# -*- Mode: python; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*- # vim: set filetype=python: # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import json import os import platform import re import signal import subprocess import sys from distutils.version import LooseVersion import which from mozprocess import ProcessHandler from mozlint import result ESLINT_ERROR_MESSAGE = """ An error occurred running eslint. Please check the following error messages: {} """.strip() ESLINT_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE = """ Could not find eslint! We looked at the --binary option, at the ESLINT environment variable, and then at your local node_modules path. Please Install eslint and needed plugins with: mach eslint --setup and try again. """.strip() NODE_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE = """ nodejs v4.2.3 is either not installed or is installed to a non-standard path. Please install nodejs from https://nodejs.org and try again. Valid installation paths: """.strip() NPM_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE = """ Node Package Manager (npm) is either not installed or installed to a non-standard path. Please install npm from https://nodejs.org (it comes as an option in the node installation) and try again. Valid installation paths: """.strip() VERSION_RE = re.compile(r"^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$") CARET_VERSION_RANGE_RE = re.compile(r"^\^((\d+)\.\d+\.\d+)$") EXTENSIONS = ['.js', '.jsm', '.jsx', '.xml', '.html', '.xhtml'] project_root = None def eslint_setup(): """Ensure eslint is optimally configured. This command will inspect your eslint configuration and guide you through an interactive wizard helping you configure eslint for optimal use on Mozilla projects. """ orig_cwd = os.getcwd() sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) module_path = get_eslint_module_path() # npm sometimes fails to respect cwd when it is run using check_call so # we manually switch folders here instead. os.chdir(module_path) npm_path = get_node_or_npm_path("npm") if not npm_path: return 1 # Install ESLint and external plugins cmd = [npm_path, "install"] print("Installing eslint for mach using \"%s\"..." % (" ".join(cmd))) if not call_process("eslint", cmd): return 1 # Install in-tree ESLint plugin cmd = [npm_path, "install", os.path.join(module_path, "eslint-plugin-mozilla")] print("Installing eslint-plugin-mozilla using \"%s\"..." % (" ".join(cmd))) if not call_process("eslint-plugin-mozilla", cmd): return 1 eslint_path = os.path.join(module_path, "node_modules", ".bin", "eslint") print("\nESLint and approved plugins installed successfully!") print("\nNOTE: Your local eslint binary is at %s\n" % eslint_path) os.chdir(orig_cwd) def call_process(name, cmd, cwd=None): try: with open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull: subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=cwd, stdout=fnull) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: if cwd: print("\nError installing %s in the %s folder, aborting." % (name, cwd)) else: print("\nError installing %s, aborting." % name) return False return True def expected_eslint_modules(): # Read the expected version of ESLint and external modules expected_modules_path = os.path.join(get_eslint_module_path(), "package.json") with open(expected_modules_path, "r") as f: expected_modules = json.load(f)["dependencies"] # Also read the in-tree ESLint plugin version mozilla_json_path = os.path.join(get_eslint_module_path(), "eslint-plugin-mozilla", "package.json") with open(mozilla_json_path, "r") as f: expected_modules["eslint-plugin-mozilla"] = json.load(f)["version"] return expected_modules def eslint_module_has_issues(): has_issues = False node_modules_path = os.path.join(get_eslint_module_path(), "node_modules") for name, version_range in expected_eslint_modules().iteritems(): path = os.path.join(node_modules_path, name, "package.json") if not os.path.exists(path): print("%s v%s needs to be installed locally." % (name, version_range)) has_issues = True continue data = json.load(open(path)) if not version_in_range(data["version"], version_range): print("%s v%s should be v%s." % (name, data["version"], version_range)) has_issues = True return has_issues def version_in_range(version, version_range): """ Check if a module version is inside a version range. Only supports explicit versions and caret ranges for the moment, since that's all we've used so far. """ if version == version_range: return True version_match = VERSION_RE.match(version) if not version_match: raise RuntimeError("mach eslint doesn't understand module version %s" % version) version = LooseVersion(version) # Caret ranges as specified by npm allow changes that do not modify the left-most non-zero # digit in the [major, minor, patch] tuple. The code below assumes the major digit is # non-zero. range_match = CARET_VERSION_RANGE_RE.match(version_range) if range_match: range_version = range_match.group(1) range_major = int(range_match.group(2)) range_min = LooseVersion(range_version) range_max = LooseVersion("%d.0.0" % (range_major + 1)) return range_min <= version < range_max return False def get_possible_node_paths_win(): """ Return possible nodejs paths on Windows. """ if platform.system() != "Windows": return [] return list({ "%s\\nodejs" % os.environ.get("SystemDrive"), os.path.join(os.environ.get("ProgramFiles"), "nodejs"), os.path.join(os.environ.get("PROGRAMW6432"), "nodejs"), os.path.join(os.environ.get("PROGRAMFILES"), "nodejs") }) def get_node_or_npm_path(filename, minversion=None): """ Return the nodejs or npm path. """ if platform.system() == "Windows": for ext in [".cmd", ".exe", ""]: try: node_or_npm_path = which.which(filename + ext, path=get_possible_node_paths_win()) if is_valid(node_or_npm_path, minversion): return node_or_npm_path except which.WhichError: pass else: try: node_or_npm_path = which.which(filename) if is_valid(node_or_npm_path, minversion): return node_or_npm_path except which.WhichError: pass if filename == "node": print(NODE_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE) elif filename == "npm": print(NPM_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE) if platform.system() == "Windows": app_paths = get_possible_node_paths_win() for p in app_paths: print(" - %s" % p) elif platform.system() == "Darwin": print(" - /usr/local/bin/node") elif platform.system() == "Linux": print(" - /usr/bin/nodejs") return None def is_valid(path, minversion=None): try: version_str = subprocess.check_output([path, "--version"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if minversion: # nodejs prefixes its version strings with "v" version = LooseVersion(version_str.lstrip('v')) return version >= minversion return True except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): return False def get_project_root(): global project_root return project_root def get_eslint_module_path(): return os.path.join(get_project_root(), "tools", "lint", "eslint") def lint(paths, binary=None, fix=None, setup=None, **lintargs): """Run eslint.""" global project_root project_root = lintargs['root'] module_path = get_eslint_module_path() # eslint requires at least node 4.2.3 node_path = get_node_or_npm_path("node", LooseVersion("4.2.3")) if not node_path: return 1 if setup: return eslint_setup() npm_path = get_node_or_npm_path("npm") if not npm_path: return 1 if eslint_module_has_issues(): eslint_setup() # Valid binaries are: # - Any provided by the binary argument. # - Any pointed at by the ESLINT environmental variable. # - Those provided by mach eslint --setup. # # eslint --setup installs some mozilla specific plugins and installs # all node modules locally. This is the preferred method of # installation. if not binary: binary = os.environ.get('ESLINT', None) if not binary: binary = os.path.join(module_path, "node_modules", ".bin", "eslint") if not os.path.isfile(binary): binary = None if not binary: print(ESLINT_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE) return 1 extra_args = lintargs.get('extra_args') or [] cmd_args = [binary, # Enable the HTML plugin. # We can't currently enable this in the global config file # because it has bad interactions with the SublimeText # ESLint plugin (bug 1229874). '--plugin', 'html', # This keeps ext as a single argument. '--ext', '[{}]'.format(','.join(EXTENSIONS)), '--format', 'json', ] + extra_args + paths # eslint requires that --fix be set before the --ext argument. if fix: cmd_args.insert(1, '--fix') shell = False if os.environ.get('MSYSTEM') in ('MINGW32', 'MINGW64'): # The eslint binary needs to be run from a shell with msys shell = True orig = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) proc = ProcessHandler(cmd_args, env=os.environ, stream=None, shell=shell) proc.run() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, orig) try: proc.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: proc.kill() return [] if not proc.output: return [] # no output means success try: jsonresult = json.loads(proc.output[0]) except ValueError: print(ESLINT_ERROR_MESSAGE.format("\n".join(proc.output))) return 1 results = [] for obj in jsonresult: errors = obj['messages'] for err in errors: err.update({ 'hint': err.get('fix'), 'level': 'error' if err['severity'] == 2 else 'warning', 'lineno': err.get('line'), 'path': obj['filePath'], 'rule': err.get('ruleId'), }) results.append(result.from_linter(LINTER, **err)) return results LINTER = { 'name': "eslint", 'description': "JavaScript linter", # ESLint infra handles its own path filtering, so just include cwd 'include': ['.'], 'exclude': [], 'extensions': EXTENSIONS, 'type': 'external', 'payload': lint, }