraceInfo(); ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(info); // Log format: // [4 taskId address] nsCString* log = info->AppendLog(); if (log) { log->AppendPrintf("%d %lld %p", ACTION_GET_VTABLE, aTaskId, aVptr); } } AutoSourceEvent::AutoSourceEvent(SourceEventType aType) { CreateSourceEvent(aType); } AutoSourceEvent::~AutoSourceEvent() { DestroySourceEvent(); } void AddLabel(const char* aFormat, ...) { TraceInfo* info = GetOrCreateTraceInfo(); ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(info); va_list args; va_start(args, aFormat); nsAutoCString buffer; buffer.AppendPrintf(aFormat, args); va_end(args); // Log format: // [3 taskId "label"] nsCString* log = info->AppendLog(); if (log) { log->AppendPrintf("%d %lld %lld \"%s\"", ACTION_ADD_LABEL, info->mCurTaskId, GetTimestamp(), buffer.get()); } } // Functions used by GeckoProfiler. void StartLogging() { sStartTime = GetTimestamp(); SetLogStarted(true); } void StopLogging() { SetLogStarted(false); } UniquePtr<TraceInfoLogsType> GetLoggedData(TimeStamp aTimeStamp) { auto result = MakeUnique<TraceInfoLogsType>(); // TODO: This is called from a signal handler. Use semaphore instead. StaticMutexAutoLock lock(sMutex); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sTraceInfos->Length(); ++i) { (*sTraceInfos)[i]->MoveLogsInto(*result); } return result; } const PRTime GetStartTime() { return sStartTime; } const char* GetJSLabelPrefix() { return sJSLabelPrefix; } #undef ENSURE_TRUE_VOID #undef ENSURE_TRUE } // namespace tasktracer } // namespace mozilla